Showing Posts For ZeRen.7265:
better would be three slots of traits instead of one which is now
you would be more flexible
after few hundred replies here and almost year after creating this topic, they maybe will :-)
I know this and I hate this, you can sell weapon you dont want to
weapons need two things:
1) two sigils for 2H weapons
2)binding for two 1H weapons (with this using just 1 inventory space)
of course I dont believe this will happen, but there is another way and it is fractal exotic bag….working great
we playing fractal lvl 22 4. boss almost dead, then “new build in 3 hours” and what hapened? It kicked us all after few mins!!!!!
and finally do something we kicking all group out of dung, after that who started dung and left
1) I have few armor sets and choice it manualy in inventory take long time(I have to find all armor pieces=6 pieces from 18) , so its easier do it in hero panel(in right side)
but there is a catch, every armor piece has very long name by stats and runes, so I would like to give my armor and weapon name just by me(like “DMG helm” or “condi gloves”)
2) let us set off our sets of armor by color frame around armor(and weapon/jewelry) icon in inventory(for example- rigth click on helm->set 1 = red frame around helm)
3) give us more sets of trait, now I have to make build and when I want change it I have to go for retrainer NPS, it is really anoying
I like to have 3 sets of traits and just switch them in dungs or WvW(out of combat of course) easy like I do with armor set, I want be flexable
I agree with Black Teagan, stealth is thief´s only def ability
this skill has small radius and short duration, if you dont like this skill why you standing in it
in p3 after my thief become a ghost he lose all skill, then I can use only weapon
It´s really anoying
fix it pls
someone wrote comment on my video on YT, about delete mail messages, I did it and 10 my crystals were there
So I am apologizing to Anet, I didnt know about it
Im really intrested when I get my trans. crystals
I agrre I like to change my race(from Charr to Asura), becouse in some jumping puzzle is Charr useless, camera is so close to character and I cant see in front of me and I´m falling again and again( jump puzzle under LA, I think many players knows)
here is the proof:
yes, I checked mail, inventories, bank, everything…
today I tryed it again and suprisely it hapened again! I have a proof, tomorow I will uplouad video
I wrote two ingame ticked, one time here and no response from Anet! You have really great support!
great idea! I want this too, BUT I noticed one thing, Anet changing many things to make playing/getting tokens/atd. harder(exp. AC) so I think this will never happen
there are bugs which didnt fix after 9 mounth now( I mean rigth mouse button targeting) so…
I know I am repeating my self lot here, but this make me very angry
idea 2: picture of targeted foe should have there his distance from character
you could think about change color of targeted foe from red to (for example) orange, becouse now is very difficult recognize where is my target in big group fights (everyone is red)
I think everyone know this
best way would by something in options and everyone could choose which color they want
few days ago I bought 5 fine transmutation stones, but I didn´t get them
200 gems gone and stones nowhere
I checked every storage in my account
I even wrote bug ticked few minutes after it and now after few days I haven´t neither gems nor stones
well well, this game was released six month ago, and still no change
It´s very likely they never fix this, but I find another way, some player made “GW2 combat mod” and I using it almost month and working great
for find use Google (write GW2 combat mod)
this mod has one bad thing ,when you use default option, you are not able to target what you want, if foes are in group( you always targeted nearest foe to your cursor)
becouse this is good bind “next/previous” target on mouse wheel(in mod customize), “nearest target” and by “lock autotarget” you will lose target
This mod is only one thing still keep me in this game, so I dont care if I´ll get ban
P.S. mod can be anywhere in disk
for Anet: GJ you ruined great and fun Ascalon catacombs, continue and you will ruin this game completely
players financing this game, start doing what they want! in this forum is many good ideas
This is my last contribution on this forum, as I can see Its waste of time, Anet dont care what players want (150 replies!)
left and right mouse button do the same thing , who the hell could do so stupid thing?!
and here it is! 4 months next patch and Anet didnt anything to fix this!! as I expected
they changed many many many thing and again nothing happened with this problem
I´m so disappointed
(edited by ZeRen.7265)
Yes I missing this too
In this game I missing guild battles. This game is calling GUILD WARS so Im asking where is the guild battles?! There is WvW but its not guild battles Its server battles and sPvP not as well.
So I mean for example two teams, both 25 players and owning some fort and trying to capture enemy fort or something like that
Guild players could by more active, because now Its terrible
well, underpowered maybe, useless absolutely not my ele has great survivability in dungs or fracts Im one of last a live very often and the same in WvW
-as I said Guardian has scepter, thief has none(and cluster bomb is too slow for long range fire-try it,you will see), Guardian dont need longer range, but trait for faster orbs on scepter…
guard and warr are effective at long range as thief ( but he cant fight long range) and about escaping to safety guard and warr have better armor,thief invisibility and he die faster
900 range is too low, mostly agains bosses! you have to keep distance ,with thief its harder becouse he is fragile
Thief have more access to dodge? intresting, my guard has vigor all time,my ele can has vigor even for 51sec, so where is the more access? Thief have nothing for pernament vigor like guard,ele, mesmer ,but he doing that another way
oh yes, warrior is close combat fighter(thats warrior mean) and long range weapon for him really make sence(yes its sarcasm)
and guard have sceptor, and staff 2-skill has recharge 3sec and range 1200, but thief has none! I just want what other profesions have and change the trait isn´t difficult and dont giving him advantage
you dont playing thief,are you?
This topic is 4 month old(I guess), 129 replies and still nothing changed, its look like Anet dont care and not playing their own game
I played Startek online its boring game,BUT their keybord options are amazing you can change what you want,Anet take some inspiration from it!
Instead of remove armor preview for all type of armor you could fix this!
(edited by ZeRen.7265)
and? warrior and guard too ,still they have it!
Why is Thief only one proffesion without weapon range 1200?
All other profesion have at least 1 weapon with range 1200 or trait
thief have trait for bow making +5% damage, give this trait change bow range to 1200
Ride the Lightning- It´s good skill for escape to safety, BUT be sure you dont have any targer ( becouse stupid switching targer and rotating camera by right mouse button you can accidently click to enemy and not escape to safety but into the enemy zerg and die – This happend to me many times)
I wrote this into suggestion few month ago, but how I expected Anet didnt anything to make it right :-(
I agree with first contribution, It´s very frustrating they are everywhere, You kill it turn around and It´s back!! Their speed is incredible
They are not strong, but I have to fight against them every move I do, thats the reason why I dont going to the Ruins of Orr often
hm, It´s look like It´s annoying only me
Why the hell you removed armor preview for all type of armor? I wanna it back!
For example, we capture a temple and I have to go there 3 times to see all armor, thx very much
What about give elementalist switching weapons like other professions have, but switching would work only out of combat?
now I have to switch it manualy in hero page(U), I using D/D + Staff and when I switch from d/d to staff one dagger come to same place where staff was and second come to first empty place in inventory(from above) so I can sell it accidently
Now right mouse button is used for rotating camera and for switching targets and that is the problem, when I am in fight I have to rotate camera quickly, because this I losing my target by clicking accidentally to another target or ally (especially at big fights – WvW)
so please make right mouse button only for rotating camera or make some switch to the options