Showing Posts For bubbachua.1243:
Zerg busting is still a thing.. just do it with boon share. 25v50 EzPz.
I will start streaming this nonsense meta and show how cancer it is… soon.. after I get my UD
It IS, I don’t consider that Zerg busting to kill a bunch of pugs running around uncoordinated on PvE builds. That is really just goofing off. Fighting BG’s organized omniblobs is zerg busting, and they actually know what they are doing and put up a really good challenge. I haven’t seen anything like that outside of BG though due to the quality of the players/ classes/ builds they are running on other servers.
I doubt very much if even a very good guild of 15 could defeat another good organised guild group of 30 currently. ND might be able to but not many others.
15-20 ND got beat by 20ish pugs unorganized twice, and had to go nuthug. ND is kitten.
had a great time running over SBI blobs today with 1min quickness. my first day as boonshare mesmer reaped a 100g tip. all it took was 2 other guildies to run the same kitten together, smash out buttons and pop a signet. easy farm easy wins. those poor souls probably didnt even know what hit them. forget downstate, go straight into double downed.
Bump. Anet needs to focus on this
Unfortunate that you picked up some new recruits from ET, or some of whom that moved to ET. But I guess your guilds don’t really need any new recruits anyways irregardless.
Good God no thanks you can keep them. We prefer to maintain a high KDR pls thanks.
There needs to be another solution to “nightcapping” which doesn’t make a big player base feel undermined. I agree with several posters here that what Tyler suggested isn’t really solving the issue but rather creating another problem of server stacking. Let’s try to think constructively how to resolve this and propose solutions
I am a SEA player. Over the last year especially since GW2 China came out, we have experienced a big drop in numbers playing WvW. Changing scoring to effectively reduce the contributions that we make on scores effectively is telling us that we are not needed in this game. I paid the same dollars as an American player did when I bought this game, I buy as much gems as the average player or maybe even more. I’m not sure if there might even be a case for suing Anet for making a scoring change to effectively favour people in other timezones in a MMO game played globally. I’m pretty sure this is tantamount to biasness towards part of your customer base who have made the loudest criss about “nightcapping”, but for your European, Asian and Australian players on NA servers, you are making it unfair to these customers of yours. So yeah, I hope Tyler you will have some serious considerations about this and refrain from making a decision that undermines a big portion of your customer base.
Facets on revenant in wvw automatically comes off frequently, it just goes back to when its not activated, not consumed.
when i double click gw2, a popyup box appears
Unable to launch Guild Wars 2. Please try again. If the problem persists…
Thank you for listening, i hope the servers remain open for awhile longer while players farm gold for transfers. Already there are movements being planned for offhours guilds in NA servers. I hope anet gives some time for the transfers to complete.
People still kept their tickets? Wow really..
How was it being exploited?
I wont be purchasing HoT if it means i have to pve grind just to get all my classes the elite spec. Im a hardcore WvW player with Platinum Knight rank and 10 characters all 80s with 9 solely leveled in wvw. I have zero interest in this game’s pve as i bought GW2 for its RvR feature. I cant imagine having to grind out map complete and hero points in pve for my other classes, and the wvw rank conversion to hero point rate is abysmal. Please fix it!
From an off hours perspective, i play SEA time, Anet needs to understand that the recent change in tier 1 NA with YB coming up has led to quite a fair amount of unbalance during OCX and SEA timezones. The best solution to nightcapping and server status complaints is if each players classification can be identified as either a predominantly NA or other timezone player, and server status is segregated into 4 timezones rather than just one. If theres a program or algo that can do that, it would be perfect.
I know of many returning players to the game that are looking to move into full servers so they can play with friends and reform their guilds.
Rather than worry about overstacking servers in particular timezones which every server is more or less guilty of, Anet should be of the view to open up the servers once again, to allow friends to play together, as what Anet has said its a fresh start.
I would even encourage Anet to reset all glicko scores and let all servers fight for their tiering status once again. While this might cause some boring matchups, i think doing this would encourage guilds to move servers to less populated ones.
To fix the current nightcapping issue in tier 1 and 2 NA, the servers needs to open up again for some off hour SEA guilds to reshuffle among tier 1 and 2 again.
(edited by bubbachua.1243)
Gaile and John,
What the anet dev team needs to learn from this episode is that the WvW community makes real life chnages to their play schedule in order to accustom themselves to be able to play reset. From what you would have seen in the posts here, many people are really unhappy because the change in reset effectively means one day less of useful gametime on a weekend. For wvw community to have one less day of gameplay, this would also ultimately translate directly or indirectly to lesser income for anet.
Unless you give the community something else to do on Friday nights, over time you will probably see fewer and fewer people logging in to play the game as they would migrate to other games to occupy what would have usually been reset day for them.
Do not simply expect the gamers, your customers, to adapt to your proposed changes because of your data findings etc. The number of negative posts is enough to tell you that the data may be incorrect. People make adjustments to their real life schedules to play the game, for such a big change to occur at a whim without consultation is a bad move.
Hello All,
Launching a game is an enormous undertaking and our teams need time to address any issues that come up. Therefore after launch we must move WvW reset to Saturday. We will keep resets on Saturday to address issues and once we are in the clear we will evaluate the best time for WvW reset both for us as a company as well as for our players.
Since it is clear that we cannot pick a time that will work for everyone, we will be maintaining our original plan of shifting reset by 24 hours, to Saturday evening. That time was based on data for when prime time occurs in each region.
Thank you,
Do what u need to do, just try to make sure the game is released with as few bugs as possible.
Evening reset is better for most people (except EU players on NA servers). Moving it one day back means that weekend warriors get to make less of an impact on the overall score (if thats of anyones concern). But it also means that Fridays / Saturday (Asia) could be dedicated to pure guild hall arena fight nights. If Anet can do something to help encourage guilds to participate in guild halls arena that would be awesome. Hope to see some sort of guild rewards made available for guilds that regularly participate in guild hall arena fights. These sort of rewards could range from guild level boosts or upgrades to even simple consumables lile nourishment that a guild typicaly spends alot of gold on. Thanks
(edited by bubbachua.1243)
The QQ here is exceptional, i thought i had to join the fun too.
Please anet dont make reset at eu time, Ra cant raid reset and winnie will start crying again
this is really awesome, theres been quite a lot of exploit and hacks going on by a few individuals in tier 1 NA ruining the gameplay somewhat. i would also like to suggest making some improvements to the report procedure to allow reporting for flyhacking/speedhacking /glitching, currently we report it as just botting.
This doesn’t really work at all because say for example, the map is empty and white swords show, scouts call it out to a map float team. Map float team jumps over and the swords may go away but people already know which tower is being hit.
everyone has to have a charr guardian
When my server transfer cd is off, i will check darkhaven, ioj, and cd.
i have no doubt you will find your way back to T1. The SEA guild on DH has alt accounts on T1 and the active CD SEA wvwers are slowly moving to T1. Imo, having zergier fights is at least better cos at least you have people to play with, and against. Good luck!
the funny thing is even if u wanted to avoid blobby fights, if you have 15man below T1/2 at SEA time you can be considered a pvd force as theres just not much wvw population in lower tiers in this timezone. If you want legit action, the higher tiers are where the fights are, even in T1 the blob fights is only usually on ebg though so theres still 3 other maps foru to have less zergy action
If you want any action at all in SEA primetime, you need to move to T1/2. Anything below is just PvD ktrains.
Barely 2 weeks and over 60 active WvWers have joined us. Still looking for more hardcore SEA-time WvWers to join on up and to form a scrim team.
ghost tonics make identifying the commander even more obvious, unless you can get like the whole melee train wearing them. pretty darn expensive though. that being said, as an experienced sniper myself when i’m on my necro, commanders are easily identified by their ranks and guilds. we all know who the pins are cos we play with the same guys everyday…
Using pin sniping in balanced fights or in the case where xsoe/HIRE uses them in SEA when they greatly outnumber the enemy just ends fights prematurely. i’m not sure there’s much satisfaction when the fight is already over within 15seconds after you kill the enemy pin, while 90% of the zerg retreats back after the pin is down.
(edited by bubbachua.1243)
where was it mentioned in the video that 3 servers agreed to do rotating push weeks? i cant seem to recall that being mentioned, please point me to the time when that was being said. what i thought mentioned was for a coordinated push day or weekend altogether to have better competition.
Highly recommend more SEA players join us up in T1 and JQ. There is space for us all and plenty to fight against BG/TC.
Hi, i think you guys would be welcome to JQ. There are several other filipino players on the server as well. If you’re interested in knowing more, perhaps the best thing to do is to get in touch on the website and try to speak to one of the council leaders/timezone reps
Thanks for the questions.
@ChanMaoJie: I look to maintain a highly active roster, anyone who is inactive for 1 month would probably be removed from it if no leave of absence is made. So no, i highly doubt sPPP will become a really really BIG guild :P
@Jax: Once a proper core is formed and we’ve run together enough in open world, I would definitely be down for scrims. GvGing is a game mode different to WvW and requires alot more skill and situational awareness, and its something i enjoy
Recruitment is open so that a core of 20-25 can be formed, so yeah we’re recruiting more
[sPPP] Steady Pom Pee Pee is a SEA Primetime WvW guild on Jade Quarry.
We are building up our raid group core of 20-25 and have opened up recruitment to meet our goals of being a Fights-focused guild with strong server pride. What this means is while we aspire to become a strong fighting force in open field WvW, we also take pride in our home server and will aid to put efforts into improving WvW/PPT/PPK for the community. Once we have our recruitment targets are met, we will also aspire towards scrims/GvGing our peers in T1.
We are an international community and welcome players from all countries, as long as you play between 12pm-4pm server time or 8pm-12am (GMT+8). Currently our roster have members from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Australia and the United States
Official Raid Schedule:
Sat, Sun, Mon, Thurs @ 8.30pm/9.00pm to 11.30pm/12.00am (GMT+8)
1. Non-100% rep. Only required to Rep when raid / SEA time WvW
2. Teamspeak required. Mic preferable, but if no mic listening is also fine
3. Have an open mind towards build suggestions / theorycrafting
4. No drama-mamas
5. Willing to aid our home server in its strategic goals
Currently actively recruiting for the following classes:
Guardians: Medium
Warriors: High (Stance/Destroyer/Shout)
Elementalists: Medium (Staff mic ele)
Necros: High (Power)
Mesmers: Medium (Shatter/PU)
Thieves: Medium (Gank Pro)
Rangers: Medium (Snipe Team)
(edited by bubbachua.1243)
YB is in such a comfortable place right now winning every week easily, why would they ever want to move up to T1? Besides, most of their transfer guilds to YB are there for the fact that they don’t want to be in T1, so if YB moves to T1 those guilds are likely to leave anyway.
i was the cmdr that said that, what came out was pretty much caught me at a wrong moment when we are in the middle of the fight and i apologized for it to both the scout and the rest of people on TS. sorry if you were offended. but, yes JQBL objective was paper and the week’s matchup was over. We were playing for fights and not ppt that day. if there is anything to blame, blame the server’s lack of being able to organize a proper ppt push week. blame the guilds and commanders for choosing to focus on fights only because thats pretty much what JQ has become in reality. today i brought pple on a ppt run all over the 4 maps, and ended wiping bgbl hills wp. its easy to ppt, its just that many of the players left in wvw now dont want to and as a commander these days you pretty much have to cater to a certain degree what the people want to do. We offer 6g per 30min to people to scout JQBL plus inclusion in the scout raffle and still get no volunteers. im a hardcore ppt player turned GvGer but i still want my ppt and want my server to do welll in ppt. its just a pity that there arent enough likeminded ones around anymore.
EOTM = cancer of WvW
lots of good fights to be had on JQ. MERC KA SOX are the 3 OCX guilds in JQ. at the moment because of player attrition, BG is definitely strongest in ocx and sea time. JQ OCX still has strong commanders pin up everyday so you will still be able to find someone to follow. the mood in jq ocx is very lighthearted and fun, all guilds get along very well with one another and they do their best against the odds.
Alvin, im recruiting sg/my players for SEA time wvw in JQ under KA tag. come join us
Very dedicated and hardworking group of homeland focused WvW players!
Same here, i just ran guild bounty and chellenge with my guild today after reset and i didn’t get the chest, while others were getting it.
Knights of the Millennium Era [KöMÉ] has moved to Jade Quarry and having a blast here! We welcome people from other servers to come over to the Quarry and join this excellent community.
Thank you Varatha, for taking the initiative once again as you always do in WvW.
I would like to add that HoD and the community would love to welcome guilds and individuals who play at Oceanic/SEA and EU primetime. If you have any questions regarding SEA time WvW, welcome to drop me an in game mail.
The community in HoD is extremely friendly and fun-loving! Join us!