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Please support hard content and exclusivity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Today’s the 29th, I’m praying and hoping for these raids to be difficult, numerous, and lengthy or with some repeat value. Despite the hatred towards RNG rewards I would love to have something I can grind to earn my gear like I’ve done for FotM to earn my ascended armor/weapons. I can only hope that the Devs haven’t based these raids around the casual “1111111111111” zergers we all know too well (teq with pugs comes to mind)…

Here’s hoping for at least some farmable RNG based loot, as well as raid currency, as well as decent drops from mobs with raids.


Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Please support hard content and exclusivity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


I think it’s important to recognise a hopeless situation. I read about 70% of that post and I’m shocked I lasted that long. Forget that, don’t waste your time replying to somebody who thinks that easy and difficult content should give identical rewards.

My god… the gaming community these days… sigh.

It disgusts me, I cannot even read counter-arguments to my own posts because they have no point. One counter to a comment I made was just “No they shouldn’t” …
I find it pathetic that players want things handed to them for doing easy things, that other players have to do hard content to receive

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Please support hard content and exclusivity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


I don’t know how to start a thread so here we go -

I was reading a thread in the HoT forums and I felt sick from reading it. I probably sound elitist for saying this, but I beg players with similar thoughts to chirp up and let them know that it’s simply not fair to reward people who run easier content the same as harder content.

Please, go read this forum, or just TL:DR and reply to the OP like I did. I would love you all forever if we could get ANet to read some of our dungeon/fractal/high-end pve/difficult content searching player’s Ideas and thoughts.

Thanks guys,
Love Cell

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


NO. This is one point of it, TO GET THE SUPER SPECIAL STUFF!

No, you shouldn’t.

Imagine if farming hard mode dungeons gave you slightly different armor sets that had particle effects after you earned them, to show either dedication (farming it slowly) or skill (nailing the runs for quick farms).

Yeah, I am imagining it, which was the point of this thread, that would be awful.

Work for what you want, if you have to dedicate time to earn it, fine.

I’m perfectly fine with that, I just want the method of my work to be of my own choosing. If I am unable or unwilling to do a certain type of work, I should have alternative paths available.

There should be items gated to certain content… This is just a simple thing, give every aspect of the game solid, nice skins. Not new stats, that’s unfair. New skins gated to content is fair, and brings needed exclusivity to high end players.
If you like a skin enough you will run the stuff and go through it.

PvP already has glorious skins, WvW has mistforged. PvE has a lot of other stuff, world bosses have skins locked to them, fractals has weapons, dungeons had dungeon gear (though it was easy to get) and now, dungeons no longer have their own gear cuz you can get it from pvp.
Basically, hand me a legendary from only farming dungeons and give me all teq skins cuz I don’t want to do anything other than dungeons, cuz its fair right?

And if you want to bring up the “Farm gold, buy legendaries from dungeons” argument, I’ll bring up the “farm gold, by the elite dungeon skins off the TP for 1k gold (till they fall after everyone gets them and they are prestigeless) each” argument.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


If hard mode content always takes more time to complete than the normal mode, even once you have it on farm, then it can provide a quantity of loot sufficient to make it no less rewarding than the easier mode per minute, but anything you can earn from that mode should be earnable in both. for example if a hard mode dungeon takes 500% longer than a normal mode one, even once people have mastered it, then it could offer 50% more loot drops, so that it balances out, but there should never be a super special armor type that you can only earn from that mode, or that technically drops in both but has a decent chance of dropping in hard mode while only a Precursor-level chance fo dropping in normal.

I bet a lot of my fellow players said it already, buuuut…

  • NO. This is one point of it, TO GET THE SUPER SPECIAL STUFF! It is exclusivity and it is lacking in the game, only WvW and PvP have it. PvE has fractal weapons which are going to become a lot more frequent, with the next step being ugly gold ones… yay… This shouldn’t be the only ones. Imagine if farming hard mode dungeons gave you slightly different armor sets that had particle effects after you earned them, to show either dedication (farming it slowly) or skill (nailing the runs for quick farms). It is fair, and this everybody deserves everything is one of the biggest problems with this game.

Work for what you want, if you have to dedicate time to earn it, fine. If it has skill cutoffs and skill is more important than time, fine. I am not that great at the game, but I find difficult content lacking in both amount (there isn’t any…)- and what there is, simply is less rewarding than the 1 spam farms out in SW, and it’s totally unfair and biased towards casual players.

Sorry if I offended anyone 1-spammers.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

(edited by crazycraig.1245)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Maybe if you guys spent less time complaining on the forum and more time actually playing the game, it wouldnt be so hard for you.

Thanks for saying this. People don’t practice content, it can be hard when you just pick up the game, and even if your whole team is running bad builds it’s still relatively easy, imo. Then again I have basic player skill and knowledge of content and can see tells of mobs to dodge.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


TL:DR A common thing I hear and agree with, there isn’t anything real challenging in the game at all, especially not instanced because we all know how much anet loves dungeon and fractal players… :On top of that a lack of exclusivity for pve and harder content within pve has made this games pve a relative joke.
~ H8 me if you want, but I’m in the “Current endgame is still easy compared to other games boat”

My pvp friends refuse to run pve because it is too easy for them as they have gotten used to responsive combat from players, I kinda agree…

Anyways, just my 2 copper.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Dougal Keane Removed?!?

in Lore

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


I don’t know if it changed with today’s update (loading it up now), but he has always been located not-to-far from the dungeon vendors; always.

There’s only 2 guys now for the dungeon vendors which is why I’m afraid…

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Dougal Keane Removed?!?

in Lore

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Can I get some clarification onto the whereabouts, or no longer exist(abouts) of my favorite npc and throwback to the book?

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

[Suggestion] Mists Essence Refractor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Even if it is a RNG reward, and not an earned thing (ex – Mystic forge a ring + item that is only available for X amount of fractal relics + Pristine Fractal Relics + required FotM level 50[or more if they up it] to make it) I agree!
More Rewards = More Reason
There is no reason to not add this.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Arena of Champions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


This seems like a nice concept and could be a lot of fun if implemented correctly, however I feel 1g is way over the top for the reward per boss, perhaps something like 10~30 silver, considering bosses can be killed incredibly fast…. Maybe 50silver for every 5 bosses killed as a bonus to champ boxes or otherwise, again, being careful because this could easily become incredibly farmable.

Anyways, this would be a fairly nice way to create a competitive PvE leaderboard that isn’t based on AP, based on times of kills, or other point values.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Dungeon Tour-CM P3-Video : 4.55¬Restricted

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


I’m curious. Is this small guild team serious about setting (and fighting for) this record or they just conveniently post their casual run to fill in the empty spot? Because you know, they have an option to submit their record directly on the website if they don’t want to see unfavorable comments.

Clearly, we are fighting, fighting for the record right now, on official forums. There is an obligation to validate submitted records. We are doing this to create a challange and start the contest for the best time for the meta. If you have such a problem with this then it is clearly a corrupt system… We understand that the record we have set is not great, its not amazing, beat it, we won’t be complaining. It doesn’t matter if the record will be up for 20 days, 20 hours, or 20 minutes. We just want to see a non-well known guild up there.

It boils down to this, we want to see people try, we have no competition, and because our time is sub-perfect we are being attacked? Because we get times this good daily we get attacked? Just validate the record, and let it get beaten.

We want to see new tactics, new meta moves, so do it, beat our daily run.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Dungeon Tour-CM P3-Video : 4.55¬Restricted

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Lol, I’m certain that [SC] will beat their own record in CM. It’s not the first time they have to redo them.

Again, then they need to go do it. Please post a small guild team’s record to make them have to do it to get their name back on the board.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele

Dungeon Tour-CM P3-Video : 4.55¬Restricted

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crazycraig.1245


Well we did our last CM p3 in 15 Nov 2014. It was mainly reset because of the might nerf, because we don’t use stability at all if you watch it closely:

Also if we would redo it it would be maybe max 5s slower for the fights in general.

Then take your guild and set a current meta run.

Cellenthia ~ 1.4k hours on ele ~ 3.8k account
Working on all legendary weapons for ele