Showing Posts For Versz.8254:
Always recruiting competitive WvW players who are always interested in the few vs the many
[BÆST] Is having a lot of fun this matchup!
I want to give huge props to [PRO] for fighting us even as they were outnumbered.
When you guys portal-ed behind us in bay, i could have almost swore you would have wiped us, amazing tactics.We hope to see you again on the battlefield, keep it fun!
That port caught us all by surprise. Amazing fight guys!
Thanks guys, your guild is definitely a strong opponent. That was an amazing recovery you pulled from our tactics. Hope to see more of you guys out on the battlefield this week
Good fights tonight [DDLG] and [BAEST]
Good fights [Sun] had a lot of fun with you guys in EBG tonight.
haven’t bumped the topic in a while. Keep forgetting about it We’re alive and well, still training new recruits everyday.
KN having more numbers than us and still camping in a tower and building siege :P
When you join our guild and want to do World Vs World, we specifically do it for fights, we’re not a PPT guild or anything like that. We’re there to harass zergs and keep enemy waypoints used frequently
Good fights tonight Terror We had a lot of fun, Hope we get to do it again before the Orbageddon.
No but of course someone always wants to shove bad ideas down your neck >.>
Im glad to see lots of people are interested in joining our guild I’ve already spoke with most of you, Niloc I’m just now reading this, I will add you first thing in the afternoon when I get home.
A lot of people have been asking me about the requirements of the guild. We don’t really have many requirements, We’re a guild of selective personalities and just want a guild that everyone is very tight knit no matter what the size is, people that get along and are willing to help each other out. “No Man Left Behind” that kind of stuff.
If you’re going to be apart of a guild then you should want to work with other people, otherwise a guild means nothing. That’s one of the foundations our guild was built on.
That’s the requirement to get in…. Teamwork eligibility.
We did guild challenges and then we went out to World Vs World, the ones that didn’t go to world vs world were doing misc. PvE events. Remember, we’re a PvX guild, don’t be afraid to join us if you’re PvE, sPvP, WvW, or even just wanna sit and bs. We cater to everyone
(edited by Versz.8254)
I’ve added you both ingame, get a hold of me if I don’t get ahold of you I have some questions to ask you.
Good Fights [CNB] we had a lot of fun tonight. Good luck in your next match up.
Hello i am i long term player and have owned the game since release but stopped playing for a long time and am just starting again i have a level 80 but i am focusing on a new character and would like to join
may i ask what world you play on?
We are currently located on Yak’s Bend
We’re hosting an spvp tournament to encourage people to play alternate characters Here’s a photo of duel celebrating my victory
( I never really play ele… )
Thanks for the good fights tonight [BANE]
especially to [Abys] for GvGing us. It was a good time Take care and good luck with your next match up DH. This has been a great week.
doing the snowden drifts guild puzzle was very beautiful. Had about 30+ guildies out of our 150 man guild participating in it.
Man I wish I could keep track of keeping the screenshots updated, We do things EVERY DAY as a guild and I keep forgetting to take pictures of it.
This is a photo of us running our fractal event which we do every Saturday to level up new fractal people and introduce people to the scaling dungeon Anet has given us. This is also a chance for the veteran fractal people to do their level 30+ and 40+.
We do anything in this game, It doesn’t matter what it is, Jump Puzzles or sPvP. We do it all.
We are from Yaks Bend
One of our members asked "How do I get promoted in this guild from a “Recruit” rank to a “Member” rank?"
and our officer was happy to provide a movie on how exactly our “Rank Up” test went…
Last week’s WvW Caught one of their golems off-guard when the zerg rushed ahead and left it undefended, couldn’t resist taking advantage of this.
Thanks Night Shift [NS] for the good fights tonight
6 AM Morning Hills Push against the enemy to retake a keep Good Work to our server for that coordinated attack.
A nice screenshot of some late night WvW decided to take a break of roaming around and sip on some tea :P
Sent you a guild invite I’ll get ahold of you ingame and introduce you to everyone.
A little WvW action the other night and a some mustard chat action (Squad Chat)
No way are we ever going to make you fill out 20 questions to receive an invite, we do however offer a “Recruit” to “Member” rank system, but that’s about it.
A screenshot of us walking away after GvGing [GH] on Ehmry Bay videos up soon.
Hello Mr. Trunklebottom,
I will send you ingame mail, if you’re interested in a server change, we can aid you.
Thank you [GH] for the GvG tonight we had fun.
Hello everyone, My name is Versz Blackfur, I am the Guild Leader of “Get Rich Or Die Grindin [Pro]” Whether you are a new player to the game, or a veteran player, I am here to invite you to our medium sized establishment.
What We Have To Offer You:
- Guild Missions (Bounties, Treks, Rushes, Challenges, Puzzles)
- World Vs World
- sPvP Participation
- Meta Events (World Bosses, Temples, etc)
- Constant Guild Buffs (Exp, Magic Find, Gathering, Cheaper Waypoints, etc)
- Guild Events
- Highly Active
- Fractals & Dungeons
- Guild Meetings Every Month
This guild has been around since release of Guild Wars 2 and is one of the few guilds still standing in Yaks Bend that is that old. We’ve accomplished everything together and I can’t express enough how satisfied I am with how far this guild has came. We have always been a very active and coordinated guild because we’re mainly composed of players with previous MMO-Gaming experience and we’ve helped countless people who have chosen Guild Wars 2 as their first mmo. We will do everything we can to insure you have fun when you log on and enjoy the time you have to play Guild Wars 2. This is a guild of mainly college kids and people who have careers, so please understand we do like to maintain a decent amount of maturity within our guild.
Come join us and give us a try. You won’t regret it.
Funny story with this screenshot, one of my good guild members messaged me while I was standing in Lion’s Arch, and his little girl (she’s around 3 years old) seen me on the computer and said “Whose that?!”, and my guildie (his nickname is boots) said “That’s my guild leader” and she replied back with what you see in the chat log there “He looks like a monster! Keel him!”
So when Bootkitten his number 1 skill to act like he was attacking me, I did the /sleep to make it look like he just slayed me :P You could hear her laughing over his microphone when he talked.
queued up Guild Puzzles! Here’s the photo finish of doing Challenges
We are the perfect guild for you it sounds like We all use Mumble, We are part of the Yak’s Bend Alliance for PvE and WvW. We enjoy doing many events. I’d like to invite you to join Get Rich Or Die Grindin [Pro]
Check us out at our recruitment post on here,
I sent you ingame mail
Hello everyone, My name is Versz Blackfur, I am the Guild Leader of “Get Rich Or Die Grindin [Pro]” Whether you are a new player to the game, or a veteran player, I am here to invite you to our medium sized establishment.
What We Have To Offer You:
- Guild Missions (Bounties, Treks, Rushes, Challenges, Puzzles In Queue)
- World Vs World Coordination
- sPvP Participation
- Meta Events
- Constant Guild Buffs (Exp, Magic Find, Gathering, etc)
- Guild Events
- Highly Active
- Fractals & Dungeons
- Guild Meetings Every Month (Not Mandatory)
This guild has been around since release of Guild Wars 2 and is one of the few guilds still standing in Yaks Bend that is that old. We’ve accomplished everything together and I can’t express enough how satisfied I am with how far this guild has came. We have always been a very active and coordinated guild because we’re mainly composed of players with previous MMO-Gaming experience and we’ve helped countless people who have chosen Guild Wars 2 as their first mmo. We will do everything we can to insure you have fun when you log on and enjoy the time you have to play Guild Wars 2. This is a guild of mainly college kids and people who have careers, so please understand we do like to maintain a decent amount of maturity within our guild.
Come join us and give us a try. You won’t regret it.
(edited by Versz.8254)
Or we might just all quit and yak’s bend gets a little less populated :/ and I never buy another Arena Net game again. I was going to drop some cash on gems around christmas time… but yeah.
They should have ability to change a guild name. especially with how many man hours put into this guild. We aren’t here to offend anyone. We felt the name was funny. It was! It stirred up a lot of laughes. Not many thought it was offensive. We’ll gladly change the name if this is the case. But we defiantly, defiantly, do not want to lose it all. We can’t. We’ve came too far.
Alright, let’s get started off by saying… We’ve been here since day 1 of guild wars. Our guild is one of the more higher leveled guilds of Yak’s Bend server. I understand it may have been deleted for it’s name? Or possible bug? The guild’s name is Afghan Taxi Service. and we had a full guild stash of items worth up to 20g alone and countless man hours into it. I have played 500 hours and i can gurantee 95% were to support my guild and help it grow. Why didn’t we get a chance just to rename it? I didn’t think it was offensive and when I requested to rename it. That feature wasn’t avaliable in gw2.
Why is it in Gw1 we had countless guilds with more offensive names running around without problems? Sorry if this is scrambled. I’m kind of shocked this has happened :/
Thanks in advance.