Showing Posts For Vice.5247:

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vice.5247


It seems to me that people fear power creep because they’re afraid they might not be able to get those items while others are.

You answered it yourself.
I don’t want “power creep” as you called it because I will be forced to do something I highly dislike to do, something I hated in WoW:
I’ll have to play with others. I’ll have to look for parties. I’ll have to do dungeons. I’ll have to care if I’m playing good or not.
I don’t want that. These days are long past me and I don’t want them back. I want an mmo where I never ever have to worry that somebody has better gear than me stat-wise. And I was absolutely happy with GW2 before this update.
Judging by all the negativity there’s a majority of ppl who hate this change. This style of gameplay does not belongs in this game. There is wow, there’s rift, swtor, whatever. If you want to be more powerful than rest, go play it. Leave gw2 as is. Gear should be easy and equal for all and obtainable absolutely solo and cheap.
Anet is chasing wow kitten, but these are terrible people, they only bring disbalance, whine and elitism.
Anet won’t win anything this way, but they’ll sure as hell lose what they have and they’ve got alot right now.

(edited by Vice.5247)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vice.5247


Please rethink your decision, anet or you gonna start losing ppl big time (me being one of them). Adding just a special gear on absolutely the same level as exotic, but with slot for that anti-dot stat would be enough.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vice.5247


Well, you know what ? IF you let people use REAL MONEY to acquire an EASIER WAY to obtain full exotic / legendary than DON’T COMPLAIN if 3 months away from the release you’ll see a bunch of people already having it.

This already exists. Buy gems, trade gems for gold, buy exotics.

I know right .. but they said that they are frustrated because we were so fast obtaining those items.. in fact i was just saying that’s just plain stupid to say “Hey i’m frustrated because you were so fast” and then they give an EASY way to obtain this and they they all go SURPRISED becuase many of us already have that kind of equip …

If you give a man an easy way and a hard way to obtain a thing they will be tempted to follow the easy way so you can’t just be surprised if something like that happens .. it’s logical and predictable.

That’s what I personally was happy about — that I could get the very best gear stat wise in 3 weeks after game release and put it away and start working on another kitten. Legendaries, achievements, you name it. I didn’t have to care that if I would decide to do some WvW, some 12 yo kitten would kill me simply because he has a full tier better gear than me. Now I’ll have to either play with other ppl in dungeons (which I hate, and btw there isn’t even a good LFG tool to make it better), or live with a BY FAR inferior gear!! Wtf is this kitteneriously?!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vice.5247


I am simply devastated by this change. I used to love (used to) GW2 because it was the only mmo out there where I didn’t need a party for anything. Where I didn’t need to have a guild or friends. Where I could play alone and have the very very best gear in game. Even legendaries if I worked hard enough/was lucky enough.
But now you had to just come and cave in to moronic WoW fanboys whine who can’t live without carrot on a stick and you made this new tier of gear.
I can not express how much I am disappointed in you, anet and your game after this. Don’t give me this kitten about “it’s only 3 items” it’s 3 items already with 13 stats difference between them just for one item, 39 for 3 items. My enemy in WvW will have already 39 of some stat more than I do just because he does something I hate to do (dungeons).
Well…. You know… I’m sure you get a point by now so I’m just going to add this: unless you change this update to only exotic level gear with special stat only useful for dungeons, or unless you simply allow us to get these items nice and fast and cheap like we could get exotic gear, I’m quitting GW2 and you won’t see any more money from me. Leave gear progress, rewarding bigger nerds and elitists and overall idea of “play better to have better gear” to WoW. It does NOT belongs here. It won’t work. You won’t get ppl, you’ll only lose them.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vice.5247


Norn fem warrior. Took about 50-ish mins. Only 2 norns made it to the end (incl. me).

So far I'm not satisfied with Warrior damage. Does anyone have any advice?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vice.5247


You’re not really funny, op, you know that?

How would you fix the warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vice.5247


As a warrior interested only in greatsword as main weapon, I want to ask for changes to 100b (it should be useable on move, even though probably with reduced damage, or it should block/reflect all incoming damage when cast, or it should be seriously changed to not be so obvious and easy to dodge). And bull rush/charge/bolas should seriously be fixed. They miss probably 70% of all time.

Downed - Throw hammer pitifully weak?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vice.5247


I know one thing, I’m sick and tired of thiefs going stealth to finish me off, when I’m helpless. In downed state I could’ve (and few times did) win the fight by knocking glass cannon thief down and then finishing him off with 3. They take alot of damage but thanks to thier stealth and crazy damage they deal, they keep winning. If you don’t want to nerf kittening thiefs to oblivion, like they deserve, then at least give us some tool to live long enough to be able to use 3 when downed and to prevent stealth finish.

Is this really what you wanted from an MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vice.5247


GW2 disappoints in some parts and it’s awesome in others.
But in short, I wanted an easy casual mmo where I can get my best gear fast and easy, where I won’t be forced to do anything if I don’t want to (no pvp, no raids, no dungeons, no forced grouping with ppl, no even guild) and that’s exactly what I got.
WoW has all what I hate in mmos — gear progress, best gear is as hard to get as it can only be, I have to group and play with ppl, I have to do hard raids, I have to attend. In GW2 I don’t have to do anything like it. GW2 has my money and will have more. WoW doesn’t.
Ofc there are many problems with GW2, it’s pve sucks, legendary too hard to obtain, WvW — the biggest fun in game, is ridden with bugs and glitches, classes not balanced and spvp just sucks. However it’s still much better to me than anything else on the market currently.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Vice.5247


100b should either reflect projectiles when cast, or block any incoming damage while cast.
That or lower it’s damage by about 20% and let us move while casting.

But it should not be left in it’s current state and it should be changed the way so it was considered a buff.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Vice.5247


I find it hillarious when ppl from servers like blacktide or any other nightcapping server really think they’re good players. Good entertainment to read this.