Showing Posts For aryastark.4687:

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


WOW we should give UW some cookies, lol why do you UW players even place screenshots like this? Again proof UW are the masters of PvD while the other servers are sleeping!! UW show us some screenshots during daytime and primetime with impressive scores, OOH wait UW can’t, because during these times you guys hide behind your walls and sieges!!!

Oh how I love whiny posts like this, just how I remember FS to be, from 4 months ago. So you are saying we should lay out our tactics, and play at the time its most convenient for you? rly? Its not UWs fault FS players go to bed after the evening cartoons, and since you are ranked 4 ranks higher then us, yes its an achievement for our server to have such a point tick at any time of the day, also, yesterday primetime we had a higher point tick then you

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Bay fight was quite boring, UW just hiding behind so many ACs. /yawn

Edit: Oh and try to spam less emotes, makes your server look very pathetic.

Obvious troll is obvious

UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


If I mention his name here I will get banned lol.

Anyways lets stop mentioning GuM.. they got involved in a really stupid way without knowing, they are a good and respectful guild and the best border defense you can imagine. I expect UW to do the right thing and report that thief.

Im not even a member of GuM, not that it matters, all I wanna say is that the number of whiny cheaters and exploiters everywhere posts is too kitten high lately on this matchup topics. Lets face it, the number of these exploits, hacks or whatever, is not even close to big enough to even remotely have an effect on the end result of either matchup, and there are single ppl on all servers who do this. So blaming entire guilds or even worse, entire server for exploting is simple bull kitten. if you wanna blame someone then blame Anet for not fixing bugs, that make exploits possible

Cheers Sceinna, come back to UW

UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Following your logic, you are participating in the exploit too, Because you claim to know who the cheater is , but wont tell. You are therefore protecting him and making that exploit go unpunished. Either say the name, so ppl from UW can report him, or dont say nothing at all, cause this makes all of your posts here kinda pointless and whiny.

UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Its a bit strange that you seem to see you as the victim in this all, (GuM). With that i dont want to say that you are hackers or anything.
I still have 1 question, why did your mesmer not respawn in there? Normally when a mesmer dies in a keep he asks if there is a Thief oder someone else hidden, which was not the case here. Also nobody was sitting on your corpse if im not mistaken so it would not even be funny to lie down.
Thats just what i think about all.
I dont really care that we lost Bay due to it, was paper anyways.
Also i believe that we can trust in Sceinnas posts here when he says that there are hacker on your server dont blame him for saying that, change whats going on on your server.
e/ i hope we can keep this clean again until its over. We as DeX had great fights and lots of fun actually so pls dont whine too much on the forum (this goes to all servers).

Well, I also belive we can trust in Sceinnas posts here, noone is saying that the glitching never happened, ppl are defending their guild wich is wrongly acused of cheating tho, and that is their god kitten right . Also, Seinna says he knows both the thief and the mesmer, but wont tell ? huh? Imo protecting cheaters is as bad as cheating, so he is being a little hypocritic here, isnt he

21/06 Underworld/Dzagonur/Arborstone

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Im not talking about people, Im talking about the poster of the screenshot. Also you say you were not there, how can you judge the situation then? You are judging it by a screenshot that doesnt even show the whole conversation? I repeat again talking about something and doing it are two different things, the exploit did NOT happen.

21/06 Underworld/Dzagonur/Arborstone

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Teaming up with another server to farm WXP and Karma by continuously changing ownership of a keep? I would say that is quite exploity.

And why is posting this exploit that never happened on the forum necessary? Why didnt the poster write it in chat, why didnt he warn the commander, why didnt he pm him about it, why didnt he report him, if he thought someone was exploiting? No, he chose to post it on the forum, for what purpose ? Public humiliation? Rly those kind of ppl are the worst.

21/06 Underworld/Dzagonur/Arborstone

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Does it really matter though?
The fact that he is even talking about doing it is bad enough.

Ofcourse it matters, its a huge difference between talking about exploiting and actually doing it, makes every player that was following Archi at that point look bad, even thouh it never happened.

21/06 Underworld/Dzagonur/Arborstone

in Match-ups

Posted by: aryastark.4687


P.s – Next time post the whole Chat, not only selected screenshots. Makes me look bad you know :-(.

Sadly, I think that making you look bad was the point of the post, dunno why tho. Anyone who was there yesterday knows that this never took place as it shows in this screenshot of the chat.

To all roaming thieves

in WvW

Posted by: aryastark.4687


Sooo many ppl sayin roll a thief to be able to understand the thief and thus kill a thief, is proof of that class having an advantage over other classes. so we dont need to roll a ranger, guardian, necro etc. to be able to kill those classes but we need to roll a thief to be able to kill thieves? rly? Lets face it, there woundt be so many threads about a single class, and ppl QQ about it all the time if that class was balanced, now I understand that all this fuss would probably stop the moment a clearly broken game mechanic was fixed, but until it gets fixed we wont know for sure, and the QQ will go on.

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: aryastark.4687


oh, i see. you want to be a team of 5 that can kill 50 players at a choke point. guess what? that is a horrible idea, even though it encourages zerging, it would not be fair for 5 players to be able to kill 50 players at a time unless they had the willingness to pay for their roflstomps. however, 10 – 15 would be a bit more fair, it would require good teamwork still without making it too OP. 50 should require money to be able to hit that many people, it would hurt too badly, and everyone would roll staff eles and well necros and other aoe builds. i do agree that 5 is much drastically nerfed, but 50 for 1 player is not usnig enough teamwork, using supply wiht you team to make the arrow carts and having the teamwork to use it correctly

If you are talking about 5 players killing a 50man zerg in an open world battle, then sorry to say this but those 50 would deserve a horrible ingame death, if you are talking about attacking a tower with 50 ppl, with 5 defending, then history tells us that 5 man on the walls are worth atleast 40 underneath it. (except in gw2 wvwvw)

+1 to the OP btw, agree with most of it