Showing Posts For bigsal.7061:

Looking for a guild on GoM

in Looking for...

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Like the title says, im looking for a guild on gates of madness server. I enjoy WvW and some pve, fractals and dungeons every now and then.
Im east coast USA time zone and would like to find a medium to large guild that dabbles in the above mentioned and does guild missions.

Stylin and profilin…wooo


The reason rangers are hated in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


There is some truth to what OP has stated and lets not take it personally because the class is pretty bad/weak not the majority of us that play the ranger.
But… ive been in plenty of groups running dungeons and fractals and have had the great pleasure of constanty having to ress the fail glass thief or the uber glass warrior so often it was like running the dungeon -1 player.
Hes proud he plays an easymode class that takes alot less skill, rangers should be proud that they can play a more difficult class on the same lvl as him for the most part even though the class is gimp/weak/semi broken.


Staff for Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


No to staff all together. Would much rather have dual wield swords or even a crossbow or a whip.
Going in the direction of a Druid type thing with the class would be a giant fail.

p.s. pets are broken/garbage


Dec 27th: ET Vs. SF Vs. Dh

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Basic is looking for gvgs 5v5 up to 15v15*. Please message me if interested!

I particularly would like to gvg STaR and Shin.

*may be less than 15 if we can’t get enough people to sign on as we are a small guild.

StaR ran a ton of warriorsbanners… No way we can take so much meta…

I counted at least 10 banners on their 20v20 with DI.

You fight with what you have online. Easily stomping a “T1” guild over and over is still ownage no matter the team makeup.
Watched the videos this morning, good stuff.


let's take a guess.

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Too late, someone has already started a thread proudly saying how they “found a bug” and wanted to be the first to let everyone know.
God forbid our neglected class gets a lil extra bang for its buck.


They broke something with Longbow this patch

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


never said i planned on relying on the extra crit and i dont need to. I just dont understand why report a small buff to our neglected class.


They broke something with Longbow this patch

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Why the hell would you say anything? This post makes no sense.
I will never understand why people do things like this, its not like its some godmode gamebreaking bug.
Funny thing is I noticed it right away and said to a guildie “watch someone that plays a ranger will make sure to make a post asking for a fix” god forbid we have a little extra power.


12/06/13 SF/KN/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


@Reinvent….its just about primetime on SF. Check the score


12/06/13 SF/KN/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Why do people always come onto these kinds of posts and say stuff like this.
“Oh, we are not even trying”
“Ooh, we’re burnt out from the 7 week season grind.”

That is complete nonsense. AR is beating SF and Kpop at EVERY single turn. We are taking lead because our WvWvW game has skyrocketed. Yup, we are taking advantage of coverage gaps…but that’s not the entirely we’re wining. Hell it’s prime time for everybody right now and we’re still leading. Hmm. Crazy.

Its primetime for you and the majority of your server maybe but not for our main WvW forces and guilds.
Just logged on myself and theres only 3 others online in the guild and wont be many more on for another 3 hours.
Your server has more coverage for at least 18 hours of each day so give your chest pumping a rest.
SF has a 5 hour window each night when we can field close to your servers numbers and even then we have the outmanned buff at times.


SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Also, the main reason for the post was just a SF member tryin to say GG and let you know theres much respect to you guys.
AND that we were all having some serious fun.
^^ this was echoed many times in our TS ^^


SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


I was at that fight jrods, we were 22 players total. That screenshot you posted was from the very beginning of the fights that were to take place in that camp on the other side of that hill.
After the first go round we took a count and were only 18 players because the few that died respawned to follow our servers other commander that was working the other side of the map which im sure contributed to your outmanned buff.
I dont think it was meant to be an insult or to slight you guys in any way when she mention our small numbers or your zergs.
Your screen shot does show how 20ish looks like a kittenton of players so she basicaly saw the same as you.


11/1 Sorrows Furnace/Fergster/DR(Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


What I am really trying to say is if DR had stepped up to do their best during the SF prime time, we both could have held out against SF, but no, we were being attacked, either alliance or not, SF kept a steady hold of ppt, and DR could have prevented its borderland from being taken just like FC held out bay and farmed CoSa and StaR zergs at some point :P you guys gave me several exotics, I made around 10g one night ty

Yeah we made a lot of loot too. But what we were doing was testing your response, thats why we only hit 1 keep and not 2. Tell us about the real attack of StaR and CoSA on your garrison while you lost bay an hour and a half later.

PS: Gratz on your gold, just 12 more days like that and you can transfer over to SF. We’ll be…. expecting you.

I run with Deth, but I can also tell you about how we farmed CoSA and StaR constantly in our BL, in the water camp and in our bay most of the time, I used to be in SF, in the old days when King was around with Seven Mirror, Jugglez, Shield, Priest of Lyssa etc. I won’t leave FC though, I appreciate the invite, but I like good fights, If people like me and others left, you wouldn’t have much to fight :/ tl’dr : I was in King for a brief period of time, they taught me a lot in my fighting, but in Fc i learned organized fighting, I thank Seven and all the others for helping me when I needed training in roaming and dueling.

Lol, been farming Deth all morning. We been taking turns killing you guys so everyone gets thier fair share of loots.
LOL I literally killed a Deth gaurdian while he was cowering and trying to turtle in the middle of 6 server mates.
Was laughing so hard I dropped my mouse.

HAHA, good stuff. just stomped one while fighting the guild claimer at a camp.
I think farming them is bad enough, lets not comment on it anymore.
Im starting to feel bad now……


10/18 SF/ET/DH(Round one... Fight!)

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Bill Goldgerg was a beast too, Hogans still tops em all though.
Stone Cold too.


The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Need some SF score updates. Stuck at work for the next 6 hours and millenium seems to be bugged. Only shows EU scores for me even though i have NA selected


The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


The league inst split up into 3 leagues of 8 teams?
Thats what it looks like for EU no?
If that holds true then KN isnt going to be in bronze they will be in silver.
1-8 , 9-16 , 17-24.


10/4 Fergomatic/Big Bro SF/Zerghaven

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


…. laughing at the end and jumping on my body was very unsportsmanlike.

I do that too, /dance on bodies. My legs hurt from so much corpsedancing outside the SF spawn in EB yesterday. 1500 unit longbow range is easy to underestimate

But SF – your evening zergs have been brutal! We were on teamspeak Friday and Saturday nights guffawing over how badly outnumbered we were so late at night. You put together an impressive grouping.

Hell ya that 1500 is very nice, when I heard you guys were camping our spawn I went out there and wiped ever one of your guys stacks that I saw before leaving. Was a few rangers in that bunch that always pushed too far and were eaten and thats when the dancing began.


9/27 GOM/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


All this SF recruiting and talk of superior tactics is funny. From what I have seen there hasn’t been anything superior.

We used our communication to wipe your Zerg in DR multiple times yesterday. Yes we lost EB keep but we kept u out of hills when the inner gate was 25% after you wiped the poor GoMers that were there. Dialed my friend spirit up and that was a good laugh of a wipe.

Also saw 5 lost catapults at nw tower from the EWOK ele commander and some warrior commander. We took out all 5 of yours with one catapult then proceeded to eat your numbers. I personally downed 2 of your commanders at least 3 times in less than an hour.

I don’t care that we are outnumbered every time I log on. Gives me something fun to do.

Insert DR recruitment plug here.

LOL, take a look at the guild tag on this guy…ring any bells SF?
Farmed thier guild groups for quite a while out there with about a third of thier numbers with our small group teams.
Was some funny kitten seeing them freeze in thier tracks every time we ran into them.
Sorry SIX but your on farm status.

I failed to see your proof and your own guild tag. I’m not ashamed to show mine. Yes my guild has uplevels from the champ farming in queensdale being taught wvw basics in the BLs. Pretty big if that’s who you were farming. Only people that have put up a good fight when evenly matched or even out numbered have been some GoM roamers in DR BL. I been playing defense all week. But as soon as wvw fires back up I’ll be sure to drop by ur BL. I will even meet you at windmill if you want to test your metal.

Its all just hearsay from what ive read so far but I can attest to running in a group of less than 10 and mowing down a pretty large SIX guild zerg without much difficulty multiple times on a few nights.
Cmon, throwing out the uplevel excuse? Thats proof enough for me that what vitali said is probably true.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Either way I couldn’t care less about who wins at the end of the week as long as we continue to dominate your alliance on the days I have time to play.

if by dominate you mean omega golem rush the weakest server when theyre outmanned and let DH flip your towers youre doing a great job at it

Why did the matchup reset ? Sorry, I missed out on that golem stuff but I’m sure dh will help you take it back so don’t get so upset over it.
I’m sure the golem guys are just goofin around with you.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Truth be told, its not an alliance, its respect/friendship between 2 commanders from DH/IoJ. The only time I truly helped IoJ out was by getting DR out of T6 and I bet they are happy about that anyways. Maybe I’ll take kitten of me and Starkk pm to each other and show you what i mean. Just wish the GEN uplevel i was going to kill didn’t run :P

Reset means nothing when you lose what you worked for during the week. Shows you the power of SEA guilds/players on a server just like your reset guilds/players.

Edit:: the kittens there is screenshot , no clue was that was edited

Sorry but on reset when your on farm status and lose everything in around 3 hours each server has the same amount of players out there and even with your alliance your servers get rolled.
During the week you guys pvdoor and make up the lost ground.
Reset shows who the powerhouse is and in this matchup where all 3 servers field the same amount of players and you get dominated.
Unless your trying to tell us you guys are out manned at reset.

^mad his golem rush failed

Sorry, still at work. 14 hour shifts kill my game time during the week.
Keep up the qq though tears for fears..its keeping me entertained.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Either way I couldn’t care less about who wins at the end of the week as long as we continue to dominate your alliance on the days I have time to play.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Truth be told, its not an alliance, its respect/friendship between 2 commanders from DH/IoJ. The only time I truly helped IoJ out was by getting DR out of T6 and I bet they are happy about that anyways. Maybe I’ll take kitten of me and Starkk pm to each other and show you what i mean. Just wish the GEN uplevel i was going to kill didn’t run :P

Reset means nothing when you lose what you worked for during the week. Shows you the power of SEA guilds/players on a server just like your reset guilds/players.

Edit:: the kittens there is screenshot , no clue was that was edited

Sorry but on reset when your on farm status and lose everything in around 3 hours each server has the same amount of players out there and even with your alliance your servers get rolled.
During the week you guys pvdoor and make up the lost ground.
Reset shows who the powerhouse is and in this matchup where all 3 servers field the same amount of players and you get dominated.
Unless your trying to tell us you guys are out manned at reset.


What new weapons would you like to see?

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Rifle with sniper like skills.


Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Would love to see a rifle and crossbow for rangers. Dual swords too.
GS is plane old silly IMO for a ranger.
And no I don’t think of the ranger as a strictly ranged class but being “in tune” with nature has nothing to do with using the technology available if its so commonplace with charr and asura technology.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Are the number even at reset population wise? Pretty sure they are.
In eternal battle grounds are the numbers even on reset? Most definitely.
Yet SF rolls you trolls with ease and owns just about everything in under 3 hours and that’s why dh and loj team up.
I’m not complaining, its a good strat considering your players skill level are average yo sub par at best which is why you get dominated at reset.
Again I applaud you guys for not quitting and coming up with your server alliance and thank you again for the challenge.

you seem mad.

No not at all. Like I said I’m glad your servers teamed up and happy for the 3 hours of a challenge on reset.
Only have time to play Fri and sat if I’m lucky due to work so us having your servers on farm status after every reset is perfect for me. Thanks again ipj/dh.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Are the number even at reset population wise? Pretty sure they are.
In eternal battle grounds are the numbers even on reset? Most definitely.
Yet SF rolls you trolls with ease and owns just about everything in under 3 hours and that’s why dh and loj team up.
I’m not complaining, its a good strat considering your players skill level are average yo sub par at best which is why you get dominated at reset.
Again I applaud you guys for not quitting and coming up with your server alliance and thank you again for the challenge.


Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Have to give props it to DH and IOJ, even though your servers are weak and the majority of your players arent very good skill wise your servers work well together.
On your own your servers dont pose much of a challenge so thanks for not making it boring.
Oh btw, bragging about your uber pvdoor skills is weak.


Sic'Em still goes away on Pet Skill use

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


They need to make sick em give the pets 100% increased run speed to run down the sissies that run from a ranger.
Shouldnt be able to outrun a jaguar or wolf anyway.


4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”… For one, I think that kind of defeatist talking needs to stop. And 2, BOO HOO! We stomped kids in T8 for like 4 months straight, we rolled through T7 with 3 straight wins, and now we’re actually not rolling over ppl effortlessly and our ppl start to whine? It’s WEEK ONE of this matchup… calm down! We’re not used to a challenge so we need to adapt.

Personally, this has been one of the most fun weeks of WvW that I’ve played in a while, simply because of the challenge. I don’t get too involved with the politics of our server’s big guilds, but as I understand it some of those big guilds had some sort of disagreement or something, resulting in one of our best guilds effectively “sitting out” this week. I’m not sure whether or not that has anything do with our losing this week, but regardless I think our server needs to get past all the whining and drama and get back to being the focused, united team that we were the last few months in our rise from the depths of mediocrity.

Whatever the outcome is this week, I’m glad we’re in this tier now and I think we’ve found a good challenge. Whether or not we can rise to that challenge lies with us as a united server, so we’ll see what happens in the days and weeks to come…

Good luck to the other 2 servers, and long live Sorrow’s Furnace!

Dark Haven can feel you there. We have had some silly crap in the past and the reverberations can still be felt …Ahem…..RESET anyone… But this battle has really kicked the hornets nest for our server…7 min CoF..whats that? Jumping Puzzles…Nah!
I think this is has been eye opening rally call for everyone on DH. Ive seen large groups using fields and finishers, pugs working well with commanders..In short the Dub V Dub Moons have aligned!

ive still seen alot of [king] in the BL’s im interested to see what happens when they are officially “in the fight”

Anywho! Let the Battle Rage..


I would think KING will do like they did at reset .
Have a few 10 man parties running around the map farming your zergs 3 times their group size.


4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Y’know, I wouldn’t mind the nightly unredding if you’d go for each other a little more.

SF keep is the last major piece of red on the map and the focus of SF’s defense. There are 11 keeps and a castle between you. You can’t defend all of that, it’s paper and easy to take.

So what do you do? DH runs around south SFK and IoJ pokes around up north.

Go get more points for yourself and let SF’s few oceanics/night owls leave and do something funner than watch a zerg scratch at the walls. I was under the impression that relative friendliness would mean no more extreme 2v1ing.

Like I said Scumbag, alot of us are very curious if the other 2 severs will actually fight each other or just share the points and trade a camp here and there.
They were being kinda dominated that first night when just about everything was red so i cant blame them for using the current strat.


4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Im not sure but it looks like SF is taking a few days off to see if the other 2 servers will fight against each other.
Should be a good fight


Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Thats right, dont bite the hand that feeds you. Last time I checked we all had to pay for this game to play it so when we get aquaman patches and pet skin fixes the hand starts slappin.
Any of you guys see the nice warrior buffs coming in the patch? Thats right buffs.


Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Can we get flying mounts now? I mean seeing as how you guys arent really fixing the things that need fixing and just farting around with a stupid pet skin.


19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Sorry SF I was holding back on posting this video because I didn’t want to embarrass you.. It takes 65+ to hold back a guild that peaked at 32 on reset night. If this happens to you in tier 7 what will it be like in tier 6…? I really do think SF is a t7 server. Please watch this and I recommend you watch it in HD, it show’s all your dead bodies a little bit more clearer.
MoB Reset night

LOL from what I see you guys are being farmed then burned and pushed to your spawn where you are trying to build siege while respawning over and over and over.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


watcha gonna do when the SF monster runs wild on you!!!
^^THIS^^ You guys may have Anet employees helping you in some questionable ways but we have The Hulkster playing on our server.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Nothing like a “QQ MOAR” post in response to a post that has no tears in it. Some trolls look like normal people, others look like the giant oafs depicted in fairy tales.

All his posts are nothing but tears.. QQ you guys dont play the way we do!
No respect for you because you are farming us but its not the way we want to be farmed…blah blah blah.
You dont like it? Do something about it.
But until you PAXA start to put up some sort of fight instead of letting us farm you with our 3-5 men groups then i suggest just keeping to yourselves because we are all tired of your guilds crying.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

AWW QQ little jscull.
Your being farmed and now your feelings are hurt. Its not by superior numbers that thats happening to you its because your skill level isnt where it needs to be to puy up any type of real fight.
The 2 t8 servers gave more fight than you guys. My guild LoD runs 3-5 man roaming groups non stop and for the last 2 days have farmed PAXA with somewhat ease with usually one or 2 less peeps.
You guys are like the kids that play wiffleball all day and then complain real baseball sucks because its above your skill lvl and you suck at it.
Im pretty sure ONLY little 5 man fights is not what anet had in mind for WvW try spvp.
If thats not for you then maybe this game isnt for you. Keep up the QQ though, we feed on your tears.

2 things here sir bigsal, Daoc and WAR had huge maps with takeable keeps and capture points…Doesn’t mean the entirety of the population only knew how to run with 55 people on their hips because Mythic allowed for those 55 people to be smoked in 1 minute or less by a group of 8 guys who actually knew to (see the above) change weapons/use their entire line of abilities/where to put the right abilities at the right time. (Took a little more thought than pressing 1, putting up empower with no enemies left, and a wall of relfection where it cannot do it’s job of reflecting because its behind everyone).

Anet allows us to smoke 5, put 10 people in the downed state….Stomp 2, and have 8 return to life from a mosquito that someone breathed on and died. Yea, you’re right SF is a bunch of people willing to learn how to “play wvw the way it’s meant to be played”.

I’m gonna laugh this right to the hardcore trophy wall.

Awww, poor little jskull, keep em flowing…..nom nom nom. Your tears feed the beast.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

AWW QQ little jscull.
Your being farmed and now your feelings are hurt. Its not by superior numbers that thats happening to you its because your skill level isnt where it needs to be to puy up any type of real fight.
The 2 t8 servers gave more fight than you guys. My guild LoD runs 3-5 man roaming groups non stop and for the last 2 days have farmed PAXA with somewhat ease with usually one or 2 less peeps.
You guys are like the kids that play wiffleball all day and then complain real baseball sucks because its above your skill lvl and you suck at it.
Im pretty sure ONLY little 5 man fights is not what anet had in mind for WvW try spvp.
If thats not for you then maybe this game isnt for you. Keep up the QQ though, we feed on your tears.


Rampagers vs Berserker

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Berserkers has been my choice. Every time I think about trying out or switching to rampagers gear and condition damage I run into another ranger with his shortbow and condition build and pound them into the dirt somewhat easily.
I mix some berserker gear with some soldiers jewelry with exquisite ruby jewels in it.
While hammering them with crits and constantly moving I can wipe conditions enough and have the pet conditions off me while the other guy takes a beating and ends up running.


Definition of Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.
Also watch the “state of the game” video where the devs say “Rangers are our long range masters and potent skirmishers”
I think the fact that they are described by Arenanet as unparalleled masters of long range archery is where players get the idea the Ranger in this game shoots stuff and shooting stuff was part if not the focus of the classes effectiveness.
Its why I rolled initially. When I felt like playing a class that had good skills with mele weapons I rolled a war and gaurd to try em out.


If Ranger Prof. was to be Replaced?

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Ill take the rogue class from rift as a replacement. That game wasnt that good imo but that class was fun with all the build options available.



in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


i think they’ve decided to leave already :\

LOL yup, being farmed for badges all weekend made them turn tail and scurry away.
Too bad, loved all the extra badges I was getting.


BM builds dead

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. In the state of the game video they called the ranger “long range masters” and potent skirmishers.
Currently the longbow is kitten and the shortbow is bland and just a little less kitten than the longbow. Sure defensive minded trap builds and skirmishing builds work for some but arent that much fun for others. Pets arent fierce and anyone with even the slightest skill can avoid just about every attack a pet tries to land.
You guys use spirits in you beastmaster builds? Trap builds?
Anyway, to the OP theres alot of dead builds that players used to run and found fun for their play style.


BM builds dead

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Well I was talking about me on my ranger. I play a defensive bm ranger with longbow/greatsword. Give up on the profession if you want. I still love my ranger and I am always tweaking my build. I had to do it because of yesterdays patch (grabbed the trait where f2 skills recharge faster).

I just see so many QQ ranger threads and it is upsetting to me. We are a good profession. Played one since headstart. It took awhile to get really good, but it was worth it.

Some players are upset and have every right to be because they liked playing the class the way it was most fun for them even if they were a little underpowered that way.
With the new patch some builds that may have been a little underpowered now suck and are useless in which kills the fun for the players that ran and had alot of fun running those builds.
Just because your defensive minded beastmaster build still works for you doesnt make the class such a good profession. Players shouldnt have to suck it up and play 1 build that works because everything else sucks.


Any updates from ANet on the bolded part?

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Hello Devon, how about a simple particle effects slider and particle effects options on/off?
Pretty simple stuff that would make EVERYONE happy that has fps issues or cant stand not seeing anything at all during large boss fights and skirmishes.
Theres also alot of people that would prefer ALOT less particle effects just out of personal preference like myself.
This question has never recieved a straight answer from any of your crew even though its been asked countles times in many threads since the games release.


(edited by bigsal.7061)

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


I dont understand why they keep saying “see you on the battlefield” because theres no way in hell any of the anet guys play this game considering how broken or useless (ranger for one) some of the classes are.


Calling it quits on the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Played nothin but ranger right from early access but this last patch on top of the horsekitten I had to listen to about all the love for the other classes in “the state of the game” video was the last straw.
Rollin with the engineer from now on.
Wasting chumps with the flamethrower/tanky build while screaming BURRRNN! is a ton of fun.


The anti-QQ thread / new build possibilities

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


According to Durzlla they are just fine with LB

According to the dev team they’re fine with LB…. go watch the state of the game video… They say that “Longbow is in a good place, but the utilities aren’t defending the builds like it should.”

Watched it “rangers are our long range masters MASTERS and potent skirmishers” then they humm and haw thru a few greatsword cooldown reductions and agony resist for pets.
Did you watch the whole video? How they go into great depth in disecting how the warrior needs a buff because if hes glass connon build condition damage hurts him too much so he needs a buff?
Or how they laughed off and didnt answer the team paradigm guys question about helping/fixing the OP thieves when it came to pvp?
This class is on the bottom of the list when it comes to fixing and they could care less what any of us say.


The anti-QQ thread / new build possibilities

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


According to Durzlla they are just fine with LB

LOL ya, a longbow condition build. Nuff said.


The anti-QQ thread / new build possibilities

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


This is a thread for remarking on the positive changes rangers have and the builds they enable. Please, no whining or moaning on this thread—if you want to do that, go on one of the many QQ threads you can find on the forum.

So we got greatsword cooldown reductions and a stun break on QZ. Tell me why I should stop running conditions in pvp and give me a build to test. Or brag about the new Awesome build you got. Or brag about how your build is even stronger with the buffs. Go!

Whelp, both my “Support kitten” and my LB condition build (i’m guarding this with my life) continue to work… and now my friends GS burst build is borderline OP, so i think we’re in a good spot…

I wonder if people are going to figure out that if you want to be a glass canon you should be relying on melee damage and not ranged damage anytime soon…

Can do more damage with ranged is prob why they use ranged weapons with the glass cannon builds.


The anti-QQ thread / new build possibilities

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


So now if your a ranger and you want to do some decent damage you have to go GS with your build?
Shouldnt all weapon sets be viable for the class? Isnt that what Anet preaches? What about the players that like using longbow?
