Yaks Bend
Showing Posts For Whiteski.1645:
Yaks Bend
Some of you people will find anything you possibly can to complain, its sad really.
Sorry pal, you’re not getting your 5 hours, move on with your life.
Yaks Bend
That was a little bit embarrassing for leeto there. Remind me how this guy is legendary? Oh yeah…
Yaks Bend
30% damage decrease to all ranger pets would be acceptable? Where are you numbers coming from?
This isn’t “research”, where is any proof of these insane statistics that you " calculated". Anybody can go on a forum and talk about how they calcd all these numbers and did research.
I feel everyone wants the person nerfed because for once they can’t just be ignored like it has been like for years. For once you guys have to think and actually deal with a pet that makes a difference.
Then some streamer rages over pet dps and everyone jumps on the bandwagon because hey he’s a streamer he must be good right? Not really, if he can’t kill a druid in spvp because of the pet then sorry he’s terrible at this game.
Yaks Bend
Buy it, its worth it. The new PvE maps, PvP Modes, Story Missions, Revenant (My new favorite), Elite specializations, and masteries are all so much fun and well thought out Anets part. You won’t regret it!
Yaks Bend