Showing Posts For Winterchill.7156:

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


I spent 20-30 hours to get the Season One achievements. After my server got third place, I was looking forward to something. After opening the reward chest this morning, I found stuff that you could get by farming for 20-30 mins.

20+ hours of effort to get 20+ minutes worth of farming… why ANET WHY!!?

I do not post in GW2 forums and this is my first because I am angry. As a casual player, I am so DISAPPOINTED, FRUSTRATED and just want to say Bad words as much of my effort and time had been wasted. (I even bought my last 5 WvW exp from laurel vendor to get achievement Like I said, I am just a casual player)

Anyway, I feel stupid for getting those achievements as half of them are not even really helping my server win. !@#$ this!

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ


in WvW

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


This is the most epic WvW match up so far. I actually ended up testing out different skill combinations in WvW instead of the usual sPvP everytime i get the chance to play GW2 after work… the score is always so close that I felt I should contribute to the war effort in every bit I can.

Moving forward, the winning server/world deserves to be rewarded by ANET!! – Just kidding… (well half actually ;p)

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Been using Mesmers Illusionary leap/swap for some time now. All I could say is that it is very unreliable at the moment. It has to be used on an even ground between you and the target for it to work. The illusion doesn’t really leap on your target but just runs fast toward it and if the target moves a little bit, using the skill again won’t trigger the cripple on your target since the illusion stops following the target after the initial skill is used. So right now this skill is bugged/useless since you have to use it on a target that doesn’t move or is on even ground for it to even work 90% of the time.. Hey ANET is this skill really working as intended or I’m just using it the wrong way? Appreciate your response. Awesome game and character btw..Good Work! Well worth my money. Have a nice day!

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

Illusionary Leap bug?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Been using mesmer the whole time. All I could say is that Illusionary is very unreliable at the moment. It has to be used on an even ground between you and the target for it to work. The illusion doesn’t really leap on your target but just runs fast toward it and if the target moves a little bit, using the skill again won’t trigger the cripple on your target since the illusion stops following the target after the initial skill is used. So right now this skill is bugged/useless since you have to use it on a target that doesn’t move or is on even ground for it to even work 90% of the time.. this skill needs some work ANET

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

What is being done about AMD CPU performance?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


No disrespect but,
The way FX processors works…. not really for gaming. I mean it’s not just this game but others as well like Intel i3 counterparts are even beating the crap out of 8 core FX CPU’s. Phenom II’s even perform better than them. FX’s rely too much on XX number of cores but not all games/applications use all of them. That’s why Intel is beating AMD to the game is because their CPU’s performance is focused on clock-per-clock performance not number of cores. Unfortunately, like MANY OTHER GAMES, GW2 does not fully utilize so much cores specifically on how FX CPU’s are handling the workload. Not Anets fault IMO, it’s AMD’s fault for their design not targeted at the current generation of games/applications.

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

Crashing, forcing me to reboot. " \Core\Basics\Windows\Math.cpp(229) "

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Same crashing issue here either through Black screen then recover from windows or worse – Red Screen of Death. Underclocking my 660Ti lessens the frequency of crashes.. but it’s still there. And it only happens in this game.

(I’m using 306.02 drivers – 306.23 gives me RSOD in less than 5 mins in-game)

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Had owned an FX 4100 but overclocking does nothing with most of the games I tried it with. Word of advice? Bulldozer is POS in gaming. No offense.. and the 8 core ones? … Make it even 20 cores and it’s still useless. It’s good for multimedia or server workloads but not for gaming. Bought a used i5 2500k OC’d to 4.5Ghz and never looked back. Never go bulldozer for gaming period.

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

GTX 660 TI problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


I’ve got mine OC’ed to 4.5Ghz and still have the issue on latest drivers

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

GTX 660 TI problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Does A-net respond to these forums?

I’d like to see some word on whether or not this is a 600 series issue with GW2 or if its my card.

Please try the beta drivers 304.xx or 305.xx and see if there are any difference in performance

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


I agree with you. Most, if not all, the issues more specifically, Camera panning on Nvidia Geforce 600 series causes a drastic drop in FPS. And to back this, another machine running a radeon 7950 does not experience this specific issue.

Another Issue with a lot of Geforce 660Ti (As i’ve read some posts here in forums) is the frequent crashing/recovering in game-windows. – but this is only related to this specific GPU unless I haven’t read some others experiencing this

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

(edited by Winterchill.7156)

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


I’m using Palit Gtx 660Ti and have the issue of crashing in game then recovers from desktop with really low fps getting in the game again unless i alt-tab to windows-gw2.
Specs: i5-2500k @4.5Ghz, 8GM 1866 Ram. No problem in other games and yeah i also have the issue when panning the camera fps drops like crazy when using latest drivers – 306.02 but I tried the drivers that came with the GPU (version 304.x something beta i forgot xD) and the camera panning fps drop doesn’t happen often anymore …lol can anyone else try and confirm this?

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ

(edited by Winterchill.7156)

GTX 660 TI problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Winterchill.7156


Hi, I’m also using a GTX 660Ti (Palit) and experience the same problem. I get 40-60FPS on Ultra with supersampling even when alot of things are blowing up on my screen but as soon as i rotate the camera, FPS drops to 20+ or lower. I guess this is a problem for all of us using 600 series nvidia. I’m borrowing a radeon 7950 from a friend and see if I get the same issue. Hope we get a fix from nvidia or a-net. This game is so beautiful and epic btw. Have fun and Good luck!

IGN: Demons Edge
Class: Mesmer
Server: IoJ