Showing Posts For Yanick.1906:
Dumping my bumps
I heard there was a party here?
bumping for more
Still room for more!
We have oreo’s and… people
Renegatus [Ren] is an elite PvX guild based on the North American servers, we don’t have a static server. We were formerly a hardcore PvE guild and while we are not focusing primarily on dungeons right now we still run meta builds and expect all new members to follow suit. We’re still the only NA guild to have reached the finals of the DnT speed clear tournament. We held a few records in the past too so we’re quite knowledgeable in the PvE scene, be it dungeons or fractals (soon raids too). That’s not all we do though, with Heart of Thorns breathing down our necks we’ve decided to be a little more open to different aspects of the game, because let’s face it doing the same kitten different day is the fastest way to lose interest in the game. (Though we’re well aware some people are more than happy to rinse and repeat). Currently our aim is to provide a platform in which our members can use to enjoy all that the game has to offer, so you’ll probably see us PvPing quite a bit too.
What do we have to offer?
- Full TeamSpeak (max capacity)
- Website/Forums to discuss what improvements we want to make to the guild as a collective.
- Fun and socializing aplenty on voice chat and in game. We don’t always play GW2, we mix it up with steam games and the odd cards against humanity drunken nights.
- A roster that boasts some really quality/skillful players (minus the toxic attitude you tend to find in hardcore guilds).
- Daily dungeon tours and Fractal groups running throughout the day.
- Friendly advice regarding dungeon builds and how to improve your play style.
- Competitive PvP players (mostly ranked games, every other game type feels like a breeze).
- Weekly guild missions that we complete in our sleep and ensure everyone online gets the rewards too.
- Movie and Karaoke nights.
- Helpful community that will answer any questions you may have to the best of their knowledge.
- Players that farm for the Treasure Hunter achievement.
- Soon…we’ll have awesome raid runs to add to this list.
Our guild has a unique structure whereby each aspect of the game has its own captain that manages their respective field of expertise. Therefore, if you’re wanting to join the guild on the basis of wanting to dungeon (let’s say for example) you will have to meet that side of the guild’s requirements in order to qualify and be assigned to that particular rank. That way people can identify your primary interests and even your ability in that area and band together with you for runs. This does not mean you can’t branch out and do whatever the hell you please, but what it does mean is that if a tour is happening these players will be prioritized and asked first since they have proven themselves worthy. This will apply to PvP, Raids and Fractals too, so members are likelier to group up with people that know what to do and don’t need carrying.
What sort of players do we want in our growing family?
People who:
- Are fine with running the Meta. (All game modes)
- Hit the ground running and can adapt to tactics and are open to learning.
- Who are open to using TeamSpeak and socialize with members so that we can get to know them and vice versa. (We stress that your ability to use voice chat will improve your chances of making this guild your home because that’s where most the fun happens).
- Are friendly and helpful.
- Understand that teamwork is greater than solo play to achieve a common goal.
- Are exceptional players because at the end of the day we want quality not so much quantity to fill up our roster.
If you are any of the above (and no you don’t HAVE to tick all the boxes) then do apply or get in touch. If you prove to be quite awesome in a certain area we may fast track you into the static groups and make you a core player depending on what side of the game you excel at (as well as promote you).
- Rayleigh.4082
- Yanick.1906
- Burnham.2613
- Lillianna Valtieri.3795
- Rillasi.1852
- acumen.1980
drop us an in game email or add us to discuss.
Renegatus [Ren] is an elite PvX guild based on the North American servers, we don’t have a static server. We were formerly a hardcore PvE guild and while we are not focusing primarily on dungeons right now we still run meta builds and expect all new members to follow suit. We’re still the only NA guild to have reached the finals of the DnT speed clear tournament. We held a few records in the past too so we’re quite knowledgeable in the PvE scene, be it dungeons or fractals (soon raids too). That’s not all we do though, with Heart of Thorns breathing down our necks we’ve decided to be a little more open to different aspects of the game, because let’s face it doing the same kitten different day is the fastest way to lose interest in the game. (Though we’re well aware some people are more than happy to rinse and repeat). Currently our aim is to provide a platform in which our members can use to enjoy all that the game has to offer, so you’ll probably see us PvPing quite a bit too.
What do we have to offer?
- Full TeamSpeak (max capacity)
- Website/Forums to discuss what improvements we want to make to the guild as a collective.
- Fun and socializing aplenty on voice chat and in game. We don’t always play GW2, we mix it up with steam games and the odd cards against humanity drunken nights.
- A roster that boasts some really quality/skillful players (minus the toxic attitude you tend to find in hardcore guilds).
- Daily dungeon tours and Fractal groups running throughout the day.
- Friendly advice regarding dungeon builds and how to improve your play style.
- Competitive PvP players (mostly ranked games, every other game type feels like a breeze).
- Weekly guild missions that we complete in our sleep and ensure everyone online gets the rewards too.
- Movie and Karaoke nights.
- Helpful community that will answer any questions you may have to the best of their knowledge.
- Players that farm for the Treasure Hunter achievement.
- Soon…we’ll have awesome raid runs to add to this list.
Our guild has a unique structure whereby each aspect of the game has its own captain that manages their respective field of expertise. Therefore, if you’re wanting to join the guild on the basis of wanting to dungeon (let’s say for example) you will have to meet that side of the guild’s requirements in order to qualify and be assigned to that particular rank. That way people can identify your primary interests and even your ability in that area and band together with you for runs. This does not mean you can’t branch out and do whatever the hell you please, but what it does mean is that if a tour is happening these players will be prioritized and asked first since they have proven themselves worthy. This will apply to PvP, Raids and Fractals too, so members are likelier to group up with people that know what to do and don’t need carrying.
What sort of players do we want in our growing family?
People who:
- Are fine with running the Meta. (All game modes)
- Hit the ground running and can adapt to tactics and are open to learning.
- Who are open to using TeamSpeak and socialize with members so that we can get to know them and vice versa. (We stress that your ability to use voice chat will improve your chances of making this guild your home because that’s where most the fun happens).
- Are friendly and helpful.
- Understand that teamwork is greater than solo play to achieve a common goal.
- Are exceptional players because at the end of the day we want quality not so much quantity to fill up our roster.
If you are any of the above (and no you don’t HAVE to tick all the boxes) then do apply or get in touch. If you prove to be quite awesome in a certain area we may fast track you into the static groups and make you a core player depending on what side of the game you excel at (as well as promote you).
- Rayleigh.4082
- Yanick.1906
- Burnham.2613
- Lillianna Valtieri.3795
- Rillasi.1852
- acumen.1980
drop us an in game email or add us to discuss.
(edited by Yanick.1906)
Bumping this once again
hear my shameless bump
juuuuust bumping
just bump already
OMEGA BUMPS > super bumps
bumping this up up up we go
Need more of everything!
Still looking for more!
Ma bump ma bumps my lovely lady bumps, check it out!
Bumpieeeeeees /15
Bump bump bump bump bump
Bumperino texts
Still looking for more!
Bump /15 characters
Still looking for more peeps.
les bumpsssssssss
bumping this thread
[Ren] A fun and stable guild without drama, still semi hardcore. Join now.
Good and fun to run with
^ Also A Bump ^
Big pls
Join [Ren]. WE ROCK THE MOTHER****ing world!
Home World: Underworld
Guild Name: Ruricks Rough Riders [RRR]
In-Game Contact: Yanick.1906 / Pulsar Everlight.8619
Focus: PvE
Quick Notes:
New guild
Into PvE/WvW/Dungeons
We are looking for more players that are into PvE, WvW, Dungeons and all of that (having a sense of humor is a plus)