Showing Posts For Vincentino.9427:

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey Yanchini,

Can’t go wrong with HGH. Like you said, P/P is a super aggressive weapon set. I’d recommend swapping out one of your Elixirs for Elixir gun though. Assuming you can get through all your pistol skills without interruption, all you can do is spam Pistol 1 and/or dodge to avoid damage while waiting for cooldowns. If you take Elixir gun, you’ll get access to a healing field, regen toolkit skill/stunbreaker on a 25 second cd, a poison/condiconversion skill that applies poison, a cripple, a blast finisher that moves you, and a stronger base AA bleed than pistol 1.

Need AoE free Engie build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey GuzziHero,

Sorry to hear about your hand, hope it heals fast.

The easiest Engi build to play one handed while leveling would probably be Rifle w/ FT.

You have decent range and direct damage using rifle, plus a lot of control skills so you don’t have to kite.

You have use Netshot, Overcharged Shot, Airblast, and Smoke Vent to keep them away or mitigate damage.

good luck with everything!

Avengers Assemble!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


During one of their many battles with the forces of evil, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are transported somewhere other than Earth… To the land of Tyria!

I don’t know if this is typically what you guys see, but I wasn’t sure where exactly to post this. So far, I’ve been able to recreate the Hulk, Ironman, and Captain America in Guild Wars 2. Enjoy

(edited by Vincentino.9427)

How do i increase my survivability?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Personally, I prefer Toughness because I don’t have many heal skills, so when I do heal, I want to heal for a higher percent of my Health Pool. Until you start really doing dungeons though, Rifle/gadget engineer is an easy way to go to farm Hearts.

Rifle’s strength (compounded by picking certain CC gadgets) is it’s amount of control. With the Rifle 4 (Overcharged Shot) ability, Throw Mine, and Personal Battering ram, you can always have a knockback available. It’s a bit boring to play engineer this way, but it’s nice to be able to reliably kite and kill a monster several levels above you.

Rotation would basically be: See target. Shoot target with 1 skill as it comes at you. If Launch Personal Battering Ram is off of CD, use it for a cripple. Keep shooting the enemy. As the enemy reaches you, use Blunderbuss, followed by a knockback (Overcharged, PBR, or Throw Mine). Wait for the enemy to start moving towards you before hitting them with a net shot (you’ll get approximately 2 extra shots as they’re getting back up). Rinse and Repeat til target is dead.

Once you get to level 30 and do AC Story, the amount of control abilities you have can keep a boss on its back for a long time. This works less once you start doing content where bosses have defiance.

Engineer's uses in WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


First off, props for your interest in being an engineer. My first character and current main is an engineer, and I’ve been running more WvW recently with my new guild.
From my experience, Engineers can fulfill a few roles in WvW. Yes, there are certain classes which can do the job better, but then you wouldn’t be an awesome engineer

Engineers ikittenerg don’t have a “special” niche, but they fulfill a job. If you spec for grenades, you can grenade spam either on the offensive or defensive. Every little bit helps. Also, just by being a body there, you bring with you 10-15 supply for your commander to set up siege weapons and whatnot as necessary. And finally, with Speedy Kits, swiftness is never an issue. You should never be at the trail end of a zerg. Just follow your commander, do what he says, and you’ll be fine.

For Small Group Play:
This is where I feel the Engineer really shines in WvW. Small group play, aka Havoc Squads. Permaswiftness is our largest boon here. We can run quickly, all day long in relative ease, which lets us hit hard and fast everywhere on the map. The setup I have right now is p/p, with enough vitality to let me completely ignore a small group of defenders around a dolyak, kill it, then run away cackling (covering my tracks with caltrops, glue, and blocking as necessary). There’s no feeling like running across half a map being chased by a few players, until it’s just 1 determined soul who you then turn around and smash with a combination of prybars, rocket boots, and static.

If you like playing an Engineer, play an engineer. Don’t let others dictate how you play. MOst of all, enjoy the game!

Please help with dual pistols build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Dual Pistol is often matched up with Elixirs, I go with Kits/Gadgets in my Ironman Mk1 Build:

It gives you a MASSIVE HP pool for PvE as well as having decent direct damage in case of grouping up with people in Dungeons.
With Rocket kick and Blow torch, you get burn which is one of the stronger conditions, as well as Confuse from Static Shot and Prybar.

Engineer PvE and Dungeon Build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hello fellow engineer!

The two builds I use are ones I made based on Captain America and Ironman:
Captain America:

Ironman Mk1:

The Captain America build is focused on group support through constant regen and aoe heals as needed. Plus it deals decent direct damage. I designed it specifically for dungeon running with less organized groups, to give them a fighting chance through more support. DPS is middle of the line. You rarely ever die since there is so much healing available to you. With the Healing turret and Elixir Gun, you have:
-Elixir Gun 5, AOE Regeneration Light field
-Healing Turret Placement, Quick Water Field granting aoe regeneration and immediate heal.
-Healing Turret Toolbelt skill, Quick Water Field granting aoe regeneration
-Elixir Gun Toolbelt Skill, Healing mist AOE regeneration
Plus the water field abilities can be detonated via Shield4 or the Turret blast to create an AOE heal.

The Ironman Mk1 build is focused on dealing damage and was designed with a more selfish perspective in mind. It’s a Condition Damage build (so p/p) with Medkit, Toolkit, and 2 gadgets. I usually run Rocket boots and then either Personal Battering Ram or Utility Goggles. High vitality gives you a HUGE HP pool (I have yet to get my exotic jewelry, yet i already have 23.5k hp) to stay alive. The problem with the build in Dungeons is if your group has another condition stacker(ahem poison/burn) since the way these conditions stack is detrimental to your personal dps. However, this build overcomes it somewhat by having a decent amount of power, plus bleeds are still applied as well.

Deleted Topic.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Sup man,

Props for wanting to be a healer. Bomb healing works okay, but what I don’t like is you have to be in melee range, and your bombs only heal those around your bombs (other meleers).

My preference is this build:

Healing turret doesn’t survive, but it doesn’t need to. You can Drop it, and pick it up for a 16 sec cooldown. Plus, it creates a short water field which gives people around you regen. Combined with the water field from the toolbelt ability, the vent healing mists from the e.g. toolbelt, the super elixir, etc. You can have a lot of regen on yourself and teammates. (Water fields can also be used to do aoe heals with blast finishers) I can keep most groups alive, and the advantage is, I can be anywhere in the battlefield at range dealing damage to the boss, yet throwing heals out as necessary.

Ironman Mk1 Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Updated. Sorry I had an original 3 gadget build, with points in the invention line for the Energized armor, but I’ve since been moving out of toughness and into straight Vitality. So I took the 10 points from Inventions and put them into Tools to boost gadget recharge. Right now, I’m not really sure if I need it. I may move the last 10 from tools into Alchemy to grab the trait which gives vigor upon swiftness.

As for Condition vs Power, I went hybrid so I wouldn’t be kitten in dungeon groups from poor poison/burn stacking.

(edited by Vincentino.9427)

Question on heal/support engi viability.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


The healing actually helps a lot. In an experienced group, sure they can do without the heals. But having everyone topped of with the constant Heal over Time abilities are a huge benefit for a team.
The great thing about a build with access to a lot of heals is that instead of vitality, you can stack toughness rather than vitality. Healing won’t go up, but percentage-wise, since your HP pool is smaller, heals are more effective. The only problem is with conditions, since removing conditions will still tear through your low hp pool.

Knight or Berserker

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


If unsure, just grab as much Toughness as you want but grab Energized armor so that Toughness feeds into power.

Ironman Mk1 Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey all! It’s me again, with another Comic book superhero inspired build!

Last time, I made a tanky, healing/support build based on Captain America. Today, I present, the Ironman Mk1!


So the goal of this next build was to create a build which would be a homage to Ironman, following my first build which was Captain America. The focus of this build was to deal damage, yet still take be able to take a beating. Clunkiness was also something I wanted to factor in, since the first suit is not perfect, but it gets the job done.

Dual Pistol: This one is a no brainer. Ironman doesn’t use a shield, so P/S is out. And he doesn’t shoot a rifle. Dual pistol is the obvious choice. Especially since it has the blowtorch and fires minirockets with the basic attack. This build is survivable with the gear for this build, so staying near melee range is doable. This way, the Blowtorch hits for more damage and when you spam Poison Dart Volley, more of the shots would hit the target. Remember to start of with Explosive shot to get a 5% damage boost.

Key Traits:
With any pistol focused build, 30 in firearms is a must to get Coated Bullets. Since this build will have a hybrid of power and condition damage, getting more hits from your basic attack will help a with damage output. Hair Trigger is taken so you can keep applying conditions with skills 2-4 from pistol. The last trait depends on preference. Though you can take Rifled Barrels for a range increase, I tend to not since I’m in melee range for my Blowtorch and Prybar. The other two options are Sitting Duck for Vulnerability on skill 5, or Precise Sights for Vulnerability on crits. Up to you. In the Alchemy tree, I grab Blood Injection so my Vitality boosts my CondDmg.
The last 30 points I put into Tools. Speedy Kits is taken for mobility, Static Discharge for the extra Oomph, and Speedy Gadgets taken to use various gadgets more often.

For utilities, I chose to go with gadgets. Most people use dual pistol with elixirs, but for stylistic purposes, I went with gadgets and Toolkit (Healing skill is medkit). It isn’t usually done, but I figured, hey. Ironman uses gadgets. The ones I normally use are Rocket boots and Personal Battering Ram*2. I use the Rocket Kick ability to apply burn and a static discharge, and the Personal Battering Ram for the toolkit ability to deal damage and again apply static discharge. Though clunky, these items do their job, and fit with the theme of Ironman mk1 (especially the rocket boots which misfire ).

1) Something I may try is dropping Tools to 20, bumping Vitality up to 20 and grabbing Invigorating Speed, and grabbing Infused Precision for near constant vigor for more dodge goodness.
2) I tend to keep Medkit and Toolkit in my utilities bar because Prybar is awesome for direct and confusion damage, and Medkit’s Bandage skill is the fastest heal available. Depending on the situation, other gadgets may be better. Utility Goggles may be used to have a stunbreaker, Slick shoes if you need to run away, etc.

I’m using mostly the CondDmg/Power/Vit gear from Sorrow’s Embrace, with the Prec/Power/CondDmg chestpiece from Ascalonian Catacombs. In the upgrade slots for my gear, I have Beryl Orbs (I’ll explain below). For jewlery, right now I have Invaders gear(P/T/V) from the WvW vendor, with Exquisite Ruby jewels(again I’ll explain below). My jewelry I know I need to update, but right now I’m pretty happy with it.

Regarding Stat distribution:
I wasn’t going for a full condition damage spec with this build. Yes I have a lot of condition damage, and I grab rocket boots just for the burn, but power affects damage output on all my abilities. That’s why my upgrade orbs have power rather than condition damage. I also grab orbs with CritDmg increases, because of the article I’ll list down below. When I do crit, I want to crit hard. And finally, I grab vitality to boost my hp, as well as boosting my condition damage(a little).

Overall: So far, I’m loving the build. It’s not as tanky as the Captain America build (since the C.A build has constant healing) but once fully geared, the Ironman Mk1 should have a huge HP pool buffer to survive and handle just about anything that’s thrown at it. Took it into WvW last night, just killing dolyaks and what not, and I was able to take out other roaming thieves and mesmers.

Attached is a pic of my Armor so far. Almost done, I just need to get new boots.


(edited by Vincentino.9427)

Famous Quotes for the Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Following the previous poster, I had a bunch of ideas based on Bane Quotes

“And now… I will nerf you…”
“Ninja patches and Nerfs… Powerful tools against the uninitiated… but we ARE initiated… aren’t we, Engineers?”
“But you do not fear nerfs. You welcome them. Your punishment will be more severe.”
“Next to your name is the symbol of oppression. The Engineer Icon…”

Tagline of the Movie: “Every Engineer has a nerf. Every nerf has followup nerf.”

Only an engineer...

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Only an engineer would wear a single goggle over their eye because their techno pirates. :P


Only an engineer could throw a shield like the Cap.

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Juggernaut was originally 200 toughness, stability, and 50% movespeed.

I think what this guy is getting at is that Engineers were designed to be tanky point defenders?

Gear choice P/S Engineer (Cpt America Build)

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey guys, I’ve hit level 80 in the past week, and I’m starting to work on endgame gear. For my Captain America build (, what would be the ideal item prefix for armor?

The options I’m looking at are Knight’s or Rabid. The reason I’m not really looking at Carrion is I’d rather have a lower hp pool with higher armor, so that my near constant heals will heal for a higher percentage of my hp pool.

Boosts my damage output with all the stats, by virtue of Power increasing base damage, Precision increasing crit-chance, and Toughness boosting defense, and somewhat improving base damage via Energized Armor.

Rabid: Condition damage obviously improves the poison damage (which can be kept up permanently with Elixir gun and Pistol2) and the bleeds from Pistol1. Precision improves crit-chance, boosting direct damage output. And Toughness boosts defense and again somewhat improves base damage via Energized Armor

The question I have for those better at math than I:
From a purely mathematical perspective, which set would be give a higher damage output? I’m going to try to calculate myself, but if others could put in their 2 cents, I’d appreciate it.

The things I’m keeping in mind:
-The way duration conditions stack:
I don’t want to take full Knight’s gear, leaving me with a weak Poison, which will lower the poison dps in group play, since poison damage is applied in order of application. If someone in my group has a stronger poison, I would prevent them reaching their full poison damage output. However, with Knight’s gear, I would have higher base damage from Power and Toughness.

-Rabid has Precision as its secondary trait, the question is, would the higher crit chance be more beneficial for DPS against crittable targets than higher base damage from Knight’s?

Current Hypotheses:
Against targets which can be Critted, Rabid gear will do more damage when solo, because constant conditions and higher crit chance will have the edge in damage.
Against targets which cannot be Critted, e.g. breakable objects, Knight’s Gear will win by a large margin.

As I write this, I also realized, since I’m using Static Discharge frequently, and the shield toss, which both deal direct damage and can crit, Knight’s gear is the best option. To be sure, I’m going to try crunching the numbers.

Edit: First will calculate single target damage for simplicity’s sake. Doing research right now on relevant formulas.

(edited by Vincentino.9427)

Your 3 favourite traits?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


For my Captain America Build:
Reinforced Shield so I can throw my shield more.
Coated Bullets to turn my pistol 1 and 2 skills into aoe/double damage with pistol 1 at max range.
Static Discharge for the extra attacks to proc crits (and gives me a non-linear aoe).

Sniper kit! For the love of heaven, please!

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Asurans have a mech suit as an ELite.

Role Reversal

in Warrior

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Sturdy body doesn’t mean it heals well. If you spec for damage output, don’t expect to be able to tank also. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Sniper kit! For the love of heaven, please!

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Just my 2cents, I agree with a bunch of other people that the class needs polished. But as an idea, I think a Sniper Kit would be great to throw out there.

My take on the Kit would be based on what would make it different as a kit/weapon.
As of right now, we don’t have a way to deal extremely high amounts of damage to a single target at huge range. Obiviously, a high damage weapon with extreme range would have to be balanced, to this end here’s my take on the Sniper Kit:

1) Boom…
-Fire a shot from your Sniper Rifle. Applies 4 stacks of bleed.
Range: 1500
(2 sec cooldown)

2: Headshot!
-Your next shot has a 100% critical hit chance if the target is below 50% health. Also Stuns for 1 sec. Also Applies 3 stacks of Confusion for 5 sec.
(10 sec. cooldown)

3: Aim Down Sight
-Stance: Aimed Shot. 1/2 sec channel to activate
You move at 50% speed, but your range is extended by 300 units. Your shots also pass through other targets (without dealing damage) to hit your intended target. When first activated, your current target has 5 stacks of vulnerability applied. Cooldown begins when you deactivate the stance. Stacks with the stance from Deploy Bipod.
(10 sec. cooldown)

4: Deploy Bipod
-Stance: Deployed Bipod. 3 sec channel to activate.
You are rooted, including the direction you are facing, but your range is extended by 500 units. Cooldown begins when you deactivate the stance. Stacks with the stance from Aim Down Sight.
(10 sec cooldown)

5: Call Missile Barrage
-5 second channel to activate. Designate an area for bombardment via ground targeting. After a 5 second delay, bombardment of a large area begins for 10 seconds.
(60 sec cooldown)

Toolbelt Skill: .50 caliber bullet
-Next attack will critically hit, pierce targets, and apply 4 stacks of bleed to all targets. (60 sec cooldown)

New Traits:
Tier 3 Firearms
Designated Marksman: Lowers Sniper Kit cooldowns by 20%. Also, Aim Down Sight stance doesn’t cause a decrease in movement speed.

Tier 3 Explosives
Make it Rain: Lowers the cooldown of Call Missile Barrage by 33% (does not stack with Designated Marksman, though will override the 20% decrease). Also lowers the channel time of activating Call Missile Barrage by 50%.

Tier 3 Tools
Enhanced Battle Rifle: Lowers the cooldown of the basic attack of the Sniper kit by 50%. Decreases the range of the kit by 300 units, and decreases the base damage.

Base Range would be 1200. So if you use the E.B.R, the range is 900. If you have E.B.R. in Aimed and Bipod stance, you’d have 1700 range. If you don’t use E.B.R. and you have Aimed and Bipod stance, you’d have 2000 range.

The goal of the kit is to turn allow an engineer to sick waaaaay back and shoot away. Utilizing kit specific stances to increase effectiveness of the weapon. The base damage of the kit would have to be fiddled with to ensure balance. This kit is definitely a glass cannon build like the Grenade kit, but you sacrifice mobility to achieve higher ranges.

(edited by Vincentino.9427)

Help needed for Captain America build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Just finished the build and the costume today! Vincentino, paying his homage to the First Avenger. Not sure which version I like better, the first one is more like the movie,


The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Not sure which one I like better:
The Royal Blue is more similar to the comic books (also with the red boots). Whereas the Blue Shade one is more like the movie (With Brown boots also).


Famous Quotes for the Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


How To play as Engi ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


You don’t “NEED” elixirs. They are useful in an elixir build, because it can both buff you and your team via the tossed elixirs and HGH. If you’re going to play as an engineer, role-play one a bit and tinker! Find out what you like and what you want a build to accomplish. Then make your own! Established builds are all well and good, but each has their purpose. If I wanted to dunk people in WvW, I’d go with TANKCAT. Super burst in sPVP, 100nades. Etc. All builds do pretty well in PvE, so just go have fun with it!

Need a captain america shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Posting here so my thread doesn’t get lost:
The Captain America Build



Goal of the build is to be durable, do decent damage (though not enough to draw aggro off of the main dps), apply constant regeneration to keep people alive, and throw the shield like Captain America

How To play as Engi ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hahaha wow a lot of questions. First off, welcome to the profession!

Secondly, in PvE, especially leveling, you can do just about whatever you want and do well. The great thing about Engineers is that even though we have only 3 weapon combinations, we have kits we can switch to at will, either to use certain specific abilities, or to use as a main weapon.

I remember when I was leveling up, Flamethrower was my favorite. In Open World events, the AoE never gave me a problem. I just had to be smart about when to roll, when to use air blast, and when to use smoke.

We don’t top the charts with our damage, but a well played engineer is a credit to his team.

Here’s a build I followed whenever I used Flamethrower. Give it a whirl! Also, remember that Flamethrower actually benefits more from Power than Condition Damage. Something I didn’t realize at first.

The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Confusion is pretty great. That toolkit is pretty great overall. AoE cripple, Confusion, Block, and a pull. TANKCAT uses it the best, I think. I just have it there because I like the toolbelt skill (low cd and decent dmg).

The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


The thing with going into the Alchemy trait line is that you’d have to detract from an already abysmal offense, or decrease the points in Inventions. Unacceptable for me because I like throwing my shield hahaha.

But yeah, Elixir support is good too, just not the goal of my build.

Also I’ll post a pic once I get my first attempt at a Captain-esque costume.

The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Elixirs sound tempting, but from what I’ve been running in dungeons, the ability to keep regen up on everyone, and have spot heals via my blast finishers on my shield and turret keeps the party in the fight instead of on their backs. Maybe for sPvP I’d try elixirs to make myself more formidable, but damage isn’t my focus in this build.

Notice that Captain America isn’t the most heavy hitting guy on his team. He can keep up, for sure. But his strength comes in his ability to stay alive in a fight, and keep spouting tactical advice. That’s what I focused on for this build.

Just finished an AC Path 1 run with a bunch of people who had been struggling with it. They appreciated the constant heals.

Plus, since the damage isn’t overly high, you almost never draw aggro, so you’re free during a boss fight to just spam away.

The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


I leveled up in many different ways, trying different builds. I’ve done P/P with Elixirs, Rifle w/ gadgets, FT with Elixirs, Rifle with Static Discharge ( turning point, I became a static addict ). By this point, I was lvl 70, so I finally went P/S.

I haven’t been to Orr yet. but I’ll get there. I’ll let you know how it goes. So far, this build works great in AC Exp. I stay alive and extend other people’s lives. I can’t tell if I’m dealing considerable damage, but I’m contributing well. Plus, the conditions have utility added to them: Bleed increases damage output by 5%, Poison reduces healing effeciency, and Blindess can be used defensively like I said. Just hit 80. Got Guardian of the Six, so I look even more like a legit Cap’n. Once I get the Ascalonian Catacombs coat, I’ll be another step closer to the costume.

Need a captain america shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Sorry to necro a thread, but my 2 cents:
Best shield would be Call of the Commissar. Circular, metallic, concentric rings. Looks like the unpainted shield. However, currently, it is unknown as to how to acquire it.

Another great shield is Guardian of the Six. All silver, and circular. It’s actually the shield in the icons for the engineer shield skills. The only problem are the little red embellishments around the shield, but still decent.

The Captain America Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey All,

First post! If you could critique my build, I’d appreciate it.
Gear Discussion:
Shield Cosmetic Discussion:

Purpose: So the goals of my build were to create a build which would be a homage to Captain America. The build isn’t going to do the most damage, but it can survive and aid the team in survival.


Pistol and Shield; Obvious, Captain America isn’t Captain America without his shield, leaving pistol as the main hand weapon (which is how he was in the movie as well). Generally, spam Poison Dart volley whenever it’s up. Static shot can also be used whenever it’s off of cooldown, or saved for the defensive blind. It loses some damage however in large groups, and won’t pass through to hit your target in large herds of enemies. For the sigils, I used Force and Fire to boost damage across the board, as well as proc AoE blasts every few seconds. I didn’t use Air because I’d rather deal more damage to groups via AoE. *1

Key Traits:
I went 30 in Firearms to get Coated Bullets, Hair Trigger, and Precise Sights. Coated Bullets is so that my Explosive Shot and Poison Dart Volley did linear AoE damage, increasing damage to groups, and in ensure I hit my target in large fights. Hair Trigger was chosen so that I could use my pistol skills as often as I could. Finally, I chose Precise Sights so that I could help my teammates and myself by boosting damage through vulnerability. *2
I went 20 in Inventions so that I could grab Reinforced Shield. I want to be able to use my shield skills as much as possible, and though the cooldowns are painfully long, the 20% reduction helps, as does the extra 90 toughness. I also took Energized Armor so that my damage would be helped to some degree.
Finally, I went with 20 in Tools, grabbing Static Discharge to help with damage output, and Scope to increase crit chance by 10%. Static Discharge is a big part of this build, since Captain America is all about the bouncing (though yes, this is static, the flavor remains similar). Scope, I wasn’t too sure, since I’ve read it may be bugged. I’ll have to test this further to check. *3

Possible Alterations:
1) If you have the money and inclination, one could switch weapons from Sigil of Fire to Sigil of Air dependant on the situation.
2) Precise Sights can be replaced with Infused Precision, and then take 10 points from tools to put into Alchemy to grab Invigorating Speed.
3) If Scope doesn’t work, you could either see alteration 2, or switch the trait out for Speedy Kits or Ground Targetting. Speedy Kits for general mobility (I just switch the traits as needed), Ground Targetting to throw your Healing Turret for a remote Area Heal.

Utilities Explained:
For the healing skill, I went with the turret, because it’s so darn useful. I can throw it down for a constantly reapplied regeneration field, or spawn and destroy it for an Area Heal (as well as proc Static Discharge). With the Toolbelt skill from the turret, the toolbelt skill from Elixir Gun, the Super Elixir from the Elixir Gun, and the turret itself, I can have regeneration up indefinitely, and be able to remove conditions, and apply on the spot Area Heals as needed.
Rifle Turret and Tool Kit were picked because they have the lowest cooldowns on their toolbelt skills, as well as being super easy to aim. Plus, both the toolbelt skills are projectile finishers, which is a 100% condition removal if fired through the Light field from Super Elixir.

Overall: This build is extremely survivable, and increases the survivability of team mates as well by providing constant regeneration and regular heals. This build however is lacking in damage, despite the availability of static discharge. (Though when I say lacking, I’m comparing it to a Grenade Power build, it does respectable damage while being very survivable in PvE).

Let me know what you guys think! Right now, I’m working on getting armor pieces which will look like the Captain’s. Right now, I’m pretty sure I’m going to go with the Ascalonian(Exotic) Helmet. Not too sure on the other parts yet.

Happy Adventuring!

Edited to link all discussions related to making Captain America in GW2

(edited by Vincentino.9427)