Showing Posts For Ysuera Kypheni.5632:

Stuck in the first chamber

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ahh, thank you! I ran into those randomly for 5 minutes, but never the right one.

Stuck in the first chamber

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

On the second floor Overflow I entered a chamber only myself. There were two monsters, I killed them and I’m not able to advance.

There are three lightning things and a lot of branches in front of the passage to the next chamber which don’t dispel.

I was running around for 5 minutes, but no result. Is this a bug or did I fail to find the way to destroy them?


Excessive messaging

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Hmm, thank you for the tip, I’ll try it next time.

Excessive messaging

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Yeah! Found the solution: exit from the game and log in again…

Wunderschön. Btw, in the previous 15 minutes no one was doing the specific champion (I was banned from chat) and after relogin I advertised and booom: 9 players in a glimpse.

Excessive messaging

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

This topic would fit into several forum sections, but I chose this one.

In Kessex Hills there are very few players doing the “buffed champions” nowadays, nonetheless you have to grind these champions for the 25 kills achievement.

But. On my map no one is announcing these spawns and soloing is hardly an option. So why not, I asked, in every two minutes I advertised on the map chat that there was a buffed creature somewhere.

After the fourth or fifth line I constantly got the “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging” slogan. Even after 10 minutes of silence.

Why do you think, dear developers, that grinding is a must but advertising it is a must not?

Should I guest on a more popular server because of the limitation of the chat system? Or do I infringe the “terms of use” of the chat?

Cannot login with normal Opera 12.15

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632


<p>Here is what happens when I try to log in with Opera 12.15 on Linux:</p>

POST /login?response_type=code&client_id=gw2_forums& HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; Edition Next) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.15
Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/webp, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: hu,hu-HU;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 52
DNT: 1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Answer from the server:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 0
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:24:01 GMT

I don’t see why a standard query would be a Bad Request.

Ps.: there is something wrong with the BBCode parser (look at the source of this comment; not the "Request" is the first sentence).

Ranger Game Update Notes - October 15, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

That’s all? That’s all for rangers? I wanted to fire up GW2 tonight, but nahhh…

The good news is that Elder Scrolls Online comes in a few month’s time (2014 Q1), and that’s for sure I won’t level up an other character here.

(edited by Ysuera Kypheni.5632)

Flame and Frost Lost and Found Glitch

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Mysterious Device

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

It’s the same bug on Far Shiverpeaks server.

Edit: I went guesting to Piken Square and it’s broken there, too.
Edit2: On Whiteside Ridge it seems ok for now.
Edit3: At least I collected some more copper ore :P
Edit4: Maybe also the Lost & Found objects are bugged on the FS server, because on Whiteside Ridge I could find all in Diessa Plateau, but on FS only one.

(edited by Ysuera Kypheni.5632)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

I love the change of arrowcarts, now make catapults able to be usable outside of AC-range again

Buff trebs and catas 80 % now and give them 33% more range like ACs.Yup that willmake things even.

I agree with you but now map will be getting too small. Scale up the map of about 33%. :P

Don’t forget to increase range on all weapons by 33% and make all structures 33% higher as well.

Also buff all armor and damage reduction by 80% as well as all player damage to compensate for that and healing and vitality as well of course.

Now the game is balanced again and no need to nerf Arrowcarts.
Just buff everything else in the game as well.

Arrow carts are under-powered. Imagine a real-life situation: when you’re hit by three arrows, two in the chest, one in the knee, you’ll have little chance to survive.

Now, you got a whole arrow-shower, and you’re still alive. So I recommend to empower those ant-toys. And, if were are already here, I also hate when someone heals up magically in just a second’s time.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

ever heard of trebs or some katas?
pvd is probably no good idea – it never was actually when you face 3 ac’s on top of your head xD

ahhhh maybe you just wanted to be polite and knock at the door with 19 friends for a cup of tea??!! sorry misunderstood you intentions completely

I’ve yet to achieve the “Knock” skill, I’ve got just the Stomp. And I’m also afraid that they miserably misunderstood us, peaceful travellers who just want to jump in for a cup-o-tea.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

I LOVE the new arrow cart mechanism! We, 15, were attacking a garrison, three enemies sneaked in (being invulnerable and like that) and they make the whole team flee! With just three arrow carts. The sad part is I was in the team who fled…

But no problem really. I really like capturing all the points under the veil of the night and just sitting in my fortress during the day, watching how the fools try to take in the unconquerable while I just use 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.

It’s much more convenient than ever before! Thank you for this great improvement.

I don’t want to be obtrusive at all, but could you please give a surprise golem after the capture? Sometimes I got bored with the ACs, and I want to look around outside, too. Not a problem if it’s a lil’bit stronger than usual, you know, there are fearsome things called zergs there.

Audio Log Collector missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

I can confirm the bug on the Far Shiverpeaks server (from yesterday).

Btw, there’s an other, newer forum topic on this issue. You may merge these two, if you want to.

Any consideration for the ranger class?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Ysuera Kypheni.5632

Rangers in PvE are great. Until I reached lvl 80, I died just once or twice while fighting for a Skill Point and I still dare to battle with a Champion alone (if he is also alone, without helpers). Takes a lot of time, of course, but still a win situation.

In WvW the ranger is a class for surviving. Not attacking, move the battle forward. Just for survive. I get bags, but just because of my zerg is in front of me and I use barrage (barrage deals little damage on many people, so perfect for bag claiming.)

It’s boring. Of course I have the option to get in the middle of the battle, enjoying the fight, but that means instant death. When we have to defend some walls, that’s a little bit better, but only if the battle is at the foot of the walls.

On the last occasion I encountered with a thief (1v1). Literally, all of my skills were on cool down. He went invisible, my pet went useless (as always in WvW). In 4 (!) seconds time I was dead. He was on full health.

Yeah, I hope you’ll buff thieves more as you claimed, thus give me reason to go for an other MMO and advance there slowly. I love this game, but just in PvE. It took me half a year to reach 75% world completion, so I barely have time to play. And that’s why I won’t start an other class, because it would take an other two month to get lvl 80. And those two months could be spent elsewhere also.

Don’t get me wrong, I love those fights which are really fights. I mean when we both get damage from each other, we are struggling for our life, get healed in the last second and after a half minute one of us will die. If the fight was good, I say s/he deserves my wvw coin. That’s fun.

But after a half year of training, getting gears, calculating stats on my own, collecting and choosing the best pet, I’m not even able to damage an opponent… You must be kidding.