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Condi Necros are hurting the game

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


@ Ezeriel

This post was absolutly hilarious. I have never seen so much crap gathered in a single post.

in PvE content, epidemic will cover the low dps if adds accompany the big boss (25 bleeds,burn+poison on 5 targets is 20k dps), and in the case of single bosses… well it will die anyway when 30 ppl attacking, maybe 2-3 sec later due to the upscale from necro’s presence.

in wvw, condi necro can kill every build of every class.
some builds from some classes can kill the necro too.

imo, engis, rangers, eles and guards are the condi necro’s best customers. they are moving lootbags.

warriors would be too, if berzerker stance bug is fixed.

thieves are a little harder to kill, as they drop ‘refuge’ and run away…

in fact, most of them run (or try to) away, as they run faster than the necro.

Most difficult enemy is the pu mesmer with power build.

i guess you die too much from condi necros but thats allright

tnx for the laugh, keep it up lol

Fear and Interupt

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


This is not working. Fear does not ‘interupt’ yet.

cant wait to use the rune of perplexity set, now that dhummfire hit the bucket.

Conditions "OP"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


In addition, weakness/protection only affects power damage, but on the other hand cond damage ticks cannot critical hit.

Also, +/- 40% power damage food would be perfectly fine, as long as conditions cannot be removed, so max damage output occurs in both ways

Conditions "OP"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


the only reason to get a useless food with +15% dur in a single condition, is because its cheap, sinse there is a much better in the list.
similarly, why there is a useless lvl80 food that only gives 6% crit damage (Bowl of Fire Veggie Chili) sinse there is a food that gives 100 Power/Precision + 10% crit dmg?

btw, which food is the total counter to 100 Power/Precision + 10% crit dmg ???
no need to wait for an answer for that cause we all know THERE IS NO COUNTER. anet has not provide any option against this food, whereas there is the option against cond duration.

Also, the cond duration, either +0% or +100%, is irrelevant if you cast a condition remover. So equip with condition remover skills/traits/utilities or duration reducer runes/foods and stop complaining.
i know you roll a power build and you need different traits/runes/foods to make it work, your ingame damage output will make you happy and satisfied.
But the ingame condition damage ticks/sec is what makes these ppl (i mean with the given power builds) cry over the forums about ‘conditions are OP’…

Also, i have a proposition. Remove the given foods from game. In its place introduce a food that gives +100 cond. dmg + 10% cond duration(or damage) and conditions applied during the given food is in effect, CANNOT be removed/cleansed/transfered.
once a condition is applied, you gonna taste every single tick it has.
If you get hit by a power attack, you get the whole power damage. If you get hit by a condition attack, you get the whole condition damage. Fair? yes, its fair.

Also, i have another porposition. Again, remove the given foods from game. From now on, condition removals will remove one stack. For example, if you have 10 stacks of bleed and tou hit a skill that removed 3 conditions, it will remove 3 stacks and the remaining 7 stacks will keep ticking…

i bet anet play testers will laugh hard with this 2 proposition

ps. noone mentions and comments the anti-condition king of the game…the buggy ‘berzerker stance’, which i have in another topic.

Conditions "OP"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214



Actually, conditions are not THAT op. What’s op is the +40% duration food.
Let’s compare it to other values.
Cond food gives +40% duration as the primary attribute.

FYI, there is anti-Cond food that gives -40% duration as the primary attribute (lemongrass or something). Compare it with that and tell us what you find

Once you look at these numbers, however, everything fits right into place if you replaced the “40” with a “10”.

What??? someone lock him away and throw the key pls

If you are still not convinced, take a look at runes.

and you take a look at lemongrass

So you are saying, I should take a look at another broken food to justify a broken food?
You mean the food, which allows some profession nigh immunity to root/cripple/chill?

The food, which makes anyone not running +40% condi food on a condi build look like a fool?
Before I take another look at lemongrass, I suggest, YOU take a look at lemongrass and what it does to physical builds relying on immobilizes.

What i am saying is that there is a total counter to the given food.

now, using common sense, if physical builds that rely on immobilize have problems against oponents with -40% cond food, then they can take the +40% cond food and the problem is solved…
the problem exists if these builds choose to take a power food, but this is up to them since all foods are available to all players.

Again, the idea ‘i want to have it all’ is not working, so its easier to start complaining until an undesired game effect is removed (or nerfed to the bottom)

Conditions "OP"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214



Actually, conditions are not THAT op. What’s op is the +40% duration food.
Let’s compare it to other values.
Cond food gives +40% duration as the primary attribute.

FYI, there is anti-Cond food that gives -40% duration as the primary attribute (lemongrass or something). Compare it with that and tell us what you find

Once you look at these numbers, however, everything fits right into place if you replaced the “40” with a “10”.

What??? someone lock him away and throw the key pls

If you are still not convinced, take a look at runes.

and you take a look at lemongrass

(edited by ZenVenom.7214)

Conditions "OP"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


i think its a more simple case

there are two ways of attack, power and condition damage…
in the same sense, there are two ways of defence:
1. defence against power, including toughness, protective buffs (protection), cc, armor and runes, etc
2. defence against conditions, including condition removals, runes reducing cond.duration (like melandu), food with -40% condition duration(it really exists, lemonsomething), etc.

you cant be pretty good in both ways. if you choose to be great vs power, then you are weak vs conditions, and the other way around.

there is an option, make it and just accept it.

most ppl that complain about conditions, its because they cant have both
conditions are not op, you just speced for defence against power…

berzerker stance bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


the issue here is that ‘berzerker stance’ has a bug that needs fixing…

after the fix, we can argue if it is week/strong and needs some buff/nerf as a normal skill

currently, a condition necro is on the downside vs warrior due to this bug…

berzerker stance bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


So, condition damage is a major attribute for all players with condition builds

also, i dont think that MY conditions are killing an enemy zerg, but conditions in general are strong, thats why zergs run around spaming condition removals.

also, this is still a bug that needs fixing, not a complain to change a skill, and if you think its of minor significance then you have no problem to remove it from game by anet

also, the bug is more effective in small fights, but i cant expect a blober to understand

Death message

in WvW

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214



in wvw, in 1v1 or relatively small fights, there should be a message saying who killed who

when a player dies, either from dps or ‘finish him’, there can be a message in ‘say’ area of both players like this:

Xxx Xxxxx(guild) was killed/slayed/destroyed by Yyy Yyyyy(guild), in Xxx Xxxxx player’s ‘say chat’
Yyy Yyyyy(guild) has killed/slayed/destroyed Xxx Xxxxx(guild), in Yyy Yyyyy player’s ‘say chat’

in the case that YY kills XX

in order to avoid spaming in zerg fights, this message should pop only when 1 player deals at least 75% of the damage needed to kill the enemy player

berzerker stance bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZenVenom.7214


‘berzerker stance’ is a known bug for many months now (check it on wiki

every single warrior is using it in wvw, so every warrior is a bug abuser with anet permision

if some warrior is not using it, he will put it on when he see the necro

there are three ways for this
1. fix it
2. delete it
3. reduce the duration to 4 sec (from 8 sec) and 50% chance that a condition will pass

it is unnacceptable that 1 utility cancels +30% cond duration from traitline and +40% from food, and other traits that increase duration in several conditions

it is a bug for a long time now and it needs to be dealt with…
