Showing Posts For Voidspawn.1934:

Chances of you getting a WvW title!

in WvW

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yeah some of those titles are insane, it makes you wonder if they even did the math themselves before they put them in the game.

And to kill all hopes for any changes/improvements to WvW…

it seems they are clueless about their own game

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yep I selected Consumables for levels 60-80 and left the second field blank, sorry I forgot to tell you that

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I don’t know if it’s intended to be this way, but you can search for foods if you select “Consumables” and then filter it by levels. That’s how I do it anyway, and I select a level range of 60-80.

NEW: Rage Quit Kill, get WvW kill & badges

in WvW

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Haha, that could be a separate achievement like “Get 100 rage quit kills in WvW”, it could give a title or something :P
Nice suggestion cause it wouldn’t deny the killer of his reward/loot, and it would also shame the quitter even more XD

Veteran Drop rate reverted or bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yeah there definitely seems to be a problem with veterans, I’ve killed 6-7 of them and no drop at all, not even a white one.

Champ/Vet Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Improved loot my kitten . I just killed 2 Risen Veteran Giants in Cursed Shore by myself and got no loot at all. Not even a porous bone or something. I had 40% MF on me.

invisible offhand weapon, engineer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I noticed that too, and I think its happens because of a certain boon not sure which one it is though. However I remember that the boon that causes this has an animation, some kind of wings appearing on your left hand and when it’s over the weapon disappears until you sheath it.

I vote Titles be more noticeable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I agree, titles have to be more visible otherwise there’s no point in having them.

Nice bug while it lasted I suppose.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


There’s definitely an increase in the droprate, I don’t know if it’s intentional or a bug though. Usually when I farm Cursed Shore I get 1-2 dyes in 2 hours with 40% MF. Last night I got 20 dyes in less than 2 hours (with the same MF). And when I mentioned it in my guild everyone said the same thing, they were getting alot more dyes than before.

Half of Cursed Shore is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Server: Far Shiverpeaks (EU)

Half of the events in Cursed Shore have been bugged for 3 days, it happened after a small patch.
The Veteran Packheart event is stuck, breaking the event in Petinent Camp (the one with the Risen attack), Arah is bugged people haven’t been able to enter in 3 days, the event chain in the southern part of the map with the corpses that spawn worms is also bugged and many other events in the middle of the map as well.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I agree with the OP. When I first noticed that titles were only visible when you clicked on someone I was like “huh? Whose idea was that?”. Titles are there to be seen by others, and yourself. But in this game you can’t even see your own name and your title is only visible if someone clicks on you. So ever since that day I lost all interest in titles even though in other games I loved them.

I think they should make titles visible above your name so that people can see them all the time. Otherwise what’s the point?

Yet another Temple of Balthazar event attempt that ended in failure and rage...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


What makes this event impossible are players who die and refuse to run back, buffing the boss since they still count as “in the fight” were scaling is concerned. This makes it impossible for the survivors to stand a chance.

Player laziness is the culprit here, not content design. If you die, run back. Simple.

I’m sorry but if you think a fight that requires that everyone dies, respawns and runs back to the fight as fast as possible is good design, you probably haven’t played any MMOs that actually have interesting and well designed fights.

Although I do agree that players that just sit there dead are also at fault, the main problem lies with the design. An event that is meant to be completed by random people that are not organized shouldn’t be this hard. And if you really want to make it hard, don’t use such cheap ways like 1-shot attacks with <1sec animations.

Yet another Temple of Balthazar event attempt that ended in failure and rage...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I completely agree. This is the worst event in the game by far. Last night me and my friend (we are both going for a Legendary) wanted to get some Obsidian shards. For the past 3 days the temple has been contested and we decided to try to complete the event.
After HOURS of recruiting people, fighting tons of mobs, dying again and again and AGAIN and running back, we couldn’t do it and left with frustration (as did everyone else on the map)

This event has so many problems. It’s just way too difficult.
If this was a fight in an organized raid or something it would be acceptable. But this is in the open world, you have to do it with randoms and they cannot be organized. We tried to organize them, we tried to explain to them what they should do during the fight, and that they should TP to a waypoint and run back if they die, we even made a small team of 4 people just before the event started to go and clear the event in Sentry waypoint because it’s the closest one to the temple and we wanted it to be uncontested. But about half of the players didn’t even listen and just stood there and waited to be ressed making us lose time and ultimately fail the event. Twice.

The fight itself is a joke. It’s cheap difficulty, almost all his attacks 1-shot you and they happen so fast you don’t have time to react. The only one that is dodge-able is the fire projectile. Aoe fear, insta kill aoe, insta kill life drain and on top of that, adds! This is just one of the most badly designed fights I have ever seen.

Something has to be done, the diffuculty must be lowerer, or the timer removed, or maybe the Obsidian Shards should be added to other temples as well.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Loving this change!! I can finally look at the sky, and I don’t feel like i’m looking through binoculars anymore Good job!

[Far Shiverpeaks (EU)] "Happy Troll Friends" [HTFs] Greek guild seeking players!

in Guilds

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Happy Troll Friends is looking for more Greek and international players (if you don’t mind us talking in greek every once in awhile)

We are a small, social guild (20 members right now). We do dungeons, dragon events, WvW and we help each other. We also do PvP tournaments sometimes. We’ve got the most important upgrades like Guild Vault, Magic Find/Karma/Gathering Banners, Armor and Weapon contracts, Influence boosts, WvW Fort upgrades and pretty soon we’ll have the big Karma boost as well.

So if you’re in Far Shiverpeaks and looking for a casual, friendly guild with lots of upgrades, join us!

If you’re interested leave a reply here or contact me in game (my main is Claire Gearhead)

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


This actually sounds like a very good idea, it doesn’t punish people who play at night or at different time zones and it helps the servers that are empty at that time because either they don’t have night crews or they have a lower population.

How long is a reasonable time to evaluate game developement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Well the thing is, it’s different for every company. For example Rift had almost no bugs at release and even those few bugs were fixed in a little more than a month. Even their beta was almost bug free, I was pretty amazed.
WoW was kinda worse at launch, there were alot of bugs and I don’t really know how long it took them to fix all of them but when I started playing 2-3 months after launch I don’t remember running into any important bugs, most of them were just a little annoying hardly worth mentioning.
Aion was pretty bad at launch, it had many bugs and it took them months to fix them. Many of them were major bugs. It was one of the reasons I stopped playing after 2 months, although it was the least important reason.
I would say in general 3 months for all the major bugs to be fixed. Not all bugs, just the major ones

Why so much lottery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


1. If the chance to get them is as low as people are reporting so far, the prices on the TP will be very high.

2. This game is all about cosmetics

1. Yeah. Oh well. The price of vanity.

2. There’s also the whole other part where you actually play the game? That part isn’t affected by these high prices. Which is great, because everyone gets to play the game. So there’s the accessible gameplay which everyone can easily take part in, and the race for looks. The race is pricey, absolutely, but the more expensive/rare the skins are, the more exclusive your look will be, and the higher your status, looks-wise.

When I said this game is all about cosmetics I didn’t mean that it is bad. I like the fact that there is no gear treadmill and looks are what matters. Also I never said that I don’t enjoy the rest of the game. All i’m saying is it would be so much better if they had fixed prices for these items instead of giving us a chance of getting them. Gambling might be cool for some people, but if I wanted to gamble I’d go to a casino, not play GW2.

Why so much lottery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


The gambling is optional. In so many ways.

1. If you want the skins you can buy them off the trading post. Convert gems to gold and buy them. There’s always this option if you want them so badly.

2. They’re cosmetic. So it’s really a want, not a need. I know that premium skins are a large part of Guild Wars, and that’s exactly what they are, premium. Premium = expensive, difficult to get.

I, for one, am glad they did this. I hope they profit from this and can continue to bring great updates to the game.

1. If the chance to get them is as low as people are reporting so far, the prices on the TP will be very high.

2. This game is all about cosmetics

Why so much lottery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yeah this is very frustrating. I know this is a B2P game and they make their money off the cash shop but they could’ve done that without any randomness at all. Just put the items up at a certain price and let everyone buy what they want. Personally i’m not gonna spend any money on keys just for a CHANCE to get a weapon skin, but if I could buy the skin on the store I would. This is clearly gambling, asian level gambling which I was hoping I wouldn’t find in this game. And if you think this is gonna get you more money, you’re wrong. As you can see people are so turned off by this that they don’t wanna spend any money on the cash shop because they’re losing respect for this company and are feeling cheated. As for me, the only thing I’m gonna spend gems on from now on is Black Lion Salvage kits.

Quip, has anyone crafted it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


All of these effects sound nice, and that’s pretty much what I expected when I first saw the weapon, although a glow or a walking effect would be nice as well.

But you know what would be the best in my opinion? I was looking for the definition of the word Quip (I didn’t know what it meant, English is not my first language) and here’s what it said:

1. a clever or witty remark or comment.
2. a sharp, sarcastic remark; a cutting jest.

Wouldn’t it be great if the weapon actually talked every once in awhile and made witty remarks or sarcastic comments? I mean it has that head on it’s grip, maybe that head could talk :P I think it would be amazing.

Mouse spazzes and click+hold doesn't like to work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I have the same problem but it only happens sometimes. I have no idea what triggers it all I know is that it doesn’t happen outside the game. I’m using a Logitech G5 (it’s a wired mouse)

The little things...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yeah, it feels so strange that there are so many chairs around and you can’t even sit in them. Hell even NPCs don’t sit in them lol. These things may seem small and unimportant but most players love them, they make a big difference in how much you can have in a game

Necros don't feel... Evil

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


That’s one of the reasons I decided not to play Necromancer in this game. I’ve always like “dark”, “rotten” classes in other games but after playing a Necro in the beta I got the same feeling as you. It didn’t feel “dark” and “evil” at all.. and the pets…I hated them, I didn’t like a single one of them.. But I’m also happy because now I get to play Engineer and I love it :P

Too many visual effects ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I agree, something has to be done about this. Most of the time you can’t even see the boss, it’s often very hard to spot an animation and dodge a powerful attack. And even though most of these effects are designed very well and look cool, when you have so many of them on the same spot it just looks ugly.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I’ve encountered all of these problems with my Engineer, lately they seem to be happening more often. I’ve also seen this happen during events, when some big boss is at 20-50% HP and it suddenly goes 100%. It’s really annoying

Molten Weapons - Particle effects removed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


After the last patch most, if not all, of the molten weapons (CoF weapons) had their particle effects/animations removed. I didn’t see any mention of this in the patch notes so what’s the deal with it?

A few days ago I got the Molten Shield and the animation was broken. It was stuck in a single frame and it only worked when I previewed the item or opened my Hero dialog. I posted about it in another topic by a guy who was having the same problem with the Molten Staff. Now after the patch the animation is just gone. I really want to know why they did that. I spent 210 tokens for this Shield and the only reason I got it was because of the animation. Honestly i’m tired of always feeling disappointed in this game.

No particle effect for Molten Staff

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I have the same problem with the Molten Shield. It has an animation in the preview window and in the Hero Dialog but outside it’s static. It really sucks, I spent 210 tokens for it and i was so disappointed I don’t even use it anymore. Shouldn’t this have been fixed in the beta?

Grinding is Fun with anti farming mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


It’s such a shame that a company can make such a great game..and then kitten it up with stupid things like this..

Dungeons in this game, in my opinion.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


1. There is absolutely no sense of control – it is very chaotic. It feels like a giant game of aggro ping pong. Yes, you blind, you dodge, you roll, you bubble, you slow, you pray – but at the end of the day you are doing these things because you have aggro and you are trying not to die. When you no longer have aggro, it becomes someone else’s problem. The people in your party may be doing the very best they can to use all abilities to aid the group, but the way the game is structured I never notice them (even if its being done effectively). Dungeons FEEL like they are every man for themselves even though that may not be occurring. Bottom line: They feel like a massive cluster bleep.

4. Zero boss mechanics. Crank up the hp, max out the damage – one shot kill. Fun stuff. Actually, it would be fun if you could tell what the boss was doing through all the spell effects and the giant Norn Guardian in his face. Boss fights are just giant target dummies with massive amounts of hit points with poorly telegraphed one shot kill mechanics. How many times have you died with ZERO clue of what hit you because it was masked for whatever reason.

Even though I never had any problem running explorables, (actually last night we did CM exp with 4 people) I have to agree with this. I generally like the dungeons and I like the difficulty, I just don’t like the fact that it’s “cheap” difficulty. Instead of giving interesting mechanics to bosses and making them smarter, they just gave them insane HP and1-shot skills (often without an animation so you can tell what they’re about to do and avoid it).
Some bosses are better but most fit this description. And although I like the dungeons and I don’t want them to make them easier, I would really like it if they improved boss mechanics. Like the OP said, it’s too chaotic, sometimes you die and you have no idea what hit you. I think there’s alot of room for improvement in this sector.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Caudecus’s Manor, 1st path (help the Asura). Got 30 tokens, the rest of my team got 45.
Last dungeon I did before that was Sorrow’s Embrace story mode about 24 hours ago.
It took us approximately 2 hours to complete the dungeon.

Dungeon rewards still bugged

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yep, definitely bugged. Did CM explorable, only got 30 tokens even though I haven’t done any other dungeons today and I haven’t completed an explorable dungeon in like..2 weeks. The rest of my team got 45 which is also not right.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


This is getting really annoying. I just did CM explorable, it was my first and only dungeon for today and the last dungeon I did was yesterday (SE story mode), I shouldn’t be getting any diminishing returns yet when we completed the dungeon I only got 30 tokens and the rest of my party got 45. According to the patch notes I should’ve gotten 60 tokens not 30.