Showing Posts For Zerke.4103:

Learning Curve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


I’m glad that I already have an 80 in every class. After getting my GF to start a new toon so we could check out the changes, I can say that it is much more boring than it ever was before.

I found part of the excitement and fun before this was discovering how everything worked on my own. It just does not feel anything like it did before.

Atleast I don’t have to worry now, I’ve got 8 toons maxed and I couldn’t see myself doing it again with Anet’s new way of doing things. Infact I just wouldn’t bother playing it all.

Edit: Also a thought… How the heck am I supposed to help explain things to a new player when it’s all been changed for the worse?
It’s actualy more confusing than it was before and ALOT of us will never go through that content again so we’ll not know how to even help a new player.

(edited by Zerke.4103)

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


Hey all, no worries, we got you covered.

Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item.

For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat.

We will have a blog post about it with more extensive information as well, keep an eye on the website.

That does not compensate someone like myself who has NO need for another armor or gear set for a particular character. I have multiple sets of gear already for my 4 level 80’s.

I did not spend gold to obtain everything for a full MF setup and then gold on gear with skins I wanted and real life money on trans crystals just to end up with a set of gear that is no longer serving the purpose I put all of that into.

My characters with MF sets already have 2 other sets, a defensive and offensive , MF was the third set…… which will be completely useless and pointless to have without MF stats.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


^ this. Though I have a feeling that this will end up being a setback. Time, gold and RL money gone for nil.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


No. Don’t change MF gear to another set of gear. I already have other sets of gear for characters that have MF gear, I don’t need 2 sets of the same thing. And what about all of the transmutation crystals that were bought with real money to put skins on MF gear?

It’s your choice to change this Anet, it’s on you not to screw it up.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


It was broken because it was on gear. The stat itself wasn’t the problem.

It basically made you choose between good loot or good stats. You were required to screw your teammates over if you wanted good loot. That will no longer be the case.

To answer the OP’s question the devs stated in the july blog that people with current MF gear will be compensated for the gear they already have.

That’s what I am getting at. It was previously said that it wasn’t much of a loss anyways. Well I obtained much of my MF gear not long after release when gold wasn’t as easy to get as it is now. It was alot of work and time then compared to how much easier it is now.

Edit: notebene makes a good point. What about the expenses of buying gear that you want the skin from and the Crystals to transmute everything? That is one of my concerns, it’s alot more than just the stats alone.

It’s the time and gold involved to get the gear with MF stats, the gear that had the skins I wanted and the Real Life Money spent to buy Gems for Transmutation Crystals to apply those skins.

I have 4 level 80 characters I have done this on so far… that’s quite a bit of time, gold and real life money. Atleast I won’t be able to make the same mistake on the 4 characters that I am still leveling.

(edited by Zerke.4103)

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


If it is a broken mechanic then why is it still sticking around? Instead of being on gear it is now just applied to the entire account?

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerke.4103


So with magic find becoming account based, are all of the players that spent alot of time getting different gear sets, magic find in particular, getting screwed over?

What’s the point in wasting time with this game any more if everything you work for gets changed on a whim? Alot of my characters have 3 complete sets of gear, Offensive, Defensive, and Magic Find.

So what about players that have went through all of the trouble to get complete sets of Magic Find gear? It appears to be much more of a setback than any sort of step forward.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zerke.4103


I’ve been on my server since release, why should I have to go to another server to do events? For 3 days now it’s been nothing but overflow server and lag on the big events. This needs fixed Anet, no more content, nothing more added in until this is fixed.

I spend time doing WvW for my server but can’t enjoy it’s big PVE events because of so many guesters or whatever else is wrong? What’s the point in playing when you can’t have fun with your friends?

Something else I have noticed is the amount of people complaining of skill delay or non-working skills even while in dungeons now. So what is that? A new feature or a result of something server side? Everything Anet has said was supposed to be fun and challenging is turning into nothing more than a giant hassle.

(edited by Zerke.4103)

Strange Ringing Sound When Fighting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerke.4103


This has also been happening to me on and off for the last 2 weeks. It’s always when there’s a big group of people fighing in PVE or WvW.

I’m not running any other programs that use sound in the background. Restarting is the only way to fix it. It is becoming more frequent in the past few days.

Gold Seller Sending Spam and Money!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerke.4103


Hey what do I do here? I always Log in to a couple mails from gold sellers. I report then delete them. But now I get mails advertising gold selling with money attached! I reported them but now I can’t delete the mail unless I take the money.

I don’t want my account to get banned because I took the money from a mail so I could delete it. I assume it will look like I had an illegal transaction with them but I can’t recieve any game mail for hearts because the inbox is full of spam mail with a few copper attached!

What do I do in a case like this?

Need serial code -- bought digitally from your site

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerke.4103


We really NEED an answer on this SOON. I am in the same boat with 2 accounts that I purchased both serial codes for on the day pre-purchase opened. The serial codes were registered at the end of each purchase. Give us some kind of option here ANET to recover our serial codes atleast once should we need them.

Recover Serial Code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerke.4103


I can prove any purchases with reciepts… but that would take even longer and really drag out the help proccess should I need it..

Recover Serial Code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerke.4103


So now that it’s been stated that some instances will require you to have your serial code… What if I no longer have it? I bought multiple copies of the game from Anet back when GW2 first went up for sale. Those emails containing the serial codes have long since been deleted after the serials were registered.

Now how do I go about recovering the serial codes that I bought incase they are needed should some account problem arise?