Showing Posts For charas.8321:
My idea was orginally, that yes, kills should matter in the overall final point calculation. And that this way, capturing empty towers would be less rewarding point wise as it wouldbe to capture it while fully defended by an ennemy group. Yes ofc, some Guilds would hunt each others looking mainly for kill points (and bags) but this is already the case, and it s the funniest and most addictive part of wvw imo.
I m not so sure that it would be such a big deal for small groups as anyway with a coeff of 0.1n 1 or 2 more deaths won’t matter that much, the biggest factor would be group wipes when 30+ players fights another 30+ players wich would correspond to an amount of 300-500 kills for the winners (extra 30 – 50 points). It would definitly be a reason to NOT stay hidden, in my opinion ofc.
But yes, i really don’t see why a system based on a 3 way war shouldn’t reward the servers of those who make kills, who are actually playing to fight. I m not saying my suggestion is the absolute answer but it would be soooo nice to stop playing with a system who is only rewarding the 24/24 map coverage and PVD while hiding in keeps during prime time. ;p
My suggestion is simple : we need to have a way to make the amount of kills we make in wvw matter. Its sad to see a system that is mostly rewarding for PvD servers more than for servers are are actually up to put up some fights.
An easy solution to that would be to implement a counter and make 1kill correspond to 0.1pt. Each kills made by players from a server would be added to each others during a match up, the total amount of those kills would then be added to the amount of points each server have at the end of a 1 week war period. The winner would then ofc be the server who managed to capitalize most points AFTER the kills addition.
(Nb of kills . 0.1)+Pts = final score
-Rewarding for servers who fight
-Motivate more players to actually go in the open field and meet their oponents
-Encourage the players to group up in organised guilds to optimize their field skills
-Nerf the impact of mindless PvD.
I m very very sure that most of the wvw community would welcome this change with a lot of enthousiasm.
There was never a war where the amount of death didn’t matter.
I personnaly find Axe “okish”, using it myself as a 2nd weapon for group fights. It could do with a cleaved dmg, ofc, but it would then become by far the best necro’s weapon. The ability to enhance a whole team DPS constantly shouldn’t be ignored (talking about a 1 target fight… unless we do got cleave dmg one day :p), nor should be the ability to aoe cripple + full retaliation uptime possibilities Axe give to necros.
(edited by charas.8321)
Necro are one of the best class to play when it comes to GvsG situations, it is a fact. A power necro is deadly for his direct dmg, a condition necro is deadly when it comes to debuff and screw other the oponent group.
Everyone in this forum is negative and full of nonsense. When it comes to WvW, let 1vs1 to those poor glass thieves who think it make them pro, while they can’t survive 3 sec in any big open field fight. And if u REALLY are so much about 1vs1 situation, then you should go play sPVP. A mmo is all about teamplay and despite what most here are saying, necros can bring a lot to their team : combo fields, debuffs, a crap load of aoe, huge survivability, and the best crowd control u can dream of.
wich aspect from this useless thing do u like exactly? like to see it being 1 or 2 shot by any mobs or players? (illusion of life… or warrior rez anyone?) does it plz u to see it lure mobs that u never atked for u? Devs force us, necros to have a trait that is arming our gameplay way more than…. wait no, there s no benefice at all from it.
Don’t redisign something you failed, just admit you failed, disable it and move on already, else it will take months and anyway at the end you ll have to recognize this thing is useless or even dangerous to have…. can you imagine that necros would actually prefer to have a BLANK trait more than having this freakin’ useless Reanimator?
+1 get rid of it already, so necros will actually be able to again put trait points into death magic
You could even do a hot fix right now, no need to make big talks within your team eating cakes to know if you should really do it or maybe decide to not listen to 80+% of every necro player in your game like you did for this patch… just fkin’ do it!