Showing Posts For caporal moktahr.3408:

[PvX] Balance, Iteration, Wrongdoing

in Profession Balance

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Hello. I’m not posting that often too.
I post because i think you post deserves visibility.
It’s full of truth and well thought.

Great Post.

Best Regards

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I like it also. It’s a nerf , but in the right direction : less powerfull things so less regrets when you chose not taking them.

I’m off for today. Tomorrow i will read all the answersand probably edit the main posts with your ideas.

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Yeah I see the point.
It also raises a problem lying behind : most classes tend to unload their weapon skill right as soon as they’ve switched. Because there’s no reason to keep them for a better opportunity than right now.

The reason why the warrior could get it and not the other classes is rather roleplay or class design :
He is the master of weapons , switching weapons should be a second nature for him.

Coming back to your idea : would an 8 sec CD on weapon swap be too strong for some classes ?
I think not , but this can be debatable …

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I expected people to be a bit more enthusiast.

Tweaking fast hand’s would not bring more to the warrior skill-less strength :
Buffing discipline and defense traits , berzerker’s stance , healing signet to tremendous levels achieved that already.

It’s not about increasing the power of something ,it’s about opening a window for non discipline warriors.
A wider window of opportunities to exploit their weapon combo mechanics.

Those combo at least require a bit of skill and settup , they give a feeling of achievement when you pull them out succesfully.
I don’t think increasing combo capability is a crime , not at all.
It gives strength and diversity to those who play their class well wich is how it should be.

For final words , why shall warriors and other classes refrain from asking a change on something that affect their build diversity just because they are considered OP at the moment ?
OP classes rise and fall it is often a matter of numbers , classes/traits flaws stay much longer if we don’t treat them in an objective way.

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

To Cat Has Ducks
This could be a solution , keeping core mechanics universal for all classes (move speed , weapon swap , dodge rate for example) while making quality of life changes : reducing weapon swap CD / increasing base movespeed.

I am speaking only from a warrior perspective, that’s why I did’nt thought about the guardian. Is guardian very reliant on weapon swap combos ?

Personnaly I fear that the changes you want to introduce could never happen ,they would bring too much to the fray. Whereas tweaking Fast Hand’s a little could open opportunities for new warrior builds without being a direct buff to the existing ones.
At least in pvp.

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

To Cat Has Ducks :
I knew some people would think this would be strong , that’s why in the first time we were asking for reduce general CD , Keep Fast Hand’s in a weaker Version. Just like it is said in the first post.

And as you see in the answers some people wont even mind the change since discipline has so much to offer.

To andrewSX :
I liked your story about illusionist celerity. IMO they made a step in the wrong direction , and as you see they are now stepping back for the same reason we are talking here : Trying to lessen trait dependency to a single line.

To Heta :
It depends on what you are talking about :
If it is pve and sometimes WvW , you will most often than not cross the road of warriors that do not go deep into discipline , I agree.

But almost all pvp warrior builds that made their way through the tournaments had 20 points at least in discipline.
Here is some source for that : TOP GW2 tournament Builds

You can search for the instances where “warrior” appears and make you own opinion.
I know into the mists does not gather any warrior build out there , but I think it shows enough.
Edit : I checked myself and counted 2 builds out of 13 that did’nt have Fast Hand’s.

(edited by caporal moktahr.3408)

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I agree that discipline carries most of the best traits for warrior.
Changing Fast hands from a trait to a core mechanic could a least let people experiment with other trait lines without feeling like they are hindering their own potential.

This could be done without having to buff other trait lines at first.
Avoiding the overbuff of a trait line.
So we could imagine swapping fast hand with versatile rage.
Or making it a core warrior mechanic and adding another trait in place.

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Exactly what I think. I have been experimenting many builds , and without fast hand I most of the time feel self restrained.
It’s like when you chose not to take fast hand’s, you chose to lower your skill ceiling.
You can do much less of the difficult and interesting weapon swap combos available.

So do you guys agree ?
Shall weapon-swap CD be shorter than it actually is for warrior ?

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Thanks for your answer Cogbyrn. So you agree that discipline is a mandatory trait line. Do you think giving 8 sec CD on weapon swap without fast hands could change something ?

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Posting here the same post I did in the pvp section
I would like to have warrior based opinions too.

Greetings fellow GW2 players and dev’s.
I have a suggestion concerning a trait in the discipline line : Fast Hands

I was thinking about it while reading the patch notes preview for December the 10th.
Devs realised that the elementalist was too much dependant of the arcane tree line in order to swap elements.
They solved it by reducing the base element-swap cooldown untraited , and nerfing the trait line a bit.

I think this great idea should transfer to the warrior.
As you may know most of warriors pvp puilds out there go deep into discipline.
In fact nearly 100% of the warriors builds that were played in spvp since the start of the game had at least 20 points in discipline.
One of the reason is Fast Hand’s.

Fast Hands is mandatory if you want to adapt quickly .
And since warrior is the master of weapons, he should consequently be able switch a bit more often than the other classes.

For example :
Base CD without Fast Hand’s could be 8 (or 7) seconds
While Traited CD could stay at 5

This simple change could IMHO improve build diversity for warriors by removing the necessity of investing 15 to 20 points in a single but very important trait line.

Whil I agree with the changes being made to the warrior in the futur patch I would also like to see this concept implemented in the game.

Towards the community and the Dev’s :
Do you like the idea ? Could this, be implemented quickly ?
Do you fear it would be too strong ?
Do you have any other suggestions ?

Thank you for reading this to the end.

Best Regards

War Pvp Suggestion : Fast Hands

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Greetings fellow GW2 players and dev’s.
I have a suggestion concerning a trait in the discipline line : Fast Hands

I was thinking about it while reading the patch notes preview for December the 10th.
Devs realised that the elementalist was too much dependant of the arcane tree line in order to swap elements.
They solved it by reducing the base element-swap cooldown untraited , and nerfing the trait line a bit.

I think this great idea should transfer to the warrior.
As you may know most of warriors pvp puilds out there go deep into discipline.
In fact nearly 100% of the warriors builds that were played in spvp since the start of the game had at least 20 points in discipline.
One of the reason is Fast Hand’s.

Fast Hands is mandatory if you want to adapt quickly .
And since warrior is the master of weapons, he should consequently be able switch a bit more often than the other classes.

For example :
Base CD without Fast Hand’s could be 8 (or 7) seconds
While Traited CD could stay at 5

This simple change could IMHO improve build diversity for warriors by removing the necessity of investing 15 to 20 points in a single but very important trait line.

Whil I agree with the changes being made to the warrior in the futur patch I would also like to see this concept implemented in the game.

Towards the community and the Dev’s :
Do you like the idea ? Could this, be implemented quickly ?
Do you fear it would be too strong ?
Do you have any other suggestions ?

Thank you for reading this to the end.

Best Regards

Warriors Leg Specialist is broken

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

So now that you’ve fixed the bug by reverting “leg specialist” to the 5sec ICD useless version which nobody liked since it was changed.
( Instead of removing sword MH auto-attack cripplespam that feels silly , which would’ve been cool)

Could you please also revert the changes on :
Desperate power : wich now works when health is under 25% instead of 50%
empowered : wich now only gives 1% bonus damage per boon instead 2.
Because by removing empower allies and nerfing those two traits inadvertently , you pretty much killed “tactics”.

My two cents from france.
Best Regards

Caporal Moktahr

Warrior state in tPvP post patch

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Hello everyone , moktahr there.

I just wanted to answer aquin about his post :
“relieving options… like fear me… or that stomp knock down thing”

while it could be true that those skills can relieve pressure , there’s something essentialy different with those skills when we compare them with the other classes defensive skills. They are tagged as attacks , thus can be blocked , evaded , miss on blind.

When taking pressure as a warrior , expect to get blinded a lot : it prevents most of your retaliation. You can’t even locate target foe ears or the ground under your feets when you are blinded , so thoses skills will most likely fail miserably under pressure.

Also an FS spamming thief slicing through your meat as some chances of evading those effects while not even knowing he did. Same goes for other classes that get invulnerability or blocks somewhat frequently.

Ho and yeah don’t expect that ranger spamming you miles away from you to ear more than 1 sec of your shoot , and he won’t even notice that you sort of stomped the ground.

Theorically one could have made those utility skill both offensive and defensive. But considering the amount of passive shutdown there is in the game , those 2 skill are not practically reliable.

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I use a variant of that , because I became addicted to the adrenaline rush you can get and the applications you can make from.

I thank you for sharing and explaining your point of view it was entertaining.
I have now to practice again.

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I bet you and your team are somewhat dedicated to find a place to fit warrior’s playstyle. Target support seems to be the warrior’s niche considering his CC and damage abilities , pretty much his former place back in gw1 “spike initiator” or “linebacker”.

Would you think “avalanche” an old build of yours would fit that role ?

(edited by caporal moktahr.3408)

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Thank you for your answer. So I’ll continue having fun in hotjoins but just in hotjoins then.

Coming back to your subjet and your builds.
How would you define target support ?
Is it the act of assisting another roamer while he struggle to kill a bunker ? Or something different ?

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Hi Defektive , thanks for sharing knowledges and experiments.

I know you dont like unsuspecting foe because you think the window of opportunity is too narrow.
But I’ve been experimenting and here’s what I found :

Sigil of paralyzation ( in fact increases stun and daze duration by 1 sec instead of 15% (maybe it’s a rounding).

So playing mace+ shield you can get 5s of unsuspecting foe on your target.

One other interesting fact is that unsuspecting foe seems to also work on dazed targets (tested positive , five minutes ago).

What I did then was :

Taking your hammer template
replace hammer by mace/shield
Do appropriate traits changes , for example :;9;499J-T4;03;048;245A5ok0U;1KJG4KJG46BG

And have fun in hotjoins.

What do you guys think ? traits changes ? viability outside of hotjoin (the word was considered crude sorry) ?

(edited by caporal moktahr.3408)

Lets rework warrior - need tweaks.

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Restorative strength could keep his initial effects plus :
5% power becomes Healing Power , wich goes well with the trait name.
or something like initial effect + 20% reduced CD on healing skills wich is far stronger.

Destruction of the empowered : shatter 1/2/3 boons from target foe depending on adrenaline level when using a burstskill.

Last thing : I like playing hammer or mace and i think improving stun/kd effects by 10% is not really helpfull just like the sigil is (adding both would result in +25% which does’nt matter that much ).

Somewhere in the defense or power tree we should have a trait that gives us + 50% stun/kd/daze effects duration obvious candidate being distracting strikes (even if that means removing confusion effect ).

I miss stonefist insigna.

Like the others , I have little hope seeing dev’s listening to those suggestions.

But I hope that my two cents will help Scoobaniec in his cogitations.

Healing Signet still worthless.

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Thank You Jon.
I used a shout/healing warrior with my mates in Pve and sometimes in PvP , most of the time i found my self having a better lifespan using Healing Surge than using healing signet. Mostly because i think healing surge heals far more the more adrenaline you have , and when you use an healing-shouts you are most likely using insipring shouts with and adrenaline is not a problem anymore.

So even for the builds you describe it does’nt fit really well , I just see one or two good points with this signet :
1) if you have invested some points in defense it helps you maintain the “tough skin” effect longer because it heals you at all time.

2) It’s a signet : the CD can be lowered using “signet mastery” and if you use “restorative strength” too you can have a fast-recharging condicleanse. But no really worth it aswell. Because the active part of the signet is actually weaker than the passive one.

I do believe that the active part was supposed to be used in emergency situation when you will die if you dont recover 3k health now. But the signet has the longest activation time of the three warrior heals with no other side effects than healing you , why not adding some defense along with the heal , to get in line with the way the signet is supposed to be used ? Maybe while using the signet you block attacks or giving protection.

Apr 26 2013 SOTG changes Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Regarding the signet of might change : considering that blocking is not widely spread among professions : ( , and considering that there are many other ways for us to miss : blind, evade, dodge, invulnerability (+ stability if we consider that landing an ineffective CC is effectively having it nullyfied ).
I think the signet active won’t help us in landing our attacks properly in most combat situations wich was I think the purpose of the skill’s active.

Furthermore : it has been mentioned that some signet passives will be buffed like banners were → +180 power from the signet of might’s passive really does’nt make you want to get rid of it.

What is Your Opinion on Warrior Banners?

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Thank you for those answers ninja , hope you will have fun with banners for a long moment !

What is Your Opinion on Warrior Banners?

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Interesting , in fact you did’nt had the playstyle I had thought about. Much more like dropping the banner on the place you want to fight on like I do with longbow F1 sometimes.

I should give it a shot once again. Also I like the fact you used axe/shield because of that combo (remember shock axe back in some ways).

Thinking about the fact that warriors often rely on their utilities to help them maintain close contact with their target or relieve condition pressure , how did you managed to bypass those drawbacks ( you were using at least three banners am I right) ?

What is Your Opinion on Warrior Banners?

in PvP

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

Hello , first I would say it’s nice you tried it and found people who wanted to test it with you.

My two cents are that I dont like banners not because they’re not powerful but because I dont find them really fun to play. When I carry a banner I feel like it turns myself into a boongiving machine wich can be strong but lacks the damage the agressive playstyle that is the core design of the warrior gameplay.

As a warrior I want to get a feeling near the one I had playing warrior in GW1. That means using my damage and mobility to keep pressure on the enemy while using adrenaline skills to initiate a spike. Banners do not fit my playstyle they feel passive for me.

So I think banners are overlooked mostly because warrior-players dont see the warrior like a support , or they think other class do the support-job better.

Defektive's PvP Hammer Build-SkillCap Edition

in Warrior

Posted by: caporal moktahr.3408

caporal moktahr.3408

I really appreciate people that try to escape the “GS warrior build” , especially if it implies going for my fav’s warrior weapon namely the hammer.

What is even more interesting is that when i tried designing hammer builds i nearly always fell in the same 0/0/30/30/10 format : you know healing shoots, endure pain , shouts that grants adrenaline, remove condition etc. , with some soldier or berserker set it was still very defensive anyway.

Each time I tried making a more offensive based hammer build it failed , and i think you highlighted one point I would’nt have thought about : going for crit’s instead of sheer power , in order to make the discipline tree valuable , going 30 points in it unlocking that adrenaline saving trait that fuells all the adrenaline based traits dispatched in the build. This gave many more opportunities to improve the build in other fields wich i would’nt discuss here.

But still , thank you for sharing your ideas. I will test the build , modify it and inspire from it.

Good work there.

(edited by caporal moktahr.3408)