Showing Posts For Vogel.9613:
Switching from Guard:
- Wall of Reflection
- Easy access to stability and condi cleanse
shiro mallyx is not the best anymore
You said shiro/glint is also not the best in another thread. How about you give some explanations or suggestions on what is better instead of posting one liners all the time?
Yes, using the axe sounds like a good idea for more DPS (haven’t tested it though) at least in dungeons/fractals. However in the raid he used the sword off hand just as an additional CC against the boss and I don’t know if you can do without it.
@Misguided, I can see your point, but don’t you think its so much wasted potential of all other weapon skills and weapon sets if the most effective thing is spamming sword AA? Isn’t it going to get boring? And what are you going to use that extra energy for? IO uptime on Shiro and passives on Glint is the only thing you can do anyway.
Really good collection of the bugs, I hope Roy sees this and addresses the issues.
One other thing I noticed is when you are launched, the Shiro stunbreak Riposting Shadows is deactivated in the utility bar like all other skills, however you can still use it to stunbreak. This is only when you are launched, knockdown/stun works normally.
While seeing some gameplay of the rev in the beta first Vale Guardian kill in this video:
I noticed that the “rotation” to keep the highest DPS by this player is:
1. Glint: upkeep Darkness and Strenght, use Elemental Blast, then Autoattack
2. Switch to Shiro, Impossible Odds then Autoattack
3. back to 1.
He never uses Sword 2 or 3 and only switches to staff for the breakbar.
After betatesting the Rev I was under the impression that it is a fairly complex class, but seeing this simple rotation being the most effective I was let down a bit. Even the Guardian rotations are more complex. What do you guys think? Is it ok to just use autoattack or is it sad that there is no real reason to use the other weapon skills/sets?
Keep in mind, I’m talking about PvE endgame content, where the focus is to maintain the highest DPS. You could make an argument abut using UA as an evade and other skills in different situations, but If you don’t need them in Raids, where else?
Hello. I noticed during the last beta weekend the trait “Wrath of Justice: Striking an enemy with justice’s active effect triggers signet of wrath.” Doesn’t work with spear of justice, which would be a cool combo. I hope you guys fix that.
In case you wonder who this guy is that got screwed by this ridiculous 1c undercut:
Just the average player like you and me, maybe playing a little too long. Saving up all his gold, karma and skillpoints to finally create his legendary. Then he thought it would be smart to sell it for good profit and just start a new one. He didn’t want to be too greedy and wanted to sell it fast, so he put it on a reasonable cheap price. The same it sold already 2 days before. Didn’t work out for him, and while writing this, he got undercut again by a slightly less but still pretty ridiculous amount of 20g.
And that is one reason (but not the only) this player is considering taking a break right now. Maybe if someone would place an offer of 2.6 or even 2.5k he would take it out and sell it directly, but he can’t even afford the listing fee for that.
Good day.
23. Inch.6932 = Ínch – Elementalist
23. maxense.8241 = Nika Bleys – Engineer
23. Vogel.9613 = Vogel Pvp – Guardian
25. Xerlaton.7596 = Xerlaton Li – Ranger
26. Django.5923 = Infiltrator Django – Thief
Team: Infamous Five [iF]
Devs, are you reading this? Pray is speaking exactly what most of your core PvP community is thinking. I hope you know that it is essential for the success of GW2 sPvP, that something happens soon.
+1 to Pray