Showing Posts For Vistal.2906:

March 26-tower/keep trading WXP...intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


On JQ…..since patch, each BL is now just “jump in the zerg and follow for WXP”….zergs rarely fight other zergs….just trade towers/camps/keeps over and over now for WXP….no real fights even…just run in a big circle opposite or ahead of the other enemy zergs. It reminds me of almost how bad Star Wars (SWTOR) got with players trading “tank kills” in “world pvp”.

Was this really the big WvW “fix” patch that Anet intended?

(*and yes, I already hit WvW rank 4 just doing NOTHING but riding the zerg)

You seriously qqing over this? Its nothing new since WVW stared your just seeing more people out in WVW now. Its the same BS .. zerg towers and camps in a clock or counter clock wise circle and rack up Xp and Karma. NOTHING NEW HERE!!!. I would be happy if they added soem kinda WVW chest or Rewards for coming in first /2nd and 3rd , but they added a useless ranking system. Well I gues its cool it gets people in WVW for a week or 2 before the dumb ones figure out its the same BS and quit again.

No Ascended Gear Through WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


The game isnt Guild vs Mob its called guild wars for 1 reason .. WVW. they shouldnt be worried about what PVE does. They should be adding more to WVW then PVE over all. IDK why in hell they keep adding to PVE and not doing crap but adding a crappy prgression system that over all does nothing for WVW.

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


this is a nerf to S$&T playing thief’s. I consider myself a S#$t player as a thief. I SUCK as a thief in pve. WVW i do really well with culling and pretty much unlimited stealth. I can hit someone 5-6 x before culling catches up and they seem me but W/e they are 90% dead by then. IDK about this patch it will make me learn my thief better instead of using 3 buttons and running.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


So you all think char bound wvw progression is crap? So people can come in rank up any char and still have the same ability’s at lvl 1 as your lvl 80? that’s wrong! I surely dont want to see a lvl 1 on siege fully buffed doing the same crap and damage as a lvl 80 fully buffed. Char bound ability’s is the way to go for wvw.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Had a great time at Badgetoberfest in BP’s Bay tonight, you should host these things more often.

How many of you there? 70+

LOL when we took bay we had 20 ish.. took hills more came. Then we had around 30 people jut moping up badges. 15 als and about 5-6 randoms.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


As for coattails, like I’ve already mentioned, in a 3 way battle double teaming will happen. Like Rob said, its rare that a cyclical karma train happens, because CO’s see easy points, and they would be irresponsible not to take advantage of them.

I don’t even want to prove you wrong because this is exactly what I wanted. Acceptance and admittance of what has been done.

My rebuttal is, it would be irresponsible not to take advantage of the easy points, but it is even more irresponsible to take advantage of the easy points that only get you to 2nd place, and allow another server to take the win.

It is also irresponsible not to take advantage of the attacking server by hitting them when they are preoccupied with their attack, it then keeps the fight more interesting, and bases the matchups more on skill and coordination rather than taking advantage of a server that has to defend themselves on two fronts and turning it into PvD.

The reason why people from NSP say that AR is unskilled is because in the past few weeks, we have only seen AR be the server that spreads the standings. They secure 2nd, allow 1st to rocket to the top, and have 3rd drop way down. Right now we are at a 20k difference between servers because of AR’s irresponsiblity. If AR actually attacked BP then they may have been in 1st because it wasn’t a huge point spread, but like I keep saying, AR is only comfortable coming in 2nd.

NSP has outplayed AR by actually fighting for 1st place, we didn’t succeed, but we sure kept it tight for as long as we could. AR secured 2nd and then went nowhere from there. That is how NSP outplayed AR this week, we actually put forth our own effort, an effort that was effective enough to have BP come at us with all that they had in order to put us down.

AR’s irresponsibility? Huge point spread? Allowing 1st to rocket to the top and have 3rd drop way down?

I’m sorry. Are you high? I defy you to give a single example of a closer matchup in the entire NA tier system right now. Better yet, I outright call you out to prove there has been a closer matchup than these three servers regardless of NA or EU tiers for the past 4 weeks.

Go ahead. I’ll even give you the website that records all the stats for this stuff:

Find a single match up there that was closer than AR/BP/NSP for the past 4 weeks. Those are all the scores for the matches. I’m telling you to back up your claims with facts and numbers instead of talking out of your kitten for once. Find a single match that has been closer, or more competitive, or more evenly matched.

Look at the overall rank points even. NSP and AR have gone up in rank every week in this match up, while BP has gone down. The overall point difference between 1st and 3rd in our tier is less than 70 points.

Don’t think that you can argue to me about point spreads and blame AR for not trying, kid. You’re complaining about a 20k point spread? (overall spread is actually 40k, but I guess I shouldn’t be counting on you to do your math correctly at this point)

Tier 8 has to deal with a 260k point spread. Tier 1 has to deal with a 80k point spread. Hell, the closest tier to us has a 50k point spread. The numbers are on my side.

Stop digging, troll. You aren’t going to win this discussion.

20k point spread between each server means a 40k point spread, same statement just different wording, and before yesterday it was what a total spread of 12k points? The difference between first and second was a 2k point spread. That is close, 20k is a whole day worth of points and AR essentially screwed themselves from getting a very very highly obtainable 1st and they screwed NSP from getting a 2nd. This matchup could have gone literally any way if AR weren’t irresponsible in the way they chose who to attack in the past 2 days, but now it’s just the same as every week because you were content with only coming in 2nd place.

I still stand by my statement that NSP outplayed AR, we kept it closer than you have ever been able to, and the only reason why it was opened up is because of the irresponsibility of AR in attacking NSP to secure a 2nd place “victory” for themselves.

AGAIN .. you cant claim to outplay someone and not be wining. Its the dumbest statement of the year. AR doesn’t really care if BP wins. SERIOUS. We pound NSP because of a certain guild. I don’t know why you are so hung up on AR being in 2nd place. It doesn’t matter if we are in 1st . We where in first 3 weeks in a row until Thursday night and BP brings out the Big night crew and there nothing we can do with NO night crew to support it. All you are doing is making crap up to troll without knowing exactly whats happening,

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


His response will be AR is riding the coattails of BP.. So that means NSP is riding our coattails and in 3rd trying to grasp any keep we take during the day.
Yes BP wins since they have a HUGE Nightcrew to regain point during the night. a server cant win with out a nightcrew so i guess we will settle for 2nd and NSP will always be last unless they drop down a tier!

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Seems like your the one QQing about AR teaming up with bp or some BS claim and losing in points. You NSP always have some excuse like" AR just picks on NSP " or " AR teaming up with bp" They are all fine excuses but you need to stop qqing onthe forums we heard all of them before.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Anthsss is just kitten that NSP has a 5-8k point lead and is now in 3rd.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


I guess im cornfused. When nsp teams up with bp to roll through eb it is outplaying ar. Just like nsp and bp did at reset.
But when ar teamsup with bp, ar is being carried and the crying starts.

This is my favorite.

Can you give me an example of how NSP and BP worked together this week?

I will provide the facts that we took their entire borderlands on reset, while we left AR alone for the most part, and that we also took their keep in EB twice in two days. I could be wrong, but that doesn’t really seem like working together.

Do you want NSP and BP to work together? I think that would be a bit much and make AR a PvE server for the week, but it could probably be arranged.

AR is a PVE SPVP server .. like top SPVP server. get your facts straight.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Its OK, buddy. Tomorrow it will reset and your fairweathers can come back and put you ahead of AR for a bit so you don’t have to QQ about coattails till they leave you again. Hush now. Tomorrow is a new day!

Not even QQ, just stating facts. AR was in last place because they had no coattails to ride due to NSP and BP being so close in score. The placings were how they should have been, given that all 3 servers were actually attacking each other. Literally as soon as BP capped our stuff in the early morning, AR moved in to cap the paper gates, and then claimed glory.

NSP outplayed AR this week, we took chances, and tried for the win. AR can’t do anything on their own, and they don’t attack the server in 1st because they only care about 2nd. Prove me wrong.

NSP out played AR ?? But yet we are in 2nd place even though a ton of us don’t care about WVW anymore. I personally dont give a crap about WVW until they add something to fight for besides dumba@@ points. AR doesn’t give a crap about BP or NSP we dont TEAM UP ! Its called taking advantage of the situation … period . If we see BP about to take a keep WTF wouldn’t we be on the opposite Side taking a keep or run in behind them wipe BP and you and take the keep. ALL this BS about teaming up is just that BS. BTW AR loves beating the crap out of a server who would accept TCMM on their side:))

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


HAHA Nsp hold on to Sm like its going to get them a win!

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906



ALS zergs aren’t an issue. Its WvW it happens. Using items from outside of WvW to perma-stun people is just screaming bad players. So, have fun being horrible. I’ll be the guardian laughing hysterically when you fail to take a tower that has 2 walls down, for the 3rd time in 2 days

ROFLAMO sorry if you’re not good at wvw. In WVW there is NO RULE OF WAR. You use what ever you can to kill your enemie. If thats a item that can stun you and you have a skill stunn and use it over and over thats what you do. If you dont under stand every class has a counter to stunn effects then you need to get out of wvw and delete your account. Man you gota love these QQ’ers " wahhhhh i got stomped by 15 people and they all had stunns those unskilled talentless people use what the game gave them and did not stick to wvw only items .. wahhhhh they cant fight 1v1 in a 30v30 zone.. wahhhh i cant go into the 1v1 arena i lose all the time somone uses a item they got in pve……" man to kitten funny.

Does WVW even matter ?

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


I see it this way! WVW has lost its excitement. There really is no point in playing WVW anymore. Sure the killing of people is fun but in the end ther eis no reward at the end of the week. Rendering issues pure bad grafix bleed and lag makes it even worse. If Area net doesnt get on the ball here i see a dismal future for this once loved game.If they really want to keep going they need to fix some key issues and the biggest complaint is RENEDERING or CULLING ! Please for god sake fix this! The second issue i see is Jump puzzling keeps or as most see it, exploiting keeps. How this for a fix. In Bay water area make the walls higher so you cant jump and port people in and MAKE FULL DOORS instead of 1/2 doors so you cant jump over them FIXED !! No more exploits. Next Issue is grafix. Let The player turn off all effects to bring their framerate up. Not everyone has or can afford the biggest badest video/processor and ram to play. Alowing people to completly remove grafix instead of turning them on low we can tottaly remove them like aoe fire and sword and armor visuals and shots being tossed at you. We all know whos attacking and where bye the litttle red circles on the ground and the big Bubbles of AOE but if we can remove or stop them and just use a simple aoe red circle we can have some FPS jump bye 10+. i personally run on med grafix setting in PVE 55fps and in PVP in a 20+ fight 3-6 fps…. hmmm! Now we come to the issue thats making me go back to PVE the issue of NO REWARDS in WVW well besides the badges that takes about 2 weks of wvw to get a armor set. Why not at the end of the week the winning team get their reg rank points and a Large chest in their inventory which has a chance at new armoror acened stuff and a precurser? I think i would PVP alot more then i have inthe passed 2 months.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Good players roam, mindless sheepole run in zergs.

More like QQ’s Roam solo in a world made for 20man zergs.Since you insta die when you run into the zerg then QQ about noone has skills.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Yup, culling sucks right now. We can’t even run from the 6 ALS people before we’re already dead from invisible attackers.

its called paxa hunting on anvil rock, we invent new ways to stop you from running away, like hitting you in a trap.

It’s almost as if you think your zerg is skilled or something.

For some reason paxa thinks this is F$$in Spvp.They run in groups of 5-10 and only attack groups that are smaller or soloers. Paxa alway seem to run away from equal numbers and when they do get rolled they come on the fourms and QQ they got zerged in a enviorment made for 30vs30. If ou QQer paxa wanna play 10v10 or 5v5 get out of WVW. IM so sick and tired of Noobs crying they got rolled by 20 people and saying the zerg has no skill to 2v2 in WVW or 1v1 . Its NOT A F^^&&IN 1v1 LAND! Get over it. its your kitten choice to run solo or 10v30!

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


If they wanted to fix the kitten exploit it would take 20 min worth of work to redo keep doors to a FULL door instead of 1/2

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Cant post pics here you hget it deleted you hvae to submit them

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


How many more keeps is TCMM going to get cought in before they get baned?

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


WOW not even 2 min ago .TCMM Roney rayguns Guild Just Exploited Bay.. GJ loser!

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


ALL I CAN SAY is BUAhhhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhhhAHHHHAAAAHHHAA!!!

Golems and Food buff

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Does Food buffs effect golems ? Just courious!

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


See the trick there is ELE’s need to protect siege . thats 1 thing keing has going for them. A bunch of good eles defending siege from other siege. I seen it all night.The other good thing they have is a nice big WvW pop. boost .

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


I’m not bitter, I appreciate you realise we are putting up a fight but all I was saying is no one feels sorry for you, having the transfers you have recieved will get you zero props from most. In the end the reality is Kain didn’t climb until the transfers. Maybe you would have without them but its a moot point seeing as how no one will ever know.

Bottom Line is AR is a proud transferless server that worked our way to where we are, so its insulting for a transfer server to come rolling through and act like they deserve to be here.
Agreeded on the 1st point but TCMM brought a ton of players a few months ago to anvil rock . Before the transfer we had a almost shut down Server in wvw after 20-30% of our server left. If it wasnt for Free fricken kitten #$$$ transfers we all would be about equal, but with free transfers you can go right to T1 server and feel like someone.

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


no BO event or a 2-4 hour timer. Its just ridiculous that you can retake a keep as soon as its taken again.

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


More loot drops. Completly close all the keep doors to stop exploiting and Big loot bags for wining that weeks WVW

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


NSP needs to leave SM to anvil rock and go defend their homeland. Its not helping you at all to hold stonmist:))

We like the trade , SM for their BLs.



4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


NSP needs to leave SM to anvil rock and go defend their homeland. Its not helping you at all to hold stonmist:))

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


@ Psychatog ROFLAMO you report your own people for exploiting thats a joke:)) Cant Put screens shots in Fourms anyways it gets deleted .

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Exploit is a exploit. People get sick and tired of Servers who brag and exploit, so i guess we will see tons more coming from servers who are against it. Isnt the saying a EYE for a EYE? Well guess what ? DR has a bunch .. not a few like 2-3 more like 15+ who been exploiting for 2 weeks now. Guess its the other servers turn to exploit right back.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


@dunnberry guess your fighting for 3rd!

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Or maybe its a holiday and 20% of us dont play !

12/14 : NSP | Anvil Rock | GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


We fight NSP and GOM on the same map and win. Thats about all we can do with our numbers. NSP can DO w/e they want they have a huge night crew of of course they can win. it always come down to NUMBERS!

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Lame EVENT needs to be removed every fin 10 min they can insta takekeeps its BULLsh*& . Why not add Orbs on top of it again?

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Vistal.2906


HOW THEkitten#$$ do you get stuck UNDER a snowflake :??

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Seasonal jumping puzzles are anti CHAR.. WHT dont they test the puzzles with a char char model? And wtf is is always in a group ..

help with jumping puzzle

in Wintersday

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Seasonal jumping puzzles are anti CHAR.. WHT dont they test the puzzles with a char char model?

12/14 : NSP | Anvil Rock | GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


hoping to be pleasantly surprised by Gom this week. i mean we’re already being spawn camped so i don’t expect much.

Ok man enough with this so called non exsitant spawn camping claim. " YOU CAN NOT SPAWN CAMP IN WVW" there is 2 other ways out of your WP area . ITS not spawn camping if you have other ways out for 1 and 2 your not spawning and intantly dieing. So again there is NO SPAWN camping in WVW.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


The population argument is stupid. AR has MORE than enough players on their server to fill their maps, they just can’t convince them to WvW. If it were the case that your whole server has less than 500 people total then you would have grounds to complain. Motivate your own server from within and you will have plenty of players to WvW.

It is a FACT that BP has more WvW oriented players than AR. It is also a FACT the the overwhelming majority of those players were BP players that has previously not participated in WvW.

AR quit banging your head against a wall screaming the same excuses over and over and take control of your server and shape it into something you can stop using as a built in excuse to lose.

Its not a excuse its a FACT if you outnumber the other side in WVW you win IDK how smart your side is numbers=win. Untill F^^%# Area net stops server transfers for free WVW will always be 1 sided. The side that starts pulling ahead gets more players.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


this is a matter of integrity. this shows EXACTLY how Anvil Rock, AS A SERVER, handles adversity when they know damn good and well they can’t hang with those they are up against. You troll and exploit AT WILL. It amazes me that you cannot just face up and accept that you belong with devona’s rest and that your server has fluked into the ranking it has. Bye bye troll

It be nice to have 20+ per map in all the BL’s but unfortunately We cant on AV get 30 on 1 single map let alone 20 per map.

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


I honestly love how AR’s major argument always comes back to population. I also love how everyone on AR seems to think we won’t be able to hang when we go up again tomorrow for reset. You all make many assumptions and have no honor in trying to defend yourselves in Wv3. When you all learn to play, and play w/in the confines of NOT using the exploits you enjoy learning about on youtube, give BP a call. Otherwise, keep hacking, and arena net will start banning, and AR will drop to where they belong, the bottom.

Its 80% Population. you have 20+ in 1 BL 30+ in another 30 some on another and 5-7 3 to 4 man groups running around getting supplies .. YES wining WVW has everything to do with population. Lats week AR out maned both GOM and ET servers and won 300k to 80k in points juts like this week BP with their Population overflow will win. BP Zergs more then any server i know .RIGH now .. 15+ Bp in ARBL are taking keeps 15+ are taking supplies and i see a max of 20 av running around trying to retake our stuff and 10 in BP maybe,..

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


ROFLAMO yes when you lost 30% of your main pvpers on Gom we will outnumber you. Yes we do enjoy it who wouldnt? We have more people in PVP Again due to more PVE’ERS joining in. We have something called LEADERS and people who enjoy Small group raiding. Thats how we have the whole map and a thing called home land defense.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


its not a HUGE boost in population! AR may of gotten 15 people so far but the PVP population is coming from our own PVE world . They been seeing us in WVW doing really well the 1st 2 days and more and more PVErs been showing. I do hate Free server transfers the servers will naturally fill up as time goes on and game improves. Free server transfers wipe out WVW for 1 side. Like what happened to AR before the new bunch of AR’s wvw alliance showed up.Gom last wee lost alot of players due to the big Bp servers and got fed up with it.

Gate of Madness Organization Guilds & Leaders

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Come join the AR Alliance you know you want to!

11/30 - SF / BP / HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


AND BP NOM Guild and a few other Speed hack cooldown ELE’s are big time hackers.

11/30 - SF / BP / HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


For a dead server they sure do have a kitten load of people on every map all of a sudden.

I know, Anvil Rock transferred there lol.

No one from AV transferred there. Ok maybe a select few NOOBs who couldn’t stand to Not win, but those are kitten who need to stay AV server anyways.BP has the numbers and ZERG mentality to hold 2-3 maps at once .

11/23: BP/AR/GOM Matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Any Gom leaving their server come to anvilrock! we have a alliance and possibly faceing BP in 2 weeks ! come get your revenge on!

11/23: BP/AR/GOM Matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Gota love the WP camping comments. Do you even have a clue what Camping means or is? Just because people put siege equipment out front and stops you form coming out that way doesn’t mean or is not camping. They do not have the east and west passages sieged off? No so its NOT CAMPING!! Camping is or means you spawn and insta die over and over because they are on your SPAWN point which is impossible in WVW!

11/23: BP/AR/GOM Matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Overpopulated Borlis equals another win for them. ANY GOMS wanna crush Borlis come to anvil join the WVW alliance!!

@ Borlis

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Cooldown hacks alow you to keep boons for 100% of the time and insta cast and cast 2 abilitys at the same time. I report them + send in pic + post the bull kitten here .