Showing Posts For birdmb.9765:

[List] Mesmer Specialists

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


Why isn’t there a category like “Walking mesmer wiki” for Pyro? (honestly isn’t he the best specialist for “GENERAL MESMER STUFF”?

I agree
+1 for Pyro


[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


IGN: Hazmma
Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
Playstyle: WvW, PvE
Role: Scholar
Playtime: After 4pm PST


Mesmer Fashion: Lets see them outfits!

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


my mesmer

Qutest Asura i ever saw, awesome job! Love it and the picture-collage too <3

thank you

HELP WANTED: Mesmer Guide Update

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


Honestly, while I like the idea of updating my leveling guide, I will be waiting to see how Traits 3.0 are going to work first.

And to be fair about leveling right now, my guide would be like:

Step 1: Create a mesmer.
Step 2: Go to EotM and follow the zerg.
Step 3: Profit.

I realy hope ANet will get the fun back into leveling with Traits 3.0, otherwise I will just delete my guide and write something like:

“Wait till you got enough tomes of knowledge and insta-level to 80. Good luck and have a nice day.”

Sad but true.

There are several (and amazing) guides in this forum, but i found lazy kai´s the easiest to follow for a new player. I learnt a lot from your guide. Thank you very much.

And of course, thanks for all the members in this forum (mesmer forum) that spend time making such nice guides. Mesmer forum is for sure the richest Anet forum in terms of content (of course, IMO).

Maybe that´s why i love the mesmer: I have made it to 80 through the “hard” way. No eotm, no TofK. Also, as a mesmer, i learnt that we cant just face tank foes.. that´s make us think twice before just skill spamming. I see a lot of people saying “lvling a mesmer is a pain”. For me it was a very pleasant activity. And after some time, trying other classes, i felt happy for choosing mesmer to be my first character in this game.

i´m sorry for my bad english, it´s not my mother language.

Mesmer Fashion: Lets see them outfits!

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


my mesmer


[Video] Some 2-6-0-6-0 WvW gameplay

in Mesmer

Posted by: birdmb.9765


So I’m a scrub and therefore want your input on a question: would swapping 2 points out of inspirations (losing heal on mantras and the 15% damage bonus) for 2 more points in domination for Greatsword training be a good idea?

You would lose some damage on the spike (phantasm hitting for less), but gain some power that afflicts ALL your damage, and have all gs skills recharge faster. It’s worth a try if you don’t feel like the healing is necessary for you and/or your group.

^^ this!
if you´re running in a organized group (with regroups call) Restorative Mantras is nice..

Personally, i like this one:
4 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 0
in this case, you dont have ResMantra but keep 15% phantasm strength

you also will not have triumphant distortion. i´m not sure if its worth to “try” to keep phantasms alive with TD
check this :

thanks for sharing your build, Menaka.