Showing Posts For Vlad.2769:
Before this change I could position myself between ranged and melee mobs to attack all of them with Mighty Blow. Now I can fail this ‘trick’ because my character will jump forward to my target…
80. I’m not ‘wannabe assassin’ types, I have full exotic cleric gear with power runes. It has no precision on it.
And you, sir, haven’t figured out about this synergies are much better with other weapons. Did I say something about bad skills we have right now? No, I said about bad changes for it. And what with your ‘I want gapcloser for hammer’? If you want gapcloser with hammer why are you not a warrior? Gapclosers is not what guardian needs at all.
Yes, this ‘hammer love’ was a joke as I see. Useless leap and useless trait, great.
Really disappointed with this new trait. Hammer is the power weapon, not crit one. I have 4% of crit with it, how I suppose to use this trait? And I won’t even mention about sigils, which works for crit only, and only water one is proper for me (which is weak and long CD). Where is my heal on hammer? I’d ask Arena to look one more time at ‘warpriest’ from other franchise, please, do it.
read my post guys, I made good statement for hammer.
it’s not ‘part reflected’, it deals damage scaled with your power. So you may reflect much more than you recieved.
" Damage returned is fixed and scales with power. " – says wiki
Don’t let 2nd be on the move, it should be stationary, it’s hammer, do not forget. Just lock from moving for the animation (still it’s not even a problem, never had issues with it, so you doing something wrong when you click on movement keys while jumping, or something).
No charge to target is needed, if you want to charge with hammer – go warrior instead.
Chain is awesome if you end it, ‘cause symbol deals alot of damage, gives buff and you can blast it for retaliation, but ’if’ is the problem in most cases, too many ‘no time to end it’.
I’ll repeat my self again and again – hammer needs healing on skills\traits, it would be enough for it.
Scepter+Torch are the best for burning build, due to 15 hits with 6 sec CD on 2nd skill and 10 hits from 5th of torch. Build 30 radiance, 30 virtues and you will always overwrite others weak burning And you will be 1200 ranged with it either.
I wanted to create a topic by myself a week ago, but there was no class forums yet, so that should be my original post:
“I don’t actually know where to address this due to no suitable forum thread and I realy think that neglect is a bug. So I want to speak a little about weapons of guardian (I’m think some other professions would like to say about it too). It’s real injustice in traits and, maybe, skills. Look at greatsword (90% of guardian with it, yay). It has very fast chain skill with high damage, 1 combo field, 3 combo finishers and 3 related traits. All deals alot of damage. Look at hammer. 3rd strike in the chain is very slow, in most encounters in dungeons you won’t have so many time to end it. Yes, it’s powerfull, with symbol on it, I agree, hammer should be quite slow, this drawback related to all hammers, make sense. But why hammer deals less damage than one-handed sword? Ok-ok, the real ‘shiny’ of hammer is slow spam symbol and low-CD blast finisher..and 3 control skills, which almost useless when you are not in pvp (and often even in it) due to low damage from it and realy slow casting for ring (same problem with wall for staff, while you end casting it everyone you wanted to be outside will be already in), they doesn’t pay you off, you won’t use them 99% of your time being (2 from 5 skills would be in use..that’s bad). And now is the main injustice for hammer. It has no healing skills on it. For quite long time warhammers (woops, you know where I’m going) was a weapon of priests alongside with maces (which realy powerhouse in healing for guardian), this idea somehow dissapeared from this game. And about traits – greatsword has 3 related (2 for GS-majesty himself and 1 general for two-handed), hammer has non (1 general? Hammer has almost no benefits from it, only 1 sec. in blast CD). Why GS has trait which heals you on each attack?! This trait should be for hammer, realy, GS have it’s trait for damage already, give this one for hammer. Ok, that’s enough for hammers, let’s look at other weapons quickly. Staff – 1 general trait, weak but wide 1st skill (a little up in damage would be ok for it) and real staff shiny – Empower. Quite good due to support skills, but needs related trait and a little damage up. Mace – healing powerhouse with Ok damage, has 2 traits (general for one-handed weapons which gives you !!+15%!! crit.chance and one mace related), this weapon is good, I think. Scepter – long range, powerful low-CD AoE (realy powerful with 15 hits, procprocprocproc), 2 traits, quite good long-range weapon. Sword – good damage, fast attacks, has everything it needs, 2 traits, good weapon. As for off-hands I count them as support for main and not so fundamental for gameplay, sometimes due to long CD, but they are useful and would be used as soon as they will available from CD, so let’s consider them ‘good’ ones for guardian. I’m not asking to nerf something or buff something to overpowered state, I’m seek justice, I’m guardian, that’s what I should do. Cheers.”
But you already created such one and got redpost
But I still want to say something about hammers. We need trait. We need trait in Zeal or Honor (or both). And new trait\skill for hammer should have HEALING on it. It SHOULD. Mace have, hammer is a big mace, etc.etc.etc.
edit Once again about hammer, I tried all weapons just to check if I’m just too picky for hammer, but no all other weapons use all their skills (’xept 5th skill on staff) by CD, so mr. Hammer needs more love.
(edited by Vlad.2769)