Showing Posts For Wiara.4236:

Sheet Music Glider Color Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I am having the same issue, it happens upon login or waypointing to a new zone. It resets just the harp to a Bright Red dye selection. The dye menu still says it is dyed Celestial for me but shows up in game as bright red…

I hope for a fix for this paid gemshop product as it is pretty annoying.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Lag Spikes / Increased Ping After the Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Still persisting massive lag spikes, rubberbanding and constant dc’s this has been going on for over a week. Any instance is unplayable right now because i dc and get booted. Please fix this Anet or at least respond to us that your doing something….

I have disconnected more times in the last week than I have in the last 5 years put together.

Edit: Also my i5-6300HQ CPU load is now up from 45% before patches to a constant 74%. What have you done?

EU Gandara

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Raiding Community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I’d love to try a raid. But unfortunately I find the raiding community completely inaccessible. I have watched videos, read and studied the walkthroughs. However I can never get into a squad that will accept me or be happy to guide me through my first experience. Training runs are few and far between (I have seen zero so far) I have literally spent hours over many days trying to get accepted into a squad. (EU server experience).

Right now the only way I am going to unlock the raids mastery line is by having to pay 800 ecto’s for the priveledge of potentially getting scammed in a selling run…

It’s quite sad really, the raiding community seems to be a polar opposite of the rest of the GW2 community.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

S3E6 So far...

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


As far as I am concerned Living Story was a failiure in story telling. And finale was a failiure in game design and execution. So sick of the OP instances and mechanics designed to fail you over and over again (Livia Instance).

I am a long time fan and supporter, I’ve been playing since GW Factions but now I have reached a point I am considering not purchasing the next expansion. This game used to be fun, now it is tedious, grindy to the point of oblivion and stressful. This game is appears to be designed to entertain the devs not the players. Because I personally believe Anet has forgotten who it’s community of players is.

Please stop trying to be too clever and treating your entire fanbase like we are all 100% hardcore players because we not and get back to the core of what made this game and series great!

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Thanks for reminding me, why I hate PvE

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Here’s a suggestion: for the next LS (if it follows the format of this one, which I sincerely hop it does not) make a second version of every instanced fight in which all the “mechanics” are absent and players have to complete the instance using only the regular abilities of the class they are playing. That shouldn’t be too resource-intensive – it’s just the same map with all the tricks and puzzles switched off and, if necessary, the enemies toughened up a bit.

Then check your metrics on how many players choose to play through the puzzle/gimmick maps and how many opt for the straight fights. Open forum threads for feedback on each and do some polling.

Find out how many players actually enjoy or prefer this stuff and how many just want to play the classes they chose the way those classes were designed to be played. Then use that information to inform future design choices.

At the moment it very much seems as though the instances are designed to entertain the designers not the audience but maybe that’s just me and most players really love having to learn new abilities every episode and then never use them again. Would be nice to find out once and for all.

I completely agree with the last paragraph. I haven’t enjoyed season 3 and frankly I consider it a complete failiure in story telling. Tedious, puzzles, bad instances that are OP. Characters I’d rather kill than have in my guild or party. I feel like I am watching “Lost the tv show” reveal a 100 questions during the season and answer 5 of them in said season finale.

I am sick of this ever increasing 100x duration grind mentality Anet is determined to push this game into. And I am tired of gimmick after gimmick coming out in mini games and puzzles. This content should be optional not forced. If I wanted to play a Puzzle game or Extreme Mario. I’d play those not an MMorpg. What is the point of classes, builds, gearing if we are going to spend all our lives each episode and map learning a new gimmick skill that overides the core class and weapon skills?

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Feedback: Improvements to the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiara.4236


1- The main scrolling Icons on the homepage are huge and should be able to fit 2 icons across the width instead of 1 and 2 images spliced on edges. It’s just visually not very appealing. Also the way it is set up leaves lots of blank grey background, not visually impactful at all. The large blank grey gap either side of search bar is odd makes the homepage feel half finished.

2- The pop up windows on the top menu tabs are totally annoying, they pop up with too many tiny little icons and the pop up windows are quite large, really no need for this. All it does is get in the way of the main scroll down feature. No need for it, it just adds clutter to navigating the gem store and is obstructive and irrelevant as items are all in the lists anyway and the lists is where we want to go. When you want customers to buy do you go cluttered, over complicated, confusing or do you go clean simple easy? adding an additional layer of icons on top of your lists is not helpful. I would say having a small “Info” button in the tab button bar for each category we can click on and read what each category features would be far better than forced large pop up boxes.

3- Preview window is great I really like this improvement bravo, and I am glad the lists make more sense now.

4- I would prefer it if Homepage was given a proper tab on top bar instead of tiny little click button. It’s clearer and to me the Homepage is an important go to page for all new things. The pop up little extra tiny button to return to homepage is just extra clutter. Really you should be aiming to have the improvements you have added but keep the simplicity of your original gem store. Adding in pop up windows and extra tiny little tab buttons are not making it a fluid experience to use.

5- I feel the icon boxes for the items in each category are too big, only 2 items displayed across? making the boxes very wide. That coupled with the fact the Gemstore window is a fixed size means we are scrolling for eternity. We really don’t need the boxes to be so big if we are getting a pop up after highlighting the items (Majority of the boxes are blank space anyway with nothing in it).

If we can use all the other menu’s and other gui functions in game happily and sucessfully I really do not feel you need to give us a over sized gem store interface. It’s just odd and does not fit the rest of the game.

Thank you for your efforts Anet but it’s not quite there for me.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Item: Triumphant Legplates
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Guardian

Development Error on product! – Not a cross armour clipping issue

Mesh/Texture error on one of the legs. Where a strange trangular straight portion of the leggings protrudes through the leg. Even when wearing the “Triumphant Boots” it still displays the problem. The clipping due to the error, is completely unmissable when character is in a combat stance.

“To be clear this is not a clipping issue between armour sets. This is a mesh/texture development stage error on the Triumphant leggings that clips through absolutely everything & anything especially in combat stance”

This is a little sad after all the effort in WvW to get them.

2 screenshots showing the issue with boots on and without boots on in preview menu and ingame.


(edited by Wiara.4236)

God Walking Among Mere Mortal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Same, I never had Gwam I had “I have Many Leather Bound Books” – “Flameseeker” title 41/50 I have lost that and all previous titles and lost all Achievement points associated with this track. I have submitted a ticket but annoyed… I have not tryed to log in GW1 but now I am afraid to…

Just tryed to log GW1 but keep getting error code-42

Edit: managed to finally login to GW1 and confirm my titles. Reloaded GW2 and points and titles been reinstated again. Server communication issue?

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Can I disable Twilight particle fx?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Personally particle effects have never bothered me, I play with many friends that have legendaries. If particle effects are an issue and obstructing your game play how do you manage with the multitude of skills that have large effects in game that also obstruct your view? How about Ad Infinium, Ascension and the new Warbringer… I find those far more obstructive to view. Not to mention every Norn ever made in the game by players. How do you cope at world bosses? With all their visual effects. Should we nerf all of the above mentioned areas of game too?

If your targeted on the enemy I do not really see the issue? The game even auto targets your nearest enemy on attack. I really don’t personally see how particle effects are obstructing your game play as I don’t experience the same issue.

But I think for those that are struggling for “tells” I believe the only real solution Anet should do, is to take a leaf out of GW1 book where targetted enemies had skill activation icons shown under their display portrait some variation of this would go a long way to rectifying this issue.

People with legendaries are selfish? really? bit of a silly statement.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Feedback: Dragon Hunter [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Massively disappointed the most ridiculous decision I have seen made in a game. Take a front line heavy class and give it specialization to make it a long ranged and back line…

Whats next Engineer Tank with greatsword melee abilities?

I think virtue improvements are brilliant, but longbow and traps seriously? Traps are useless to use in a heavy action – live moving and dodging game, they are barely used as it is with current classes.

If I wanted to play a ranger, I’d make my ranger alt my main… Specializations are supposed to improve, letting the class excel not water the class down further and make it into a wishy washy mash of two classes….

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I made my 5th character yesterday and I am completely hating the experience of leveling, I will not make any more alts now ever, the game is now so tedious no one will ever want to make a new character. Well done Anet you just killed the life expectancy of your player base…

On another note the content guide is the most annoying and intrusive feature they have ever added. All it will do now is cause massive zergs at each event. Far worse than before when we just map chatted important events. Also on top of that I am level 80 running around having markers and flashing signs telling me to go to event… I want my freedom back or at least the option to turn off Events Guide & Keep: Personal Story & Mapping Exploring hints for my account.

Anet stop telling us how to play your game to the very last detail… like which events to do… and let us play it. It’s supposed to be “Our Story”

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Tequatl the Sunless worst living world event imo!

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Another prime example of an ill thought out change to the game. Seriously does anybody actually sit down and evaluate the impact of such changes have in the long run or is it just slap and dash fixes.

I am astounded by some of these so called updates and ideas. So many of them have pretty obvious flaws that really do show themselves right away if anybody actually took 5 minutes to consider them before proceeding ahead with them.

This 2 weeks rush and slap it out there updates, so called Living World are quickly undermining any credability and prestige the core campaign garnished for Anet on its initial release.

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I have been playing Guild Wars since GW1 around 7 years of loyalty. I loved GW2 it had a fantastic story, depth, great mechanics, emotional investment in characters, high quality and more. It truly was revolutionary.

However Living story has completely broken this game for me. At first I played along and marginally didn’t mind it. It was not as much fun as the main campaign by any means, It lacked any depth, the story telling was virtually non existent and it lacked any sense of urgency or drive that the main campaign had. It was a case of rolling from one grind to the next, time gated grind and mindless nonsense. The content is superficial and meaningless and often a detriment to the game itself.

I did all the Living Story events up to Queens Jubilee (this does not mean I did every achievement I missed many out) and finally found that i was so fed up and burn’t out with the break neck speed and pace they want to keep launching this vapid content at me that i stopped playing Guild Wars 2 altogether.

I agree with the basic principle of Living Story but see no reason why actually releasing content once a month and making it more substantial and with better story and real content is a problem. People say that Anet do tell story, they have it on twitter or other feeds and mediums. To that I will say one thing: When you watch a film does the film make you go read an article online to follow it? When you read a book does it tell you to go watch a film to pick up plot and story that book neglected to tell you? No… this method used by Arenanet is simply an escape goat for poor execution of their story telling. A cheap short cut to cover up a large failing on their part. Its as if Anet has forgotten its in the business of enthralling us in a story “their story”.

I defy anybody to sit down and compare Living World content & Core Campaign content and tell me they are of equal quality, enjoyment & satisfaction .

I have tried many times since taking my break to re-engage with a game I loved and held as the my number 1 MMO of all time. Everytime I login I cannot get back into the game the living story the way it is has made it impossible for me to rejoin.

I look at my friends lists and the guild lists for the 2 guilds I am part of and they are all empty. Not a single log on from anybody i used to know. My friends list were ppl I knew from many years of playing GW1 but they too no longer log on for GW2 due to complaints with Living Story.

Anyway due to the direction of this game I have ear marked 2 other MMO’s to play Its sad to say but I really don’t feel the love for this game like I used to. It had a fantastic start but now it just seems that the developers themselves just do not care and half hearted is all we can expect from now on in the future.

Yes its nice to have high figures now because your pulling new ppl in with your living story promises. But long term do you really think you can sustain an MMO on new players alone? Does creating and sustaining loyalty not matter anymore? Anet you set the bar for standard in all MMO’s when you launched GW2 and made sure we all knew about your achievement to our joy. So I have to ask…why & how can you be happy to deliver well below it yourself now?

(edited by Wiara.4236)

GW2 crash problem. New with 24/07/13 patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I have started experiencing a problem since the new patch automatically downloaded.
In game I am now unable to accept or decline the pop up party invite message that appears on the left hand side of the screen. It appears to do nothing at all. However when I have persisted it has given me a message stating the channel is unavailable and then proceeds to put the client in to full crash and boots me out to the desktop.

I have been playing almost since launch and have changed nothing to the laptop I am using. Same location, Security center and all settings are identical.

Any help would be appreciated I have sent in two error reports already to Anet and hope for a speedy fix.

Griffon Rook JP will not give me achievement.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Oh sneaky Thankyou for the fast reply and tip.

Griffon Rook JP will not give me achievement.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I have completed this puzzle 3 times now and its quite the ordeal. Each time I complete the JP it fails to give me the achievement. However I have managed to get the Kite in there for the living story bazaar event. I have tried with different characters to no joy.

IMO this is another jumping puzzle.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Wiara.4236


It’s okay but frankly I’m tired of the only permanent content we get is jumping puzzles. Talk about only giving content to a certain section of their gamer base. Anet could do with looking at how many jumping puzzles there are in comparison to dungeons and balance it out.

I don’t even enjoy these that much but play them as its the only content their sending my way. Also did i see some where again about Obsidian Sanctum being used again for a pve achievement? Did they just ignore the masses of complaints to do with griefing due to cache being there for Aetherblades?

2 week is too fast

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I believe every two weeks is a bit much. It seems to me that Living story is becoming the “Core” game when infact the actual war against the elder dragon Zhaitan is, the dungeons are, the world exploration is, WvW & PvP is.

Living Story should be what it is an event that happens frequently but infrequently enough to actually have some excitement about it. Once a month world changing events would of fit nicely and given players enough time.

I do not enjoy the current state of how the Anet see us playing their game. Lets face it we are now playing “Achievement List Wars 2” I currently open that list more times than I do my hero panel or Guild list… now that is a sad state to be in.

I enjoy the living story but I know at some point even I will get fed up of chasing it.

My opinion about what things should change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I mostly agree with OP, I am just amazed that GW2 has gone down the road of no reward for effort. I understand that casual players do not want this game to be a grind (neither do I). But honestly why can you not have both?

To casual players who do not want the game to be a grind I have one question. What is forcing you the casual player to grind? Just because the option is in the game to grind & farm does that mean you have to do it.

I fail to see how farming or grinding affects casual players unless it was tied directly to gear progression. In all reality it does not affect your ability to play or enjoy this game.

However this mindset of “random luck and gold farming nerfs is the way to go” is alienating a core part of the guild wars community.

I love a lot about this game and consider myself a loyal player, however even I am sad that the majority of my friends list, players that came over from GW1 no longer log on anymore. Due to these issues.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

GW2 in a nuthsell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I do agree that endgame in GW2 is lacking, there is a wall you hit once you have made all the alts you want and geared them all.

However I don’t think stat based and gear based grinds is the way forward. I believe that Anet needs to consider adding more to the game that enhances community team play.

Going back to GW1 & Expansions they offered instanced dungeons that enabled more than the usual party cap limit and the challenge to match it.

For example Urgoz’s Warren ( 12 player team cap). These were “epic” there was nothing more fun than to team with a substantial amount of players from your own guilds and alliances to take on the challenge.

No one minded the reward at the end of the dungeon really it was the taking part, the experience. And you know what we kept going back time after time. I truly think atm Gw2 lacks enough scope atm to allow guilds to truly operate as guilds. The 5 person instance cap limit across all existing content is too small for guilds.

I believe there are other ways to add more endgame to GW2, I don’t believe gear grind or grinding for visual items like we have now is necessarily the way forward. I suggest working on expanding the community interaction, because in GW1 a lot of us kept coming back time and time again just for that.

What do you guys think?

HELP!! I just started and keep dying

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Lots of great advice here from the community. I just wanted to add a couple of things.

Another over looked way of gaining a lot of exp is crafting. You can easily gain levels if you throw in some crafting along with your exploring. Crafting early on is pretty easy and the materials required are in abundance in the starter areas.

Also another wonderful thing about guardians dodging is “Selfless Daring” the trait. It heals you and surrounding team players every time you dodge

Living World & Events Constant Grind

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


“Try backing it up with some arguements that aren’t entirely self centered” that is how you ended your post in response to me.

And your attitude of “don’t like doing it then don’t do it”. So your answer is to not take part in the Living World or Events? Not something I would be promoting if I was Anet for very obvious reasons.

Well let me point out that in this thread it has already been proven by statistics that it is a “Grind” something I do not mind doing I value working to earn something. I am a 7 year veteran of GW1 and believe me I know about grinding for rewards, armour & titles.

I invite you to watch the Guild Wars 2 manifesto video and see for yourself what Arenanet says about grinding: “We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2”

I am happy to grind and work for items and rewards. I appreciate there is always going to be some element of grinding. I was commenting on the constant spam of new content back to back. Which is leading directly from one grind to the other. Something which i do not think Anet intended and certainly stated was not in their vision for GW2.

Living World & Events Constant Grind

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


In response to Jam.4521:

Your focusing on dragon bash and missing the point… I am not complaining there is too much to do so try re-reading my original post and digesting that information. I am actually saying to clarify, that the living world and events are achievement led. No one can deny that. They do require grind unless your lucky and drop what you want immediately. So would it hurt to space these events a bit more apart than by a few days…

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Living World & Events Constant Grind

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Its not an obsession I am playing the game as intended by Anet. To play the living world content the way they have made it you have to grind the achievements. If you hope to collect or enjoy the new items rewarded from the events and living world you have to meet a certain number of achievements completed.

If they were not one time events or story it would not be so bad but the fact that most are one time occurance leaves you with little choice but to grind it out as you will never have another chance to experience it.

I have no problem with working towards this I just simply feel that putting Living World & Events back to back for months is a bit much. A slight gap would be welcome.

Living World & Events Constant Grind

in Living World

Posted by: Wiara.4236


As much as I enjoy the new content I am beginning to feel the tired grind effect that back to back constant updates from the living world events plus dragon bash thrown on top has reaped.

We went from Flame & Frost to Southsun Cove in a very short time. Then we got Dragon Bash moments later and now we are informed of another update for Sky Pirates in a matter of days… not weeks, days after Dragon Bash closes.

Every single one of these seemed to me to be achievement grind led. I feel like I have done not much else for a couple of months but grind… whether it be fireworks, pinatas, supporter or consortium events, flame & frost portal mobs, audio caches, repair signs. It has been grind grind grind.

When I get to what i think is the end and think great now I can get to other content I want to finish in game or work on alts… you launch more content with more achievements to solo grind.

As I have already said I love new content and want to play & enjoy it. However I think your break neck spam speed of constant updates every week is over whelming and turning what should be an enjoyable gaming experience into a never ending solo grind. I am thankful I am not a new player because in my opinion I don’t see how any newer players would be able to level, gear, map & find anytime to enjoy the new time limited content.

I would like to ask that Anet possibly steps back and thinks about how quickly they are throwing living world & event content at us. I really feel it needs to slow down back to back solo grind spams are not my idea of fun. Give us a breather please.

Dragon Bash - Bashing New Players

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Personally I understand the problem being discussed and agree the starter areas are over populated by high levels. I am not saying level 80’s should not go to these areas.

But in terms of farmable events like this one Arenanet needs to take a look at this issue and rebalance it. I don’t believe nerfing the scaling system anymore is necessary, simply because I think its daft you work so hard for gear and would be struggling to kill anything that is a low level veteran and above. When in all honesty your supposed to be a legendary hero that has defeated an elder dragon, which would seem daft and would lead me to think: “well what was the point in acquiring all this gear”.

To me the most sensible option would be to add and update a level scaled drop system for event. For example “the higher you are compared to level of area the less the event items drops”. To me this would be the fairest way to mediate this problem.

Of course there will be those that will argue this idea is unfair. But I can see no other remedy and really it isn’t hard to farm in a level 40+ area, the truth is its all about speed & greed. At the end of the day we should be actively encouraging new players to enjoy this game, we should be encouraging the growth of our community.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

Last Stand at Southsun: Feedback/Opinion

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Living story well for me is just a concept that actually doesn’t work the way you are doing it now. It’s billed as major exciting event but to me they fall short. Here few things I felt from my experience of it.

Flame and Frost was a nice event. It had a great story, nice instance and was compelling with its voice acting and cutscenes. my only issue with it would be the time scale. it was spaced out so much the whole experience lost any sense of urgency or that these nations were in peril. But the dungeon added was well designed and the bosses were a welcome well thought out challenge that made players engage and rely on their skills as players. I really enjoyed this event

Southsun Cove however just falls miles short. For me the island itself is just boring, the mobs are all over powered and woefully unbalanced spawn populations at events leads to an uninspiring experience. The island is practically made up of 4 species thats it… The story was wafer thin & flat. The whole experience lacked anything that was polished. I just feel that with such a beautiful and fantastically enjoyable world such as the Tyria you have created “why did you do this?”. I am bewildered by Southsun Cove. The island is “not fun” it feels irrelvant and alien to the world of Tyria it lacks any resemblance to the level of quality you display in the rest of the world.

(edited by Wiara.4236)

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiara.4236


All new stuff in dungeons is going to be hard for the first few days. We see it all the time with new content – people fail and get knocked down when they aren’t used to that sort of thing, and they claim it is too difficult.
Give it a week or so for everyone to develop strategies, learn encounters, and build fundamentals, and they will claim it is too easy. Trust me when I say this, the numbers are punishing (but less than they were before), but knowing the mechanics will greatly mitigate the danger.

Okay my thoughts on this dungeon updates. I am a very experienced player and a loyal GW player of over 6 years. I have played all elite areas and am no stranger to challenges. I have done AC many times in the past and always did Kholer as a regular. I ran with a pug team today on the paths and was shocked by the ridiculous difficulty of certain sections. I think the new changes on the whole are great and inventive and make it less dull however…

What i do not find amusing or interesting is the Over Powered dps of enemies like Spider Queen and her entire swarm. The aoe filled the room there was practically no where to go. No amount of condition removal or “limited healing” is going to save you. So I am intrigued to know what strategy is going to be learned there other than repeatedly rez wp and die until you win. The party I was with were 70’s-80’s I went along on my level 80 exotic Elementalist and regretted the majority of the experience. Where as before I held my own and used evasion to survive. Now even that tactic has been rendered useless in certain areas and i just die repeatedly.

Seriously it feels like Anet does not want any other classes to exist other than Warrior & Guardian. Because it certainly looks like you design these updates based on them and forgot about the other lower hp and lower armoured classes.

One other final thought. I find it bewildering that you seek to make the dungeons harder. Because the end reward of the dungeon is tokens needed to get exotic dungeon gear… Yet you have set the difficulty to requiring exotic and ascended gear to achieve it. So to me its a serious case of “cart going before the horse”

If you feel the need to make things harder then you should just add “hardmode” instead of alienating the majority of your gaming base.
You rightly took away rez rushing, You nerfed level scaling and now overall you ramped up the difficulty of the dungeons. You should want ppl to play your dungeons not avoid them. Otherwise the average life span from a player starting this game to leaving it is going to be very short.

Honestly I stick with GW because of the history of the fun I had gaming with you. But even Im not having fun in GW2 anymore the more you do to the dungeons the less I enjoy my time here. “It’s turning into an unpleasant Chore which seems to be aimed only at elitists with very little reward”.

Lost achievement points.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiara.4236


Also have same problem, my achievement points have been affected and i have no way to verify it now. All I know is lots of my slayers and weapon master achievements i had maxed are no longer maxed… this is hugely displeasing… we do need a response from Anet to give us some assurances this is even being looked at and that there will be a fix.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiara.4236


I can see what your trying to achieve and to be honest I am all in favor of it. A lot of ppl are complaining saying it will hamper their ability to find a team, but honestly I think it will instead strengthen the functionality and purpose of a guild. The dungeons experience atm in my opinion is a bit hap hazard. Random teams just run their way thru them with very little strategy or team work and co ordination. I welcome the changes to encourage team play.

In response to ppl complaining about the rez skill not being patched well one simple answer… You revive fast if more are reviving. Also don’t wait for someone to die before reviving them. It just encourages ppl to work together too many teams are just 5 solo players. Playing their own solo role in a team ~ something which never happened in GW1 simply because you would fail. So I welcome the changes because I believe it will strengthen the team work and co operation side of this game which lacks a bit.