Showing Posts For Yarin.7982:

Blasted Moors vista

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


after patch event was triggered and catlepult launched me to tower vista. Thanks for fix

Blasted Moors vista

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


catlepult doesn’t work, cannot get to vista. Fix this ASAP!!!

WvW - transfer issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Get rid of server transfers between competing servers. All people will go to server that is winning, leaving other server totaly dead . Because of these stupid server transfers Desolation is ghost town.

Be careful who you listen to regarding difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Dungeons are easy and hard at same time. For some players harder, for some easier. For instance: Arah path 3 is ‘’peace of cake’’ if you know what to do you can clear it in less than hour. On other hand Arah path 1 is incredibly long and extremely dificult and it can take up to 3 hours with very good group. Dungeons needs some balance or they should be more rawarding. Getting 60 shards for path 3 is ok number compared to effort, but 60 shards from hardcore route one is just silly.

So basically we need these hardest parts to be more revarding than the easier ones. Even with DR system it is faster to run path 3 three times and get 60+45+30 than go path 1. You have to think about this basic equation effort + time spent = reward

Those are my two cents, but overall I’m very satisfied with these dungeons.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


I truly understand, don’t worry. But seriously, is it the only thing to do?
There is map completition, jumpin puzzles, crafting, farm money+ mats in Orr, WvW, sPvP, dragon spawns, etc.

I mean, thinks about it. One day, sooner or later, you will get all is available from a dungeon you like. The armor, weapons, the gift. Then what you’re planning to do, then?
There are a lot of things to do to entertain yourself waiting a fix. Waste time for an unbalanced DR getting 6/2/0 tokens is a bit… pointless

Yes crafting is ’’alot’’ of fun that brings ’’alot’’ of income aka 1 silver coin per piece of food. And im not even talking about tailor. Once you craft yourself some gear it is useless to have. Map completelion? Yes sure im working on it. WvW believe me or not i found it a littlebit boring same as sPvP. They really need to add arenas of some sort.
Waiting for dragons is even more pointless. Crafting mats in orr, sure with this long respawn you get what you need in less than hour.

So dungeons are pretty much only thing you can do in game right now, but you can’t since they are broken. What will most of players do after they farm what they need? Wel i can’t talk for them but most of them (including me) will quit and wait for another contentent patch. Why do you fight for company that literarily doesn’t care about us?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


This is what you get as answer if you actually write them ticket about this.
(tldr = we don’t care and we won’t refund you)
Response Via Email (GM Serendipity) 09/27/2012 05:23 AM
Hey there!
As you may already be aware, we’ve made some significant updates to the dungeon rewards system in Guild Wars 2. In case you missed the Game Status update section about Dungeon Changes which explains the issue with Dungeon Rewards you are reporting, I have included the information relevant to your issue for you below:
“All of these changes have been the result of an original exploit which was letting players receive upwards of 20 levels by completing a single dungeon run. We initially closed this exploit, which caused some new problems. The result is this new system which should increase dungeon rewards for players who play though them normally but help curb inflation of rewards for those who are using exploitative methods to farm them.
1) Dungeon tokens are now rewarded at the end of an explorable chain. This was done to stop players from repeatedly entering a chain and farming the first boss that dropped tokens rather than playing the entire chain. At some point in the near future, we will make up for this by making dungeon tokens a rare drop so that even players who are not completing a chain can make partial progress toward the rewards.
2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they’ll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.
3) Dungeon tokens should be account bound. This will allow players to have a single character farm tokens for their other characters.
4) Last week, to limit the most extreme cases of dungeon speed-clearing, we introduced a system to limit rewards for rapidly repeating dungeon clears. However, a bug in that system caused it to impact more players than intended. This week, we’re updating the system to not impact clearing different chains of the same dungeon. We’ll continue to evaluate this system in coming weeks."
Thank you Game Master Serendipity

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Dear anet support team,
Would you kindly fix this and REFUND me ASAP? It is very annoying if you play without exploiting, yet you are punished by broken DR system? Short story:
2 days ago: first time arah path 2- 45 badges
1 day ago: first time arah path 2 -45 badge, CoF route 1 -45 badges, CoF route 2 -30 badges (in each dungeon everyone else got 60!)
This is TOTALY OUTRAGEOUS! I am punished because of broken system that try to prevent exploiters. Awesome trough the roof. Really

Dungeon ''badges'' rewards are broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Dear anet support team,
Would you kindly fix this and REFUND me ASAP? It is very annoying if you play without exploiting, yet you are punished by broken DR system? Short story:
2 days ago: first time arah path 2- 45 badges
1 day ago: first time arah path 2 -45 badge, CoF route 1 -45 badges, CoF route 2 -30 badges (in each dungeon everyone else got 60!)

This is TOTALY OUTRAGEOUS! I am punished because of broken system that try to prevent exploiters. Awesome trough the roof. Really

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


this is broken for me
yesterday i go arah = 45 badges
today i go arah = 45 badges then i vent CoF 1 path = 45 badges, for second path i got only 30. This is completely ridiculous. I demand fix and refund!

World Completition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Why do you have to explore WvW maps in order to get world explorer? It is really ridiculous since not everyone are interested in WvW. Its just frustrating and pretty much imposible if you don’t want to switch between servers

World Completition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yarin.7982


In order to get 100% World Completetion, do you have to explore WvW map?

Skill point Challenge Loch Jezt

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


same at desolation

edit: Works at Vabbi

(edited by Yarin.7982)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


I can’t imagine what can take them this long? It’s just one single NPC. It feels like this game have no support at all.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


would you kindly finaly fix this? How hard it could be to reset one NPC? Its getting ridiculous

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


doesn’t work at desolation EU.

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yarin.7982


i got stuck at 96k. I demand fix. This is totally outrageous. I dedicated myself to get this achievment, i worked hard and in the end game just laughted into my face for this effort. And as i see, im not the only one