Showing Posts For Zoxea.9564:

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


These “Blob EOTM ktrain people” are extremely tiring. Soon, they will ask flying mounts. Anyway, against Camelot Unchained and Black Desert Online, there is no future for WvW.
ArenaNet can increase the dose of P2W, that’s not my problem. They chose the wii-sports pigeons, it is their choice.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Haha. Candy Corn Gobbler is not pay to win, megaserver is not a server merge and the United States is the birthplace of the English language!!


Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


You pay to transfer to the most populated server and win…

No, you instead twisted it to your own opinion instead of the facts.

Because PvP was never intended to be pay to win and WvW is.

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Because PvP was never intended to be pay to win and WvW is. That simple.

I fixed it for you.

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


This kitten pay to win is prohibited in PvP but it is ok to pollute WvW? If this is not a problem for the WvW, why is this a problem for the PvP?

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


All these boosters have existed since the launch of the game.. you’re a bit late in complaining.

Easy spam 500 hours boost pay to win for 300gems have existed since the release? I did not know, thank you to you.

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


5% damage reduction
15% Speed Bonus
Regenerate Health


Zommoros told me a secret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


I hope there is no Vial of Powerful Blood in this recipe.
The price of this T6 is far to expensive to add another recipe with it…

Quote for posterity.

Precursors selling for 65 Gold on TP!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The real problem is:

Colin Johanson said:
We still plan to do both new legendary weapons, as well as a clear path (on top of the current random chance) to gain precursors which players can see their progress and understand how much work they have left to do to gain it.

Precursors selling for 65 Gold on TP!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


This joke… 70 Gold for a precursor this is extremely broken, the price is too small for a precursor… This is totally pathetic… And 1400 Gold for a precursor it’s totally broken, the price is extremely too expensive. The TP of GW2 have a real problem and is totally broken, it will not work correctly and must be repaired. One must be blind or extremely stupid to not see the problem lol.

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Everything works as expected. Move along please.

Mass amounts of Ranger QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Mega burst with just 1 button, on long distance just with a pathetic easy Tab (nice gameplay) + invisibility (lollol thiger? rangief? wtf is that think?) + easy botpet for noobs unskilled + CC + GSkitteni’m a bird and others. This is just “normal”.

Look the warriors who have “cast without moving” with a sword … With a SWORD lol
Warrior need a longbow for fight it’s just NORMAL for a Wager or Rangior!!

Look all magicians RUNNING and THROWING fireballs and others. Magicians don’t cast and war need cast just NORMAL ^^.

LOOK RALLYBOT. (best pve feature in pvp since 2012 lol)

GW2 eSports and others is a fail this is not surprising. It is a severe lack of talent that there is here.


in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


This thread isn’t about dev & WvW… it’s about the nice fights during this tournament !

And don’t talk like that to our french princess !
She does so much for us, even if she’s kinda alone…

lol You are right. I want to congratulate Piken Square for his great victory in the silver league (legit server in silver league since 6 months).

Really GG, they beat Augury Rock. (Before the league 3 Augury Rock is a server with rank 7 (gold server). But they voted before this league to go down in silver league…)

Good job it’s a great success.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Where is the champion oak in EB?

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


It also lacks the guild bank in the spawn..

They also erased the guild banker in Ebonhawke … He was there for two years too .. I do not understand .. Why they fix what is not broken? They killed the pleasure of crafter to Ebonhawke why ??

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Where is the champion oak in EB?

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


It’s a real question. He was there for 2 years. Why deleted this oak???

I had good fights with the oak, to capture Speldan…

Speldan is full mobs + moles mobs. I pull the oak on Speldan, the oak pull all mobs, i take Speldan. (Successful also with Speldan up 100% + moles + player(s))

Oak is totaly epic and fun in PvP.. Why seriouly… You have kill the fun… Again…

Thank you for breaking WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


EU silver league prime time.


Diamond Legend

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


With the release of Feature Pack 2 on September 9th, WvW players who reach rank 10,000 will be able to continue earning WXP and rank-up chests.

Wow, really impressive, i stay on GW2.

Why do you still play?

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


3. No other RvR games match Gw2 currently.


Siege Golem Mastery

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


I’m convinced! I stay on gw2!

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


There are some weeks / months, the average price was 1540g? Oh, wait..

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Sorry, NEW RECORD, 1850g.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


NEW RECORD, 1740g.


Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


“Prestige = Luxe”

Made my day

@Below: A prestigious school, for example, is not a school of luxury… :rolleyes:

Now, if you have nothing more to add, except flooder and be hysterical, i advise you to go your way and let people meet without their messages either drowned in a torrent of silly things…

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


And no, the legendary weapons are not luxury cars…

Legendary weapons are, it’s magic: “Legendary weapons”. You know? Being a hero, explore the world, killing people in the mists, explore dungeons and other’s…

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Kodumio.1234 played 24 hours without stopping. He received the ingredient “precursor”.

Random.9876 played for 24 days, 1 hour per day. He did not get the ingredient “precursor” as prices increased.
Random.9876 continued, it replays for 24 days, 1 hour per day. He did not get the ingredient “precursor” as prices increased.

Random.9876 worked 48 hours and is not paid for his work.

Colin Johanson said:
We still plan to do both new legendary weapons, as well as a clear path (on top of the current random chance) to gain precursors which players can see their progress and understand how much work they have left to do to gain it.

It’s time to offer the guaranteed to get the ingredient “precursor” because many people work hard for NOTHING.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


They promised quests or craft which offers guaranteed to get sooner or later. The concept of GW2 is: You can stop the game and come back later, your work is not lost and you can continue where you left. This is the guaranteed.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The concept of Legendary Weapon’s is: “Working hard to get ingredient, sooner or later.” Even if you put 6 months 1 year or 2. It is guaranteed, sooner or later, you get the ingredient.

Everyone has guaranteed to have sooner or later, an ingredient that has a price (extreme) increases again again and again? No, no guarantee, nothing.

For many people, get a precursor, it is to be a dog running around a tree to catch his own tail.

This ingredient with an extreme price, month after month after month is broken.

It is time to repair with craft or others because the guaranteed, today, is EXTREMELY broken.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Ascalonian curse broken?

in Living World

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


In the French forum, a player (Kaizok.7839) said this:

According to a book found in the cave where there is the line of force, ghosts are made of magic can serve as a source of food for the dragons. That would explain that Rytlock releases Ascalon to prevent Mordremoth absorb ghosts Ascalonians!

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The concept of the legendary weapons (Get the ingredients, normally, just with the time (6 months, 1 year, 2 years…), is impossible for a large number of people. Impossible for them to follow the price in the time.) is totally broken because the price of precursor is extremly broken days after days, months after months. It’s time for repair the price, it’s time for keep the promise with craft of precursor or others.

The game must be GUILD WARS 2 not BLTP WARS 2…

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The concept of the legendary weapons (Get the ingredients, normally, just with the time (6 months, 1 year, 2 years…), is impossible for a large number of people. Impossible for them to follow the price in the time.) is totally broken because the price of precursor is extremly broken days after days, months after months. It’s time for repair the price, it’s time for keep the promise with craft of precursor or others.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Crafting precursor? In 2013 price of precursor is broken and Colin Johnsson said to: No problem, crafting precusor or others is coming for 2013 because the price is totally broken must be other solutions to obtain a precursor. And where is crafting precursor in 2013? Nowhere. Now we are in 2014 the game is extremely broken. It’s time to repair and keep is word.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The question is, please: 1540g for a precusor in 2014 it’s broken or not? Thank you.

Edit: bad copy / paste

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


I’m not interested by “Arguments of fanboys totally hysterical”, but, by a real response, a response of Anet.

Anet 2013: 300g for a precursor it’s not normal in 2013, it’s broken.
(So for me 1540g it’s broken, repair please)

The question is, please: 1540g for a precusor in 2014 it’s broken or not? Thank you.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Fallacy is not an argument. Prices are totally broken repair please.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Colin Johanson, in 2013, said to: The game is broken, 300g for a precusor it’s not normal. We will create a quest (hardcore) or other.

2014 is there with price totally broken. THE GAME IS BROKEN REPAIR PLEASE.

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


A real shame… After 1400g it is now 1540g for GS precursor!!!

clap clap clap price totally ridiculous and totally impossible to follow.



Bug since the update.

in Living World

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Repair please, it’s really very unpleasant.


Spoiler : Women in Refrigerator Plotline

in Living World

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


The death of Belinda is perfect. I was not sad for his death (This is not a main character) but i was sad for Marjory.

Valar Morghulis!

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


When did the TP will be repaired? Seriouly…..

The concept of the legendary weapons (Get the ingredients, normally, just with the time (6 months, 1 year, 2 years…), is impossible for a large number of people. Impossible for them to follow the price in the time.) is totally broken because the price of precursor is extremly broken days after days, months after months. It’s time for repair the price, it’s time for keep the promise with craft of precursor or others.


Kodumio.1234 played 24 hours without stopping. He received the ingredient “precursor”.

Random.9876 played for 24 days, 1 hour per day. He did not get the ingredient “precursor” as prices increased.
Random.9876 continued, it replays for 24 days, 1 hour per day. He did not get the ingredient “precursor” as prices increased.

Random.9876 worked 48 hours and is not paid for his work.

Colin Johanson said:
We still plan to do both new legendary weapons, as well as a clear path (on top of the current random chance) to gain precursors which players can see their progress and understand how much work they have left to do to gain it.

It’s time to offer the guaranteed to get the ingredient “precursor” because many people work hard for NOTHING.


(edited by Zoxea.9564)

How hard would extra maps be?

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Recycled cards? Look RIFT, seriouly……..

Need a real “new” map. Need a “great” map, a “huge” map. With castle and real “great” openfield. (field, forest, swamp, mountain, and others…)
Good luck, BDO is coming.

Critical bug inside the new crown pavilion...

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Again a thread “I’m a pathetic Lemmings brainless QQ”. Go L2P.

Epic Battles!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Rally is a joke on GW2 but...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Other example (not rally but downstate players use auto-heal and DPS):

Battle of Kyhlo, i’m blue, 0-0.

I rush on far. Far is guarded by a mesmer (the mesmer is late, he has not seen me, it is a surprise for him).

I fight with my zerker hambow and i down the mesmer. I have maybe 35/40% HP. Use finisher on mesmer is not possible because a ranger join the fight (Use dps or finisher = i’m dead by ranger and mesmer).

I don’t use finisher and jump on the ranger. I burst the ranger. I down the ranger. I have maybe 5/10% HP. Kill the mesmer and the ranger is not possible because mesmer and ranger use DPS. I have 0 CD for stability. I leave the fight and descended the slope to protect me, tempo for take heal (i have heal signet and dog of ranger run after me, big pressure i run and escape for take my heal :P) I have not time for take big heal because mesmer and ranger use auto heal.

I join the ranger and i shoot (interrupt auto heal/down HP) the ranger. I rush mesmer because mesmer have 90+% HP. I shoot the mesmer, i interrupt heal of mesmer, i give 2 or 3 shoot on mesmer for down HP. I look at the ranger. The ranger use dog godmode heal. I have not time for interrupt, the ranger is up. My HP is very bad, ranger kick my kitten in 2sec, i’m down, i’m stomped. I have down 2 players IN REAL FIGHT but i lose. I win in fight, i’m dead and mesmer/ranger lose in fight, they are alive.

Downstate is currently bad: auto-heal, dps and rally on dead player is bad. (and my English is bad, sorry)


(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Rally is a joke on GW2 but...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564



I’m sorry but rally is very bad, also, in PvP.

2v1, i fight vs 2 players, a mate is touched by my 2 opponents but don’t fight and run in other point. I down my 2 opponents, i have 10/15% HP, my mate is dead in other point in the map, my 2 opponents is up by rally, i’m killed, i lose my fight…

You can not ignore this example, and many others, in PvP.

Rally is a joke on GW2 but...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


I like unbalanced fast-food.

Each his own. But unbalanced feature is a unbalanced feature.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Rally is a joke on GW2 but...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Rally is a feature “Anti-PvP”. You can give 1000 positive arguments, it is and will remain a feature “Anti-PvP”.

2v1, i fight vs 2 players, a mate is touched by my 2 opponents but don’t fight and run in other point. I down my 2 opponents, i have 10/15% HP, my mate is dead in other point in the map, my 2 opponents is up by rally, i’m killed, i lose my fight…

Other example, WWW, 20v50. You and your 19 mates have down 15 opponents on 50. A player (noob or other, the number 21) is touched by opponents and killed. It’s 15 opponents up. The job is totally ruined by ONE player. (This example is valid with a Moa, and this is not a joke)

All positive arguments are cleared for these reasons.

I’m ok with down and finisher, but for rallybot, no, it’s anti-PvP.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Rally is a joke on GW2 but...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


… on GoW no, it’s a real pleasure. Why? You are down you are dead. You have just crawling for join your mates, shelter behind a wall, etc… No stupid rallybot, you need a mate to get up.

For Example: In 1v1, 2 players is down, 2 players is dead, it’s a draw.

You are down, rallybot is not possible with stupid DPS on players or mobs. You are down and your opponent die, you are not up, you need a mate for up. You need a mate or you die with the time, dps, or finisher. It’s the real PvP, it’s the real WWW.

Sorry for my English.

(edited by Zoxea.9564)

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


GG nice cashprize. lol

Stop it with the toxic attidude to newcomers

in PvP

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


PvEboys farming rank master dongeon afkers chicken run kill the game. RIP PvP 15 april 2014. And it’s not a troll… :/

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zoxea.9564


Win the league and be 7 weeks number 1 EU, this is not impressive?
7 is half of 14. Why 14? This is the record of SFR, 14 weeks number 1 EU.
Before spitting on people and spend a total idiot, you should learn the history of servers, Dondarrion.2748…