Chiming in to say that I absolutely agree with the op, think he nailed it basically, I might also add that I think number 5 on shortbow should be a skillshot (similar to dh longbow 3), number 4 should be castable while looking away from your opponent (it should just turn you around automatically like ranger longbow 5). Number 3 is a cute idea but it’s waaaay too weak. it’s borderline impossible to land it in pvp and even if you manage to do so it’s way too unrewarding.
Agree about swapping pets while in beastmode tbh, would make it even smoother to play
After this beta weekend, I have to say that soulbeast as a whole is very fun to play, it’s smooth and fluid, except the dagger nb 3. Some numbers definitely need to be tweaked, most of the necessary tweaks are mentioned in the soulbeast feedback thread so I won’t write anything about that here. Just wanted to say I think soulbeast is very well done so hats off !
also bird soulbeast f2 is “???” ? swiftness that’s it? we already have permaswiftness everywhere on every class how much of a waste is this..
Gotta say I love the design behind it which is good, as it means it is a promising spec, but soulbeast f skills REAAALLY need absolutely massive buffs (not all of them though, but some)
yep some of the beast skills are nice, and some (like mentioend earlier) like feline and bear f skills are ridiculously bad. Porcine f2 (beast, not beastmode) skills need to be changed. numbers need to be tweaked, at the moment the idea behind it is nice and I found it fluid after a day of playing, but some aspects feel really weak. Primal cry and our first gm traits are also terrible
you should be able to cast sb 4 (spiritcrush) while not looking in the direction of your opponent imo.
what would the purpose of smoke assault be if it’s not an evade? tiny dmg and a bit of might?
@ InsaneQR: very good suggestions and I basically agree with everything, would add that feline and bear f1 are severely undertuned
Also the first gm is just straight up bad , it’s a 4k heal on a 90 second cooldown under the condition that you 1. die and 2. are in beastmode..
(edited by arnitheking.8427)
I think soulbeast actually seems very polished, but the numbers and effects are undertuned at times. Excluding the bugs that have been mentioned already, I’d say feline and bear f skills are incredibly undertuned, bear f2 is okay-ish but since it’s not a stunbreak it can’t be used reactively, which, when paired with its low duration, makes it a bit useless..
also agree to a degree about dagger being too slow, especially the number 3 skill, but it’s not too bad.
Overall, after hours of playing I really enjoy the build diversity we get with it, but some numbers need to be tweaked a bit, especially cat f1, primal cry/roar, bear f1, and the stomp f3 (you should be either able to move while casting, or it should have shorter cast duration)
But I REALLY liked it, it’s very fast paced and it’s what I was looking forward to..
New pets seem nice but rock gazelle hit for like 25k at some point, wtf? anyways unfortunately new pets are also a power creep over base pets. Base pets (like murellow for example or some other underwhelming pets) still need to be buffed at some point to a playable level…
BadSanta you forgot the /s
soulbeast feline f skills are bugged, f1 should probably do 200 % more damage.. right now, with marauder amulet the tooltip says 500 ca. but it can’t be, it would be too bad , especially with no additional effects. Must be a bug and it’s supposed to be 1.8 k or smth
soulbeast feline f skills are so weak I wonder what their purpose is.. probably a bug and they were meant to do 200 % more dmg
The slam on the ground f3 should have either a lower cast time or shouldn’t stop movement. Also it should be a blast finisher not a leap finisher to be honest. Primal cry feals a bit weak too, should apply more condis since it’s for the offensive condi archetype
I love the gassy effects tbh but you should get the option to turn them down if you want
one wolf pack lasts forever on allies
EDIT: literally
bite (the bear soulbeast f1 skill) is terribly weak and needs a buff, liek giving you direct health or something. ATM bear soulbeast f skills feel weak. And this is not good, bear etc. pets are already underwhelming in pvp content
EDIT: and defy pain should break stuns
ok so I kept on playing soulbeast and kitten it really is more fluid than I would have expected at first, I love it. However, some beastmode skills feel a bit undertuned, and primal roar should apply more condies imo… however the spec as a whole is really fun to play and increases the skill cap on ranger
soulbeast is reaaallly fun to play at the moment, I’m trying to think of the ridiculous amount of builds possible.. dagger 3 feels a bit clunky though, precast shouldn’t be this long
Also new pets aren’t available in wvw
Good idea to make a thread so we don’t have everything all over the place.
Also please bring constructive criticism/input and not “ANET hates ranger omgg” if there’s something you don’t like
This looks like a very interesting and potentially very viable build, I’ll check it out after I eat some pasta
Since the update, I have been getting frequent disconnects (about 5). I didn’t have those before. One time, I was opening loot bags that I got from wvw when I got a dc. When I logged back in, I somehow had the same amount of bags as before the opening session, despite having opened around 200. It’s like my progress din’t get saved.
have a nice evening / afternoon
ah okay, I will delete this thread in this case, sorry
At least I think so :/ Am not 100 % sure anymore
The tooltip changed too I think, all I know is that I used to roam with birthday boosters (only those) and I got 292 or 295 points per tick toward reward track progress
just wanted to let you know I managed to transfer now (from vabbi to underworld)
Also having this issue (comment is probably useless at this point though)
Yeah I’ll remove my post just saw the official post in the support section
Yeah seems so :/
Also I may add that KDR wise the last t1 MUs have been the most balanced we have possibly ever had on t1 (all kds close to 1), fights were nice and even..ppt was imbalanced but I know few ppl in eu t1 that give a “kitten” about ppt.
Why put a link to fsp, they are already (probably) the strongest fight-server on eu? now so many good players will just transfer to fsp for easy fights, we already lost entire guilds on RS, and probably a lot of players that understand you can just spend 100 gold to stomp everything in wvw
I have to admit, will all due respect, that this decision feels like the devs may not be as well connected to EU wvw as they are to NA wvw
I don’t understand why fsp and piken square got a link and seafarer’s rest and deso didn’t?
Both piken and fsp are strong enough as is and were t1 (piken admittedly with link, but fsp without link). I know I don’t have access to wvw data or anything, maybe sfr/deso showed higher activity in the last weeks? but it seems like the links make very little sense.
I just had the pleasure of testing out some pets and their new “way of attacking”, it’s amazing how pets like wyverns can now actually reliably hit moving targets Also the maul change opens up some really interesting synergies with non-hot pets like drakes that can “tail swipe” burst (dont think they will be meta over hot pets still but it’s still a refreshing change). I genuinely like this balance patch alot and I also like making the gotl hit 10 players to open up another support/healer spot in raids (like rev), it’s a good idea to promote class diversity. Finally I believe the pvp only changes to the survival skills and to spike trap would be nice and fitting in wvw too.
WE saw a few druids during the TOL, but the two finalists (eu) didn’t use a druid, and it was said that chrono/scrapper/necro/rev/ele was the new meta with some thief/guardian inclusions but it seems druid and warr are now the least favourite classes for high tier competitive pvp
I was really looking forward to do some theorycrafting in wvw, but after some testing I realised that this patch doesn’t have much to offer. And this doesn’t only concern ranger.. Why can’t there be a patch where everything is tweaked around drastically? I’m really bored and disappointed now to the point where I’d rather write this to complain than play the game.
CA nerf is hard tbh, we’ll see how it plays out. Also the other buffs aren’t that impressive I’ve tested shortbow and gs maul and it really didn’t change too much
though I have to admit maul buff is still pretty kitten nice even if it was unexpected
Yeah the changes are not very interesting, I was hoping for alot more. But sb changes are a good start, maul buff (why?) and SOTP nerf (again, why?) were a bit strange. Also I thought staff 4 would get more condis or higher dmg or smth..
I’m not sure what to think of this patch. What stands out is the nerf to SOTP (even in wvw), I don’t really understand why it had to be nerfed? No salt I’m just honestly wondering
It’s the first thing they mentioned in the new forum post about upcoming changes. To compensate, it appears they will boost the effects of healing power on druid healing skills. Let’s see how this plays out and pls dont whine before you’ve fully tested this out speculation is also unnecessary at this point (other than the fact that this is probably a nerf for pvp rangers) as we don’t have any more info.
I hope they changed other aspects of the ranger too and didn’t just focus on that. I’d love to see changes in spirit skills and pet AI (..and much more) but we’ll see.
I also really hope that the 3-4 things they mentioned about balance changes aren’t the only ones as that would be boring as hell
How long has this been the main issue for? 3 years? Is there no way to be able to play on primetime without the lags ruining every “kitten” fight? Really, if it’s not fixable then pls say so but I’m sure it is..
Considering this gamemode is supposed to promote “large open fights”, the fact that I have to wait 5 seconds for a skill to maybe possibly activate is incredibly annoying and frustrating and ruins a gamemode that is otherwise imo. the most enjoyable in gw 2.
Skill lag, random freezes, Skills just outright not activating, enemies porting around due to lag.. it has been said over and over and over and over that lags ruin primetime wvw
They are still somewhat lucrative by themselves, some dungeon achievements reward you with ascended accessories wich have unusual stat combinations that are useful for other content, such as magi’s accessories… And the 5 gold bonus after 8 paths is rather nice too.. so why is it that I can’t find a kitten group for ta up+ fwd at 19:24 gmt + 1 after over 8 minutes of waiting in lfg ? I know a large amount of the playerbase has shifted towards raids and other content, but I still feel like I see fewer and fewer people every week.. this is really sad imo.
all my cats are called “hairy pawter”
The skins look amazing imo., but when will they be available? Please dont lock them behind a tournament like the mistforged hero’s wepons.. There may be a thread on this topic somewhere but I’m not sure.
I know there have been lots of posts about this, but it’s a really important issue so I will repost anyways. Recently there has been a “surge” of trapper thieves (in WVW) that somehow find pleasure in playing this horribly buggy build. This “trapper condi” build is definitely the unfortunate result of terrible skill/trait interactions that should not exist. I “don’t mind” thieves (or PU mesmers) (or trolls in general) running condi/dire mix, at least I can see them sometimes, which is nice. But this perma invis trapper build where you (as the victim) just walk around and suddenly you are immobilized on top of aoe condi and then die 3 seconds later to confus./bleeds/poison is NOT ONLY something that is “op” and shows a lack of skill, it’s also obviously the manifestation of misplaced skill interactions, and thus, a bug. This is why I’m urging everyone here to report players using trapper/invis builds as bugusers (if you ever manage to see them) (there should be a “mild bugusing” report button because this is still just a build after all). Also, if you see someone from your server using this build, please send them a mail with an ASCII picture of an erect phallus. Also write a short message about how you admire their creativity in build making and how you have to wear sunglasses when near them because they simply radiate pure skill.
In all honesty, I know it’s a game, everyone does what they want etc. etc., but it ruins the fun for everyone else when you actively use this build. Also, before some thief player from this subforum actually tries to defend this “amazingly hard to play build with many counters (?? like everyone walks around using a trapper condi thief counter build (basically only condi removal and try to run away ASAP) just because of those thief players..?)” saying “yeah but you have to use traps” and bla bla mobility and you have to “land the burst” and some other ridiculous pseudo arguments that only cover the small spectrum of “hypothetical issues” this build has that are nothing compared to what this build is actually capable of doing to any player in a normal, non- ideal wvw setting, consider being the non- thief player for a while. Just walking around with class X after creating a new build that you are eager to test in a nice duel against a skilled opponent, and suddenly you see a red circle and you cant move, 4 seconds later you are lying on the ground, and then, out of nowhere, a flag, a dolyak, a rainbow or whatever appears on your newly dead body.. It’s not fun and it’s something that is in the hand of thief players (atm).This is something that needs to be fixed ASAP… I understand nobody wants to see their class nerfed, just keep in mind that fixing buggy interactions =/= nerf.
Well I am glad you guys agree would love to see a dev response on this. I think it’s actually pretty important. However, if I remember correctly there have already been threads on this topic which have (all?) been left unanswered. Anyways, a roamer can dream.
I am not sure we mean the same thing I mean build sets specifically to allow for quicker build swaps. This would actually promote build diversity (technically not really, but it would make build swapping alot easier, and as a side effect, ppl like me would be more motivated to switch their builds more often), you could still adjust your builds as you want but in general it would be quicker to swap to the builds you MADE YOURSELF so you can swiftly play whatever you want. The whole point of this is to make build swapping easier and this would mean exactly the opposite of “wearing the same items etc.”
I was wondering if one day we may be blessed with “build sets” in gw 2. By that I mean f.e. 5 sets you can utilize to “save builds” and switch from build to build quickly (provided you have the appropriate equipment in your inventory) without having to manually adjust every single aspect of your build everytime you want to change it. It would instantly equip the right armor and give you the right traits and skills. This would be a heavenly gift for ppl like me (easily bored roamers)
But in general I think gw 2 would greatly profit from such a “system” and I really miss it at times.
I hope you have an enjoyable evening
whoops sorry I thought I deleted the whole post as in “the entire thing”, anyways, thanks for your answer
Ironically, I think rev has better build diversity than most of the other classes in the game.
Theres 2-3 viable rev pvp builds with variations on eachother, meanwhile something like tempest or dragonhunter or druid really only has one viable option to be competitive.
I don’t agree with this at all. The Esports meta is only malyx/shiro. It IS true that there are 2-3 STRONG rev builds, but there are a ton of viable STRONG ranger builds too (alot more in fact). Druid META has 2 builds at least (cele might stack, MoC cleric)
but I wasn’t even talking about pvp as I said multiple times, I’m talking about viable wvw roaming/dueling builds