Showing Posts For biggkurt.6493:

Mesmers... kjshdjgask

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


Hah, this is what I feared about mesmers. I do better when I face a mesmer of my skill level but its a game over when I see mesmer with max WvW buffs slaughtering a herd of uplevels along with their mentor shepard. Good game. Thank you for the replies.

Mesmers... kjshdjgask

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


Ah I see, I’ll give it a shot goin full meds, plus never tried condi build before on guard so I’ll check that out too. Thanks for the input gentlemen.

Mesmers... kjshdjgask

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


I’m somewhat new to PvP and would like some tips on how to face a mesmer. I’m decent at 1v1 against most classes, but I can’t for the life of me fight a good mesmer zerker. I know how to block their bursts but when they figure out that he/she can’t kill me in 30 seconds they kite me with their greatsword lazer beams till I die. The only way I can win is if someone joins in to dps while I nullify their CC.

I tend to run jack of all trades master of nothing builds for WvW roaming or PvP to cover any type of setting.
plz halp

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


Behold the mighty Dakana Ruk!


Best race Aesthetically for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


Weak to fire…

Shake it off.

Best race Aesthetically for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


I decided to grow my “hair” out a couple days ago. So I got photosynthesized by this light source for a couple days then BAM… dreadlocks. Now I’m a sexy warrior. You can still create a fat charr or norn with clanky armor if you prefer. I like my dreadlocks


Guardian one handed crossbow

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


If you meant to say Crossbow? Then that would fit a Guardian as a ranged weapon. Those were used by Crusaders historically in real life. And they were one handed I’ll have to look that up.

My bad I spaced on the title. Also there are one-handed versions of crossbows that were used by crusaders on horseback because of a push-lever and ratchet drawing mechanisms allowing more flexibility to reload and fire. (All hail the mighty Google)

Guardian one handed crossbow

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


I understand your view point and agree. A gun would not fit our class lore. From your suggestion it would now be changed into a one or two handed crossbow. Thank you for posting

Guardian one handed crossbow

in Guardian

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


I was day dreaming about a new ranged guardian weapon. I thought about a one handed sawed off shotgun crossbow that a guardian can use as a defensive ranged tool.

Skill 1 – 600 cone medium damage auto-attack that burns your targets for X damage
Skill 2 – blink to your target for a cone AoE knockback for 500 units for X damage (8-10 sec CD)
Skill 3 – Blast the area in-front of you for a large sum of damage while creating a blue fire field that applies a one time blind, X stacks of vul., and a heavy burn damage (long CD)

My idea for this weapon was to keep enemies away from a objective whether it be PvP capping points or protecting WvW dolyaks from ganking thieves. This is just an idea. I only wish for constructive criticism only. Thanks.

Edited the title

(edited by biggkurt.6493)

Mak ONE pet-wish!

in Ranger

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


AC gravelings… with a cc pounce f2 eat em up skill.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


I made a ninja scientist


Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: biggkurt.6493


Here is Dakana Ruk and Deimokk respectively.
