Showing Posts For arji.7192:
Maybe its my idea couse i dont play my ranger extensive anymore (or gw2). But is F2 became more responsive?
I know that no patch relative with rangers came but i noticed that :
When you autoattack and press F2 it instant happens
When you use multiple abilities in order F2 instant happens. If more that 2 abilities are in queue it fails but the point is that havent seen F2 in queue not even once (before it was flashing and then failed to happen).
It’s more possible to be my idea since i dont play much anymore but can anyone confirm or decline ?
While no one touch him ever? I hope that we all understand that ppl mostly complaining about spirits survivability. Also about the proc chance.
So yes if a ranger is untouchable for 1 min, his spirits gonna stay alive and get a proc. If someone focus him for 10 secs or some random AoE hit the ranger then his utility goes to zero. (something thats gonna happen in SPvP from someone that knows the basics).
Warriors banners might have 2 mins cd (instead of 1min) but you know that u gonna have them when you need them and gonna buff you all the time.
I had some fun with this video. And …. really? In 10 min fight none touched the ranger. Keep in mind that noone touched him and add that his spirits (1 of them each time) died 2 times from random AoE.
So what he offered ? Really cant see why you gave this video for example…
This match ended in 10 minutes and was one of the most boring videos ever. If you think that the ranger offered anything or spirits had some use, i dont.
Viable pets, AI : pets that hits the opponent, respond when u need them, move clever at the field, dont die so easy.
Viable weapons: weapons that does equal dps (or support or control) compared to the other proffesions and compared to each other (depending on the traits and if you decide to play dps traits).
Hard CC : How do get rid other professions from your capture point ? Atm you dont.
Conditions removal.
Fun abilities: utilities or weapon skills that are not bugged and challenge u to use them.
Shared anguish, martial mastery, bark skin from wilderness survival. primal reflexes.
Nature’s protection, nature’s bounty from nature magic.
Primal reflexes from skirmishing and predator’s instinct from marksmanship.
Offhand : axe for me.
Utilities: Protect me, lightning reflexes, stone spirit.
That the build that i used for “hold the line” tank. You last long, you do no dmg.
Pets: MoA and i dont remember the other. One is with the protection buff and the other with the regen.
This cant happen couse its opposite of game’s philosophy. All roles, melee and ranged dps at the same profession. (not thats working atm, just saying)
(edited by arji.7192)
To the dude that said that a warrior finished him with 9k killshot (and he might erased his post or got deleted like a previous mine) i can only say : you should dodge the killshot and let him finish u with something else.
Atm i dont care to revert it. Atm i am asking to fix the class.
Do u know why i am at the forums and writing? Couse i dont have fun to play anymore to play the class that i chose. I only log to do the daily…
And the main poin is not that i reduced my playtime at 1/4 is that every day that passes my fun factor drops 10%.
Even if they fix something some time in the future i will not want to log in simply couse i ll have no fun till then.
I d love to play melee but am i really forced to ? And am i doing same dps compared to other dps builds or lasting more compared to other tanking builds or maybe offer more utility and support.
Also is my main mechanic helping me. What about my utilities or traits do they work as intended.
Tbh i am asking, am i effective to something or just trying to find something to cover the gap.
God gave rangers one leg, we prefer it from none but why gave the others two ?
I see that ppl looking something lower to replace something broken (just to find a replacement).
This is a weakness sign.
You say look our pets are broken but at least we have ranged pets, that are broken also but at least someone might go in their aoe. Or
You can say look shortbow is broken but i might can play with greatsword that does zero dmg but has 1 gun ability.
To excuse the broken mechanics and replace them with something else that is broken.
With simple words you cant have a nerf or a broken mechanic that does 20% less dmg than the intended and decide to play with something else couse does 5% more.
That thing is not working like that. You are just compromise with 15% less than intended and not with 20%.
you cant win a fight with semi measures. Semi measures just makes things worst.
As far as for the pets, one word : Ridiculous.
No names
Master developer talking with his best friend at the office.
MD: Dude what a great game that i ve made. Dont u agree?
Friend: Yea i heard that is good but shouldn’t u play something else except your warrior?
MD: But i did. 2 months ago at release now the game is complete, sold many copies and i am enjoying the success.
A new developer coming in the area with an anxious look
New developer (the one that getting fired first): Mr MD i am reading the forums that nothing is working, and a couple of rangers are complaining.
MD: WHAT? Everything working as intented. If u dont believe me come and see.
MD logs his warrior and new developer a ranger. They decide to hit a target and see how the dps going.
MD hits 1st. Average 3k dps in 5 secs
New developer hits. Average 3.2k dps in 5 secs
New developer: Wow impressive. With this full dps gear i own! These kids just qqing for nothing
New developer leaves the room.
MD developer turns to his buddy.
MD: See? Noone noticed that i am on my tanking gear. I rock! Now let me switch to my dps gear and roflstomp some at Spvp.
Friend: But dude i dont care about these things I only saw that this ranger pwned u…
MD thinking…
MD: I think you are right. Let me fix a glitch.
So in few words. Run, rez teammates(they can kill, ranger not).
After this i am thinking the reason that they gave the name Ranger. It must be relative with Run Forest, ruuuuuuuuuun.
Well tbh i have some suggestions to improve SB MORE:
a) Add a casting bar on crossfire, also after 3 hits add a cooldown that punish u for spamming you only dps ability(autoattack).
b) The bleeding from crossfire should only be applied only when you are above the enemy player. Behind or from side is for the weak.
c)Poison voley: Reverse the debuff, make the enemy players heal for 33% not decreasing the healing potency 33%.
d)Quick shot: Leave it as it is , they reach u anyways.
e)Crippling shot: Outplayed, pet based ability 10% chance to hit a critter, 0% to hit an enemy player. Check d).
f)Concussion shot: Our hard CC ability. 1 sec stun (if you ask them to turn their back). Make it 0.5 and 1/3 sec couse atm when i blink my eyes i can still catch the end.
And some general suggestions.
Change the F2 from pets. When you press they should dance (not instant, when they feel like it (like now)).
Wear roller skates at pets feet. After this can effectively pull all the room and faster when stops 20 feet ahead u.
Halloween feature: Give pets a very scary mask. This way when enemies moving and the pet cant hit them couse…. it simply cant, can scare him to death.
Special ability: When you pet dies in 2 seconds it should AoE cheer for new killing records. Danger of spam.
These were some heavy thoughts after serious concentration. Lets just put them in the game and see how the ppl will react.
After these improvements consider to rename Ranger profession into Danger.
or at least tell us that you are actively looking into the Ranger class, or that the Ranger is not where you want it to be yet
No. After almost 2 months i am not happy if they tell anything i want to see.
And no i dont care about a weapon that they forced us to get anymore.
That was only the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I want the game and especially my main to work as intented and be able to stand equal with other professions.
Atm none of our weapons working and mean NONE.
Our base mechanic is broken.
Our abilities are broken, even our traits.
And we talking about this ONE weapon(shortbow) with this ONE utility(QZ).
So is that really the thing GW2 advertise ? All professions can play all the roles. There are gonna be multiple viable builds from the traits. Really? You meant the built with the shortbow and QZ? Only to be “somewhere near” the other classes ?
Maybe with just lacking only at dps, maybe we are effective as “control” or “support” always compared with the other professions. I guess we can survive as long as a guardian or we can offer the same panic that a warrior offers with his knockbacks and knockdows or the same aoe tha ele offers. Oh sorry forgot, we have no hard CC, sorry forgot we have no reliable source of buffs or support or skills, also we have to reach the end of our trait skills to use them with a chance (no chance just saying) or even AoE we are just happy that we have this track of AoE with axes or the 5th longbow ability.
I am really so mad atm and this just becouse i supported this game before its release, i had faith and was patient for so long time.
So many things are broken and not only the ranger, this is not qqing. You qq only for something that is not broken.
The situation becomes a lot more harder when lies and ignoring comes into play.
I really understand that are employees behind this and they have a hard job to write code but this company made millions from their game, they rewarded. Did we for our time and money?
I am sorry but when i buy tv control i expect to work. Not pay for it and tell me that only 1 button works, then nerf this1 button to work “sometimes” and after 2 months of silence repair the second from the 15 buttons.
Sign – Dissapointed.
I stopped playing my ranger 4 days ago (350 hours gameplay) and i level up random 3 chars.
The thing is that after 1 and a half month of doing no improvements or just changes on my main ranger i reduced the time that i am playing gw2 at 1/4.
1 line of changes every 2 weeks (included sound bugs ) are equal to i do not care and when you find the human / money recources to announce some improvements to the actual issues, gameplay, poor design i predict that i wont play enough or simply wont want to invest more hours ( couse already invested enough to a char that is broken).
I am not here to be your beta tester. I was your beta tester. Now i just want u to work on the things that you havent.
To conclude if your plan is to reduce the professions to 7 or 6 and eventually reduce the issues that u had with the servers, its almost working. Also with this rythm i assure u that you wont have server issues at your expansions also…
PS: Lying or finding excuses is a bad thing. Reminds me a bit a game called Swtor.
Dear Robert Hrouda, since your main is ranger i would like to ask u some questions
a) If you micromanage your pet by using F3 and F1 dont you lose damage (by making your pet not hitting)?
b) If you swap your pet with another dont you lose dmg (couse the pet has to travel to the target)
c) Can you save your pet from a room full of red circles?(you dodge)
d) If you play traits so your pet can survive longer (you still has to micromanage), dont u sacrifice usefull traits that other classes get and are reliable (compared to pets).
e) Do you like pets AI?
f) To make sense all the above (and the dps focus), is ranger’s dps balance with their pets compared to other classes? (if no then ranger should do more dps with a dps alive if yes then ranger still lose dps in any of the above occasions).
Thanx in advance.
Comp Shuts off after 20 minutes / new graphics card.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: arji.7192
Waiiiiiiiiit. Do something before you replace your PS.
Remove your Memory Dimm’s and put them again. Make sure that all the dimm’s fits perfectly.
The thing is that longbow should reward u for staying at maximum distance. Atm max distance for longbow = same dps as shortbow.
Medium range should give the same dps as shortbow, max range rewards u and min range losing dps
Also pets dont hit the doors from the keeps in WvW, don’t hit the last boss at CoF explorable 2nd path (the flame crystal) that floating and many more at the world.
I dont think that this is inetented. MAke them hit whatever you hit (even if u need to switch to ranged pet – i tried it and its not working).
Despite the bugs that there are now, some suggestions about their general attitude and ranger’s gaming experience are :
*Give them immunity or reduction to AoE dmg (if you think that its not fair for the other players do it for the Dungeon and the world bosses)
*Give them 20% or more perma speed in comparisson with the player(the pets cant close the gaps at PvP, players has speed buffs / dodges / abilities that teleports them miles away you have to find out a way for the pet to reach them and be effective)
*Make them stand behind, on the right or close to the ranger (you cant have a pet that stands 100 meters in front of you and pulls everything)
*Prioritize the F2 ability
*Make them cast while running
I am just writing becouse at today’s patch there is nothing for the ranger.
So plz fix pets or remove them or make them less bound with the ranger. With emphasis at fix them. Really feeling i feel weird not using half of the builds that i have in mind couse the pets are not working as intented.
Wilderness Knowledge (Survival skills recharge 20% faster) doesnt seems to affect the elite skill Entangle. So even with the trait the cd remains 150seconds (and Entangle is survival skill as the description writes).
Can u confirm that? If yes add it on the next update.
The thing is that the class atm focus on mobility and on pets.
Tbh i cant really rely on pets so half of the class dont function properly.
Now becouse they focus on mobility we really lacking a weapon that has mostly dps abilities.
Anyways back to the point i dont think that rifle suits BUT maybe double pistol ?? I know that when you thinking ranger you thinking wooden weapons but our only “wooden choice” that i can think atm is crossbow.
PS: In general i want 2 handed axes in the game – something that is confirmed for expansion.
PS2: Fix shortbow. The fair is to have it as main weapon but its so …. mediocre.
PS3: I also dont like our 1 handed main hand weapons but i love GS.
Add this on the list plox, thanx
3 words. Tactics, variety, challenge.
I did it 2 days ago and i think it was the harder story mode that i ve did so far!! With peek the boss before the last one! I am happy that its over and that i dont have to run it again. Not becouse i hate it, just becouse we wiped endless times. Was fun, wont be missed)
I ll begin by saying "Smart design is not a boss that has 1 million hp and 1 shots you with his auto attack, smart design is a boss that has various abilities, multiple phases and tactics.
Currently and as far as my gw2 dungeon experience until now bosses are poor on mechanics… Player have fun not by hitting a dude for 30 min with autoshot, players have fun by doing things that keep them busy, helping their grp and gives them a feeling that doing this specific thing for a reason.
Ideas :
Add phases (at least 3 for each boss)
Add announcements for the most important things or the most dangerous abilities.
Add mechanics that keep some players busy.
Example of the above 3 in a fight:
Description: A giant troll dude that repairing something and you interrupting him by entering his area. He becames furious and wants to destroys u.
Phase 1: You can see his back while he dont bothers interrupt his repair job. Decides to sents his minion slaves to do the job and kill u.
Mechanics: Spawns 3 waves of adds, every wave is split in 2 grps, 3-4 different grp “type” of creeps that has a chance to get at every wave.
So lets say that at 1st wave it happens to have a grp of melee tanky dudes and a grp of ranged psysical dps.
The melee type grp focus on 1 person of your grp. Aggro can be defined by a stat combination formula(that changes at every wave and every instance restart).
So this guy has to start kitting this grp by using his cc (team can help him with their slows) and the rest to dps down the second grp and support the guy.
Remember its the tanky melee grp so these adds cannot be killed. Their flaw is that flee when the second grp is dead. Also the dps grp are physical dps so their shots penetrating on single lines.
The rest of waves can be necros(DoT dmg), casters (aoe dmg), fighters (bersherking mode) etc etc.
Phase 2: You can see the boss face since you managed to get his attention. He asks for support from his best champion. Champion comes in the area (its medium size, something between the phase 1minions and the troll boss and seems strong like a champion).
Champion initially has 2 abilities (except autoattacking players) that uses every now and then. An AoE fear and a poisonous breath that does dmg at a straight line (standing for 2 seconds and then use it).
Every X time the troll boss yells at his champion (he is impatient). When this happens the champion trying to become more effective.
So he gets a buff, this buff also lasts X seconds. The buff makes the AoE fear lasts 1 more second and the poisonous breath to target 1 person (the targeted person gets 1 red circle around his feet as an indication), also now this breath sums the persons.
So if the targeted person go away from his grp he ll get medium dmg, if he stays in his grp the grp will wipe.
The champion gets 1 more ability when he has the buff. He hits the floor with both of his hands and rocks falling from the roof (red circles that has to be avoided on the floor).
Phase 3: Champion is dead. Troll boss decides that has to do the job by his own. He is coming towards you and holding the wrench (the tool that was using to repair but now turned into a leather weapon ((can be a pickaxe or whatever)).
He is doing aoe dmg with his feet since he is trying to kick you or something. Every 15 secs? trying to hit u with the wrench. When you avoid it the wrench stuck on the floor making the troll boss vulnerable BUT when he finally manages to unstuck it there is a hole on the ground. By time the holes on terrain limiting your mobility / accesibility.
Notices: Above there is an imaginery fight that i only created to show how tactics and doing something for a purpose comes into the game.
Warnings should be included before every phase change and major attacks ability.
Also the above seems a bit like a raid to me so its not reflecting 100% how dungeon fights should be.
BUT fights with tactical decisions, progression feeling and synergy can be created with the right design. Have fun.
Seems like rangers has the most issues atm.
Pets stupidity, pets delay, utilities based on pets, our 5th trait line useless, missing a weapon with mostly dps skills(like axes on warrior), pets pulling couse sitting infront of us.
And really how can u base so many utilities or so many traits on pets or have of your dps on pets when these things always die ?
Some say manage your pet by call it back when u get dmg. Really ? Is thi a cosmetic pet or a buff pet? Do i have to do less dps from anyone else couse a)my pet dies from AoE b)gets aggro from the boss c)cant dodge d)its stupid?
PS: I keep playing my ranger but some things has to be told.
Anyone has issues.? Many times(most of them) when i use it i get the speed but doesnt jump back. Some other times i can see the animation of jumping back and 1 sec after (or half) i am on my starting position and the mob hitting me. Seems like memory leak or something like that.
I think that you should make more tactical combat fight. . Atm my experience so far at most of the fights is " Equip utility skills that are usefull for this fight, use them on cd or spread them on the floor and some mob will trigger them".
So you might have to add “Warnings” for boss abilities that 1-shot u. Ofc to do that you have to add abilities that one shot you and you can avoid by hidding behind something or my using an ability at the right time. The point behind this is that players has to use their abilities correct and protect their grp.
Also to work you need bigger boss rooms inside instances. Anyways i need more tactics not a random thing.
Party: I think that currently if 1 person accept to kick someone or 1 person accept someone in the party then he enters, but this is the minority. Dont we need a vote that pass with 3 ppl from 5 and not for 1?(or maybe a leader?).
Also make more visible the offline/online indication.
Vendors: Many vendors selling things with currency that we dont recognize(like the vendors that you get dungeon armor). So i am opening my bag and my vendor and trying to figure out which emblem is for each vendor. When you mouseover the currency you should get the name of the currency.
WvWvW: Use an afk timer that kicks ppl when are afk for 15 min (you could increase the time limit later when the population drops). Also loot is an issue, you should add loot automatically at WvW.
Trading Post: Add an option on advance search that shows you only what you can wear or use (example: leather)
And yes my money were low until i started to salvage only the leather to level up leatherworking, i sell all the rest. Try that and believeme, you ll feel terrible that you salvaged everything!