Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xerlyph.3829
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xerlyph.3829
Ticket submitted on the 20th, has just been closed today on the 24th with no reply.
Reference ID: 130420-002476
I like the presentation and the detail you put into it, however I have some criticisms.
- Maul is actually our strongest attack. The tooltips for Maul damage and Swoop damage are incorrect. I suggest looking over this thread.
- For which environment (sPvP/WvW/PvE) is this build? is more for sPvP, while is good for PvE/WvW
- You might want to say that the vid you posted is not yours since most people will assume thats you playing (like helmino.4138)
Other than that, it’s good stuff
I’ll add it to the compilation thread!
Thanks! I’ll make the needed changes
I’m actually considering switching off the Cleric’s armor for Soldier’s, while retaining 2 Runes of Dwayna and 4 Sapphire Orbs. It trades off 600 healing for 300 vitality (totalling 19700 hp) and 100 power.
Nice as always Umie
, (you are one of the reason i runned ranger, i even writed to you in another forum recently xD), you think power cleric build can be as effective as condi apothecary? and let me ask you a think, you don’t run with troll unguent for condi removal right?
Umie? I think you have the wrong person, I had only used him as a model for his video. :P
But in simplistic terms, apothecary is very much more useful in zerg confrontations while clerics is for more of a solo gank situation.
And right, I run healing spring for the 6.5k burst heal and 5.5k over-time regeneration. On top of that it’s a water field which can be used in conjunction with your 3 leap finishers.
(edited by Xerlyph.3829)
Edited Stats, looks like there are variations from sPvP and actual stats.
Link is funky, fixed in the mean time.
(edited by Xerlyph.3829)
This build is mainly focused on small competitive WvW fights, but can be adaptable for PvE and larger zerg to zerg confrontations.
(last character is ‘A’ for those who are unable to copy the link entirely)
—Build Theory/Introduction—
This specific build plays upon the Ranger’s gameplay style of having a plethora of mobility and evasive skills. By doing so, it forces the player to adopt a melee style that is both satisfying and rewarding. The ability of having many on-demand evasive leaps as well as a mobile 3-second block allows the Ranger to brush away at least 80% of the enemies’ damage input. Ironically to the class, even though this build lacks range effectiveness, its strong front lining capabilities with the ability to apply AOE perma-regen to nearby allies makes up for this fault in general zerg-to-zerg confrontations.
Formerly known as ‘Ryslon’, active NA commander of Jade Quarry’s Emperium [EMP]. As of now, I am currently residing in Dragonbrand taking part in the tight-knit guild Night Shift [NS]—a small, elite tactical squadron that is run similarly to Red Guards style of play. Here in DB we wish to explore new tactics and strategies in all tiers of WvW.
—Pros and Cons—
[+ ] Extremely durable
[+ ] High mobility
[+ ] Moderately high burst damage
[+ ] Consistent cripple and poison
[+ ] Can fight against odds
[+ ] Large team presence with AoE healing
[+ ] Perma-vigor for self and perma-regen for self and allies
[- ] Vulnerable to mutiple chain immobilizations
[- ] Reliant on Pet for 1/2 damage output
[- ] Errors made from evading extremely suffer your survivability
Power – Toughness – Healing
Cleric’s Armorx6
Superior Rune of Dwaynax6
Cleric Trinketsx6
Cleric Weaponsx3 (GS, Sword + Dagger)
Superior Sigil of Bloodlust (250 Power) OR Superior Sigil of Life (250 Healing)
Superior Rune of Energyx2
Why P/T/H over the infamous P/T/V?
- Simple, Ranger survival traits compliments healing more than vitality itself, therefore maximizing the healing base stat is the more logical choice. Also, most people are in the misconception of thinking that having more health is better, when in technical terms; with more health you are forced to use your heal more often, but you’re not actually able to because most heals are constrained by a 15,20,25 second cooldown with also a cast time of 1-1.5 seconds. With more healing power, you’re using your heal less frequently, which is the skills intended purpose of use.
Why Dwayna instead of better ‘higher-tier’ runes?
- Well first off, I feel that Dwayna is really under-appreciative to what it can bring to the Ranger class, when complimented with the Nature’s Bounty trait (Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer), whether it is multiplicative or additive, regeneration practically becomes permanent and also stacks upon your Signet of the Wild (145 health per 2 sec)
—Skill Explanations—
Set 1: Greatsword
1 AoE swings, every 3rd swing evades attacks.
2 High damage with added bleeding.
3 Highest damaging skill, gap-closer.
4 3 second block, can knock down on counter-attack.
5 Short range stun/daze.
Set 2: Sword and Dagger
1 Chained skill; applies cripple to foes on 2nd attack, and might to pet on 3rd. suggest turning autocast off for increased control
2 Extremely mobile skill, evades while in use, reapplies cripple on return strike.
3 AoE evasive positioning skill, applies poison
4 Short range evasive strike, applies poison.
5 Long range cripple and bleeding projectile.
Utility Set + Elite Skill
1 Lightning Reflexes: Panic button, evades on use, can break stun (Not immobilization).
2 Muddy Terrain: Long range AoE immobilization with cripple, long duration.
3 Signet of the Wild: Passive health regeneration, increased pet damage on active (never activate).
[Elite] Rampage as One: Provides Stability, Fury, and Swiftness, each hit dealt applies might to your pet and vice-versa (Works in conjunction with sword 1). ALTERNATIVELY— versus high mobility enemies, entangle may offer better results.
—Tips and Tricks—
- Gameplay Video, user uses slightly varied utility skills. (Credits to ‘Umie’)
- Using your sword 2 correctly while also greatsword 3 can give 3 leaps that are excellent for mobility.
- Using muddy terrain before entangle can guarantee a lock-down for pet sustained damage.
- Using feline pets are also a viable alternative with a few adjusted traits (attacks faster, but less vitality).
(edited by Xerlyph.3829)
This is mostly WvW Orientated, but here you go.;TsA5TCnkOpeS5ElSGlEKZVypkUJA
Shortbow is used mostly for 1v1 dueling situations while longbow is for intense AoE action.
This works best with a Berserker’s set with Superior Runes of Rage.
If you’re defending a keep or if you’re at a choke point, then you can swap Quickening Zephyr for Poison Trap and Rampage as One for Entangle for even more AoE damage.
If you have questions feel free to add me in game.
(edited by Xerlyph.3829)
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