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Help me pick, sell me a profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I’m super indecisive but I want to pick something I can stick with for a while. That way I can start working towards ascended gear and a legendary weapon for one of them.
Here is kind of where I stand. I have Guard, Necro, Mesmer, Engi, and Ranger all to 80. I like most the classes except for Rev from what I’ve tried. I want to stick to something I can play in any area of the game and still be effective, not just “do-able”.

I’ve mostly been playing Guard because I like to do WvW a lot and they provide a good amount of support. However for fractals (& raids?) they are not wanted as much I hear. Mesmer is also fun I just don’t like the lack of damage and I just plain suck with it compared to other classes. I have been working on Warrior lately and enjoying it as much as my guardian but just don’t know if it will be versatile enough for me to use in all area’s of the game. None of this info probably help’s, but my brain is going in circles trying to pick something.

[WvW] Zerg DH builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


Yep trying new stuff. Since sword is awesome now it works very well for condi builds. The symbol gets cast instantly with the teleport and the final hit in the chain hits 3 times. With this you can do many hits very quickly and enjoy having an offhand shield.

The great thing about guardian condi is that you don’t need crit or any other stat besides condi. This opens up the luxury of investing into healing power which circumvents not having AH while also helping your team.

With supreme justice getting rolled into permeating wrath and the two condi cleanses baseline you now also cleanse 5 condis on your f2 which were previously 0 for condi builds.

Dragonhunter gives you impoved f2 and f3 with also giving you cripple and vulnerability of every f1 proc. And you will proc those alot. The great thing is that these get applied in an aoe as well if you have permeating wrath. Like this you can cripple whole zergs permanently even if they have lots of cleanse.

With the sword symbol and the healing power that this build has got, i think writ of persistence is a good choice since you get more hits thus more burns out of your smybols while also getting some small consistent heals.
Since siege can also be condied now you can swap in a scpeter to kill some cannons and pepper some walls. With writ of persistence you also get suprisingly good area coverage out of your scepter 2.

You could probably swap out procession of blades for wall of reflection.

Currently running this in exotics, but this is what it will look like when i upgrade to asc.

I might give this a try if I can afford the gear. I really want to use the sword now and just running the same old berserker stats on everything is getting old for me. This seems like it might be fun.

Stuck in PvP Game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


Yup, I too am stuck in gw2 purgatory

Looking for help on DH build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I’ve been experimenting as I go around and kill random mobs and this is what I currently have for a build.
I’m still relatively new to the game and need help adjusting it. I want to have a good amount of team support with heals/boons but at the same time not hit like a wet noodle. Im going with longbow because, well, I like the range and being able to kite mobs if I need too. Mace/shield because of heal, aegis, and reflect. Feel free to make any kind of changes. (I would prefer to keep the longbow though. >.<) Should have mentioned it’s for PvE. Dungeons, Fractals, events, that kind of thing

(edited by Zexanima.7851)


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


Starting off, I’ve only been playing a couple weeks. I’m looking to play something versatile, something I can hop from PvE, PvP, and WvW with and still be an asset to people. I’ve been running Engi so far, and it’s great fun, but I’d like to try something that gives me an option to smack my opponent around with a big piece of shinny metal.

I’ve been trying Guard but it seems rather, well, squishy to me.

Is every profession really viable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


Thanks for the useful insights!

On a side note, where might I go to find up-to-date information on classes? Most the stuff I find is 1-2 years old and I assume horribly outdated.

(edited by Zexanima.7851)

Is every profession really viable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I here people saying all professions are more or less balanced, and can cover most any roll. Then I also here people saying some professions are not so (Ranger or Necromancer for instance) What is the truth here?

should I play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I’m actually looking forward to putting a lot of time into learning a profession that is challenging. I just want to make sure my efforts wont be for naught. I don’t want to spend my time mastering the sword to find out everyone else is driving tanks around, if you follow me.

should I play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I am playing mesmer currently.

should I play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


I like the memser, the whole idea of the class is awesome I think. However, it seems to be lacking from what people say. I don’t mind having to build skill and strategy to play it, but will skill make up for its short commings? I don’t want to get end game to find out I’m getting owned 90% of the time in pvp/pve or people don’t want to party with me because of what it lacks.

Little help with deciding a profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


Thanks for all the great responces! I think it’ll be either mesmer or ranger for me, going to take some more thinking.

Little help with deciding a profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zexanima.7851


This has probably been asked several times by a lot of people, but I’m trying to pick a profession to stick to until I learn more about the game. A lot of the professions seem attractive to me, so it’s hard to choose. I’m trying to find something that would be viable in most situations. PvE, WvW, and a bit of PvP.

The mesmer seems really interesting because the play style seems fun to me, but I want something with decent survivability, good utility and the option to support my team if it’s needed. I’ve narrowed it down to Ele, mesmer, ranger, or Guardian I think. Any kind of help deciding would be great! Even your own opinions and experiences.