Showing Posts For ariel.9751:
Yay! Makeover kit! /dance
It’s a little late, but not by much.
I would like to see Anet offer a Pink Dye pack for a reduced gem cost for the rest of October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Recent statistics say 1 out of 8 people (including men!) might possibly get this. It means that the chances of you or someone you know has/will have it, till a cure is found.
Last night, someone suggested we all dye our armor pink to show support. I thought this was touching (I have a sister struggling with this type of cancer), and the night before, a totally random group dyed their armor pink and had a dance party near the mystic forge (Borlis Pass server).
Anyway, this is my suggestion. Based on some of the armor types, Anet clearly supports breast health, and from what I understand listening to chat – most male players support it too…
I don’t see how your father in law is a comparison for someone with a disability, unless you count 50 as old and feeble. Or unless he actually does have one.
The OP was saying they were having difficulty with some of the fine motor skills needed for some of the jumping, and was wondering if an alternate path would be available. They weren’t complaining that they wanted it easier.
I wonder if it’s possible to show the seller of an item’s name when buying something from the Trading Post. There are some sellers that over a fairly short period of time will become known as bots and/or gold sellers.
As a buyer, I’m usually going to choose the cheapest of the choices. If I know that the cheapest choice is sold by someone named “Asfghghghg” , I won’t mind spending the extra 2 copper to buy from someone that might not be a bot/gold seller.
Of course this ‘system’ isn’t foolproof, and ‘name-ism’ might be an accusation, but just that addition might help the problem a little.
Botter reporting - any way to find out the result?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ariel.9751
It DOES make me feel better to know you have Smitten (Smited?) 3,000 bots. For a very short time, it was a peaceful playing experience (well, except for the killing)….
Then….POW, a pile of level 5 Charr bots in Queensdale, another huge group of Rangers in their underwear at the Farm Event (in Queensdale) as well. I finished the map on that zone, so maybe the going will be a little easier.
I said I was going to stop reporting, but I have OCD about it and can’t If they weren’t so incredibly disruptive of Real Players’™ game experience, I’d leave you to it without whining. But there are times when I can’t meet my game objectives because they are there.
So keep up the good fight. Thanks for the answer
Botter reporting - any way to find out the result?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ariel.9751
I know Anet is working on doing something about it, I’d just like to hear updates. Right now, the game is unplayable in a smooth fashion.
If I am questing and am goal-oriented to get to a certain point in my story, telling me ‘oh just go craft for awhile or go somewhere else’ because I can’t do what I intended…because of bots…isn’t an option.
Keep us posted Anet.
There is a note asking if you are SURE cause you won’t be able to change it. No one who has played other games before takes that seriously because every other popular game has some sort of feature change ability as you get into the game.
Till they decide to come out with it (and if they haven’t even thought of having it, I doubt their veracity…), make your hair accessories the same color as your hair and there isn’t that jarring dye problem when your armor color changes.
Dyeing armor is like a mini-game for me. I’m collecting and trading dye like a crazy person. There is a lot of gems to be made if they’d bring out a makeover feature.
I was commenting that my Sylvari at starting level looked like Venus Williams. No one could call a world-class athlete like her fat, but she definitely has some junk in the trunk and very strong thighs.
Combine it with the starting Necro outfit – which looks very much like a Venus Williams original tennis creation, and the illusion was complete.
On creation you have a bunch of different body types to choose from, all with There are several who look like they need to eat something, but the majority of them look fairly healthy.
There’s a fairly wide (pardon the pun) choice.
And P.S. I WANT my toon to look like a pinup model. I want a pretty and/or cute toon. I’ve left games ::coughRiftcough::: because I just couldn’t stand looking at the toon another second.
(edited by ariel.9751)
I’d love to hear what is or might be done about the horrible botting problem – instead of being pointed to a thread that’s locked for discussion with no information.
I have to agree with most of the posts saying this event is too difficult. On it’s own, for experienced gamers, it’s not a difficult event. But up till this point, there’s been no fight, quest, champion or anything that has gotten new players prepared for the mechanics of this one.
A boss this low level should not have this difficulty. The whole point of leveling a toon is so you can be learning how to play it bit by bit.
I’d vote for toning this event down a little. If not, I’d vote for making all of the events in the area prior to this event (assuming this is the area’s ‘end boss’) have ONE of the dynamics of this fight – then the Fire Elemental combines all the things you should have learned up till then.
There is no way to dodge, revive/help others and fight all at the same time and stay alive. If you make one mistake, it’s over. That’s a little harsh for the level this fight is, IMO.
I’m taking a break because trying to play a ranger anywhere is asking to be accidentally reported for botting. When someone is mass clicking on names, if you are accidentally in that pile, you may ‘get it’.
When they figure out how to let us be within 20 meters of an event without competing with botting rangers, I might try again.
I’m agreeing with Seth Moonshadow here. I’m able to do anything I want until I get in an area with botters. Packet flooding, maybe? I lag, lock up and am booted to the point where I can’t play.
I’ve been trying to discover Queensdale for 4 days on a level 18ish character, and can’t move more than 2 steps without being d/c’d. If I see a group of botters I report them. As soon as I report using the ingame flagging system, I’m booted from the game.
Y’all can get your own botters, as far as I’m concerned.
ANet is going to ‘look into this’? They didn’t even remotely consider it to start? /looks skeptical.
“Ranger” just doesn’t seem to be a popular name/class with devs. At least one other game I can think of completely messed that class up
I got a jellyfish for an aquatic pet (named U Jelly, of course), and they are doing a crapton of damage too. I haven’t tried a river drake yet, but I haven’t been playing the class very long.
Although I’m sympathetic to the disability, I’d like the vistas to stay as they are. ANet has been fairly thoughtful about most of the game – they may be able to devise an alternate path to the rewards of map completion, as well.
Maybe a reward for this alternate map completion would be an ability that would teleport you to the vistas so you can see them but not get ‘credit’ for them, since you went down the alternate path.
I agree with the OP – besides the jumping, once you get there the vistas are just beautiful.
If there were a ‘feedback’ feature in-game, I’d be using it all the time for grammar and spelling.
I know the devs are designers not English majors, but I just wish a little more care went into crafting instructions and dialogue prior to releasing it.
If a word is intentionally spelled incorrectly (like some of the Asura krewe and lab names), that’s ‘flavor’, not ‘mistake’.
For those people who have good spelling and grammar, running across a badly formed bit of dialogue or instruction is disruptive. Folks go along: ..:::Immersed..immersed..immersed..::: /needle scratch across the record….::brought back from the story:::
For those that are younger or maybe don’t have the best grammar or spelling, it sets a bad example – or worse: Lets the person think that’s how it’s supposed to be because it’s in a professionally created and commercially released product.
This is a minor complaint, I know. I’m not a grammar nazi, I’m not going to run around in game correcting people’s spelling – I’m usually pretty good at it, but I’m not perfect, either.
On the other hand, my conversation in game isn’t a product released by a company that ought to have checked before letting it go public.
(Best example was the post for ‘clearing up’ WvW queuing. That was so bad, it was funny. I would have posted that pointing to it as said example, but someone went in and cleaned it up. )
Thank you
Adding my ‘vote’ to have an appearance change system. This is so important to me as a player that I would pay gems for it. Real Money!
If you made it either/or (gems or gold) you would have the love of everyone seeking this feature. Please do it sooner rather than later.
I like how my characters look, for the most part, but if I have the option I change their hair all the time. Since all characters have hair accessories (females anyway, I haven’t played male toons), you really need to be able to change them with your changing armor and dye options.
Sooner rather than later!!!