Showing Posts For Zinkos.7328:

Suddenly getting disconnected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


Same here, game client lost connection to server 3 times in 15 minutes so I gave up playing today until later.

Hiding non-town helmets in "explorable areas"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


Do you mean hide your helmet when wearing your combat armor? Cause there is an option for that, just not an automatic option. You can hide your head gear, shoulder and even back by clicking the little check mark on them.

Cloaks, polearms and new armor sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


I am 100% with this, especially the pole arms. When I played Aion for that very short amount of time it was relevant, I loved the pole arms. It has always been my choice of weapon if available in any game, cross bows would be sweet too. I think it would be cool to have one handed crossbows so you could dual wield that might be my Diablo 3 love kicking in though.

Get rid of Guild Banners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


Guild Banners are a cool idea for advertising for the guild but not so much that it ruins the game. On Maguuma, Lion’s Arch has been over run by a guild placing banners everywhere. It was causing a giant map chat argument and was ruining the game experience for some people. There needs to be a limit on how many banners a single guild can place. The trading post and bank are littered with banners.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


Human, Male, Elementalist

Item with issue: Sorcerer’s Masque (Tier 3 cultural human light armor)

The armor is off center slightly of where it should be, it was also this way in preview but i thought maybe it was just the preview.


Zoetic Trigger [Tri] New guild recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


2 friends and I started this guild about a month ago cause we never felt like we did anything in the larger guilds. So if anyone wants to join our guild let me know either in game, character name: Zinkos, I think /join Zoetic Trigger works.. not positive if that only works for parties cause it says guild may be full when a party is full or leave a post saying you want an invite. The beauty of GW2 is you can be in multiple guilds. I am in 3 We have started running fractals and other dungeons alot. Just join us to become fractal buddies cause its sometimes hard to get a good group. We are based in Maguuma but lets be the first big cross server guild even though that’s kinda pointless but who cares, we aren’t trying to be the best there was, the best there is or the best there ever will be. We just want to have fun and make new friends.

P.S. Yeah I know this is the worst guild recruitment ever lol


(edited by Zinkos.7328)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


My 80 ranger, not the final look my armor will have but the picture was too sweet to not show, at least to me


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


Human, Male, Ranger

Right shoulder armor is clipping into the middle of right arm while wielding my bow and great sword. Also clips during the little animation after standing still for a period of time. Doesn’t clip while standing normal. My armor is the Dualist armor set. There is also a red line going down the middle and left side of the armor almost like its where the seam is.

Armor : Dualist Set
Weapons: Mystic Crescent/Vigil GreatSword
