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Engineer Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Viparix, you should be hitting considerably harder than a 1k crit with rifle auto. I generally am seeing closer to 2k without any vuln on the target, then again I use entirely zerker gear and trinkets and ruby orbs (because I am too poor to afford scholar runes heh).

Yeah, I don’t hit as hard yet, because I’m still walking in masterwork gear, instead of exotics and I can’t afford Runes of the Scholar yet, but it’s the build I’m aiming for. I prefer a bit less damage and a bit more survivability in the mix, or else I’ll be getting one shotted even before I can use my dodge rolls.

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Engineer Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


This is about something I use, it’s a bit more defensive then normal SD (which is complete Zerker gear), the normal build also uses Sitting Duck or the 10% increased damage in rifles instead of Invigorating Speed, but I like it to keep my vigor up almost all the time. I also like to swap up Utility Goggles for Hidden Pistol (Charr racial skill) since the toolbelt skill is amazing!

But to be clear: the way this build plays is by using the toolbelt skills for some really nice burst damage and not really in the way utility skills usually are used (by just… well, using them). For example: I never use Rifle Turret. Tough it can be placed to detonate for another static discharge. The Toolkit is really useful for not only Throw Wrench, but also the awesome skills it brings in the package. It doesn’t require much skill and is in my opinion very fun to play!

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Engineer Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


An SD build is a build that revolves around the Static Discharge trait (releases a bouncing lightning charge everytime you use a toolbelt skill). It’s the Glass Cannon build for Engineers, but you can add some survivability in the mix by adding some Knights or Valkyrie gear instead of pure Zerker. I also have almost perma-vigor and a normal 50% increased endurance regeneration, so that adds also some nice survivability in terms of dodges. If you want I can put a quick build in a calculator if you like?

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Engineer Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Pistol 1 is total and utter crap. It’s only useful if you are running a condition build and your condition duration is 100%+ for the bleeds. The rifle 1 is much, much better. I run a SD build with zerker gear and knights trinkets (all masterwork, since I just hit 80) and I crit for about 1k. I usually crit, so I don’t really know what my normal damage is, I guess around 400-500. Plus the attack pierces, which is awesome for an auto-attack skill!

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PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


It depends if you go condition damage or power build. One of them was stronger for one and the other for, well… the other. But I can’t remember which one it was, sorry ’bout that!

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Can we get rid of self cc ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Sure, if they get rid of the self CC and don’t nerf the skill, I’m fine with it. Why wouldn’t I be? But in my opinion the skill isn’t broken and is perfectly balanced the way it is.

And also, this is a forum, right? It’s meant for discussions. I have a different opinion then yours, aren’t I allowed to share my opinion with you? Or is this a topic that is forbidden for people who don’t see anything wrong with the self CC?

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Can we get rid of self cc ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


People? That implies multiple persons. The only one I see talking negative about OS, and not seeing the multiple positive sides of it, in this topic is you.

EDIT: Oops, excuse me, Deniara supports your cause.

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(edited by Viparix.8476)

Can we get rid of self cc ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


How would they nerf OS? Remove the movement impairing removal? Make it a knockdown instead of a launch? Make it do no damage? I’d rather have the small self-CC. OS is perfect now as it is, don’t spoil it for other Engineers by putting it under the nose of Anet. There is NOTHING wrong with OS!

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Keybindings: What is your layout?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Weapon skills 1 – 5, with 1 also bind to a side button on my mouse (on which my thumb rests), which is called Mouse 4
Heal – Q
Utility – E, R, C
Elite – Shift-Q
Toolbelt – Shift-F, Shift-E, Shift-R, Shift-C (or Shift-Mouse 4 when running Static Discharge for Surprise Shot)
Dodge – Mouse 5 (next to Mouse 4)

And I use Mouse 3 for swapping weapons, which isn’t really used by the Engineer.

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

Can we get rid of self cc ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


I always use it to get distance between my target and myself. It perfect if a warrior is about to burst down upon you. Just use overcharged shot and then net shot, to shut him down completely.

What you want with overcharged shot is a launch (= knockdown), which is instant, creates a huge distance between you and your target on an insane range and no CC for yourself. In 1v1 there is absolutely no drawback in using overcharged shot, since you stand up faster then your target, even if he uses a stun break due to the launch animation. The only thing where overcharged shot might be tricky, is during a 1vX, but at the same time can be used to create some quick distance between you and your opponents and gives you time to run away. So, simply speaking, what you are asking is way too much!

And believe me, Anet didn’t put it in just because they thought “it would look cool”. Sorry, but that’s just stupid.

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


This is exactly the reason why most people go with Utility Goggles, Toolkit (which is a must) and Rifle Turret when running SD. Tough when you are a Charr, Hidden Pistol works wonders, but only in PvE, because you have to switch it for your stun breaker (UG).

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Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Viparix.8476


I love your first name, but in my opinion it could have used a better surname. It sounds a bit like two cool words put together, while your first name is very Nordic. Fun fact: in Dutch Volk means ‘the people’.

Ulrik Nilfgaard (yes, I stole that last name from The Witcher-universe)

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A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


He did place it in an editor, just below the introduction!

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A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Very nice build, I’m surely gonna try this out. What gear do you suggest with this build? Full beserker to raise up those crits or Valkyrie/Rabid for some more defense?

I’m thinking of swapping up Elixer R for Elixer C and then take the trait Backpack Regenerator instead of 409, so I have some more passive defense opposed to active defense.

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