Showing Posts For Zamiel.2791:

100 Blades, its going to be reworked or not?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


This is honestly the dumbest suggestion I have ever heard. The reason 100b roots a warrior is because otherwise the skill would be way way too strong.

L2P a warrior using a weapon that takes skill and then you will see why greatsword is balanced just the way it is.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Back on point, the dudes in the video had no idea what they were doing.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Silly comments about thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


“Stealth is such a broken mechanic. I wish I could disengage and not get hurt whenever I wanted.” – Warrior player who constantly runs shield, feel no pain, and balanced stance.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


@Lokheit Yea, that would be a cool skill I just don’t see it as being too thiefy. Plus, knockbacks aren’t in the thief play set yet and I don’t think they should have them. even if they don’t affect skill use. I liked your idea for a narrow spread on Body Shot. Multiple projectiles would make it a lot more useful.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


But P/D isn’t powerful. It consistently struggles to find a place in PvP because it is outclassed by the other sets.

I think Lokheit is along the right track with Unload but it still doesn’t help with the fact that Body Shot is almost useless because Pistol main hand is a condition set with a skill that doesn’t really help it(Body Shot). As far as no combo with Pistol 1 due to animations I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe instead of a 3 hit combo it just had a 2 hit combo with one firing a bleed and two firing a bleed/poison. It would fire a bit slower and put out a bit less bleeds but the poison would both help cover the bleeds from being cured and bring up the damage.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

(edited by Zamiel.2791)

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


S/D thief has it a little easier I suppose. But Dancing Dagger is still woefully useless and entirely unused. If it had a Blind or a 1/4s Immobilize on it, though… I could see it being used quite widely.

Dude, if you honestly think DD has no use you are not using Thief to its potential. As far as P/D is concerned think a gap creator is really necessary for PvP.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


@Opener: I WOULD agree, if not for the fact that Shadow Strike offers absolutely nothing to any viable P/D build other than said gapcloser. The damage that a Rabid/Carrion/Rampager build can deal with the skill alone is either pitiful, or not worth spending the resources investing into. Besides, with Cloak and Dagger requiring a melee distance, the gap that Shadow Strike creates is actually detrimental to the playstyle.

If Pistol Mainhand was fixed we wouldn’t need another damage skill. Also the gap creation is very useful in both pvp and pve to get out of sticky situations(a 3 init cost would make it a lot more useful I admit). Getting close enough should never be an issue for thief due to the propensity of evades and gap closers we possess.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Every time I’ve used it, I’m long gone from that area. Standing in one spot is a death sentence.

It isn’t to be used against every mob or every opponent but it does have it’s time and place.

I’m not sure if P/D would appreciate the changes =p

Can’t tell if serious. . .

As far as your Stealth Pistol skill goes I am a firm believer of RNG being bad with things like this. I would much rather just have Sneak Shot than the possibility to deal a bunch of different conditions. As far as the two skill goes I would actually be okay with it but I can already hear the whining of non-thief players hating that thieves can stack so much confusion. That is a kitten load of confusion. A bit too much vuln(16 over the course of a few seconds is really high) on Unload but otherwise a solid change. I like the idea behind Sabot but I still would rather have the gap creator of Shadow Strike. It is a really under appreciated skill.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Why take unload if you can take a /P mesmer.

Because Unload has no cooldown and thieves have plenty of ways to get init back. Not saying it doesn’t need a rework just saying that a multi-shot projectile finisher should stay on P/P 3.

Straight damage skills don’t make sense with initiative. Srs.

No. Cool. Down.

I’d Scrap body shot unload and reverse Shadow strike.

I agree on Body Shot, disagree on Unload and Shadow Strike. Unload just needs some sort of buff and Shadow Strike is a great gap creator.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Unload shouldn’t be the main source of damage, it should be a situational use skill. Vital shot needs to come up in attack speed or damage. Unload needs to come down in damage and do something like clear condi or give regen, that is if they dont plan on giving p/p a stealth skill.

I still think they need give each weapon combo their own skills. Sneak Attack works with p/d not with p/p, Black Powder really makes no sense on p/p but works well with d/p, Dancing Daggers doesn’t really make sense with p/d.

True, unload shouldn’t be the main source of damage with p/p but it should be a worthwhile burst skill while the conditions from pistol main hand wear the opponent down. But the problem with that is that Pistol main hand doesn’t deal enough conditions. Unload could work as it is right now if it was a 100% projectile finisher meaning more conditions faster or even condi removal.

As far as vital shot is concerned I believe it either needs a flat buff or an overhaul to make it deal poison damage too.

I still think they need give each weapon combo their own skills. Sneak Attack works with p/d not with p/p, Black Powder really makes no sense on p/p but works well with d/p, Dancing Daggers doesn’t really make sense with p/d.

I disagree here. Having each weapon set have a different stealth skill would actually pigeon hole each set way more than it should. Sneak attack shouldn’t be the main source of damage for P/P considering they have unload while it very well can be with P/D due to it having C&D. Black Powder works fine on P/P because it gives out the ability to deal far off blinds and stop enemies form hitting close up(which is the same reason it is good with both sword and dagger). And I just don’t understand why you think Dancing Daggers doesn’t mesh with P/D. P/D is a great survival set that focuses on keeping back from targets and having C&D or the combo skill to make distance while DD slows their advance. Also, DD is a projectile finisher that bounces which is always useful.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

A suggestion for Thief build diversity.

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


1.) Making the trap trait actually useful would fix the problem with traps. We aren’t supposed to use them like ranger traps, we are supposed to lay that at our enemies feet not wait for them to cross them.

2.)Just change the trait.

3.) Two dazes on a bar are silly. Honestly, pistol main hand just needs to be completely overhauled. Either increase our ability to deal single-target condi dmg by replacing Body Shot or make the direct damage of Vital Shot more. Pistol offhand is good.

4.) Confusion isn’t a bad idea but it should only be attainable as a master/ grandmaster trait. I think a better choice would be the ability to deal out some burning.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


That could work, maybe 10-12s of swiftness instead of a flat movement speed boost. That way it can be countered by boon hate. Also could get Sigent of Shadows to help with out of combat mobility.

10-12 might be a bit much, I think 8 would be good. I still think a flat 25% speed boost would be best because thieves can already perma swift

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

(edited by Zamiel.2791)

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


@EoNxBoNx.9213 What if Unload stayed the way it is right now but you also got a 25% run speed boost while firing. This could allow you to make sure your shots hit and also use it as an escape(back pedaling from enemies while unloading from both barrels seems really cool).

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

with upcoming trait changes...

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Mug was too powerful for where it was on the trait line. If they revert it, it should be moved to master or grand master.

This was the problem that mug had. For ten points a skill that had a lot of utility already was able to deal 4k damage. Mug is not an opener any more, it has been changed to a mid fight attack/ heal or a fight closer for when your enemy runs. If you don’t want the heal don’t take the trait.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Back. I actually missed the AoE on Unload. That wouldn’t work frankly due to the fact that you can’t have a projectile finisher with an AoE skill. Now for P2.

Personally, I think your change is a step in the right direction but is way, way too strong. A blind/ boon rip to an instant cast blast that rips another boon is just way too good regardless of damage. I mean you could do P2(1)→steal→P5→P2(2) for a blind field, 2 boon rips, and aoe stealth for you and allies. Granted it would take a lot of init but a steal could replace 3 init and the stealth could replace 2 with traits. I also believe boon rips should be THE thing that makes playing S/D unique. Instead, pistol main-hand should focus on single-target condition damage like Porch Donkey said. We can add to that role in two ways

1. making pistol two deal more varied conditions to cover the main source of damage( P1’s bleeds) with an overhaul

2. increase the ability to stack vulnerability, making other skills do more damage.

My solutions for the two paths are

1. Overhaul P2 completely.
New Skill- Overpacked Shot- a 4 init charge skill consisting of two elements, an instant 900 range projectile finisher that applies 5 vuln for 6 secs, and a jet of flame out the muzzle that applies 5 secs of burning. The longer you charge the shot the longer the jet of flame is. No charge would mean a 300 range jet, over one second of charge gets a 600 range flame and at 2 seconds you get a 900 range jet. The jet can only hit 2 targets before not affecting enemies. I would actually be fine with this reducing movement speed during the charge or even a root.

2. Buff current P2
There are multiple things that could be done; speeding up the animation so there is less down time, lowering init, increasing the number of stacks or the duration. Any of these could work to make P2 a more valuable skill to thief but they are also rather bland and don’t help that Pistol mainhand is about condition damage but has a skill that doesn’t hep with that.

Frankly, I would really like the ability for Pistol Main hand to get the ability to deal a larger variety of conditions thus allowing it to both compete in PvP and be more useful to PvE players. Currently there is just little cooperation between what Pistol main hand wants to be(single-target condi-damage) and what it has(the ability to stack vuln which only benefits direct damage).

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

Thief Pistol Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zamiel.2791


Dude. I was just thinking about how we need a rehaul of Pistol main hand skills. The only problem I see is you are really stepping on the sword’s toes with the current skills. Weakness should be what defines Sword and the boon rip Sword/ Dagger.

I really like the idea to make P1 a combo instead of just buffing the damage or attack speed but giving the pistol access to weakness would make it a bit too strong. Weakness just got a big buff. Perhaps instead of giving it weakness it has a short duration poison, just enough to have the poison not stack duration without condi duration+ items. Instead combo 1 applies bleeds, combo 2 bleed and vuln, and combo 3 poison.

Also P2 is way too kitten stong. I am going to eat dinner and ponder it some. I think the main problem is that boon ripping should be a s/d specific thing.

Strategy in Realtime- coordinate team assaults in the fly to outmaneuver your opponents.

(edited by Zamiel.2791)