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Crystal Desert - [dG] Degenerative Gaming

in Looking for...

Posted by: coke.8509


Guild Specifications
Guild Name: Degenerate Gaming [dG]
Server: Crystal Desert
Time Zone: NA Eastern
Playstyle: WvW sPvP
Roleplay: None
VOIP: Team Speak 3
Recruitment: Open
What You Can Expect:
We are a small guild just getting started and looking to grow!
We are recruiting players 18+ for dominance in WvW and sPvP
Weekly Golem Rushes / Strong Havoc Group Presence / Class specific training
Like what you hear? Message me here or in game on : Another Mez Name

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Looking forward to the fight! glad to see sbi is 50man zerging havoc groups the first night :P

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/19 Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Congrats to CD on taking a hard fought 2nd.

thank you for acknowledging. Yb would think mag gave this to us, but i know i hit SMC twice alone today ( good rally to defend mag, honestly very nice) but on top of that some of the commanders, myself included just stoped a 8 hour commanding stint flipping things. it was very well fought.

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/19 Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


cry more yb. someone is always getting double teamed. you guys did it to us the first 4 days. besides….act like u didnt like it ;D

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

Newbie looking for a home

in Looking for...

Posted by: coke.8509


Guild Specifications
Guild Name: Degenerate Gaming [dG]
Server: Crystal Desert
Time Zone: NA Eastern
Playstyle: WvW sPvP
Roleplay: None
VOIP: Team Speak 3
Recruitment: Open
What You Can Expect:
We are a small guild just getting started and looking to grow!
We are recruiting players 18+ for dominance in WvW and sPvP
Weekly Golem Rushes / Strong Havoc Group Presence / Class specific training
Like what you hear? Message me here or in game on : Another Mez Name

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

lvl80 Warrior on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: coke.8509


Guild Specifications
Guild Name: Degenerate Gaming [dG]
Server: Crystal Desert
Time Zone: NA Eastern
Playstyle: WvW sPvP
Roleplay: None
VOIP: Team Speak 3
Recruitment: Open
What You Can Expect:
We are a small guild just getting started and looking to grow!
We are recruiting players 18+ for dominance in WvW and sPvP
Weekly Golem Rushes / Strong Havoc Group Presence / Class specific training
Like what you hear? Message me here or in game on : Another Mez Name

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

Crystal Desert - [dG] Degenerative Gaming

in Looking for...

Posted by: coke.8509


Guild Specifications

Guild Name: Degenerate Gaming [dG]
Server: Crystal Desert
Time Zone: NA Eastern
Playstyle: WvW sPvP
Roleplay: None
VOIP: Team Speak 3
Recruitment: Open

What You Can Expect:

We are a small guild just getting started and looking to grow!
We are recruiting players 18+ for dominance in WvW and sPvP
Weekly Golem Rushes / Strong Havoc Group Presence / Class specific training

Like what you hear? Message me here or in game on : Another Mez Name

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

(edited by coke.8509)

7/19 Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


i see blue things….

I wish Mag posted pics every time they PvD’d a BL

haha thats funny. golem rush not pvd. BUT if cd did pick up any PvD habits it was probably from TC

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/19 Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


i see blue things….


Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

Strongest Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: coke.8509


What exaclty are you looking for as far as dmg goes? shatter spike? phantasms? mantras? condis? it all depends on what your looking for. Your play style will depict how you play. Shatter mesmers are imo one of the most versatile as far as play styles go, and on top of that are very mobile with the choice of focus being their offhand. Phantasm style change though in the fact you want to maintain your phantasms but still shatter your clones during c/d and early destruction. Mantras are a interesting spec but anet is seemingly trying to increase the spec. (more info later after i do more build testing.) Condition specs are a different matter in general, but still offer high dps with the right armour and runes. all breaks down to your playstyle though. message me if you need more info. Hope this helps

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


ill be at the fight club

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Bp, maybe you would move out of third if you hit paper towers ect. Too bad your commanders would rather be farmed by us and hit objectives they won’t take. Thanks for the bags

A huge BP fan

Your borderlands was looking pretty Red last night.


A huge CD fan

Even a blind squirrel gets nut once in awhile ;D

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Bp, maybe you would move out of third if you hit paper towers ect. Too bad your commanders would rather be farmed by us and hit objectives they won’t take. Thanks for the bags

A huge BP fan

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Had some good duels today in tc with a few guys from each server. To bad SoS ruined it by repeatedly coming in with 5+ mid fights. Show some class. Better yet act like you have it.

I agree with you. Bad manners, ill duel you on behalf of SoS if you’re still looking for some 1v1z.

would love too, ill send u a message in game. Glad to see some honor on the server

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Had some good duels today in tc with a few guys from each server. To bad SoS ruined it by repeatedly coming in with 5+ mid fights. Show some class. Better yet act like you have it.

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 Ehmry Bay/Yak's Bend/Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


No impressive roamers yet from either servers..but I guess that’s reset night for ya.

I agree.

have some self-respect man..

Seeing the dead thieves/mesmers around me is all I need.

Your self-respect comes from having your dead friends around you? That’s weird..

No impressive roamers yet from either servers..but I guess that’s reset night for ya.

Ya but the loot is prime.

We’ll have to see.. FA gave me a precursor during the week.

Your attempts to troll are feeble, like your confusion spec.

I play shatter? I don’t think you know what your talking about.

Clearly Im not paying much attention to you then, considering whenever I ran into you on vista island you just ran away. Granted there are zergs everywhere but if we are going to die to zergs you might as well duke it out before our demise.

I’m like 100% sure you have the wrong mesmer. Regardless, if you’d like to die I can oblige that.

I must be mistaking you for a roaming human female mesmer from your guild. Regardless, im sure we will have plenty of times to meet this week.

I will be gentle.

I won’t be, I will be rough, and you will end up in tears and possibly reroll a new profession or make a nerf thread (what the last YB guy did).

Mesmer was my first profession but I switched because it was too easy. Sword 2, mirror, shatter+ sword 3, dodge, decoy, staff 2, shatter, collect bag. Yawn.

Easily countered with a engi or necro.

Because engie takes skill? spam pistol and prybar with hgh, kitten durp, condi necro? spam corrupt boon + epidmeic/plague form. But you are right, they are good counters to mesmer, however it won’t be the first time I’ve played against these classes, and I have no quarrels against fighting them.

I hope to you and Ebay against CD soon. Looking forward to fighting a good mesmer 1v1

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Hoping for a fight night or 2 this week. Would be great too see it

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


hoping for some good 1v1 fights this week atleast

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


pen that is not our prime

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


Very well balanced fights these past weeks. Kudos too all the servers and good luck with future match ups. Maybe next time we meet we could get a fight night, would love to see more of your 1v1 talent.

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name

Tier 4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/10/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: coke.8509


SBI trolls seem to be on CD ts daily… sigh

Crystal Desert WvW
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name