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Fractal Weapon Ticket

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


just get rid of possible ring drops after 30 and replace those drop chances with skins as they now are.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


The basic situation isn’t going to change until we have other ways of getting Binding Agents too… Getting “Thread” & Plated Dowels from dungeon & JumpPuz chests in addition would also go a long ways (although very circuitously)

If it was just left up to buying them with Dungeon tokens, then all the stupid COF’ers would start demanding a way to exchange their Tokens for COE tokens, and then those of us will REAL skill who ran a bunch of Arahs would all be looking at nothing but Essences which A> NO ONE WANTS, B>Dropped from regular undead mobs all the time anyway, & C> aren’t used in ANY decent recipes or runes.

well, think about it this way—only CoF is popular these days, followed by Arah. At the very least, you get tons of new interest in TA, CoE, HotW. and CoFers will still want molten stones, I guess. for their Volcanus.

What about a separate vendor that eats up any and all dungeon tokens for boxes that randomly drop all types of stones? That pretty much sucks….but it’s better, at least, than Orrian Boxes, which many people use just for lodestones.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


Whyyyyy are people asking for RNG boxes?

Oh, I hate RNG boxes—well, I hate the event-tied, buy off gem store and get nothing but crap type of RNG boxes.

For my suggestion—I’m talking about the type of RNG boxes from the laurel vendor or comm vendor. You are guaranteed to get the particular lodestone, but the amount is random. so maybe a small box that gives from 1-3 cores or a lodestone, or a large box that gives 1-5 lodestones.

something like that.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

Well lodestone are going to get easier to get, I would expect something along the lines of what they did for dust. So don’t say you were not warned when you get burned for buying up tons of lodestones.

Anet never specified how they are going to make this change. For all we know, they could make it so you can buy them with laurels/commendations etc. That wouldn’t result in much change would it?

I think my suggestion of using dungeon tokens makes tons of sense—

—several lodestones and cores are already specifically tied to dungeons: e.g., TA, CoF, CoE, HotW. Though I am not aware of crystal, putrid, destroyer dropping anywhere, specifically.
—RNG? boxes (like those bought from laurel vendors) could be purchased from LA dungeon vendors. This would certainly effect the cost of lodestones, but it would perhaps be a slow trickle. People basically just run CoF and FotM…which means mostly just piles of CoF tokens out in the world. And this helps alleviate another problem:
—Players explore outside of CoF and learn how to play other dungeons.

major win.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


I doubt it would be laurel vendors—already overburdened.

guild comms? I can see them doing this, but that would be horrible.

My money is on making them obtainable with dungeon tokens from the dungeon vendors in LA? stones and cores are already dungeon-specific, GW2 has a serious gaping problem of no one running dungeons outside of CoF 1 and basically creating an entire population of serious dungeon noobs.

maybe 1-3 tiers of RNG boxes for lodestone/core drops with the max “wealthy” box being 500 tokens?

This would be great, because I already run CoE regularly and I quite enjoy it—now Imagine all the long-time noobs kittening about how “hard it is!” when they first try it.


Gemprices are through the roof

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


Space should never have cost gems. It completely screws new players.

the space available from the beginning is beyond acceptable for new players. larger bags are very easy to obtain, and considering the stuff you get as a new player, the single bank slot is more than adequate for the wealth and needs of a new player.

Hell, I think I had 3 80s before I bought a new bank slot….and that’s only because I started spending more time leveling cooking to level toons, and that space certainly helps.

Rare Items no-longer rare

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


welcome to 3 months ago!

seriously, though—the fix for the fix for the boss chests did nothing. the “daily bonus chest” is a joke.

They just need to make the entire boss chest an account-based daily for each boss event and be done with it.

600g spent and no ticket

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


wait a tic—how are these crab skins harder to get than the fused skins? you had to get keys to open those chests for fused skins and even with a poor drop rate in bl chests, you can’t simply get those keys like you can the southsun crates. They are only from random map completion drops, very specific story mission rewards, or gem store.

that’s it. the crates in southsun tend to drop like candy…more or less…and they are free. the time it took to “grind” to level 10 for bl keys is incomparable to the time it takes to get a handful of southsun crates.

600g spent and no ticket

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


the best thing to do is simply not want it. the sooner you focus on something else you want, the sooner you will forget about what you were unable to obtain. the random gamble system sucks, unless your willing to lose and get nothing in return, don’t do it.

agreed…it doesn’t really help you to get anything, but, well….I’ve been farming that area since the crate update about 2 weeks ago. I don’t care about the crates, or anything that drops in them. the skins are generally quite fugly, imo. I’m after T6 and rares and ecto, and piles of t5 that I can just sell. crap like that.

I got a ticket in my ~24th crate opened. never paid for one—and there you go. I used it to get a fugly greatsword. Every other crate was the shell/flower/fruit drop.

….now, if only I could have sold that ticket to OP for 600g, imagine how much happier the two of us would be? ><