Showing Posts For ancientoak.4258:

UGLY Launcher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


I like it, its stylish and functional. I dont want a flash fluff colour cluster …
Might wanna change the title and post into I form instead of us/we btw..

(edited by ancientoak.4258)

why no duel?

in PvP

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


1) I play to relax. Not interested in being harrased by underaged anoying players who want to ‘duel’.
2) Can you already see dueling earlier mentionted underage trolls Ruining dynamic events, i can.
3) I play Guildwars (gw1 since 2005, gw 2 since 2012) because its the opposite of all the terrible pro childish behavior and drama Mmo’s.

(edited by ancientoak.4258)

So was Glint Wrong about Prophecies?

in Living World

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


If they do a lore redcon, then yes. If they stay true to the original lore, no. I think we will get a new prophecy which has to be fulfilled. From who? only time can tell.

How did B-Man lose his powers?(SPOILERS!)

in Living World

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


Maybe he betrayed the other five and allianced himself with Dhuum (or even let him free). It seemed like he was stripped of a large part of his godly powers, and was not amused of it. Seeking some kind of revenge maybe, we will have to see. Btw, i dont think hes dead/exploded. The mirror of Lyssa could be stolen by him, so it isnt sure shes in on this Balt plot.

[Spoiler] Lazarus' identity a poor plot twist

in Living World

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


My guess is hes not gone and this is only the beginning of a larger story to do with major conflict between the gods. Its not the first time god like creatures can blink from one to another place, right? He still accumulated large quantities of magic (bloodstone + dragons).

GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


the same, apparently European players cant connect. Just bought This Hot account a while back + new trilogy +eotn linked together last week. For a replay of gw 1 and to fill the Hom (and all the delicious gw 2 rewards coming with it) . Hope the servers will be up again soon. Was planning a gw 1 play day instead of a gw 2 one. I cant imagine they shutdown gw 1 servers without a long time notice, so i guess its a server wide problem which will be fixed.

(edited by ancientoak.4258)

raid answer from dev

in Lore

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


You had 4 living story releases full of content/story with a nice release pace, what are you complaining about? Forgot about the story releases, the maps (also full of story and lore if you take the time for it), the fractals?

New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


I understand that not every player is a top skilled player. But what keeps you from seeking help from other friendly players who can help you improve your play to a decent level, and give you a smoother play experience. Its a mmo afterall, not a singleplayer game. For myself i am no fan of the vertical chaos of the Hot maps. But i love the new more open and intuitive LS 3 maps and events. You miss out on a lot of new fun. You can even skip Hot and Still get enough mastery points from the new maps, i did it on my secondary Hot account.

(edited by ancientoak.4258)

Should zerk gear be used by casual players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ancientoak.4258


Seeing all those people die in the new map, with their full offensive, no defense/survivability stats with the legendary champs, standing in one spot without moving, i say no. Even at the canon events, which you must cc, or you do no damage, they keep spamming with damage, and do no damage. And eventually die. I try to inform them, sometimes they listen, many times not.
And playing casually (say a normal amount of playtime) is something else as having skill or not. I see many people with max masteries, so they played quite a lot, but dont even use cc when its needed, and die constantly.

(edited by ancientoak.4258)