Showing Posts For ZigZach.1693:

Seeking PvE Players

in Looking for...

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


This is not a post looking for a guild. I am already in a guild (as small as it is), and I’m happy with it as it is. What I’m looking for are lower level players who would like to team up with other lower leveled players for PvE content, and map exploration. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in send me a message. I am 28, from the West coast of USA, and prefer to play with people closer to my age and region, although anywhere in NA should be fine. I play on Ehmry Bay, buy guesting wouldn’t be an issue.

Seeking PvE Players

in Looking for...

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Thank you for the response. I’m really hoping to find a few like-minded individuals who aren’t necessarily level 80 and want people to climb the ranks, completing quests and exploring.

Seeking PvE Players

in Looking for...

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Returning player here, been away for awhile, and recently got the MMO bug. I’m looking for:

  • PvE players who are 25+
  • From North America

I’m from the Western United States, playing on Ehmry Bay (although I’m fine with guesting), very relaxed, semi-casual gamer, 420 friendly. Respond to this post or send me a message if you want to group up and adventure sometime.

Anyone just starting guild wars 2??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Yup, I play on Ehmry Bay, character name is Zak Sequoia.

Newbie here, need help ^_^

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


I will play as well, i’m on Ehmry Bay, character name is Zak Sequoia.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Sounds good, just add me as a friend in game.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


I will send you a request, We can take turns guesting in each other’s servers. I’m a level 20 Ranger.

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Hey, I’m a fairly new play too, I play on the Ehmry Bay server. I haven’t had too difficult of a team finding players to team with, yes not as many people as when i first played last year, but a fair amount. Try visiting a hub city and asking if anyone wants to team up, just don’t do it in Lion’s Arch. Also feel free to add me, my character name is Zak Sequoia.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Hey everyone, I’m still looking for people to play with, feel free to add me, my character name is Zak Sequoia. I play on the Ehmry Bay server, I’m in California, so I’m in PST time zone.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Just recently started leveling a Ranger, looking for others to adventure with, feel free to add me. I’m just playing to have fun, not to rush through everything, want people with the same mindset, “playing for fun”.

Worth Playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


For $50 I don’t see why there is so much complaining about this game. If you can spend a few months going through the story, leveling a character, interacting with other players, I assume you’re having a good time(why else are you still playing otherwise?). For what you initially put in, this game is a monster of a deal. As far as I remember every rpg, mmo or not, has always included activities that required a grind, whether required for the story or not. Yes, the largest part of the player base has already reached lvl. 80, but that dosnt mean you will level alone, there are plenty of new players, and existing players, who are starting new characters. If you feel lonely don’t be afraid to try typing to someone else playing. I’ve made quite a few friends that way, I notice we’re doing the same mission, ask if they want to party, and we’re off on an adventure. My advice, if you already have it jump back in, embrace the community, don’t be afraid to sound like a newb by asking if people want to party up. Be friendly and most people will be friendly right back. A lot of the people who will speak negatively of this game have already spent well over 100 hours in it, they obviously had fun somewhere along the line, and if they didn’t I have one thing to say, “be productive instead of using your valuable time to play a game you despise.”