Showing Posts For Xanti.8672:

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Unity got all 4 fights on video and i heard they will post the youtube link here soon. Unfortunatley there are enough trolls running around on every server and if we would announce those battles in a public forum i’m pretty sure that it would attract a few of them who could easily crush those events. Actually we had one troll there who wasnt pleased seeing Unity doing GvG instead of fighting for points and that one guy already did enough trouble though^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672



You caught our weakest moment since headstart on cam
We all were so ashamed in TS right after that wall moment. Still no clue what happend there. Guess we just got outplayed and that in a very simple way.

You guys are on our list now and we will be seeking you, looking for some kind of revenge just to show you that we can do better

Anyways, noticed (and was a lil bit surprised) that there are many skilled and organized guild groups out there this week. Just wanted to let you guys know that we are always up for some GvG from 15v15 to 25v25. If there are some interested guilds, just let me know (here in forums or ingame).

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Woke up 1 hour ago ^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


I think you guys got some keeps to rebuild :P

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


You actually misspelled Dzagonur :P

Looks like an interesting match up so far, curious to see how balanced it will be during the week.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

WvW Top Guilds Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


The best metric of guild quality is how much forum QQ your guild generates. So far [OG] is in the lead.

That would make Eclipse-Gaming the strongest german guild:D:D

But sersly who gives a kitten as long as we (every kinda organized WvW guild) gets the chance to crush random zergs every day^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Huuuge DE bot zerg just took QL. Really….. More players can confirm this. Why? You are far ahead of the other two servers, just sad.

This is so ridiculous i dont even know if i really should comment that or just leave it there to show off how many incredible anti brains are posting here:D

I’ll just give you 4 words and maybe you will notice yourself how unnecessary your post was: “potion of ascalonian mage”

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


I dont know men… but for me it’s just to obvious to discuss or feel unfair about how things turned out this week.

Sure we dont focus on UW. That is a fact which nobody can deny. But guess why (eventhough i guess everybody from FS has to know)? We focussed on UW BL last week because we had our hills on their map and hills are easier to defend than bay. That was a mistake. Not because we didnt manage to hold it. Problem was that nobody was on FS BL because of that and you were ticking with free points. We didnt know that you guys were the bigger threat yet and thats why last weeks matchup was so close in the end.

Now we are almost 100% sure that UW cant take the victory this week (and i guess they do know too) and so we focus on FS, eventhough they already are 3rd. Moreover you guys were constantly flaming and acusing us here what is the best motivation for us to just demoralize you.

Actually a few people here are already thinking about just leaving WvW for this week so that UW will win this week and we can own FS next week, too:D:D

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Nope, they didnt ^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Hey may have invited you to his group or joined yours which is possible by /invite or /join your current target.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Nah you are just making up your own subjects^^

I stated out this fact because i (really) think that this is what costs you the match eventhough you dont fight for points or glory. But wouldnt it be way more fun to be able to stand a chance than dropping 100% life in 2 secs just because you think WvW is still fast leveling like it was back in days of the daily matches?

And i actually dont care when you logged of. I wrote the words “right now” in my post not “2 hours ago”

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


I see whats happening right now.

5 DE’s on dzago map against 10 of FS – nothing much happening since you guys keep trebbing a t3 bay not realizing that you wont make it to the lord 10v5.

No people at all on FS map – all green and nicley ticking for us.

No dzagos on UW map aginst maybe 2 or 3 camp takers from FS and maybe the same numbers form UW to cap them back. Rest is all red.

Equal numbers on EB between FS and UW with maybe 5 players more on Dzago’s side. Slowly taking blues remaining objectives out before visiting UW’s third.

Overall 75% alts under lvl 80 on both FS and UW and like 15% on DE. There you have your nightcappers. Just think about it please

I logged of for now so its 1 less on Dzago BL ^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Hallo FSP and UW,

Well I realized one thing by reading this Forum Thread. Nobody even wants to change his or her opinion.

What an arrogant and kittenish point of view you got there, sitting pretty high on that horse eh? As a person you rly comme out as a d1ck.

Would have been understandable if you were just an American guild but since u r a german one, that chooses to fight at night when no one is on.. Well thats stupid and you should feel stupid! Play for fun not for glory.. Maybe then you will have more epic fights

Anyhow tks for all the badges.. you guys are pretty bad when u r not in a group of 10..

You gotta love people complaining about nightcapping on forums in the middle of the night

And eventhough i repeat myself on and on. But i really dont get why people here think that we dont wanna fight you. As i said before, our guild groups are out there on the maps every single evening from aprox 19 – 23 CET. So please just stop leveling alts and start to fight them.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Hacking is officially punished with bans while using a mesmerportal aint. So sorry to say mate but your argument doesnt really make any sense -.-

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


was some awesome fun with FS this evening on UW Borders – great to have these battles with at least one server

now that most going to sleep, Dzag wakes up, as usual

I may be mistaken but didnt we lead in pointticks since at least 20 pm (which i would consider primetime) ? We were out there again, we challenged you guys and you failed again.

Time to let those SasB guys out for the night ^^

P.S.: just speaking for the map i am at since 4 pm which is FS BL

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Why not tell us what Rewards are being added?

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


All i wanna know is what to do with my 3k badges on the bank -.-
Use them to get a chance to create a precurser in the forge or save them to be ready to pay the new “rewards” as soon as they will be available.

What would you guys recommend?

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


It may sound harsh but i have to agree with my guildmate there. We, [ECL], were out there last week every single evening looking for some open field fights. All we found was either solo players who got killed instant, small groups who ran back to the next keep as soon as they saw us or giga zergs (35-60) which we always fought (with like 75% success).

Dont get me wrong… I enjoyed last weeks matchup because i seriously never got so many badges since the start of gw2 but i really would love to see few more players (on both sides) who actually do wanna fight this week. You cant be seriously demanding for some real fights in the forum while you send 75% players with a green arrow next to their names on the maps. That just doesnt make sense to me

Yes we do use portal bombs and we also know that many players do have culling issues but dont you think that we should have an advantage running into you guys while being outnumbered 1:3? Wether its bug abusing or not, its kitten effective against you cause 50% of your zergs does fall immediatley since they seem to be lvl 2-50 so it actually comes down to you guys stopping us

Moreover i would like to know what you mean with small tactical squads? Where is the limit for being “small”? Because we do have a few well organized guild groups which, if you really fought in WvW last week, you should have noticed. SK, HON, IL, ECL, SF just to call a few of them who run around every day in groups of 5-25.

get those twinks out of WvW this week and we assure you it is gonna be way more fun and stop complaining about nightcapping during holidays(!) cause that doesnt make sense

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


reset wars part 2.
as usual DE all over our BL while UW has 100% of their own.
now keep this lead on points during the day or be forever dubbed as nolife nightcappers

May i ask what you were doing in WvW during the night? Now keep posting in the middle of the night and you will be forever dubbed as nolife forums nightcomplainer

Strong reset indeed. Few good organised guildgroups spread over the maps keeping up the pressure on various objects at the same time so that defending every-man-on-the-map-in-one-zerg cant do anything.

We sure focused on FS first since you guys were the ones we have to fight for the first place. Last week we made a mistake by concentrating on the UW BL first since we got our hills on that map and it is way easier to defend hills than bay. But this week it will look slightly different

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dzagonur luftwaffe flies again...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Rarely playing on EB, so not bothering about whats going on there ^^

But yeah… Heard about that [PRO] guild of ours who does this kind of stuff in EB. Cant do more than report them whenever we see them.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dzagonur luftwaffe flies again...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


It’s the freaking sunny on the green map! All i can do (as the commander who just took the tower) is saying in TS to not attack the door with any kind of jump/blink skills. And if it happens accidently (happend to me too btw since i forgot on which map i was) to just jump of the wall. I also told that one guy that it wasnt cool pulling the lord already to the door but yeah… We would have gotten the tower anyways with 30+ attackers, 4 rams, 1 cart and against only 10 defenders. And we did smash the door before attacking the lord.

So all i can say is that i am sorry and beg Anet to finally fix this door which is buggy since at least 3 months now.


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


yes i showed him and we tested it. It aint a cheat but it sure is an exploit. Any class with a blink can do same. Also told an officer of sk and i guess the person is identifyed already and will be kicked if i am not mistaken. Thanks for uploading, showing us and not making such a big story out of it (like an own thread including stuff like “every dzago is a freakin cheater!!”)

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


To ECL GM: Can you get your mesmers out of the wall at bay atm. Cheers. They are hiding in there atm.

EDIT 1: Never mind, they legged it. Also someone with an “IL” guild tag.

EDIT 2: Screenshotted and reported to ArenaNet. Can’t believe I can now see 4 Dzagonur players currently hiding in the geometry right now as I type this. ECL, IL and more.

i would prefer to clear those things up by just using one thread. So if there are anymore commets to make on this situation pls use this thread here:

You can find my opinion there too btw.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Asura Tossing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Stop making fun of us or we will shut down our portals. Let’s see who is gonna get tossed then:D

Bah you wouldn’t do that, you would lose too much gold.

Maybe we will just increase the fee and get so kitten rich that we will buy out every precurser just to dismiss them for ektos since our weapons are to small to wield them into the faces of our enemies just for the big effects ^^

This or we just overtake Tyria, make Rata Sum the capitol and all of you will have to live in cubes:D

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Asura Tossing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Stop making fun of us or we will shut down our portals. Let’s see who is gonna get tossed then:D

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gunnar's Hold/Whiteside Ridge/Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


thats a verry selective bug, seems to work only when germans server is involved, never seen that to any rest of the servers. Hope ANet fix that “bug” with some permanent bans

Those are just a few examples with no german Servers involved and you can look them all up by using the search option of the forum. You should be more carefull while accusing so many people.

Perhaps you yourself didn’t, but others did. I was one of those killed myself, whilst rezzing another player who had been killed by the previous exploiter.

It stinks.

We told everyone in our teamspeak to not attack anyone or anything and to try getting out there asap. I had an eye on every guildmember who accidently got in there and i am almost 100% sure that they did as we orderd. If defenders died on top of the walls while using carts etc by common AoE, it had nothing to do with those who got in there while trying to get as much dmg on the door as possible.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Gunnar's Hold/Whiteside Ridge/Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


To the GM of Eclipse Gaming [DE]:

We spotted a number of your guild glitching into Sunnyhill on our own borderlands a few moments ago. Also warping pets in through doors.

You might want to have a quiet word with your people. We’ve taken numerous screenshots and reported to this to ArenaNet.

I urge anyone that spots people from their own team glitching (i.e. cheating) to kick people from guilds before you become tarnished with the poor behaviour of others.

I was there and you forgot to mention that nobody of us did any dmg while being inside. This is a kinda new bug (like 2 or 3 weeks i guess) and it only happens in Sunnyhill as far as i know. It happens automaticlaly when using several skills on the door and since we were attacking the door we couldnt really control it.

We are sorry for that but we (atleast our guild) is far away from cheating or bugusing. We accidently bugged in there but didnt take advantege of it so it wasnt an exploit.



Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

11/9 Seafarer's Rest v Riverside v Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Miller’s had a good start as always (weekly server event for the reset). But now we are already lacking people everywhere. You guys are giving us a hard time out there. ^^

Server Teamspeak at the reset


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

2/11 Miller's sound [DE] vs Baruch Bay [SP] vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


But right now the fights we’re encountering are laughable. There’s only one force from Miller’s that I’ve had any problems with, and they probably know who they are, the rest die like flies, scatter and have no organization (are all leveling charactesr in WvW?).

When a group of 6 can fend off two hordes of 20 from both sides at the same time… It’s laughable.

I guess you havent seen all of them yet

Every server has its guild groups who all seem to be very organized and skilled enough to crush a 40 man random zerg. For those groups every server they are fighting against seems kinda week in playerskill since they are fighting a random zerg of players who just got together to take a keep most of the time.

But there is that one guild on FS who actually made all of us laugh alot. Invasion Ru, not even able to crush an equal random zerg, no, they even had to send someone over to our server who critized our comanders plans in chat and gave away informations about where we are etc. to his guild. I guess that just happens in higher tier matches and we have to get used to it. But that one guy made it so obvious that he even kept being in his guild during his visit on miller’s ^^ (So we had one guy from Invasion Ru constant in our spawn, spamming the chat with nonsense while his guild was running around on the map with 25 people not being able to achieve anything). At least try to hide it i would say…

No accuse on the server… just wanted to share that with you guys cause i think it is funny:D

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

2/11 Miller's sound [DE] vs Baruch Bay [SP] vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


gl & hf to everyone in this weeks match up…

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]


in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


You guys have been climbing up the ladder like nobody else.

Reading this as a player from Miller’s Sound hurts a bit:D

We started as 26th into the 1 week matches and are currently 8th and leading with 8k points in our new match up against Baruch and FS (I know we havent had a primetime yet, but still..^^)

26th → 24th → 23th → 21th → 19th → 17th → 13th →8th

Hope to meet you guys from Top6 soon.


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672



I dont know how many times i have to explain it over and over again -.- I dont know, maybe you were to lazy to read my entire posts in that specific thread or maybe you just dont get what i wrote there (i mean i usually write and talk german so you might just have misunderstood me), but i never accused the whole aurora server for using an exploit!

That was the last time i explained my intentions since i guess there are people out there who just dont want to understand them and rather pick out a few words and make up their own fairytale out of those words….

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Server merge

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


There are 7 german, 5 french and 1 spanish servers for the europeans. People play there for a reason. If you force them to play with US servers there is no sense in having those “special” servers anymore.

It’s not that i would mind having to write and talk english all the time but i know for sure that there are many people on those servers who wouldnt like that at all

Oh and besides that.. yeah.. ping issues ^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


It is like i said.. our nightshift aint great We had alot of trouble this night. We’ve lost all but 2 keeps and barely managed to defend our last orb with outmaned buffs all over the maps. Was fun though ^^

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Nice job Gandara. If you can’t beat us on the field start using bugs. Way to go!

Here’s a bit of cheering for you: Here you go, here you go, here you gooooo!

Please close the door on the way out.


Stop accusing a whole server for the actions of a single player! Dont tell me you believe that this is a common strategy of Gandara and everyone on this server is begging their cheaters to go ruin the game.
Do you want to be called a cheater just because there is that one rawberry guy on Miller’s Sound who keeps flying around from time to time since almost 4 weeks now? I guess not! So just stop those unnecessary posts!

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Golem OverKill?

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Miller’s Sound used 5 omegas yesterday on EB for the blue spawn keep. With 6 mesmer and their timewarp on top of that, we took it down and captured in 1:39m while they didnt even notice what did hit them. Unfortunatley nobody frapsed it

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Cant really say since we havent lost yet. But i hope that many wtj’s will leave then since i dont like to have queues Not that we have to wait more than 60 minutes but at primetime they can be a bit annoying already. Speaking for one of the greater guilds i can assure you that [ECL] wont leave the server and i guess a few others will be loyal for sure too.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


I’d say that we are still learning in terms of organization and tactics and sure we try to improve every single day. But therefore we will need to take a beating i guess. Dont like how actually some people already think we could play the T1 bracket.

Short wvw story of our server:
We started at the very last bracket into the 1-week-matchups as a low population server. While we got beaten in almost every daylie match we had no people joining wvw for karma and exp only. So we could group up almost every single player who was only dedicated to wvw and not to zerg around for karma etc. That allowed us to organize something like setting up a server teamspeak and think about some general tactics. All that worked out pretty well and we came out with a victory in the first weekly match. Since then we won every following matchup (besides one 2nd place against pikensquare) and the winning-team-joining started. While on many servers wtj became a serious problem, the people who joined our server had to integrate themselves in our already existing structures which worked out good so far. Lets hope we can keep it up a lil longer ^^

I wish all of us an awesome week with epic fights… I gotta go sleep now

(a no lifer ^^ )

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

10/26 - Miller´s Sound/ Gandara/ Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


I like what i’m reading. We experienced over the last 3 weeks that our oponents gave up to early after losing the first night. Dont know why but it seems that we are the only server making up some kinda event for the reset having 300+ people on our WvW teamspeak and getting prepared for some awesome fight for the orbs or Stonemist.

Just keep up the fight since our regular nightshift aint that big (20-40 people during the week).


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Shutting Down the Game an Hour Into Reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


“Just a show of imcompetency from…” a threadstarter not checking if there is/are (a) similar thread(s) already existing

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Knocking down walls or gates with siege = DE

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Wvw aint about karma and exp guys. If you think it is, you are doing it wrong!

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Bumble, my post has nothing to do with the actual score or player numbers disadvantage on your side. Kinda tired to explain my intention over and over again. It aint our fault that you guys overslept the reset. We do make a weekly event out of it (this friday we had more than 300 people on our wvw teamspeak for the reset). So you think being behind at the scoreboard legalizes exploit use etc.? Then we have to agree to disagree in that point.

I wouldnt mind spicing up this weeks matchup but it is your turn to do so. I already saw that you guys are able to kick us out of a keep. But after claiming it you guys went for the next target which aint the best idea to be honest.

And no, there was no meeting, nor are we using bots to take over keeps and towers (which makes accusing us for that kinda ridiculous). In case you didnt notice yet, the resets are at friday night. In most parts of the world the friday night is part of the weekend where many people are allowed to go to sleep late


P.S.: @dsslive
Despites i think it aint ok entering the spawn either, you should know that there is absolutley nothing enemies can do in another spawn. Only thing i can imagine is killing the vendors but thats it since everyone else got the determind buff. So i guess people just got bored and wanted to say “hello” to our enemies.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

Don’t throw stuff like that around as if you can judge a whole server by the actions of a single person please.

quoting just a part of a post aint always good ma friend ^^
in case you havent read my whole posts….

and i know that you cant accuse the whole server for that. but this morning they bugged a 35 man strong zerg into the bay and i wouldnt call 35 people “a handful”.

i’ll just keep an eye on that during the day and apologize for all you honest players out there i might have offended.

i never had the intentention to give your server a bad name. i just asked nicley to stop it since it occured 3 times in one hour (how can i know, if it was the first time ever on your server). moreover i wanted to inform honest players like skly and saskia so they can keep an eye on that.

P.S.: dont get to frustrated about the situation on your server right now. if there are people on your sever leaving because of one loss you dont need them. maybe it will be better to let all of those people leave and then reorganize with the remaining forces who actually do wanna fight for the server. miller’s sound started at the last postion into the 1-week-fights. we had no wtj, nor any players just entering wvw for karma and exp. so we could organize us all since we had the same intention to play wvw. sure we got some wtj at this point since we climbed up the ladder continuously but they have to integrate themselves into our already existing structures which makes it way easier.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


hey guys,

first of all i wanna say that there are a few guilds on our server who just wanna fight you guys no matter if we are more, less or equal numbers. i heard about people/guilds leaving your server and i feel sorry for you. but for us it aint good either having (once again) a matchup in which we dominate cause of our player numbers. people start to think that there is no more to learn and that we are ready to fight those biggies like vizunah or elona which is absolutley wrong.

about those bots.
we and i guess every server who has some aint happy about them. i have the feeling that they always transfer to servers who are dominating their matchups. we keep reporting them and we even tried several things like moving them with mesmer portals to a position where they are trapped etc..

last thing i got to say is that i wasnt talking about “tactics” like leaving one mesmer in a lost keep to reenter it quickly. that is common and i like the fact that it is possible. i was complaining about people who use an exploit (i guess also with a mesmer) to get into the keep, skipping the doors or walls, without having a hidden mesmer in there. if you notice people from our server doing that i beg you to note down the names (if possible), guildtags and the situation. our server is absolutley against cheaters and exploiters and i would gurantee you a 300+ reporting players if we notice those things happening on our server.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Idea to get rid of bots in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


there we go. next attemp on the bay after getting hills and both south tower like that. saw a bunch of ppl from [UNTY], [FLUX] and [UFC]. this morning it was [GH].

come on guys.. why would you play lame?

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

How to take advantage of bots!

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


If farming bots keep blocking your server’s WvW spots and Anet cant get rid of them, why not making use of them?

In case of emergency just build large mesmer portal chains (you will need aprox. 5 mesmer) from the botspot in the lake infront of the currently attacked door of a keep. The bots will use the portals since they are spamming “f” to get their loot. On the ground, those waterbots will autoaim all their abilities at the enemys in range before moving back to water when they dont find any new targets. Et voila, you got like 25 additional defenders

Not tested against real enemies yet but against npc’s outside the water. And if you have a large pool of mesmers on your server you might even be able to kick them out of the battleground by setting up the last portal inside of the Lions Arch portal at your spawn.

have fun testing ^^

P.S.: you should try to “move” them inside the water as long as possible since they could/will cast spells on the ground which will make them move around (heartseaker etc.)

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


i’m from miller’s (as i wrote in my post -.-). and i know that you cant accuse the whole server for that. but this morning they bugged a 35 man strong zerg into the bay and i wouldnt call 35 people “a handful”.

and dont get me wrong. i’m not even kitten it was just a lil annoying because you got half the time to react if they keep skipping the first door.

i’ll just keep an eye on that during the day and apologize for all you honest players out there i might have offended.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


… our server (miller’s sound) would much apreciate if you guys could stop trying to take our keeps by bugging mesmers into them. i know the score looks kinda frustrating already but do you really think exploiting will help you guys against us?

right now you tried for the 3rd time entering the bay like that and you always get wiped at the inner doors. we wont leave our orb unprotected so there is no point in trying to sneak it illegally.

actually im just waiting for some flyhackers… would fit your playstyle so far. i really hope i’m wrong with that.

see you on the battlegrounds. and lets all hope for some good and clean fights.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

EU servers fail

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


how come that baruch bay lost 2 ranks if their wvw maps are full every hour of the day? i actually never played against them but will do soon eventually. so im just curious…maybe someone of their last matchup could post here what happend last week.

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]

Hey Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


you guys are funny:D
millersound is the youngest of all servers…kinda logical that we start at the worst position in the ladder. and we are just enough to get the high population status. couple of guilds transfered latley because millersounds wvw organisation rocks. like one week ago we also had the medium status but ok.. guess we are just bad since we rule at least 50% of the maps even at prime time when you guys have queues as well
baddies gonna be bad and flamers gonna flame…good luck next week guys

Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]