Showing Posts Upvoted By Warkeil.8904:


in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Lower cost or free transfers to lower tiered servers. Do it a-net.

While having world changes being different for different servers might cause some to transfer… it does nothing to promote them to go to a lower tiered server. Just a different one.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –


in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


In a recent dev talk a question was asked about whether it would be possible to have Living World-related permanent world changes being different for different servers…I think this would be one possible mechanism to attract players to under-populated servers. Obviously you would not want every server to be unique – although that has an appeal as well – but there are a number of small but significant changes to a world that I think would cause some people to take on the hardship of switching servers.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

First WvW Highlight of the week

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Good video and thanks for doing the WvW Highlights.

But that is some bullkitten! Two people being the reason for a keep (Hills nonetheless) flipping. Perma-Stealth blows. Portaling through unbroken walls and gates is bullkitten.

This right here explains 90% of the accusations of hacking when a place is taken with walls and gates intact.

(edited by Johje Holan.4607)

Leaderboards and Trial Accounts

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Mark Katzbach


Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager


In an effort to make sure the integrity of the leaderboards remains, we will be removing all free trial weekend accounts from the leaderboards starting May 1st. Leaderboard data will disappear for free trial weekend players that do not upgrade. However, players that upgrade their trial accounts at a later date will reappear on the leaderboards with all of their previous stats. This is a policy that we have set in place to avoid cluttering the leaderboards, but also allow trial players the opportunity to keep the statistics they worked hard to achieve.

E-mail from "ArenaNet"

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Have you recently received an email that purports to come from ArenaNet, saying that “we” have discovered you are attempting to sell your game account? You may have heard about this, it’s the one that threatens dire consequences if you don’t follow the instructions, which include clicking a suspicious link. Here’s some information about this:

This is a phishing attempt. Do NOT click on or visit any links provided in these emails.

In addition:

  • Never give anyone else your account name or password.
  • Never use your account name and password on any website except for our official sites at (which includes our official forums: and
  • Don’t trust the way a site looks, because fraudulent websites copy the look and feel of our websites.
  • For the greatest level of security, type a desired URL or copy and paste it into your browser rather than clicking a link. (Another tip: Mouse over a provided link and see that where you’re going is where the link says you’re going. If you see and mouseover to see, you have a fairly good indication that someone is up to no good. )
  • Use reputable anti-virus software at all times to add another layer of protection.

If you entered any of your account information on the suspicious website, please contact our Support Team (use “Ask a Question” on that page) so that we can take steps to prevent damage to your account. If you have not entered any information on the site, no further action is required (other than deleting the email).

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Leaked Patch Notes

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Thief changes are just so ridiculous. There are nerfs to abilities that haven’t even seen complaints. These have to be fake, or Anet think’s nerfing will make worthless builds viable.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

In game instruments (bells and horns)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


mimimimimimimimi, is all what I read here

Anet should give as more of these instruments, so that we become able to play in GW2 also so greatly self made music, like in LOTRO and Co..

The point about music instruments in GW2 is only, that theres 1 single little option missing, that should have been implemented from the begin on, when they introduced the bell in wintersday this year.

Activate/Deactivater other Player Sound Effects.

Due to the fact, that music instruments count basically as Sound Effects, this would be the option to deativate sound effects made by other players, without ending up hearing nothing anymore, because of your own sound effects being turned off too…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zya.5971


A response with a general time frame would certainly be appreciated. Not sure if we will see that or not either, though. :/

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


I hate thieves.

That being said, they don’t need such a severe nerf. What class/build are you using? If you’re going glass-cannon against a thief, you’re probably going to lose. Zerker thieves can shred you quickly if you’re not specced defensively. I run knight’s gear and 0/0/10/30/30 on my ele and although I can’t kill them easily, they can’t kill me a good 9/10 times due to insane CC spam on my end :P Plus, if an ally jumps in the fight, the fact the thief will be snared means he’s dead if he doesn’t stealth away. Play a thief on an empty slot if you can. I was beyond helpless against thieves until I played one and (somewhat) learned how they worked. It’s helped me immensely in dealing with them

Currently the only problem I see with thieves is that they can be killed if and only if they choose to put themselves in a risky situation. The fact they can just burn stealth and flee at the flick of a wrist is at the very least, an extremely annoying mechanic. The times I usually notice theives going down is if 1) they’re terrible/newbies (I once practically auto-attacked one to death with my ranger…) or 2) they’re being ganged up on 1v2+. On that note, if there’s multiple decent people in a group, it’s very difficult for a single thief to take them all out, so you might want to reconsider what groups you run with lol :P

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


If you have a thief you would know how to counter a thief. In WvW yesterday we had an enemy D/D stealth built thief harassing us and as you say one-shotting people from stealth. At first I had my Guardian in, that thief went down and at no time was my Guardian ever under 50% health. I was even rezzing teammates while that thief was trying to down me, he could not do so. Later I had my necro in and a few wells and marks and the thief quickly left the area. Finally I brought my own thief in and since my thief is not a D/D glass cannon build the enemy again went down and he could not kill me. A thief played by someone who is very quick on the keys and knows what he is doing is difficult to kill but then so is ANY profession when played by someone who knows what they are doing and is adept on the keys.

Theftwind (HoD)


in Suggestions

Posted by: TheLaughingMan.4320


No endgame other than WvW. The players who keep saying, “The game is the endgame!” are just anet parrots and absolutely nuts. Why was GW1 so popular for so many years after it was released? Why did people keep playing even PvE for so many years? Challenging end-game areas, and truly open-ended character building, which took trinity and threw in hybrids and so many different options.

GW2 after you have made a couple chars and leveled to 80, PVE has NOTHING to offer. What, do Orr quest chains over and over? Boring. “Explore”? All the hearts are “kill x” and frankly, if you are saying to play the game itself is the endgame, you have not made more than one character.

GW2 needs a radical change in how character skills are handled, need more freedom and more possibilities with builds, and needs combat to not be just a numbers fest.

They may have one moderator reading this section just to remove posts that are foul rants, but almost nothing anyone has suggested in here has been even close to implemented.

The game is turning into a korean-style cash RNG squeeze while the game is dying. NCSoft and Anet have some financial and structural problems, so this may not change anytime soon. Anet is designing content around the gemstore, rather than the other way around.

Pick up GW1, hope they keep the servers up for a while.

(edited by TheLaughingMan.4320)

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zya.5971


Good morning Suggestion Thread.

I’m not normally one to post and whine in forums, but we are 9 MONTHS into the game, and still no Guild Administrative Tools! If guild leadership wishes to maintain an active healthy guild, we are forced to maintain external databases with last login times ourselves. This is becoming extremely bothersome at this stage in the game. Something as simple as a last login time stamp next to the character name in the roster would be of so much use, and help, to us.

Guild Admins have very few community guild tools available to them, and surely the irony of this in a game called GUILD WARS is not lost on you. (No in game calendar, permanent guild bios that don’t suck up the motd, no player activity timestamps etc). We as players keep being told that ‘guild tools are coming’ but at 9 months into the game, they are still not here, and it’s becoming a sore topic for those of us that have been patiently waiting.

Is there a time frame in which we can expect these tools to be implemented, or is this simply how it will always be in Guild Wars 2?

The Mysterious Rock Formation

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Paul Belz.7351


Paul Belz.7351


To Improve PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


I’m sure Anet wants to do many of those suggestions, but pretty sure they are constrained by resources. Their priorities are elsewhere probably in PVE/WvW realm.

So unfortunately true. They aren’t running a charity. They’re running a business designed to make money. And they will put the most effort into what brings them the most money, which is their PvE content, since there’s a good thousand times more content in PvE than sPvP.

Also I think the “s” in PvP should just stand for sh … kittens … :P

Gw2 box sales have steadily decreased and player numbers have as well. This is only to expected or any game. NCSOFT has already disclosed that the steadiest form of income derived from gw2 is from gem store sales. So, if what you saying is true, then pvp and pve will not be receiving as much focus as creating gem store items for sale.

If we look at dragon bash alone;
Jade weapon skins have a higher chance of dropping if you purchase the rich coffers. You can do this through in game virtual money..or SURPRISE! real world money.

To get end event achievement you need to bet on random racing moa’s which cost 50 silver a race . Don’t worry if you run out on cash on this gold sink..SURPRISE! you can purchase gems from store and convert to game currency.

What if I want the wings but don’t want to have to do dragion bash?..well, you can also buy them on the trading post. If you are a little short on funds,..SURPRISE!! you can purchase gems for conversation. We accept paypal and all forms of major credit card.

What if I don’t want my jade skin?..No,.you can’t sell this. This prevents the opportunity for people to not buy coffers via gold sink or real world money gem purchases.

So the big question is, was the items available in the dragon bash designed first and the content second to create sales? Or was the stated philosophy of putting the player first the driving force?

So why is Gw2 free to play? gw2 is free to play, but not all NCSOFT derived games are. As seen in gw1 aion was pushed heavily in it. If you purchased aion you were rewarded with in game emotes in gw1. Much the same as bioware in mass effect3 offered skins to players if they downloaded the trial version of other games they offered via retail. Keeping one game free to play is good for keeping a secure player base aligned to your company. Through guild wars alone I now know exactly who NCSOFT are and what other titles they offer.

I am not ragging on ncsoft or anet for this. Like you said, it is a business. Like all businesses it’s primary directive is to make money. They do this through game sales, anything else after that is secondary. However, I would expect we will be seeing a lot more gem store content (Non breakable harvesting tools anyone?..maybe a char plush back pack?) So far, more content is coming from the store than dynamic changes in any form of the game apart from a long list of hot fixes for events that SURPRISE also have a lot of RNG and/or gold sinks attached to them.

To Improve PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: kirito.4138


I’m sure Anet wants to do many of those suggestions, but pretty sure they are constrained by resources. Their priorities are elsewhere probably in PVE/WvW realm.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I remember a thread like this earlier this week.
An ANet member came in and said that they are NOT working on this.

Yes word from up on high (on ANet mountain) is a resounding NO.
I like to think it’s more an issue of priority than real technical difficulty.

Asurans Clear PvP Advantage...

in PvP

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

They do have the same hitbox, but it’s also absolutely true that their skills have much harder-to-see tells, and this definitely makes them favorable for PvP/WvW.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: dan.3618


(edited by dan.3618)

Help me with my Condition Build WvW intended

in Ranger

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Bit all over the place really, but easy to fix with a few touch ups.

First things first: Sharpening Stone. No. Just no. 5 stacks of bleed for 6 seconds for a utility slot and 36 seconds of cooldown. No. There’s just not enough no for this one… Get rid of it.

That said, you’re running a condition build without shortbow… that’s… Peculiar. But let’s run with it.

Ok, now we’re getting to something that’s a bit confusing, you’re using Signets… But not traited for them, and only one (bad) survival skill, which you are traited for… And you have no condition removal or stun breakers.

Then there’s the gear, which is, again, quite confusing… Rabids I can understand, it’s a good fit for a ranger, but then you throw in carrion jewels, and rampager’s armour… You didn’t really specify which weapons you’d use (rabid? carrion? rampager’s?) but the sigils are a garbled mess.

Also, why that choice of pets? Pets aren’t affected by your stats. There’s no reason why you need condition damage pets. Their stats are independent.

Traits are also a bit confusing… For example: You are a condition build, but then you put 10 points (and only 10 points) in skirmishing, but give up the mandatory Sharpened Edges for Pet’s Prowess? Why? You’re a condition build. You need the bleed stacking.

It’s not as bad as it might sound do. I think all you need is to decide what you want your build to be. Do you want it to be a bunker? Or maybe more offensive? Are you going to be using survival skills, or sigils, or maybe traps? Traps are quite good for condition builds. But maybe you want a condition bunker, fair enough, then it’s a good idea to focus on signets.

Based on what you said and the idea I got from your build, I put together a couple quick “BM bunker-ish condition ranger”:

Example 1 – This is a very defensive, basically bunker, build. It’s designed mostly for roaming or small number battles. You won’t be doing a lot of damage, but that’s ok, because your pet will. It loses a lot of effectiveness in larger battles, and it’s not very useful in sieges, but it’s extremely difficult to kill in 1-on-1s and small numbers. It’s not my favorite build, but it’s an example of a condition bunker.

Example 2 – You sacrifice a little defense for a lot of offense. I prefer this one off the two myself. IMO you sacrifice very little defense for the massive offensive boost you gain. Still, you do sacrifice some defense. Very similar to the above in the sense that it does better in smaller numbers, and less useful in siege, but still better in both situations than the aforementioned.

Example 3 – Close to what I run in PvP (with a bit more BM). Completely different idea here. Trap build. Less passive defense, more active. Different play style entirely, but also quite strong.

These are just some quickly put together examples just to give you some ideas. Don’t feel like you have to follow them exactly.
