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[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439



Please make mantras an AoE… the cone is so narrow and tiny, it was a disappointment and doesn’t look that well thought out for an elite with so little mobility.
Also, tomes having cast times on top of skill cast times and long cooldowns regardless of how many pages you used don’t lend well to using them reactively… it’d be fun if the playstyle was faster.

Sound Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


The proposed change would be absolutely awesome – the dreamer especially and its high pitched chick cheeping sound is so annoying, I usually try to change map when I find someone using it (seriously, who ever thought having it cheep without pause was a good idea?) – only, sometimes you’re on a meta map and can’t really change so you’re stuck with your ears being tortured. I’ll definitely welcome new, less trolly sounds!

Ecto's at an all time low.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.

Indeed… in this whole discussion, what amazes me most is that everyone is hating on AB multiloot, and no one is complaining about cleric farm :P That one throws rares at you like they’re candy, AND on top of that it adds stuff like lower level cloth and leather…

So... now what with +16 AR infusions? [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vanth.5439


Another question… could be I’m blind and I’m simply not seeing it anywhere.
For the sake of saving space, I had quite a lot of +6 agony infusions (instead of keeping hordes of +1, I was slowly upgrading them). Can’t find anywhere the option to upgrade them anymore… am I just out of luck and they became completely useless?

Kudos to Raid Team for consistency.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vanth.5439


Have you ever stop to think that the same thing apply to “ls team” or any other content-related-team of the game? xD

I know, but people often use that number to justify months of no other content other than raids…. since, you know, “only 6 people work on raids anyway” :\

I think what Vanth was trying to say was that the assumption of only 5-6 people working on raid content is ludicrous. The developer ressources are far higher.

So no, it’s not massively overperforming (though they are doing a fine job) and it’s also not far fetched to assume that ressources going to the raid team (art, design, balance, etc.) wise are in competition with other areas of the game which require those ressources (Living Story, maps, fractals, etc.).


Kudos to Raid Team for consistency.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vanth.5439


In what way? As far as I know the raid team is a 5/6 man team.

Wait, is there anyone that really believes that? It can be 6 people planning the strats but a raid needs people to do the art, the models, the maps, the new weapons and armour, all the sound effects and textures… is there music written for them too? Not sure on that one. I find it hard to believe all those concept and environment and model and sound artists are counted in those six people anet said are working on raids. Yeah right…

weird glitch that ports you in terrain/sky

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vanth.5439


This is happening too often recently, so I have to report it. Wrote a bug report too, but I’m curious to see if it’s happening to other people too…

Happened twice today and once yesterday; today I was in FG and was trying going out of the water and into the ice just south of the Honor of the Waves WP (the WP a bit more in the south was contested, so I started from the dungeon wp and hopped into the water). I started getting weird visual glitches, like the blue of the ice was flashing all around me – I thought it was my video card playing up, then I got ported up in the sky. Like, waaaaay up in the sky… the one down there in the screenshot is the Honor of the Waves dungeon!

Then it happened on Taidha’s island too… I was trying to get off the water after mining a gold ore node, then it all glitched out and I got ported into a structure :\

Yesterday, it happened in the Queen’s pavillion area… was trying to get to one of the fireworks (one of the new ones near the terrace pass area)… I glitched out and got ported up on the eagle structure’s top.

This is really weird… never had something like that happen, and I’ve been playing since the start – now I get those random spacial glitches too often for my tastes :\


Compact bags an issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


I never liked Peachy much, but… I’m loving her right now :P

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen people kitten about misclicking that darn compact button and having to sit there are re-organized their inventory (me included).

I’t’s not the end of the world to have to move your mouse just a bit more down the list after all, no? They aren’t taking out the option, just moving it a bit

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: Vanth.5439


This is a joke, right? How did they manage to completely ignore all the feedback they got? Everyone complained about the exact. same. things.

Also, “LB skills were well recieved”… what?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439



The wiki tells us dailies aren’t random, but there’s a list of fixed dailies that rotate:

So, why the heck do double fractal dailies exist??

Today is double fractal, and there are queues for every single borderlands, plus eb… so I just logged off, and will go play another game. Good job, anet -_-

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


Today you have to do fractals for the PvE daily. That’s the first time in the history of this game I won’t be completing my daily.
I fail to see how fractals or killing the triple-headed wurm on a Wednesday evening is easier, or “more in line with what players are already doing” than killing ambients, veterans or dodging.

The new daily system is not bad per se, it’s just the choices we have that are appallingly stupid… if we’re going to be stuck with this kind of system, please give us more choices (like 6 instead of 4 every category) so we can at least choose what to do, instead of being “my way or the highway” like it is now -_-

Today’s choice for pve players is fractals, fractals and more fractals… bah.

Miniature bugged? Auto hidden repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


Well, if it’s really a matter of server having to calculate everything, their servers must be hamster-powered since an empty map (where I got the “we’ll kick you out in an hour if you don’t go away on your own free will, since the map you’re in is a wasteland”) gave me the “too many players” message and forcibly hid my mini :P Just a handful of karkas around, then only rocks and rocks as far as the eye could se… :P

Miniature bugged? Auto hidden repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanth.5439


GG arenanet, you managed to make me log in the forums for the first time in two years of playing time… and to complain, nonetheless! -_-

I was in southsun cove today, doing a round of gathering a dozen minutes after karka queen had been killed… there were so few people in the map, that the game urged me to switch to a more populated map; and yet, my mini had to stay hidden because, apparently, those people that were too few to keep a map open were too much for our computers to handle if I had a tiny hippo running alongside me -_

I’m seriously considering contacting customer support and ask them to tale my minis off the collection and put them back in my bags… If I knew minis would become unusable after collecting them, I would have left them taking space in my bags! The special collection minis cost real money, so the situation we have now is unacceptable.

I really hope this is a bug, because it puts minis (and the money we spent on them) completely to waste -_-