Showing Posts For acealucard.9368:

Still Need Assistance [120901-018012]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


even though you closed my post i say thank you for helping gayle you dont know what its like to wait 12 days , i only got to play 10 hours :/

Still Need Help Incident: 120831-017533]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


11 days is rather long im sorry but thank you thats all i ask was some attention

Still Need Help Incident: 120831-017533]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


guess Gayle still ignoring me for no reason?
this CS is awful i really want a refund guess i ll have to charge back

Still Need Help Incident: 120831-017533]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


Ive seen Gale help others but not me what gives?

Incident: 120831-017533]

11 days

Ok, Enough is Enough, you need a Phone Support Number

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


i agree with the original poster

When? When lord when?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


I feel bad for everyone going through account issues BUT there are tons of people who have been waiting as long as i have or more and still jack nada zip zero , and if you are lucky you get some copy paste email that doesnt help, i am now on day 12, ive been reading the forums and i see some people preordered and have been waiting since head start. My roommate purchased my copy he owed me some money and he has a prepaid debit im not even sure if you can do a charge back like that, but its getting to the point where checking email spam junk folders and forums everyday isnt worth it anymore. i just want to play and if i cant then i want my money back. If i cant get my money back then i guess lesson learned 60 bucks down the drain. i did nothing wrong i have like 10 hours played time. Funny thing is ive NEVER had any account issuses in Wow Diablo3 Aion Warhammer Star Wars EQOA FF14.

So i ask when will my account be fixed when lord when? and if not please cough up 60 bucks

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


120831-017533 Steve just asked me why i was banned i responded he never responded
120906-009476 lance told me to reset pw and i did and still banned never responded back to me
Account is now terminated?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


120831-017533 Steve just asked me why i was banned i responded he never responded
120906-009476 lance told me to reset pw and i did and still banned never responded back to me
Account is now terminated?
i did nothing wrong please help gaile

Tomorrow morning it's been a week...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


Gale i recieved no emails today i checked spam junk inbox important everything thing lol, i sent you a pm but you didnt respond ,

15 Days - Zero Response

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


15 days wow i thought i was bad at 11 days please help

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368



11 days, i did nothing wrong never sold gold or helped sell gold, Lance and steve have failed to help me please help or escalate my ticket

Tomorrow morning it's been a week...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


7 days pft today is day 11, good luck to you man

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368



spoke to steve and lance both werent helpful
been banned for 11 days and now it says im terminated i only have 10 hours played time i did nothing wrong , please help

Eleven Days, very frustrated

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


thanks max i ll try that :/

Eleven Days, very frustrated

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368



just realized i am no longer banned i am terminated?

Eleven Days, very frustrated

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


Figured id rant and rave here in an attempt someone would see it and maybe do something or maybe another player has been waiting longer.

8/30 i was running around happily player my lvl 11 ranger with 10 hours playtime and i was kicked off. i tried to log back in and it wouldnt let me. Incorrect password or something but i was half asleep and figured i typed something wrong and went to bed. I woke up tried to log in and said my account was banned for selling gold or assisting in selling gold. which i have never done in any mmo, people should earn their own stuff. I did some searching turns out NO 1800 number you have to submit tickets through email, wow really? so i did 8/31 and i was VERY precise and explained everything that happened, and waited and waited and waited 5 days later 9/4 i get a response from a STEVE who says he needs to know the reason i got banned for. uh what the heck? i precisely explained everything in the first email which led me to believe they didnt even read it , so i gave in and responded and nothing, so i made a post on the forums and a moderator im guessing said it sounds like i got hacked and i should put in a new ticket under the hacked section, so i did this was 9/5 or 9/6 dont remember and i got an email back the same or next day from a Lance, i was shocked way faster than the first time, he said he needed my account key and username and character name, i responded and he responded few hours later with a link to RESET MY PASSWORD, uh again WHAT THE HECK, so i tried it and reset it, and my account is still banned, i responded back to lance but it is now 9/10 and no responses since 9/07 or 9/06 , i feel like they do not read our tickets and for the 13 days i have owned the game i have only been able to play 2 days with 11 hours playtime, i feel ripped off and very MAD, you mad bro? yes i am lol, and it’s sad i was having a lot of fun playing this game

Has anyone gotten a ban that was not warranted fixed yet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


my roommate bought my copy for me because he owed me some money its been 7 days for me im thinking of telling him to do a charge back

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


I felt so alone, all of these people are speaking truth, Lance and Steve both need fired they DO NOT read tickets and give copy and paste responses, i have been banned for 7 days now, i seriously only have 10 hours played on my account. i did nothing wrong, ive never even thought about buying or selling gold in any MMO. This customer service is bad, and the sad part is i was having a lot of fun playing this game. I am starting to feel like i was scammed out of 60 bucks

Banned for unknown reason day five :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


thanks guys lets hope something happens soon 5 days is already too long :/

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


says i was banned for selling gold which i never did or never will do, i only have 10 hours played and my char is lvl 11, going on 4-5 days no response

Banned for unknown reason day five :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


I was loving the game i only have like 10 hours played time didnt even get to do much my char is lvl 11 i logged off and tried to log in next day, says i am Permabanned for Selling gold or assisting selling gold, what the heck? i never bought or sold gold or helped anyone buy or ssell gold in any video game, not even in diablo 3 where its legal i think people should earn everything themselves or with a guild or friends, i emailed the EXACTLY what the ban said and was polite and they emailed me back telling me to check the message and tell them why i was banned? uhhh?? i did in the first email so i message them back word for word verbatim what the ban said and 4 days later still no response , somebody help i really was liking this game