Showing Posts For Vayshya.5147:

D/D ele vs Shatter Mesmer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


OMG this elementalist has incredible level of skill. To go through all these illusions, invisibility and teleports with insane range. And with broken dagger attacks which miss half the time.
For those noobs who tell he uses dodges randomly: elementalist has 4 spells attached to dodge and their effect clearly seen on ground.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


I killed numerous thieves yesterday on my ele…your argument is invalid.

Dont’t strain your brain.
Just continue demanding nerfing mesmer portals.

[Humour] RTL should be changed to this.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Elementalist becomes projectile and gets projectile finisher when goes through combo fields. Also can be reflected by projectile reflecting skills and destroyed by skills which destroy projectiles.

wanna see a mesmer catch that with mimic lmao

Will be funny for elementalist to see when mesmer launches him back to allies. Watch out our elementalist flies back! O don’t worry we have our own mesmer with Mimic.

[Humour] RTL should be changed to this.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Elementalist becomes projectile and gets projectile finisher when goes through combo fields. Also can be reflected by projectile reflecting skills and destroyed by skills which destroy projectiles.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Answer is yes, thiefs are only roamers now. Before patch 2 thiefs killed full bunker elem in 5 seconds from range right after Ride the Lightning used. Imagine it now. Also Ride the Lightning completly countered by immobilize so even before patch it needed epic scale personal skill to escape. And it was also epic feeling owning all these noobs who cried “Mesmer Portal is OP! They buguse it to kill us!”
Looks like it’s time to switch to thief to continute ownage. RIP ele, u was joy.

IMO, Ele is dead - 30th April Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


I’m running out of desks…and my face is starting to hurt…

U doing it wrong, use wall like every manual says.

IMO, Ele is dead - 30th April Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


I just checked how new Comet works, it drops on enemy, not on target area, so to finish combo enemy must stand right in field. And Flamewall have very little width, may be 30, so it’s even difficult for enemy to stand in it. Ahhaha what a joke. There must be trolls in Arena.
So landing Comet finisher looks like this: in air use Gale to knockdown enemy for 2 seconds, switch to fire and use Flamewall under enemy, switch to water and use Comet on enemy. Ok u got your might boon. And l2p, elem for real pros.

What's the point of Mist Form now?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


You can’t see the point of an instant stunbreak?

Ahhah, stun yourself for 3 seconds using this “stunbreaker”. Looks like future Arena developer grows.
Arena balancers must be got brain damage. Send them in hospital to check. And stop beating them in head, they cant do their job anymor cause of it.

WVW suggestion to fix zerging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


While 30 skilled people easily own 100 man zerg problem still exists. And it’s because 100 people can stand in one point and shoot and move one through another. LOL but they sold it.

If you completely die in WvW, you should die.

in WvW

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


OMG u get opponent unable to move and loose most of his skills on 70% of his effective HP and still complain. U deserve to die head→wall.

Queues problem

in WvW

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Hi all!

There is problem which blocks organized mass pvp and mass pvp at all: queues in primetime. When somebody plays only in primetime after work he completly unable to participate in WvW and for pvp player it means he unable to play Guild Wars 2.

Something must be done about it for sure.
I propose one possible solution but ther may be multiple (feel free to suggest your own):
when on any 3 servers queues reach 100 people make mirror WvW zone for these 3 servers. Of course WvW score must be separate from main server ranks.

Also i want to hear what game developers think about WvW queues and what are plans about fixing them.

Right now i have to use League of Legends match making system when queues in Guild Wars 2 are too long, more than 2 hours. It works perfectly. But i suppose match making system in game must attract more players instead of sending them to another game as it is right now.

Fast ground targeting press/release

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Please make additional fast groung targeting option so when u press and hold button it paints green circle on ground and when u release button skill applies. With current option u don’t see circle on ground at all and without this option u have to press button twice.

Crosshair option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Please make option for crosshair in centre of screen. Now it’s very difficult to target area of effect skills when right mouse button pressed without crosshair.

Mouselook toggle button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Please make button to toggle mouselook mode (when right mouse button pressed). It’s very uncomfotable to constantly hold button on mouse pressed and may lead to disease when playing long.

Button to turn off autotargeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Please make button to temporary disable autotargeting. It needed to use elementalist skill Ride the lightning for escaping from enemy. Now it always targets enemy.