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My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

100 Blades + Quickness = OP

Pistol Whip + Quickness = OP

Heartseeker spam = OP (only because of the gap closer, even when I dodge, they still catch up)

Guardian full heal AOE = OP

Mesmer teleport to repair trebuchet = OP

Please remove Quickness out of the game. Melee classes that already have fast attacks become nearly impossible to dodge or break out of stun combos.

Please stop saying “Learn 2 dodge/Learn 2 play”. If you do, you’ve obviously either not come across this kind of stuff yet, or you are abusing it. And people seem to forget you only get 2 dodges before your Endurance has to recharge.

For some reason, when I go in to Stealth as a Mesmer (I don’t have Teleport on skill bar), the targeting does not break and other players are still able to see me and get off their combos. This is when I either use the #4 skill with Torch or the elite skill Mass Invisibility. I was under the assumption that Stealthing cut off targeting. If I am wrong, please let me know.

Most of these things seem to be easy fixes. It is a big issue when a class or a team has to rely on 1-2 skills or another class in order to gain an advantage over the other team (as in the example of Teleport to Trebuchet).

On a side note, I am trying to learn to counter Rangers. They whoop my butt every time.

The guardian heal is not OP if you had someone like me on your team i would interrupt it every time. nope stability aint gonna work i’m taking it off and stopping that heal or one of the amazing people i play with would. point is 5 sec cast time should never get off stability or not.

The other ability you listed could be too strong next to ability’s that are or ( should be like it) but do much less damage…but,

When you say ability’s like an AoE heal that can be stopped very easy is OP it makes me question your skill level and i know its elites but its kinda not at the same time. and that is if your not great at the game you have no real room to talk about whats too strong and not too strong.

Buff Warrior. I also don’t play a warrior because they are not my style. but they need a buff because they are like weaker versions of Thief’s and Guardians

i also don’t really jump for joy when i got them in my group its that class i just make work with our comp, but not look for

Hammer Time!

in Guardian

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

Im gonna have to agree on this one, the hammers 3rd hit is far to slow. It’s only real uses is bunker build on nods but you will lose so much dps you must have a great team backing your lack of dps. hell 1 hand mace does more dps than the 2 hand hammer by a pretty large amount at that

Guardians have insane survivability, OP.

in Guardian

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

and hell as long as we are talking about ARMOR in WvW i got 3.4k armor its like (2199 toughness) 45% crit and and 3.3k attack (its like 2189 power) at 17.5k hp my wvw stats blow my spvp stats away ….. stupid spvp amulets

Guardians have insane survivability, OP.

in Guardian

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395


Go 30 radiance, pick up your + 15 % crit with main hand sword, get pow-vit-tough gear.
I hit like a truck, heal with shouts, 3.2 k toughness.

err 3.2k toughness?

screenshot it.

No need to screenshot, this is my build ( the tooltip is a little wrong, since i have less critical chance and power, and more armor, but whatever it can give you the overall idea.).;TwAA1CnoqxUjoGbNuak1siYExWkpIA

Hit like a truck, 45 % crit chance, 3k+ toughness.

You can remove valor traits and put them into zeal and virtues to make it a spirit weapon build with 2.8k+ toughness.

The guardian is like the most OP class currently along with the mesmer. SERIOUSLY.

people say this a lot i don’t understand why. Toughness and armor rateing are different…
when you say you have 3k toughness, you confuse people when you really mean you have 3k+ armor ( witch acts like toughness, and adds to your armor) but your toughness is not really 3k because well it cant be done atm in GW2. in spvp the most you could have is 2.3kish if you go balls crazy and kitten your stats.

Making a E - sport team

in PvP

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

what a joke. learn some english.

u no like talky he say i r agree me think english good for him speak well yes?

Idea to fix clones / phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

@Yo Beezy
Can you tell me your build/playstyle or do you have a link to guide ? I keep reading that shatter builds suck and i tried out for myself but could not make it work. In sPvP (no tournaments) I almost never see people using shatters.

I would be happy to link you a page because this will also help Xee and iv seen a few of his live streams is he a very cool guy and worth supporting. if he can get 400+ views on average when he streams he can stream full time. and his angle in getting people to watch is close connection his the chat in stream and quick to answer any one questions
chat may have.
if you catch his live stream you can directly ask him anything you want regarding Mesmer

3 Builds in link.

(edited by Yo Beezy.8395)

Current scores on North American servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

So the real test will be next week’s matchups.

Why people are running around predicting the end of the world after only one 7 day round is beyond me. Take the loss on the chin and hope for a better match next week.

What? not enough sugar on top for ya?

Post like the “OPer” is what AR needs. The people that care most about the game care enough to tell AR how they feel because they want the game to be as good as we know it can be…

The real problem is free server transfers people jump off the server the second its not going over in hope to get quick xp karma “ext” as they add to the steam roll .

and the Orbs being to strong for the already winning side, they just need to make the orbs needed for something else other than stat boost..

I’m sure a number of new idea’s to make the orbs wanted will work it don’t need to be a stat boost..

Idea to fix clones / phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

How about reading everything before posting ?

illusions = clones and phantasm

clones last for 3 seconds
phantams last for 15 seconds

And I have never seen a mesmer doing shatter builds in pvp….because they suck right now. Phantasm seem to be way better.

EDIT: cooldown 6 seconds for a clone ? You dont have a clue about how mesmers work…

Shatter build is Amazing iv been using it for the last few days and 100% destroy
You say shatter builds are crap and no one uses them?

Xee uses a shatter build and id go as far to say as of right now could easily be the best Mesmer playing GW2 his 5’s tournament team consist of a list of Multy time MGL championship winner like Pookz and Spoh.

If you think shatter builds suck because phant builds are easier to learn, you wrong…

phant build are good but also newb friendly id take a skilled shatter mesmer over a newb or skilled phant masmer

I am the only Guardian in my server using shield. AMA

in Guardian

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

………….. every guardian runs with shield it seems its prob our most used weapon for the class as a whole, its not the bread and butter weapon like sword and or GS or Scepter.
but in world and Spvp its easily a staple off hand in at least 1 of your weapon swaps.

again very rare you see a guardian that don’t got a shield in at least one load-out……
I for one use a shield in every weapon combo i currently run with .

Asura Skill Size Difference?

in Asura

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

I feel like this should been fixed in Beta it was like this in beta. im sure if we looked we would find there are a lot of ability’s the Asura have that are smaller across all class types

please fix soon AN, TY