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WvW - Three Likes & Three Hates

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


1) Downed/ Revive mechanics.
2) Stomping downed players
3) Flexibility to play solo, in small or large groups

3 Hates
1) Playing against the same servers over and over again; it gets old after a while.
2) Map Queues
3) Only 1 color for Commander tag. It would be nice to be able to choose the color of your Commanders pin when you tag up, maybe between 2 or 3 color choices.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

Discussion: Downed/dead state and zerging

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


The current mechanics of the downed state and reviving allies is just fine, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Sometimes it works to your advantage, sometimes it doesn’t.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Sorry but what stupid arguments are you bringing up.

" …but don’t expect to play in top guilds with that mind-set.

Rerolling is not a solution for memer being really unbalanced in WvW.

Idk which scrubs you’re fighting "

I do not play in a top guild and I’m always fighting scrubs? What other brilliant insight do you have into your lack of knowledge about me?

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


…By-the-way, you’re only a veil bot if you want to be one; play your Mesmer the way you want to.
You wanna run with the Hammer train? Play a Warrior… or flank the hammer train with your Mesmer and collect bags, your choice.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Use shatter much?
Mesmer is my most favorite profession to play in WvW.
1 vs 1 DPS can be devastating (there goes the “shatter” thing again)
1 vs many – traited correctly a Mesmer can easily escape uneven fights (yes, I run when I cannot win and laugh as they chase down my clones going the other direction).
1 vs zerg – trait correctly, drop 3-5 clones and shatter them each time; plenty of AOE, plenty of bags; my bag are usually full after 1 good zerg fight.
Mesmers as utility bot: the veil machine. So what if commanders berate you when a veil fails? It’s their own fault for being too far ahead of their Mesmers (yes commanders, Mesmers have the worse movement speed in the game, so it’s your job to make sure they are with the zerg near the front when you want a good veil – learn to slow down once-in-a-while)

My most favorite thing to do in WvW is to identify the enemy commander and turn him/her into a MOA …. LOL

The only thing I wish is that Anet could improve Mesmer movement speed, but I can live with it the way it is now.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

(edited by Weaselfierce.5241)

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Lost a kittenload of respect for JQ today, namely [SG]. STUN and RET actually ended up having to abandon the new GvG arena because we had a bunch of SG guildies jumping into every round, and harrasing our stacks before it had even started.

I guess we have to stick with the windmill because people can’t grow the kitten up.

Can’t we all be friends?
I apologize and I promise that I won’t do it again. (yes, it was I that ran in there a few times and knocked people down like bowling pins; You guys did kill me good though afterwards, so I call it even)
Pardon me for being a noob and a bit wound-up and exited for seeing a sea of red around me.
[STUN] and [RET], you guys are pretty cool and awesome, keep up the good work

P.S. it wasn’t a bunch but only 2 or 3 of us, the rest where clones and other Mesmer stuff; there is a way you can tell that but I ain’t telling.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


JQ are anti-GvG fascists, ganking people… stop violating our game mode. On a serious note, what on earth is this thing? :/

We resemble that remark, thank you

What about the picture? Do you resemble that too?

Yes, you like?

Erm… it’s not enough that you have to be fascists… you have to look like… that… no, sorry. I can’t bring myself to do that. I am too pretty for you. I am way out of your gold league.

I love you.
Tomorrow we may be farming some more GvGs, see you then?

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


JQ are anti-GvG fascists, ganking people… stop violating our game mode. On a serious note, what on earth is this thing? :/

We resemble that remark, thank you

What about the picture? Do you resemble that too?

Yes, you like?

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


JQ are anti-GvG fascists, ganking people… stop violating our game mode. On a serious note, what on earth is this thing? :/

We resemble that remark, thank you

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Greetings fellow warriors.
Perhaps someone can re-freshen my memory about the subject we were supposed to have studied for today from the magnificent :Battle Field Manual 1023: Bookahs in Combat, a Nuisance or An Opportunity" written by Professor Mancito.
Was it chapter 13 “Bookahs as Shields and Shade”?
or was it chapter 113 “Advanced Mine-sweeping With Bookah-Detectors”?
My note book, which had the assignments in it, got wet from tears I shed while being spawn-camped by OPP.

Professor Weasel
JQ [RATS] Cadet First Class, Genius Extraordinaire

A small ops team locked [RATS] down at spawn? Really?

NOOOO, I was eh… undercover at the time using that [SG] Bookah tag.
(Don’t tell Professor Mancito)

Professor Weasel
JQ [RATS] Cadet First Class, Genius Extraordinaire

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Greetings fellow warriors.
Perhaps someone can re-freshen my memory about the subject we are to have studied for today from the magnificent :Battle Field Manual 1023: Bookahs in Combat, a Nuisance or An Opportunity" written by Professor Mancito.
Was it chapter 13 “Bookahs as shields and shade”?
or was it chapter 113 “Advanced Mine-sweeping With Bookah-Detectors”?
My note book, which had the assignments in it, got wet from tears I shed while being spawn-camped by OPP.

Professor Weasel
JQ [RATS] Cadet First Class, Genius Extraordinaire

If you are having issues leaving the spawncamp I suggest review of section 23 Norns: natures arrow catchers, and section 101 spawncamp alternate exits

I am able to leave spawn anytime I wish to, there are no issues there my observant friend.
(you are smart, so obviously a fellow Asura)
BUT ……the Bookahs started it and someone had to babysit them. We can certainly read map chat with everyone advising on alternate exits but chose to follow our heroic cannon-fodder… eh I mean HEROIC UNSELFISH BOOKAH WARRIORS.
Also since OPP didn’t run with the blob that time and made the effort to knock on the front door, it was only polite to answer.
Look at it this way: Its’ like a game of tug-o-war for Bookahs:
They pull you out far enough you get killed, you pull them close enough they die.
It made for a very interesting observation, I may have to do it again.

Professor Weasel
JQ [RATS] Cadet First Class, Genius Extraordinaire

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Greetings fellow warriors.
Perhaps someone can re-freshen my memory about the subject we were supposed to have studied for today from the magnificent :Battle Field Manual 1023: Bookahs in Combat, a Nuisance or An Opportunity" written by Professor Mancito.
Was it chapter 13 “Bookahs as Shields and Shade”?
or was it chapter 113 “Advanced Mine-sweeping With Bookah-Detectors”?
My note book, which had the assignments in it, got wet from tears I shed while being spawn-camped by OPP.

Professor Weasel
JQ [RATS] Cadet First Class, Genius Extraordinaire

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

(edited by Weaselfierce.5241)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


I got killed by 2 TC the other day
My lowbie just couldn’t run away
They killed me, stomped me good
Dangit, I even forgot to eat my food
Now they stand around me laughing
One even started clapping
My eyes watered up a bit
So I Jumped on my thief after throwing a fit

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Look at that JQ Mesmer on the hill
5 BG moving in for the kill
He’s just popping clones and stuff
wait, now it’s 5v5… really tough
BG looking at one another
Looking for another brother
can’t find 5 more to help
BG trying to look like kelp
lets run and hide in the water
and port back out to our father

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Two old BG and TC gamers were laying in bed
One rolled over to the other and said
“I wanna be a JQ ranger”
“I wanna live a life of danger
I wanna transfer to JQ now
I wanna stomp others with the cow
STOMP that downed every day
DROP those PUGS all the way

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

9/13 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Who kitten ed in your cereal this morning?

I ll be honest with you, no matter the amount of psychological projection nobody likes JQ…nobody. This dates back from when JQ used to constantly block the Jumping Puzzle back in the days with 10 vs 1 at the entrance. This attracted a lot of people to JQ, people who enjoyed this type of behavior but were not that good in wvw.

From then on they made enemies from acting like kittenbags. Nothing has changed yet and the only thing JQ has left is paying guilds to come to their server so they can say they are T1 material…but they are not and their reputation still follows them.

For a long time JQ had relied on SoR but that changed some time ago when SoR decided to not carry JQ anymore. There is a reason JQ never ever gets the number 1 spot and it should be pretty clear by now.

JQ does not belong in T1…it never did and JQ will always a bad reputation unfortunately

1. Actually I like JQ
2. After I was knocked off the jump puzzle relentlessly it was fun to return with some buddies and dish out some payback.
3. We don’t need to say that we are T1 material, because we just are.
4. JQ really doesn’t rely on SOR nor does SOR rely on JQ, they are both top-notch servers that can stand on their own 2 feet.
5. Didn’t JQ get 1st place a few weeks back?
6. Good thing JQ doesn’t need to rely on your faulty opinion. The points say that we are T1 and we can all count.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Cool fact: sor is the only server that a guild has never left from after joining.

Do they just disband after that?
Is SoR the end of the line?
…how sad

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Tonight has been quite possibly the most epic night ever in SoR history.

wow SoR does sound like a bad guy for me (because im from BG). I have to say that in the last push you guys seem to be able to use skills…GG

But isn’t this what SoR have been asking for? I remember a post from months ago asking JQ and BG not to hit each other and only hit SoR.

Also do you know JQ didnt hate SoR until when? IT was until SoR recruited ACO AND WARD. GUILDs THAT CALL JQ’S COMMUNITY TOXIC. so this is the result, you will get focused by JQ’s NA, as well as BG’s NA because we hate you. and ofc we will focus your SEA to minimize the EU timezone where IRON can pvd everything back.

“Hate” is such a strong word. How about “JQ would like to make some of you in SoR leak some moisture from them eyes and blow snot uncontrollably”

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


GvG sounds dirty… and what is PVE anyway?


Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

(edited by Weaselfierce.5241)

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


I have to say when we had TC it was more fun as it was 1v1v1 now that JQ are back its the same old crap.

2v1. Boring and just lame game play.

Dude… unless someone just quits, it’s always 2v1; that’s how WvWvW was designed.
and JQ never quits

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Got a small video here [WvW] made in there time here so far with JQ in T1. Hopefully you guys enjoy!

Spin for the win baby!
Welcome home Zombies, you rock

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


SG seems really desperate for attention.

Yes… well, at least I am.
Dang Federal furlough is over with and I’m happy

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Dear TW,

Next time you should build 4 arrow carts when you fight us open field. Obviously 2 wasn’t enough. Not sure what happened, I thought you used to be good.

You sound mad that you died.

TW was running under 20 for most of the night in EB. Given that I was there and I know when, where, and why we deployed arrow carts from time to time…. all I have to say in response is this:

Don’t be mad because less than 20 people dropped arrow carts to farm your 60 man zerg at a choke point. Thanks for the bags.

What are you talking about? This was in JQBL with your maphop zerg, lead by the great Indo himself. And we won, else I wouldn’t be trash talking. This was just before you guys all ragequit after failing to capture our garrison.

Maybe you guys should upgrade and become tactical like us!

Raises hand
I was there too….

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Up jumped Jade Quarry from behind the hill
Yelling and screaming, ready to kill
We double-veiled and charged right into that zerg
Hitting that Titanic giant like an ice-berg
I went down hard during that initial hit
So many red feet I thought that was it
But then the sea of downed turned red
As the Hammer-train put that zerg to bed
When commander Mance marched back I had to ask
“How come you’re still up after that gruesome task?”
Commader Mance turned and yelled my way
“Wear that PTV armor, that what I say”

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


SoR, BG, we love you guys.
Just remember: The harder we hit you, is because the more we love you at that moment
We just spreading some of that Tactical love, that’s all

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Let me educate. With SoR EU strength it gives 3 upgraded keeps in SoR BL to a guild called TW. That translates in to 40-50 people minimum taking 2-4 hours to flip said keep when BG is not pushing their BL. That is a lot of man power for a long time to dedicate to one objective. TW is no joke when it comes to upgraded keep defense. So it is a difficulty issue not a truce at all.

TW loves to sit in their upgraded towers with 46 arrow carts, so tactically speaking we figured we’d have a better chance trying to bore them to death and tactically hit something else in the mean time.

Sir, my last tactical instructions were to “Kill everything red”
can you elaborate please, I mean my own armor is red also….

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

(edited by Weaselfierce.5241)

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Hello bookahs,

Thank you for letting our sophomore class of RATS hone their skills on your miserable hides this evening. I will buy many additions to my harem next week from the riches we recovered off of your corpses. I am thinking of suspending the normal beatings some pupils endure while in training this week due to their superior performance. Alas no one can really challenge my school to it’s fullest and I am forced to satiate my students thirst for carnage on the lesser races. Students please remember your homework assignments and level up. Bookah slaying will commence again in 7 days time.

That is all.

-Instructor Mancito [RATS]

Instructor Mancito,
Per my careful and perfect calculations using the terminus of the Quark-factor in the sublime form to the 37th power I feel extremely confident to predict a victory this week.
Also, I sincerely hope that in considering my improved blueprints for the X-max exploding booby-trapped dancing Golem that I invented and briefly deployed during our last excursion you can realize the fact that my current rank as Cadet is severly…eh…defficient, and that the logical thing to do it to implement a swift promotion for myself

Respectfully, Professor Weasel [RATS]- Genius Incarnate.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -