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PVE Might Stacking Build (Zerker)

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


Is might stacking for a guardian even worth it now with the specialization changes? I feel like it has been nerfed now as I can only sustain maybe 8-15 stacks on my own. We’re not like warriors who can pretty much support a party with a full 25 stacks with phalanx strength, forceful greatsword, strength runes, and strength sigils.

Tome Replacements?

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


I actually couldn’t care less about the tomes. If it worked with your style of play then that’s cool and its too bad that its gone. That being said, I like the new elite skills. Did anyone notice that the shout has a 30sec cooldown? That is really really short for an elite skill imo. And the passive skill on the signet can actually scales really well with healing power.

Healing Passive Heal: 808 (0.5)

that combined with virtue of the resolve passive seems like more than enough healing for a lot of situations.

Discussion about Nemisis Smite Build

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


I love how when some people say this is a horrible build they look like they clearly haven’t watched the whole video.

And even inforemd criticisms, Nemesis already mentioned about swapping out the signets for the support utility skills that so many people are used to. And if you don’t like this build, fine. It was already mentioned this is a completely new build and some people are not going to receive it well since everyone is pretty much expecting a guard to support. Yes, Obal’s build has good support along with some very good dps. And if you weren’t paying attention, Nemesis is going more for what a pure dps would look like on a guard. And that is exactly what the build does. Obal’s build is just what fits best with the meta now since everyone still wants a guard to support while still giving out good dps.

First of all, why on earth would I sit through half an hour of him running around Orr timing himself killing things? Why? Don’t criticize people for “not watching the whole video” when half of the video is less interesting than watching ink dry.

Second, even from a “pure DPS” standpoint Nemesis makes mistakes. Picking Valorous Defense instead of Inspired Virtue when he has Renewed Justice is a mistake. Using a Scepter in dungeons is a mistake, save for certain bosses. Using a Torch in dungeons is a mistake. Using Cleansing Flame especially is a mistake. Make all the excuses for him you want; His build has real problems.

And that’s suppose to be an actual constructive criticism in what way? Timing does matter in dungeons and pve. I’m not sure about the exact math but the scepter skills timing compared the greatsword timing is crucial. Everyone knows the more damage you do per second the faster you can down the boss. And that doesn’t just include how much you can do in one hit. I’ve seen too many zerker warriors not being able to dodge and completely fail a dungeon run. That’s why dps uptime matters and that’s why Nemesis showed the timing of the damage in those tests. Since the scepter is able to stay ranged at 1200 distance then its a better chance at more dps uptime. That should of been no argument there.

I’m having a hard time parsing how anything you just said relates in any way to anything I said. I did not say DPS didn’t matter. I did not say timing didn’t matter. What I did say is that I don’t think I need to watch half an hour of PvE DPS tests in order to have an informed opinion of the build.

Okay maybe I was off on your judgement.

You would agree with me that if you just based the build on like just a couple of minutes of the video it wouldn’t be a very fair judgement of the build. Right? There’s a lot of information in there and I wasn’t really referring to people who are experienced with playing guardians and know what they are doing like you.

I was more referring to people are making unfair judgements of the build and who were too lazy to watch the whole video. Kinda like the short offensive comments that were under video.

Also, I was kinda hoping you would elaborate more on why those things you listed were “mistakes” and why his build has “real problems.” You didn’t really expand on that. Which prompted me to think you missed some key parts of the video. Maybe you watched the whole thing. Maybe you didn’t. I don’t know.

Discussion about Nemisis Smite Build

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


I love how when some people say this is a horrible build they look like they clearly haven’t watched the whole video.

And even inforemd criticisms, Nemesis already mentioned about swapping out the signets for the support utility skills that so many people are used to. And if you don’t like this build, fine. It was already mentioned this is a completely new build and some people are not going to receive it well since everyone is pretty much expecting a guard to support. Yes, Obal’s build has good support along with some very good dps. And if you weren’t paying attention, Nemesis is going more for what a pure dps would look like on a guard. And that is exactly what the build does. Obal’s build is just what fits best with the meta now since everyone still wants a guard to support while still giving out good dps.

First of all, why on earth would I sit through half an hour of him running around Orr timing himself killing things? Why? Don’t criticize people for “not watching the whole video” when half of the video is less interesting than watching ink dry.

Second, even from a “pure DPS” standpoint Nemesis makes mistakes. Picking Valorous Defense instead of Inspired Virtue when he has Renewed Justice is a mistake. Using a Scepter in dungeons is a mistake, save for certain bosses. Using a Torch in dungeons is a mistake. Using Cleansing Flame especially is a mistake. Make all the excuses for him you want; His build has real problems.

And that’s suppose to be an actual constructive criticism in what way? Timing does matter in dungeons and pve. I’m not sure about the exact math but the scepter skills timing compared the greatsword timing is crucial. Everyone knows the more damage you do per second the faster you can down the boss. And that doesn’t just include how much you can do in one hit. I’ve seen too many zerker warriors not being able to dodge and completely fail a dungeon run. That’s why dps uptime matters and that’s why Nemesis showed the timing of the damage in those tests. Since the scepter is able to stay ranged at 1200 distance then its a better chance at more dps uptime. That should of been no argument there.

The one thing I will say is that Obal’s build is probably better at AoE dmg than Nemesis. Even with the AoE dmg rotation, I’m not sure if it does as good of dmg as the other sword/focus + gs builds.

I think he picked valorous defense because that trait line includes crit damage which this build takes advantage of and this build is definitely not for tanking so those points for aegis is to I would think give this build the little bit of time to dodge away and heal. And I agree, I would actually prefer those 5 points in virtues too. And I’d still keep Master of consecrations too just cause I do still like to support as a guard and I rather not rely on signets for condition removal.

But all in all, even given the criticisms, this is not a horrible build. Let’s not forget, we can either take any of these builds or leave it. Its our choice. We all have our own playing styles at the end of the day.

(edited by chaplain.9261)

Discussion about Nemisis Smite Build

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


I love how when some people say this is a horrible build they look like they clearly haven’t watched the whole video.

And even inforemd criticisms, Nemesis already mentioned about swapping out the signets for the support utility skills that so many people are used to. And if you don’t like this build, fine. It was already mentioned this is a completely new build and some people are not going to receive it well since everyone is pretty much expecting a guard to support. Yes, Obal’s build has good support along with some very good dps. And if you weren’t paying attention, Nemesis is going more for what a pure dps would look like on a guard. And that is exactly what the build does. Obal’s build is just what fits best with the meta now since everyone still wants a guard to support while still giving out good dps.

(edited by chaplain.9261)

new DPS build from Nemesis

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


Is this a troll topic? There is another thread with Nemesis’s name on it literally like three lines down from this one.

Also just to save you some time that’s a bad build. I don’t even know who Nemesis is but he clearly doesn’t play guardian. Maybe he’s been stuck on necro too long from the sounds of it and everything looks OP by comparison to him.

nvm just saw the other thread

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


The one build that I can take anywhere and everywhere. I tried just about every stat combination there is and this is and the most balanced I can get. And if I really need to tank it up, I’ll just switch to soldier gear with soldier runes.

Buildcrafted uppdaterad with ascended

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


nice. thanks for the heads up, Brutaly!D
calculated costs for ascended weapons.. shouldn’t be TOO bad.. just more time consuming.. i think.

what ascended weapons are you guys going for first?

and.. Dire set.. you think us Guards would be able to utilize that?
that’s the condi, vit, tough set yes?

Burning skills from a guard don’t scale up all that well. You might wanna check out the Pyroclasm thread on the various guardian burn builds

Guardians and Ascended weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


With the new changes, they actually make legendaries worth crafting with not only the stat boost but also the versatility. So I am deciding between either one of the the greatswords or the hammer.

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


Chaplain Koeradson
The Norn Monk…Paladin…Guardian.


Finally got a fun and balance build

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


first 5 points in virtues = best 5 points in the game imo

I like popping my virtues all the time. So I never leave home without it even if I want a dmg build.

Also, that 14k vitality pool kinda scares me. Guards have a very low vitality pool which means you’ll get owned by conditions since condition ignore toughness and you don’t have much vitality to pad yourself from that dmg.

But if you are good at the dodging style of play then good on you. otherwise, this wouldn’t be a build I’d use.

(edited by chaplain.9261)

Pyroclasm: The Definitive Guide to Burning

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


Here is my attempt at the pyro guardian. If I did my math right, I manage to get 90% burn duration on this build. You could put 10pts more into the zeal or add in the necessary runes to get it to 100% but I don’t think it’ll be a good balanced build if you do any of that. 90% duration is still quite good.

I went full soldier gear because I still want to be alive to burn the annoying dungeon boss to death and not kill myself in the process. Plus guards have a naturally low vitality pool so I want to be guaranteed at least 17k health on all my builds. Here we get more than enough but that makes up for the less than 3k toughness that most people like when tanking in dungeons.

For the runes, I like to go with Soldier runes because here I haven’t specced into Honor at all. Which means no pure of voice. So I like to have the condition removal on me.

For weapon choices, I decided to go scepter/torch because I don’t think it’s a great burning build without a torch. So burn baby burn! Scepter is good to have because you always need to have one ranged weapon to kite those bosses that are simply not tankable.

For those bosses that you can can up close and personal, sword is good bet just because its a good close range weapon to complement the torch even though there are any burning effects from the sword.

Overall, the trait/armour setup is quite flexible. If I want to get more burst dmg from my sword, there is one master trait in the radiance line to do it. And if I wanna get more precision or power I can use the necessary sharpening stones or maintenance oils to get more. And of course, if I want more dmg from my scepter this is also scepter power that I can switch out of combat.


Post Your Build Thread

in Guardian

Posted by: chaplain.9261


Too bad gw2buildcraft isn;t updated often. =P

Full knights armour with emerald orbs (wanted to get myself as close to 50% crit chance as possible to proc empowering might and the weapons sigils)
Soldier trinkets with zerker backpiece
Knights weapons with Water sigil on staff for healing and stength sigil on GS to stacka lil dps with empowering might.

This is the standard strife anchor build with the shouts and mainly soldier trinkets. I like to pop all my shouts to heal with altruistic healing and be tanky in dungeons. And of course I take the consecrations in virtues to keep my WoR up for those projectile heavy dungeons like CM and the Harpy fractal.

Favorite Class for Norn?

in Norn

Posted by: chaplain.9261


My first Norn char was definitely the Ranger because Norn society values nature and animal spirits and that fits well with taking care of pets. Also, the Norn value hunters and great battles. Those two things alone fit the Ranger class very well. Not to mention Eir Stagalkin is a hunter herself.