Showing Posts For class.4802:

[Spoilers: Maximum] Thank God...

in Living World

Posted by: class.4802


I actually worked well with heroes. Sure, in the beginning they were quite awful to work with. But by the time Eotn came out, all these awesome hero builds came out. Don’t know all the names, but I remember one for triple necros being sabway (one of the first). And Ogden had his moments to shine when the meta for heroes was 1 RoJ/prot and 2 RoJ/heal heroes. I personally think it’s just a matter of how much you like or dislike a heroes’ personality. You blame the heroes you don’t liek for everything that goes wrong. I for one hated Dunkoro, but loved the other 2

Not Under My Command

in Living World

Posted by: class.4802


Noticed something weird. I went the other way. Between the fort and the spot where you see the monster at the end of the instance, there’s a caiteh and canach standing there (just their names). Maybe it’s bugged and heading this way would make them join you up and moving through the entire thing together

experience of a returning player

in Living World

Posted by: class.4802


I’m not sure how easy this would be to implement, but it seems rather simple. But here’s what I think would be a good way for new/returning players:

First of all, they need to have clearer signs to the npc’s that summarise past events. Either do this by mail for people who’ve missed patches or do this with a pop-up box when you’re starting a new chapter.

Instead of the summaries being walls of text, I’d suggest them making a summary video for every patch. Nothing too fancy, some existing footage from important cinematics/gameplay while being summarized by a voice. These videos get added to the npc after every patch. The player can choose what season they want to see the cinematic from and what chapter/patch.

This video doesn’t have to be fancy footage that absorbs alot of time or high-end voice acting. I think people will understand that it’s just to get them up to speed. I think the current state of those npc’s is quite weak. E.g. I don’t think reading about your friends will actually give you any kind of band. (not unless it’s accompanied by full characteristics like in novels). In a video you might feel more connected to them.

Loose ends

in Living World

Posted by: class.4802


I want to know where Raisin is! His Charr friend, alas, is deathly ill at the Vigil camp, and will more than likely not make it, but nobody’s seen Raisin.

Odds are againt him I fear that he might be dead.

What did that code in Scarlet’s lair say?

Did that Charr near the Mist gates ever get into the guild?

What code do you mean exactly with the code? The one to start the panel thingy is Omadd (the person who got her to view the eternal alchemy).

Loose ends

in Living World

Posted by: class.4802


Should we have a topic going with current loose ends considering S1 is finished? Or should we wait til the 18th hoping some will get revealed?
I’m thinking bout stuff like:
- Dessa’s arrest where she just reset (not being able to leave fractals)
- Mai Trinn’s activities in EOTM
- Caithe’s secret
- Canach’s future
- Who is E?
- Why did Scarlet do all these things?
- Why did Tequatl go on a rampage?

(edited by class.4802)

What will Evon do?

in Lore

Posted by: class.4802


Few things some people seem to be forgetting. Abaddon is over. God of secrets is Kormir. I’m fairly certain Kormir jumping into that thingy at end of nightfall actually KILLED abaddon. Also, Anet already mentioned way back that the abaddon fractal would have not have any impact on the LS. And honestly guys, abaddon fractal would have been interesting for loose ends and whatnot. But do you guys really want Anet to bring abaddon back to life/power and have us fight him again?

*Spoiler/Theory* We Made Everything Worse

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: class.4802


If Scarlet wanted to kill the dragon then she shouldn’t have placed herself against everyone else who ALSO wanted to kill the dragon. If she had a plan then she should have just said “hey, I have a plan, let’s do this thing.”

The power of democracy… Like many people said “hey, Scarlet’s going to attack LA… let’s stop her!” I’m not saying she wanted to kill the dragon, but if she had a plan to stop him, her way of doing it herself would have been the most effective

What was her plan to kill the dragon and why was it the most effective? Why not let the 5 races help you?

Think you read it wrong, I mentioned that “I’m NOT saying she wanted to kill the dragon” (sry bout caps but it’s just to make it clear). Reason why letting the 5 races would be counterproductive thou is that there’s too much politics. By the time she’d have everyone’s (or big enough) support, she would have been too late. But that’s beside the point. She isn’t trying to kill the dragon imo. :P

Disappointed that scarlet died.

in Lore

Posted by: class.4802


Please note that she seems helpless, but if she wanted to back out, she could do it at any time she wanted to (she has an one person teleport). She protected the drill to her end!

You aren’t remotely looking at the issue from the correct view point. Essentially Scarlet is indoctrinated by Mordremoth. When you take that into account, none of her actions are of her own free will but the will of Mordremoth. Essentially Ceara is a victim of the dragons, just like every single branded charr in the dragonbrand. (For example)

When you take this into consideration, we are nothing but murderers.

So remember that our heroes of this story are nothing more than murderers. We murdered a Sylvari who wasn’t in control of her actions. You would not murder a patient in a mental hospital because they cannot stop themselves from acting up. You would seek a way to help them. Did our heroes even try? It never for one moment crossed their minds.

Perhaps unintentionally… Arenanet have painted our little band of heroes as heartless murderers. Because it was the heroic thing to do, to stop Scarlet… Right? Or just the easy route, the path of least resistance. Some heroes we are.

So which is it?
Is she like a branded, or is she like a mental patient? Because those two things are totally not alike at all. I certainly don’t feel like a murderer when I kill a branded charr, and putting slavering, near-mindless, malevolent dragon minions on the same level as mental patients (as your comparison does) has an insane amount of unfortunate implications anyway.

She is out of her head, to some extent or another, and something is influencing her, but to what degree? We don’t really know how deep it runs, both her insanity and the influence, but either way, she is either an agent of destruction or is destroying of her own. Neither is acceptable. She dropped her Alliances on LA and looked down from her drill and smiled. Thousands died. And I don’t even begin to think a person with Scarlet’s resources is the kind of person you can incarcerate easily and, I doubt, at all.

Scarlet’s life is not worth the lives of potentially thousands more innocent people.

From my perspective, it was less of a cold-blooded “heartless” murder and more of a mercy killing. Mercy for Scarlet and anyone who would encounter her.

While it is nice rationalizing this after the fact…

The point I am making is no one tried and that the lack of trying or caring is not heroic.

Our heroes knew that entering Omadd’s device fundamentally messed her up, but their response was still “kill” not “save”. It doesn’t matter if it were possible to save her or not. Perhaps she was branded and beyond saving. But what if she were the other, crazy and in need of help. Why was that idea, considering the world we are in, never once entertained.

So we only save those who we already know are savable and never try to save those that are not?

Hell, why didn’t a brave Sylvari step up to sit in Omadd’s device and try and find out exactly what Scarlet saw. The Asura could have easily provided restraints and would have happily experimented.
Or hell… Just ask the pale tree… Because apparently she already knows something.

For heroes… We sure didn’t try very hard.

I agree, but this mentality has been throughout the came the entire time. In the sylvari PS at a certain point (idk what arc and stuff, it was my first character) a friend’s beloved is falling to the nightmare court. He wants to save her whilst caithe has a mentality of ditching her (or even killing her).

Another thing that bugged me is that the only person who even slightly cares about motives is Taimi. No1 even cared when we found out about this entity that was whispering to Scarlet. Sure, we expected this, alot of people have been speculating this from the start. But for ED2.0, our character and basically any npc, the idea that Scarlet was being lead by something else should have been a huge factor. It’s even more disturbing when you take into account the farfetched things you do in PS (during your order’s arc, mainly whisper and priory) because they MIGHT be related to the dragons, yet no1 even thought of the dragons when it was about Scarlet.

I can understand that Rox and Braham just wanted to kill Scarlet. Rox wanted to get into the warband and Braham is a norn trying to improve his legend. But for Kasmeer and Jory… Their investigator’s side must have been itching.

But who knows, despite the fact that Taimi is awesome, she has been fairly useless storywise. Maybe she’ll go on a raged-investigating spree and discover some things for the March 18th release. Something she discovered in EOTM?

*Spoiler/Theory* We Made Everything Worse

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: class.4802


If Scarlet wanted to kill the dragon then she shouldn’t have placed herself against everyone else who ALSO wanted to kill the dragon. If she had a plan then she should have just said “hey, I have a plan, let’s do this thing.”

The power of democracy… Like many people said “hey, Scarlet’s going to attack LA… let’s stop her!” I’m not saying she wanted to kill the dragon, but if she had a plan to stop him, her way of doing it herself would have been the most effective

*Spoiler/Theory* We Made Everything Worse

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: class.4802


This is what is most interesting, and, for some reason, most overlooked. Scarlet is not saying, “I reject the Pale Tree and follow the elder dragon”. She is saying, “I reject both, and will find a solution where neither are in control”

Here’s my speculation. Scarlet wanted to incite fights between the good and bad. She started out by recruiting the “losing factions” of evil (Krait, Nightmare court,…) and started sending them out. Every time they attacked both us and the evil side lost numbers. (thus going as she planned even if her side lost). We also know she was testing weapons/poison/more… Now she awakened an elder dragon. Although this is speculation (locationwise), it seemed it was quite close to the pale tree. This would cause huge numbers+damage in the asura and sylvari strength. After these 2 lost enough numbers, she could use her weapons/poison to defeat the dragons by herself making her the supreme ruler.

Another speculation I had was that she is Mordremoths champion. Anet has previously anounced that Elder dragons are braindead magic consuming entities with their champions being great tacticians who lead their minions. I have a feeling we haven’t rly seen the great tactician side of these champions. If Scarlet is a champ, she would fulfill this criteria of being a great tactician.

At first I didn’t want her to be under control of the elder dragon considering she had such a strong character (even if people didn’t like her). But after thinking bout the earlier comments about the champions I think this suits her fine.

In neither speculations do I think Scarlet was a good person. I think she was evil, but discussion remains whether she had her own drive or that of her master.

The end of regular WvWvW

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: class.4802


I think most people don’t care about winning or losing in wvw… mainly because it doesn’t matter. I think adding rewards or achievement for number of wins would help. The system as it is makes keeping scores in off-season useless.

Living (Story) in a Griefer's Paradise?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: class.4802


Doubt they’d do something like that. It’ll probably be like the last update where you just have to participate in wvw to unlock next part of story. (cap X locations, kil x players, …). Or maybe even story explaining new map with a story instance in EOTM at spawn location. Judging by the last update I think Anet has given up on forcing people to do stuff they don’t want.

RE: The Tequatl-ization of all new content

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


one boss does not equal all updates.

It should be pointed however, that of the permanent additions to the game so far (Tequatl revamp, Wurm, Twilight Assault) all are aimed at hardcore crowd.

Edit: well, i forgot about the new fractals. Those are not that hardcore, but even they are well above the average fractal difficulty

Thing is initial release had nothing for hardcore crowd. casual players have enough they can do whilst hardcore players have nothing… Tequatl can be done by casual players if you guest into desolation like an hour up front

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


If you don’t like the content, don’t do it.

Thank you so much for your valuable suggestion.

The point of this thread is to provide feedback to Arenanet as to why someone like me, who normally looks forward to each new LW release, is feeling frustrated and disappointed, and why.

Most people aren’t giving feedback, they’re just nagging (some do give constructive critisism). On other hand people need to realise there’s a HUGE amount of people playing this game (any game for that matter). Thus every update will have HUGE amounts of people who like it aswel as hate it. Nobody (not even Anet) can tell precisely how many people like it and how many people hate it unless they force you to rate it. (and i think we can agree everyone would hate that :p).

I apologise if my previous post was a bit blunt, but as a game developper i can relate to Anet and their problems and as I say “people need to realise…” I need to realise some people will always be like that, and I just need to get over it aswel, it’s just a shame that those people might spread word to their friends saying gw2 is bad causing people who might love it not to buy it.

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


If you don’t like the content, don’t do it. I personally hate the easy instanced contents that just give rewards for basically running around a bit. But you don’t see me putting up forum topics complaining about them every single LW update where that’s the case. Eventhough I agree alot of people don’t like the update, there’s also alot of people who DO like it (as seen by the overflows). Just let the people who enjoy it, enjoy it and have Anet making more like these in the future. it’s not like it’s an update like this every 2 weeks, only been 2nd time we’ve gotten rly difficult content.

To OP: your first 2 statements cancel each other out. if you’re OF server hopping the entire time, you’re clearly not doing the whole waiting part. It’s quite easy to find a server where they’re organising it and doing quite well on wurm (people boasting here on forums), it’s just as easy to ask them to party up with you in game, and spam the “join on server” icon once the event ends (as alot of people leave server). then you can just wait for 2 hours (watch a movie whislt opening up gw screen to move so you don’t get kicked). There’s several servers that are doin quite well every run and getting further and further everytime. tomorrow first kill will drop SOMEWHERE (night for me now, going to bed).

lastly, why does everyone expect 100% satisfaction of game developpers. it’s not like you expect 100% win on lawyer or 100% healing from doctors… cut Anet some slack

inb4. everyone here hates me

Wurm going down! Plan here! Gather Here!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


TTS guild already got it down but event bugged.

High difficulty = good

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


Big fan aswel, at least updates like these force people to interact with one another. It’s an MMO afterall and not singleplayer game.

Your Mistake with Scarlet

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: class.4802


Unlike everyone it seems, I actually like Scarlett for what she is… a first attempt for living story. This said though, she does indeed have flaws, and I agree with what you said. But the thing about Scarlett that bugs me is the fact that since the first time we saw her (and beaten her) she tells us it’s part of her plan. It’s kind of being thrown in our faces that she has an alternate motive. This makes Scarlett very unpredictable . This and the fact that we never actually have to defend against Scarlett’s “projects” (apart from some minor things) remove the feeling of being under attack. Scarlett always manages to put up some giant structure or alliance without the player ever getting the chance of preventing it. And after it has been set up, a way in gets found instantly and players go destroy it. Despite the many (and i mean MANY) flaws in personal story, the thing i liked alot was the fact that we get attacked at Claw Island first, and that gave an exciting feeling of us losing ground and needing to make a strategy to go on the offense. I think this would make players want to fight Scarlett and actually kill her for storywise reasons, and not just because people hate her :P just my opinion ^^

TL;DR: Have some back and forth, don’t have Scarlett making things and us breaking it instantly, have the opponents win some stuff aswell. (this makes GoT so great)

Combo Killer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: class.4802


Too bad, eventhough it was a bit buggy, i got it from fighting ghosts with a pug for a little while, and actually made a friend. Considering the fact that every profession is so self-sufficient there seems to be a lack of communication and teamwork in dungeons and stuff because it isn’t rly necessary anymore while this actually promoted 2 people working together.

Crafting is fine even tho there’s nothing to craft at this point for most of us at 400 in our skills so asking us to craft all over again is a little weird and probably affects the sale of items, most people who are leveling crafting won’t be getting the items they can’t use to increase their points, they’ll be looking for raw materials so adding this is weird on two fronts. Lower profit for those who sell, no use for those of us maxed already as there’s nothing new to make really (especially nothing end game with the tight constriction you have on the loot that drops including the double RNG on T6 mats), and it requires people who don’t craft to actually do something they don’t want to do. Now I know it’s not that big of a deal to most of us who do craft, but think about it, we didn’t like it when they wanted to force us into dungeons or WvW for our dailies. It’s the same exact thing, lack of personal choice to spend our time for a reward system that’s flawed.

Even though you have some valid points, nobody is in fact forcing you to get the daily and monthly achievements. It is you who wants these things, and I personally think it’s a good thing for there being things like this making you do things you don’t regularly do as it makes you actually hunt them down instead of just getting them automatically by doing your regular farms and not even trying to get them. And besides all of that, there’s always going to be some things people like and some people don’t like e.g. I don’t like doing fractals yet because of the reason I explained above, I actually gone to enjoy doing the monthly achievement as it’s only 2 levels durign an entire month Hope this will give you a different view on these new changes and perhaps you’ll grow to appreciate them