Showing Posts For Vestergardi.7806:

Missing/Broken Skill Point NPCs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


Skill Point, Shaman Okamuk, Desolation Server is missing.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


Which dungeon: Arah, story

If you are joining through the pop-up dialogue or by walking up to the entry point: using the pop-up as i walk though the portal.

How many people in the party tried creating the instance: 1

Any other details you can provide: I have the final quest don’t know about others.

Why do waves of enemies come after me when I'm all alone?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


… I still love the game though I’ll just put the less than perfect stuff on hold til the problems have been ironed out

Why do waves of enemies come after me when I'm all alone?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


I think the personal quests are just badly made/designed. A quest like “Lines of communication” (Asura>Whispers>28 versus lvl 30 “elite”) was way too hard (for a 28 Elementalist without Earth Elemental), but most times the frustrating parts are
- High number of unavoidable “pop-up” mobs.
- Mobs respawning (!) in an instanced area! Why?!
- “Evading” mobs.
- Charging / aggroing “friendly” NPCs.
- Ranged AND melee mobs with nowhere to hide (LoS).
- Dying and then ressing in the middle of the fight that killed you.
- Dying and friendly NPCs getting killed while you run back.
- Dying and Boss get health replenished.

These are not “per quest” problems, they are in all the quests. Which is why I call it bad design.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


As many other players I have encountered the bug where the story cant continue when the story mission comes to protect Fort Trinity’s dock.
here is the possible solution to it.
There is a mob called “Risen Subjugator” will appear at the right side of the dock when u r facing the ocean, you have to kill him ASAP or he will stuck under the dock therefore preventing the mission to proceed. This tip helped me fixed the problem and I hope it will do the same to you .

This is correct – the quest almost bugged for me – until by chance Trahearne started bugging out under water (by the docks) as if he was trying to get to something within the docks foundation. By putting down some AOE damage on the dock I managed to slowly kill the trapped mob and complete the step.

Breaking the bone ship difficulty.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


Yet another lousy designed quest…
1) easy way to the boat is swimming north along the perimiter border, avoiding all enemies.
2) I made it work by swimming to the surface after the shark ate me, where it would completely ignore me. When I was back to life I would dive down and quickly shackle it, then nuke it as much as possible, back to the surface and reapeat.
3) (SPOILERS) back on the island, I had success with staying in staff+earth and slowly killing the mobs – all helpers died though As per usual Glyph of Elementals helped loads.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


Bugged for me too (EU Desolation, Asura, Elementalist, Order of Whispers)

First few encounters are alright (4-5 packs of 2-3 mobs). 3 mobs spawn at first waypoint.
Then, as I walk down the ramp towards the ramp upwards, The first mobs respawn+the mobs that run up towards 2nd waypoint. “Friendly” NPCs attack nearest enemies and pull everything. Enemies seem to ignore NPCs and go for me. If Traherne dies he will go stand idle at 1st waypoint.
All enemies in the area respawn waaay to fast for me to get past to him.

If you run for the 2nd waypoint to the researchers and live – you will eventually get beaten up by 2 Veteran enemies. If you die here, you also respawn here… at half health… With 2 Veterans…

This quest is not only bugged, it is poorly designed – which to me is the worst part.

Do-over. Delete it.

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