Showing Posts For Zeratul.7153:

big fps drops with strong hardware

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Read my thread. Similar problem as yours. Its cuz the game favors Intel than AMD >_>

Low Frame Rate on my GPU?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Battlefield 3 and Guild Wars 2 can’t be compared. GW2 is a CPU intensive game whereas BF3 is a GPU intensive game. What’s your processor? If it’s an AMD processor, that’d be why. Intels have the superior single thread performance needed for this game. AMDs are good and all but GW2 favors the intels. Awful optimization.

OHHHHH, Yes i have a AMD 6120 Six-Core Processor. Darn it, are u serious? SO that’s the problem? Uhgg -.-

Low Frame Rate on my GPU?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Can you give more information? Where was this and how many other players were on the screen? With everything maxxed, especially shadows, you will see low FPS on crowded areas such as boss events, Lion’s Arch and WvW zergs.

One thing that might also be the cause is too low memory. How much you’re running at?

So I got 10G of RAM, i was in a low populated area and never was in a WvW nor Lion’s Arch.

Low Frame Rate on my GPU?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


So I recently got my GTX 760 from newegg and I was all happy that I can play my games on high settings and still maintain a 60 fps. All my games are fine, all high settings, 60+ fps, especially on Battlefield 3 when the required specs are higher than GW2. So, I go to GW2, pump up the settings to high appearance and auto detect and I’m getting like 20-30 fps? and around 15 on random frame spikes too when I’m turning the camera around. What gives? >:/
Can someone explain please/

Will there be a Leaderboard for Clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


No, this would be totally pointless. It would make the frustrated people even more frustrated, there shouldn’t be any bragging rights with how this jumping puzzle has turned out for the majority of the players.

Ironic that your signature says that in a clock tower thread xDD

Will there be a Leaderboard for Clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Title says it all
I’m curious to know. I would like to see a chart of the brave people who completed it after many hours of trying. Maybe a little competition on the side who completed the most? Not to be all arrogant here. I just started to farm Trick or Treat bags by doing the puzzle. I have 109 completions right now! <3

Clock Tower Appreciation Thread :D

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Easiest puzzle.
Completed it 77 times! YESSS

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


Human Thief
Asura Elementalist
Norn Warrior
No Speed Boost
Completed it 77 times.

Oppertunity: Clock Tower Tournament

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


What’s the difference? I even made a Norn character and still did the puzzle easy. I did it cuz my friend was using Norn and he was saying it’s harder to do it with Norn. So i took the time to made one and did it with ease. <3
I did it with my Human Thief, Asura Ele, and Norn Warrior.

How to finish the Clock Tower in 2 easy steps

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


I’ve completed the clock tower 77 times. Easiest jump puzzle ever.

Oppertunity: Clock Tower Tournament

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zeratul.7153


I’ve done the Clock Tower 77 times and counting.
I’m not lying. I’ve been posting my completion on Angry Army Guild Chat, so people can know.
My Thief is Razasagal. Ele is Sarah The Bella.