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I just got back to the game after a ~2 year long break (quit before HoT came out) and I’m looking to get back into it. However, I’m not really clicking with the new elite specialisation, scrapper.
I really loved the playstyle of a roaming condi engineer so I’m hoping to get a build which is at least similar to that, which is still viable (mostly for wvw roaming purposes). I used to use healing turret, grenade kit (sometimes changed for bomb kit), tool kit, rocket boots and supply crate for this purpose. I’m totally fine with swapping some of this stuff out, but I would like to keep grenades/bombs at least.
I used to have a gear with rabid stats but it feels like I am doing roughly 0 damage with that to most other people (in pve it’s fine). Is it cause I am only wearing exotic and everyone else is using ascended? Or is it simply cause the new stat combinations released with HoT are just that much better? Or am I just bad?
You still have speedy kits, but it’s now included in Streamlined Kits (Tools IV).
yeah, sinister + perplexity for gear is seeming quite likely, not quite sure about accessories yet (part of the reason for this thread)
@Pseudoshrub: that’s why there’s a note, those are simply runes that are potential candidates for the build. Obviously I’m not that kittened that I would use one of every rune type. :p
As for the Heavy Armour Exploit, I was mainly doing it for the vulnerability – I was looking at the longer condi duration from pistol skills though, extra long blind could be very useful when you’re getting trained by a melee.
The additional 10% crit is also awesome of course, but it does depend a bit on what they classify as nearby. I’m not near my home pc at the moment so I can’t look up what the distance is to classify for “nearby”.
@choovanski: I do have a full dire set already, just wanted to give sinister a shot, going glassy as hell and seeing where that lands me. Would be ideal to get the (hopefully limited) durability from the accessory slots.
Hello friends,
I’m currently working on a build for my engineer, focussed on roaming. Here’s what I have so far, notes below.
First off: I made the accessories as glassy as possible for now. I’m considering replacing some of this stuff though and mixing something that will leave me a bit more durable by adding a bit of toughness/vitality/healing power. Have to figure out which one of those would be most beneficial to a roaming scenario.
- I imagine vitality is probably the best choice since toughness only protects against physical damage, and with everyone and their dog running condition builds, probably be next to worthless. Unsure about how healing power works exactly, would have to look that up.
Secondly: I have 5 different runes selected. This is because I’m not 100% sure yet on which rune to take, as it also depends a bit on point 1, so these are potential candidates.
- Balthazar – probably not enough sources of burning (bomb kit + rocket kick) for this to be worth it, even with the incendiary powder trait
- Perplexity – seems the obvious choice, with 3 sources of confusion from abilities alone, with an additional potential 8 stacks of confusion from the rune itself if you play it right (would have to interrupt a skill for 5 of the stacks)
- Krait – would play nice with the firearms trait increasing crit chance on foes affected by bleeding
- Undead – if I’m not mixing in much toughness at all, this one probably doesn’t make all that much sense
- Tormenting – torment would get applied by the sigil on my pistol, and with this rune the duration would be longer, curious about the 6-combo effect though, if there is an aoe cap of 5 people here, and what they classify as “nearby”. I imagine this rune would be more interesting for zerging, overall.
I’m quite keen to get some comments and suggestions on what I’ve got so far, what with all the changes in the patch and whatnot.
I’m making something that could potentially cause a lot of calls to the API. Is there any kind of rate limit in place that I should be aware of, or can I just.. go ahead?
Yeah, was kinda hoping to already use what I wrote so far, but I guess I will indeed have to wait to find out myself
Hi guys,
I’m working on a cool little idea (you’ll hear about it… soonish), and for that I’d like to know how the matches and match_details feeds look during reset?
In the case of matches, I imagine it will be an empty object, or that the “wvw_matches” key will simply be empty. Can anyone confirm this?
For match_details, I simply expect an empty object. Again, any confirmation/denial on this would be appreciated.
Not everyone on SFR is like this, but there are a whole lot of them, I guess. This is the main reason that I got involved in these matchup threads. They make us all look like idiots but we’re really not.
Please, accept my apologies for their behaviour and try to judge them as individuals rather than assuming the whole server is like them. I know it’s hard, but please try.
I’ve been told perhaps I say too much in these threads, so if you want more info at any point in time, just feel free to PM me.
It’s still messy as hell, but at least it’s not the blamefest that SFR is.
Sounds like heaven to me, might have to transfer or something. They in need of commanders?
No! Kresh pmd me! I just answer… Don’t hate me!
Big Respect for your posts Aelen, at least there are a few guys on SFR with “normal” thoughts posting here.
Wish you the best.
Thanks mate, I’ve been told off a bit for posting here, but I’m trying to become more active in our community, as well as in these matchup threads to make sure the levels of rage and drama are limited, and the taunting remains friendly. Thank you for the kind words. All the best!
And guess what?
You’re the only one I pm.
Lies, you PM’d Kresh! My heart is broken :’( </3
The forbidden lovestory
You know it!
I don’t get PMs often either, only from Itsvara :’(
I work as a programmer it’s a bit boring sometimes, but I guess every job is at times!
Keep your hands off my Hills!
You mean keep their… eyes off your hills? What good are hands on eyes… They’re better on hills. JUST SAYIN’.
I have kinda weird keybinds cause I used to PvP as a warrior in WoW… tooooo many keybinds, but here goes:
For movement I use SDF (D being backpedal), I move forward with auto run (middle mouse click) or just pressing both mouse buttons at the same time. Then it’s:
QWERT: weapon skills
1234G: utilities (I had trouble reaching 5 without looking for some reason)
F1-4: tool belt (actually been thinking about how I could better place these, it’s a bit of a stretch
A: dodge
C: looooot
Also I don’t have a “follow target” at the moment, since when we’re roaming we keep target on our roaming leader anyway.
Also: Aelen that sounds like an epic moment for your server! That’s what WvW should be all about. Kudos to you for holding it together. SFR is very lucky to have you.
It was really an incredible night, I stayed up 4 hours longer than I should’ve cause the adrenaline was just flowing aaaall the time. The way everyone just pulled together and bunkered up, insanely proud. Thank you for the kind words! <3
@aelen Thumbs up to you guy, you seem to be way more smart than a lot of SFR posters here, keep your fighting spirit and see you soon on the battlefield.
Cheers for the kind words! If you see a tiny asura engineer leading the troups, it’ll be me… Be gentle! :p
You did it again, you came here and discuss and criticize SFR community. Just to remind you I’m in TS so if you need to talk I’m there, I’m sure you have the balls to do that, you also know how to contact the others in the game. You didn’t notice we are losing our entire map? Let me tell you that you really need to focus a little bit.
The only reason I criticise our community in the open, is cause people come here and show a lot of bad behaviour, bad blood, flame our opponents. I am simply trying to show our enemies we are not all like this. Every time I command, I am actively trying to get people’s morale up and making them believe in us, as a server.
I’m not the one that lost our entire map, I noticed that we were losing our entire map, and with my guild group I did whatever was possible. I had faith in the commander that was leading at the time. Sadly, he buckled under the pressure and I just tagged up when they were hammering our keep cause no one else did. I did what had to be done.
And don’t talk to me about focus dude. Look how focussed I was getting ALL our kitten back on EB and defending camps relentlessly, despite still being attacked from both sides. I can assure you I was plenty focussed. I may act a bit insane, borderline kittened, when I command, and people might think I’m on drugs, but I did get the job done.
Teaching a guy that spends months in WWW watt is the difference between 2v1 and the opportunity of attacking the other opponent is sad. Look inside your guild, you have their my dear friend Hjerim, one of the best commander I had ever met in this game, but he is still one humble guy, just follow. My last advice is; when you want to change something do it from inside, I had done it, and I’m still doing it, when I was in the minority, people respect my opinions, and I was and I’m a simple PUG, and at the time I don’t even had the commander tag.
And regarding the 2v1 thing, I just don’t buy it. They attack each other plenty too. After we repelled the keep attack and started taking our stuff back and pushing them back into their own territory, they did start fighting each other again cause they realised they could not take us. They are simply picking on the weakest link: at the moment that’s us.
We fought our way to the #1 spot in EU and they want to dethrone us, to my mind it’s that simple. Hell, there was even a huge fight between their blobs at Umber, if they truly had an alliance I doubt that would happen, hell, they would just double team on a single tower or some crazy kitten like that, or coordinate another omega rush, but from two sides this time.
Yes, we have Hjerim, yes he is great. I have seen him command and he and I agree on commanding a lot, he was one of my inspirations to even give commanding a go. Are you saying I’m not humble? Just cause I state my opinion on things out in the open? I’m not afraid to fight back against the negativity in our community, and I know you are not either.
I am not your enemy mate. I am your friend. You and I have more in common than you think even though we don’t agree on everything. So on the 2v1 thing: let’s agree to disagree, everyone has their own thoughts and opinions on it, and it’s impossible to know for certain without 100% of the story. We will never get 100% so best we can do is speculate.
Sure, I may not be the most experienced commander out there, but I’m certainly no idiot.
Ahh, yes, the rage continues sadly. SFR (where I am based) really needs to take a long, hard look at itself and realise that the only problem is our egos.
Yesterday, Viz omega rushed us twice, and Piken attacked us at the same time. You could call it double-teaming or you could, you know, use your brain and realise it’s just good tactics.
How long have our forum warriors been on these forums, taunting the opposition, being arrogant, insufferable little sh*ts? If I were Piken, I too would attack us whenever Viz is going for us, give us a piece of our own medicine.
Yesterday, I had some of the most fun I have had in ages in WvW. For those that were not there, this was in EB: Viz golem rushed all of our towers, and Piken followed suit and attacked us at the same time. ALL our towers were turned to paper, and the commander ragequit while they both went for our keep. Piken from the north, Viz from the south, it was a disaster.
I was on my guild’s TS cause we were roaming so I didn’t really hear all the kitten he got thrown at him, but I can only imagine. People don’t take those kinds of losses lightly, but what can he do against a 20-30 omega rush? Not too much, those gates melted. The only thing left to do was to go to keep and siege it up somewhat.
I decided to switch to the community TS and do what nobody else seemed to have the balls to do: I tagged up and decided to try and rally everyone on me and defend our keep. It was a tough battle. When Piken breached north inner, Viz moved off the walls to the south gate to keep the people ressing at hills out of the battle.
Eventually I died as well, being a squishy engineer commander, and I rallied people on me south of keep. We pushed through Viz blob, I was telling people “Just push through! They’re just trying to keep us out!” Again, conspiracies of double-teaming arose, but this was just very smart play by Viz. OF COURSE they want to see our fully upgraded t3 keep flipped, means they can just flip it day and night, at their leisure.
After a very long and hard battle that felt like it lasted for days, but in actuality was around 45 mins, we FINALLY managed to repel both enemies. We held on for dear life and everyone rejoiced. I organised a few roaming squads and sent them to camps across the map to get supply to repair our keep, we had around 60 people, with about 40 supply total.
Anyway, this went ok, but of course our enemies would not lay off so easily, they just kept coming back, taking Klovan a few times and going for Jerri too, but we managed to hold that until WvW shut down (thank you arena net :p) and when the servers came up, we rebuilt.
I embraced everyone on the map, rallied everyone to me and we had a great time together, some of the most fun I had in ages! We started wiping the Piken/Viz blobs, people kept gathering on me, and we managed to defend out homeland. Hell, we even managed to take SM and keep it for two ticks.
When I logged off (at 4am, 4 hours later than I should have gone to bed…) all our towers were T3, or in the process of getting there. I was a bit scared to leave, but I left control in the hands of a more-than-capable commander to follow me up.
Thank you sincerely Vizunah and Piken, I had a wonderful night!
And to everyone from SFR: please, try to keep the rage to a minimum. Not attacking the enemy blob is often just smart tactics. I try never to interfere either, when 2 servers are attacking each other. Let them turn each others’ towers to paper so we can retake them easily aaaall day long.
Thanks again V/P <3
TL;DR: I had an amazing night and double-teaming is a load of bull <3
As someone that resides on SFR, I want to apologise to everyone (especially Viz) for the behaviour of the people on my realm. I keep saying the same stuff as you guys in map chat: embrace the people going for achievements, explain to them that the fastest way to get them is follow commander, etc… but no, people prefer to whine all day rather than use common sense just not be nice to people, for once.
If so-called “pugs” (pug = pick-up group, aka, our blob, not individuals…) log onto TS, and the first thing they hear is flaming from the commander at how useless all PvEers and achievement hunters are, what makes you think they’ll even be REMOTELY interested in helping our server?
SFR is getting what it deserves. I will try to lead when I can, and when I do so I will embrace all the people our other commanders insist on chewing up and spitting out.
It’s a game, be nice. If you’re this bad in a game, how bad are you in real life? Has anonymity really taken such a toll on your behaviour? There’s other actual people on the other end of the wire… Grow the f**k up.
To Viz: you did amazing this weekend, massive respect. If only we managed to rally all the achievement hunters in the spectacular fashion that you guys managed to, this would all be different.
The downfall of this server is it’s ego. Let go of that and things will be better.
Found it, here you go my friend:
edit: kitten, I’m an idiot sorry, those are only the icons for the ruins, d’oh.
I saw a post on these forums somewhere which had all the icons listed, but I can’t find it right now. I imagine they might be available on the render service though?
I actually had a lovely day yesterday when I commanded. 3 of our towers were paper in EB when I started (all but Aldon’s), by the time I was done, morale was high, all our towers were T3 and things were looking up.
Sadly I crashed in an encounter at Rogue’s so I was unable to command for the rest of the evening. I really want to thank everyone from SFR for sticking with me, especially in blob fights where the trend lately has been to just stay at the back rather than follow the commander.
I just hope people can resolve their differences in a non-hateful way and just… spread the love, we don’t need all this anger. SFR have messed up badly when it comes to the so-called “pugs”, treating them like kitten when we should’ve embraced and taught them. I know some people will argue with me and say that we did, indeed try… but we’ve tried with rage, not with kindness and compassion.
Thanks to PS and VIZ for the good fights as well, it was nice to get morale back up for my server with good fights that were seemingly lost, but still ending up on top.
Stay strong guys, don’t give up and just remember: it’s a game, have fun.
Peace <3
Don’t be worried. You just need to understand, that sometimes we need to play hard with some people, because they want to spoil our fun. Don’t be offended when you are in TS, try to listen and learn, because with 3 weeks in WWW, it’s impossible to know everything.
We just need to be smart in the league, and we will achieve our goal. If we don’t have 1st liners, a bunch of people that don’t follow orders and lots of upscale, we simple can’t do open fields battles, or try to get hard objectives. We have to play different, that will be very sad for us.
I have been in WvW for months, I mean I have been commanding since 3 weeks.
I know there have been efforts in the past to educate pugs in the past, but I wasn’t playing at the time so I don’t know what it was like.
I just know that if I was new to the server and asked to join TS, and the first thing I hear is a commander going full-on rage mode on the zerg, calling them kittens and other such insults… well, I’d be out of there pretty quickly again, likely never to return.
At the same time, I really do understand the frustration of all the commanders that have been going at it for months (I’ve only been doing it for about 3 weeks) and see little to no improvement, and I really don’t have a good suggestion on how to improve this stuff.
I used to play WoW and LoL and I used to rage so much in those games, so it’s not like I’m not familiar with feeling such frustration. But I guess I grew out of it and nowadays I just try to take it easy, whatever I am doing.
I do genuinely hope we will find some good solution though and I’m happy to help, contribute in whatever way I personally can. I can’t speak for my guild, since… well, you know about all this stuff, not gonna drag it out into the open here.
We tried that, multiple times over the last months with pug and commander training/build advice/team speak info/scouting advice/ tactics…
They just wont listen and only want to sit on the karma train.
I guess the problem (for some people) with that kinda stuff is that it starts to feel a lot like a second job. When I first joined WvW I had no clue what was going on, so I ended up watching a series of videos which explained everything, from the basics, like “What is supply? Why is it important?”, to more advanced topics and that greatly helped me. But I only did this cause I like to excel at this stuff. A lot of people will be happy with being mediocre, so long as they have fun.
Sadly, I don’t really have a great idea about how to keep things entertaining enough for the masses while trying to educate them on certain things. Another question, I guess, is how far do you take it? How basic do we go?
we have tried. trust me we have tried SFR community have tried our commanders have tried I remember last week at Saturday I came online at an hour when my ppls are offline and I got 90% nameless pugs. I had a lot ppls on ts but THEY STILL FUKNIG HIT THE BLOODY GATE.
Yeah it really sucks, but usually those are the guys that are not on TS, so chewing the people you do have on TS isn’t gonna help. A lot of people (like me) will understand your frustration, but a lot of others will just get tired of complaints and log off TS to go listen to some music (I am guilty of this too sometimes, when TS rage gets a bit too much).
Anyways, I know I’m pretty new to the whole SFR community, so I guess I notice the bad more than the good, but I plan to do what I can to help out.
Peace <3
It’s kinda sad how bad the state of SFR is at the moment, but at the same time it makes me even more sad that the SFR community isn’t willing to embrace and teach these new people how we do things. There are going to be a lot of players that transferred to our server that want to help, but they’re simply not being told how to help in the best possible way.
I do agree, though, that it would be best if a bunch of people left again since the queue times (especially for EB) are ridiculous at the moment, but aside from that, there’s no reason to be a bunch of jerks to them. I think some players forget there are actual human beings with feelings on the other side of the wire.
I’m really excited to try out bombs now, but I’m trying to pull together a new set of armour for it. What kind of gear are you guys using?
I was thinking pistol/pistol, Healing Turret, Tool Kit, Bomb Kit, Rocket Boots (or Elixir S, situational), Supply Drop… then dire armour/noble runes
I wish more people would just… not be kittens to each other 24/7, would be much better for everyone. Sad to see people bring SFR’s issues out to the public forums.
Let us resolve them as a community.
You only brought out the desire to fix the issues, Mighty. For that I have nothing but respect for you.
I wish more people would just… not be kittens to each other 24/7, would be much better for everyone. Sad to see people bring SFR’s issues out to the public forums.
Let us resolve them as a community.
@Chaba: yeah, my main concern is surviving to be honest, so at the moment I did indeed go 0 0 20 30 20 with FT, just giving that a roll. I haven’t been able to have a proper commanding session with it yet though (full time job fml), but whenever I run into a zerg, I seem pretty much impossible to die, which is kinda fun haha.
Yeah, was thinking about bombs as well when commanding, it’ll have to be something I try out in the future as well, cheers for your thoughts!
Also yes, I definitely prefer the turret. Since I really only really zerg when I’m commanding, I like to have the ability to put down a water field myself and call for blasts on it.
Oh kitten , that’s true of course. I haven’t been playing so long, so I kinda overlooked that like an idiot, hahaha.
I put the above into a build…
The reason I take the reduced damage from guards/lords infusions is simply cause I will be using this gear for commanding, and commanding only. I have a different build (+gear) for PvE/roaming etc.
I have never used elixir gun much, so I’m not very used to it… but I’ve grown a bit addicted to tool kit, so I guess maybe I’m a bit biased.
Anyway… thoughts?
So, I’ve basically been looking through and fiddling around with two of the builds linked here; the one from Hvaran (he’s on my server, talked to him in-game) and the one from Rozbuska.
At the moment I’m using Rune of Exuberance, since I already had those, but before I bought them, I had been thinking about Rune of Melandru as well… I seem to have the most trouble staying alive when there’s not enough stability and a bunch of conditions get piled up. I have a fairly substantial health pool now, so I am not sure if the extra vitality is worth it, rather than getting the reduced condition duration (and -15% stun).
In terms of defences I would have a bit less healing power though… so I wonder how the reduced vitality + healing power weighs up against the increased toughness and reduced condition duration…
When it comes to traits, I was thinking of essentially doing a mix between the two builds. I really like the 200 toughness + extra might when wielding a flamethrower, which seems like it would make putting 20 points into Firearms worth it… however, I’d be sacrificing other stuff.
Been thinking about going 0 20 0 30 20, which basically means going for the 200 toughness (and perma might, 6-7 stacks) while wielding FT, as well as the reduced cripple, chill and immobilise duration. I would miss out on some protection though (3 sec, every 20 sec) and -20% dmg during stun/knockdown.
The main thing to keep in mind though, I guess, is that the 200 toughness from FT is permanent, it’s always there… whereas the reduced damage from the Inventions trait line is only there some of the time.
Thanks a ton for all the suggestions guys, gonna have a look through all the builds that got linked and try some different stuff! <3
Hi all,
I started commanding recently (about 2 weeks ago) on my engineer and it’s going pretty ok. So far I went for full power/toughness/vitality gear along with exuberance runes… People seem to like my commanding style, but I still feel a bit squishy which causes a problem for the melee train cause don’t really have someone to follow into the heat of battle. I’d like to be there for them in the midst of it all…
My accessories/jewels aren’t fully up to scratch yet and I have no upgrades in there, so I was looking for some advice on those. What would be the best thing to go for (both accessories as well as the upgrades)?
I have also been terribly lazy and haven’t actually retraited from my regular roaming build (30 10 0 20 10)… I was thinking of going for the “tankcat” build and seeing if that’s still viable. It seems to have a lot of survivability anyway.
Any other commanding engineers on here? Would love some engineer-specific commanding advice. Thanks!
Hi all,
I recently hit 80 on my engineer and I’m absolutely loving it, however I am having some trouble finding a build that works well and suits me, so I was wondering if people have some suggestions/advice.
I do mostly WvW, roaming around in small groups with my guild mates whenever I can. Ideally I’d like a build that can deal well with small group play, as well as the occasional 1v1. I am in love with grenades so using those would be ideal. I’m also very fond of the tool kit, but I’m quite open to change just about anything.
At the moment I bought some rabid gear and stuck some cheap ruby orbs in there until I figure out exactly what it is I want, but I’m by no means attached to the gear/upgrades.
I got lucky two days ago in WvW and got an ascended berserker pistol from a chest in WvW, so maybe that can be of some use. I was using double pistol so far cause I love the immobilise + cond dmg from the blowtorch, but I understand shield is pretty kitten good as well.
Anyway, I guess what I’m really looking for is a little guidance until I understand the class a bit better, any help/advice/suggestions/whatever is appreciated!