(edited by ajhak.9716)
Showing Posts For ajhak.9716:
i just jacked my mum’s credit card hurry put the items up fer sale m8
This has been in the game for months, there is no reason this should be here. Like it should hotfixed it shouldn’t stay for a big patch just fix it; it messses with pvp and wvw combat so much.
I really do not understand why the players that did the story are being punished. Why is there not a replay button for the instance lie there is for the living world instances. It just does not really make sense that when we do the content created we get punished while other people can repeatedly farm because they did no do the story. I hope a replay button can be added to the instance.
So turret engis really hurt… Please anet these AI specs are so broken and demoralizing, they make me not want to pvp. And for the sake of this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, game you’ve created tone down these bunker specs that one shot you with soldier amulet on. It’s so anonying watching an engineer dominating a point the entire match with zero skill, only auto-attacking and turrets blasting you across the map. Please consider my words, and the words of many and balancec turret build more. An example is lowering the knock back on the turret blast, because even though it was nerfed it still blasts really far, Thanks for reading.
The meta is however partly a problem in that, since it’s hard for beginners to handle builds such as hambow, turret engi, mm necro ,etc…
Those are extremely rare on EU soloq. Meta there is very different and healthier for the game. Maybe if they would find a way to merge EU and NA the overall meta would change and games would be way more enjoyable for everyone.
Really, i didn’t know EU had a very different meta. What is it like there? Is it better and less “cheesier” than NA?
Anet please consider working on the match making system. I don’t appreciate being matched up with top ranked players when im with much lower ranked people with less skill. The match is not fun at all when we are getting owned by the top ranking people in NA. the lowest ranked person on our team was in the 30’s and their team was made of all 80’s. Considering I’m friends with some of the people from the other team it didn’t bother me to lose, however for people that don’t have a relationship with high ranking players it feels awful to lose just because the match making system is broken. pls fixerino…
It takes longer to get 500 dungeon tokens than it does to get 30 wvw ranks. It’s really not that hard at all.
Well, that’s a rumour. Depending on the legendary and the dungeon tokens needed for it, it would take me roughly 2-6 hours of dungeoneering to get the 500 tokens. I don’t see how I’d come from 0 to 30 in PvD in that time.
That must mean you’ve never been to WvW before because in a karma train with pvd it does not take long to get 30 ranks i promise. Even if it’s not a karma train just an hour or two of wvw can get you a few ranks not a big deal to do over a few weeks.
Personally i think there needs to be more bridges to break. Also it’s kind of difficult to time it with siege maybe there should be another way to break a bridge rather than with siege. Maybe there can be a mini event just like the mini events you do to give the oil to the airship captain the and orb to the kodan guy. I think if more of the bridges around the mao were breakable it would make it much more risky and would make the map more dynamic and interesting.
Just thought i would throw this up here to get some discussion going on what other players think.
Besides that I love the map i think it is one of the most beautiful and developed maps to date and I am really impressed with Anet on a great job they did.
Funny thing about this is that a lot of people hate running dungeons too, yet we’ve always been forced to do that. It takes longer to get 500 dungeon tokens than it does to get 30 wvw ranks. It’s really not that hard at all. Honestly even if you don’t like it sometimes you have to go through certain things to get a legendary weapon, that’s what makes it even more special. So i don’t think it was a bad call on Anet’s part, please quit your kittening.
still bugged cant get passed this…………
GoF on BG offering gold to TC if they help double team SoR garrison? lol what?
Hmm, that’s a bit strange considering GoF was on TC BL last night not SoR BL…..
Why are there still so many pve aspects on all the maps.
Why shouldn’t there be?
because they are annoying and slow us down? …..
I wish they would touch base with us on the subject, but I doubt they will. Playing alts is one of the best ways to keep players from burning out on content, yet they keep discouraging it. Seems rather counter intuitive to me.
I have to totally agree, i was getting burnt out on my mesmer so i made a thief that i LOVE. Sadly all my wxp is gone and it makes me just wanna go back to mesmer even though i got quite bored